public RtlExp GhostIfThenElse(RtlExp eTest, Func <RtlExp> feThen, Func <RtlExp> feElse) { if (stmtExprEnabled && ignoreStmtExpr == 0) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + eTest + ") {", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); } var eThen = feThen(); if (stmtExprEnabled && ignoreStmtExpr == 0) { Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (!(" + eTest + ")) {", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); } var eElse = feElse(); if (stmtExprEnabled && ignoreStmtExpr == 0) { Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } return(new RtlLiteral("(if (" + eTest + ") then (" + eThen + ") else (" + eElse + "))")); }
public void AddTypeWellFormed(List <RtlExp> specs, RtlExp exp, bool isGhost, Type t, List <UserDefinedType> recs) { UserDefinedType ut = t as UserDefinedType; if (minVerify && !isGhost && t is IntType) { specs.Add(new RtlApply("word", new RtlExp[] { exp })); return; } if (t is NatType) { specs.Add(new RtlBinary(">=", exp, new RtlInt(0))); } if (ut != null && ut.AsDatatype != null && recs.TrueForAll(r => ut.Name != r.Name) ) { recs.Add(ut); foreach (var ctor in ut.AsDatatype.Ctors) { List <RtlExp> cspecs = new List <RtlExp>(); foreach (var f in ctor.Formals) { AddTypeWellFormed(cspecs, new RtlLiteral(f.Name + "#" + ctor.Name + "(" + exp + ")"), isGhost, f.Type, recs); } foreach (var spec in cspecs) { specs.Add(new RtlLiteral("((" + exp + ") is " + ctor.Name + " ==> (" + spec + "))")); } } recs.RemoveAt(recs.Count - 1); } }
public RtlArg(bool isIn, bool isOut, RtlExp e, string pinReg = null) { this.isIn = isIn; this.isOut = isOut; this.e = e; this.pinReg = pinReg; }
//- Assert that et is a well-formed value of type t, represented by integer ei public static RtlExp IntEqTyped(Type t, RtlExp et, RtlExp ei) { return ((t is BoolType) ? new RtlBinary("||", new RtlBinary("&&", et, new RtlBinary("==", ei, new RtlInt(1))), new RtlBinary("&&", new RtlApply("!", new RtlExp[] { et }), new RtlBinary("==", ei, new RtlInt(0)))) : (t is RealType) ? new RtlBinary("==", et, new RtlApply("real", new RtlExp[] { ei })) : new RtlBinary("==", et, ei)); }
public RtlMem(RtlExp ptr, RtlExp scale, RtlExp index, RtlExp offset) { if (index is RtlInt) { Util.Assert(scale is RtlInt && offset is RtlInt); offset = new RtlInt(((RtlInt)offset).i + ((RtlInt)scale).i * ((RtlInt)index).i); scale = null; index = null; } this.ptr = ptr; this.scale = scale; this.index = index; this.offset = offset; }
public readonly RtlExp e; //- ghost expression, does not count as a use public RtlAssert(RtlExp e, bool isLoop = false) { this.e = e; this.isLoop = isLoop; }
public RtlBinary(string op, RtlExp e0, RtlExp e1) { this.op = op; this.e0 = e0; this.e1 = e1; }
public RtlCallInOut(int index, bool isRet, RtlExp e): base(null, new RtlArg[] { new RtlArg(!isRet, isRet, e) }, false) { this.index = index; this.isRet = isRet; }
public RtlMem(RtlExp ptr, string offset) : this(ptr, new RtlLiteral(offset)) { }
//- Assert that et is a well-formed value of type t, represented by integer ei public static RtlExp IntEqTyped(Type t, RtlExp et, RtlExp ei) { return (t is BoolType) ? new RtlBinary("||", new RtlBinary("&&", et, new RtlBinary("==", ei, new RtlInt(1))), new RtlBinary("&&", new RtlApply("!", new RtlExp[] { et }), new RtlBinary("==", ei, new RtlInt(0)))) : (t is RealType) ? new RtlBinary("==", et, new RtlApply("real", new RtlExp[] { ei })) : new RtlBinary("==", et, ei); }
public RtlMem(RtlExp ptr, RtlExp offset) : this(ptr, null, null, offset) { }
public RtlCallInOut(int index, bool isRet, RtlExp e) : base(null, new RtlArg[] { new RtlArg(!isRet, isRet, e) }, false) { this.index = index; this.isRet = isRet; }
public void Compile() { Util.Assert(!isPrinting); string name = FunName(DafnySpec.SimpleName(typeApply.AppName())); string fullName = FunName(DafnySpec.SimpleName(typeApply.AppFullName())); bool isAxiom = Attributes.Contains(function.Attributes, "axiom"); bool isPrivate = Attributes.Contains(function.Attributes, "private"); bool hidden = Attributes.Contains(function.Attributes, "opaque"); bool isHeap = DafnySpec.IsHeapFunction(function); List <string> heapParams = isHeap ? new List <string> { "$absMem:[int][int]int" } : new List <string>(); List <string> heapArgs = isHeap ? new List <string> { "$absMem" } : new List <string>(); var formals = function.Formals; var reads = function.Reads.Where(e => e.Field != null).ToList().ConvertAll(e => new Formal(e.tok, e.FieldName, e.Field.Type, true, e.Field.IsGhost)); formals = reads.Concat(formals).ToList(); if (hidden && formals.Count == 0) { formals = new List <Formal> { new Formal(function.tok, "___dummy", Type.Bool, true, true) }; } if (hidden && !function.Name.EndsWith("_FULL")) { ClassDecl cls = (ClassDecl)function.EnclosingClass; Function full = (Function)cls.Members.Find(m => m.Name == "#" + function.Name + "_FULL"); dafnySpec.Compile_Function(full, typeApply.typeArgs); } bool isFull = hidden && function.Name.EndsWith("_FULL"); string unfullName = isFull ? name.Substring(0, name.Length - "__FULL".Length) .Replace("#", "").Replace("____HASH", "") : null; string argsNoRec = String.Join(", ", heapArgs.Concat(formals.Select(f => GhostVar(f.Name)))); List <RtlExp> reqsNoRec = minVerify ? new List <RtlExp>() : function.Req.ConvertAll(e => GhostExpression(e, true)); List <RtlExp> enssNoRec = minVerify ? new List <RtlExp>() : function.Ens.ConvertAll(e => GhostExpression(e, true)); AddTypeWellFormed(reqsNoRec, formals); AddTypeWellFormed(enssNoRec, name + "(" + argsNoRec + ")", function.IsGhost, function.ResultType); if (function.Body != null && !minVerify) { recFunName = name; stmtExprEnabled = true; GhostExpression(function.Body); function.IsRecursive = recCalls.Count != 0; stmtExprEnabled = false; stmts = new List <RtlStmt>(); recCalls = new List <List <RtlExp> >(); recFunName = null; } if (function.IsRecursive) { recFunName = name; } stmts = new List <RtlStmt>(); stmtExprEnabled = true; var bodyDecls = PushForall(); RtlExp body = (function.Body == null || minVerify) ? null : GhostExpression(function.Body); List <RtlStmt> bodyStmts = stmts; PopForall(); stmtExprEnabled = false; stmts = new List <RtlStmt>(); string parms = String.Join(", ", heapParams.Concat( formals.Select(f => GhostVar(f.Name) + ":" + TypeString(AppType(f.Type))))); string args = String.Join(", ", heapArgs.Concat( formals.Select(f => GhostVar(f.Name)))); string sep = (heapArgs.Count + formals.Count != 0) ? ", " : ""; string ret = TypeString(AppType(function.ResultType)); string recName = "rec_" + name; string decreases = null; List <RtlExp> reqs = minVerify ? new List <RtlExp>() : function.Req.ConvertAll(e => GhostExpression(e, true)); List <RtlExp> enss = minVerify ? new List <RtlExp>() : function.Ens.ConvertAll(e => GhostExpression(e, true)); AddTypeWellFormed(reqs, formals); AddTypeWellFormed(enss, name + "(" + args + ")", function.IsGhost, function.ResultType); string reqConjunct = "(true" + String.Concat(reqs.Select(e => " && (" + e + ")")) + ")"; string ensConjunct = "(true" + String.Concat(enss.Select(e => " && (" + e + ")")) + ")"; Util.Assert(!isPrinting); if (function.IsRecursive && function.Body != null && !minVerify) { decreases = DecreasesExp(function); } List <RtlExp> enssRec = null; if (function.IsRecursive && (!hidden || isFull) && body != null && !minVerify) { enssRec = function.Ens.ConvertAll(e => GhostExpression(e, true)); } isPrinting = true; var fiWriter = isPrivate ? writer : iwriter; if (function.IsRecursive && function.Body != null && !minVerify) { iwriter.WriteLine("function decreases0_" + name + "(" + parms + "):int { " + decreases + " }"); iwriter.WriteLine("function decreases_" + name + "(" + parms + "):int { if decreases0_" + name + "(" + args + ") < 0 then 0 else 1 + decreases0_" + name + "(" + args + ") }"); iwriter.WriteLine("function " + recName + "(__decreases:int, __unroll:int" + sep + parms + "):" + ret + ";"); fiWriter.WriteLine("function implementation{" + FunName("unroll") + "(__unroll), " + recName + "(__decreases, __unroll" + sep + args + ")} " + recName + "(__decreases:int, __unroll:int" + sep + parms + "):" + ret); fiWriter.WriteLine("{"); fiWriter.WriteLine(" " + body.ToString()); fiWriter.WriteLine("}"); } iwriter.WriteLine("function " + name + "(" + parms + "):" + ret + ";"); if (hidden && !isFull && !minVerify) { iwriter.WriteLine("function unhide_" + name + "(" + parms + "):bool { true }"); fiWriter.WriteLine("function implementation{unhide_" + name + "(" + args + ")} " + name + "(" + parms + "):" + ret); fiWriter.WriteLine("{"); fiWriter.WriteLine(" " + fullName + "(" + args + ")"); fiWriter.WriteLine("}"); iwriter.WriteLine("atomic ghost procedure " + GhostProcName("reveal__" + DafnySpec.SimpleName(typeApply.AppName())) + "();"); string forall = "forall " + parms + "::" + name + "(" + args + ") == " + fullName + "(" + args + ")"; iwriter.WriteLine(" ensures (" + forall + ");"); writer.WriteLine("implementation " + GhostProcName("reveal__" + DafnySpec.SimpleName(typeApply.AppName())) + "()"); writer.WriteLine("{"); writer.WriteLine(" " + forall); writer.WriteLine(" {"); writer.WriteLine(" assert unhide_" + name + "(" + args + ");"); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine("}"); } if (body != null && (!hidden || isFull)) { fiWriter.WriteLine("function implementation{" + name + "(" + args + ")" + "} " + name + "(" + parms + "):" + ret); fiWriter.WriteLine("{"); if (function.IsRecursive) { fiWriter.WriteLine(" " + recName + "(decreases_" + name + "(" + args + "), 0" + sep + args + ")"); } else { fiWriter.WriteLine(" " + body.ToString()); } fiWriter.WriteLine("}"); } if (function.IsRecursive && (!hidden || isFull) && body != null && !minVerify) { AddTypeWellFormed(enssRec, recName + "(__decreases, __unroll" + sep + args + ")", function.IsGhost, function.ResultType); string ensRecConjunct = "(true" + String.Concat(enssRec.Select(e => " && (" + e + ")")) + ")"; iwriter.WriteLine("atomic ghost procedure lemma_unroll2_" + recName + "(__decreases:int, __unroll:int, __unroll2:int" + sep + parms + ");"); iwriter.WriteLine(" requires __decreases == decreases_" + name + "(" + args + ");"); iwriter.WriteLine(" ensures " + reqConjunct + " ==> " + ensRecConjunct + " && " + recName + "(__decreases, __unroll" + sep + args + ") == " + recName + "(__decreases, __unroll2" + sep + args + ");"); writer.WriteLine("implementation lemma_unroll2_" + recName + "(__decreases:int, __unroll:int, __unroll2:int" + sep + parms + ")"); writer.WriteLine("{"); writer.WriteLine(" " + bodyDecls); writer.WriteLine(" assert fun_unroll(__unroll) && fun_unroll(__unroll2);"); dafnySpec.WriteLemmas(writer, this, visibleModules, function.Attributes); writer.WriteLine(" if (" + reqConjunct + ")"); writer.WriteLine(" {"); bodyStmts.ForEach(s => writer.WriteLine(" " + s)); writer.WriteLine(" }"); foreach (List <RtlExp> recArgs in recCalls) { string rec_args = String.Join(", ", recArgs); string rec_decrease = "decreases_" + name + "(" + rec_args + ")"; writer.WriteLine(" if (0 <= " + rec_decrease + " && " + rec_decrease + " < __decreases)"); writer.WriteLine(" {"); writer.WriteLine(" call lemma_unroll2_" + recName + "(" + rec_decrease + ", __unroll + 1, __unroll2 + 1" + sep + rec_args + ");"); writer.WriteLine(" }"); } writer.WriteLine("}"); string unroll_args = "decreases_" + name + "(" + args + "), __unroll"; string unroll_args0 = "decreases_" + name + "(" + args + "), 0"; string unroll = recName + "(" + unroll_args + sep + args + ")"; string unroll0 = recName + "(" + unroll_args0 + sep + args + ")"; var lwriter = isPrivate ? writer : iwriter; string recForall = "forall __unroll:int" + sep + parms + "::" + "{fun_unroll(__unroll), " + unroll + "} " + reqConjunct + " ==> fun_unroll(__unroll) ==> " + unroll + " == " + body; lwriter.WriteLine("atomic ghost procedure lemma_unroll_" + recName + "();"); lwriter.WriteLine(" ensures (" + recForall + ");"); writer.WriteLine("implementation lemma_unroll_" + recName + "()"); writer.WriteLine("{"); dafnySpec.WriteLemmas(writer, this, visibleModules, function.Attributes); writer.WriteLine(" " + recForall); writer.WriteLine(" {"); writer.WriteLine(" " + bodyDecls); writer.WriteLine(" if (" + reqConjunct + ")"); writer.WriteLine(" {"); bodyStmts.ForEach(s => writer.WriteLine(" " + s)); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine("}"); dafnySpec.AddLemma(new LemmaCall((isPrivate ? "private##" : "") + moduleName, visibleElementType, "call lemma_unroll_" + recName + "();", false)); Func <string, string> forall = s => "forall __unroll:int" + sep + parms + "::" + "{" + s + unroll + "} " + "{fun_unroll__all(__unroll), " + unroll + "} " + reqConjunct + " ==> " + unroll + " == " + name + "(" + args + ") && " + ensConjunct; iwriter.WriteLine("atomic ghost procedure lemma_unroll_" + name + "();"); iwriter.WriteLine(" ensures (" + forall(unroll0 + ", ") + ");"); writer.WriteLine("implementation lemma_unroll_" + name + "()"); writer.WriteLine("{"); dafnySpec.WriteLemmas(writer, this, visibleModules, function.Attributes); writer.WriteLine(" " + forall("")); writer.WriteLine(" {"); writer.WriteLine(" call lemma_unroll2_" + recName + "(" + unroll_args + ", 0" + sep + args + ");"); writer.WriteLine(" if (" + reqConjunct + ")"); writer.WriteLine(" {"); enss.ForEach(e => writer.WriteLine(" assert " + e + ";")); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine("}"); dafnySpec.AddLemma(new LemmaCall(moduleName, visibleElementType, "call lemma_unroll_" + name + "();", false)); } else if (enssNoRec.Count > 0 && !minVerify) { string reqConjunctNoRec = "(true" + String.Concat(reqsNoRec.Select(e => " && (" + e + ")")) + ")"; string ensConjunctNoRec = "(true" + String.Concat(enssNoRec.Select(e => " && (" + e + ")")) + ")"; iwriter.WriteLine("function trigger_" + name + "(" + parms + "):bool { true }"); iwriter.WriteLine("atomic ghost procedure lemma_fun_ensures_" + name + "();"); string forallNoRec = "forall " + parms + "::{" + name + "(" + argsNoRec + ")}" + (isFull ? ("{" + unfullName + "(" + argsNoRec + ")}") : "") + "{trigger_" + name + "(" + argsNoRec + ")}" + "trigger_" + name + "(" + argsNoRec + ") ==> " + reqConjunctNoRec + " ==> " + ensConjunctNoRec; iwriter.WriteLine(" ensures (" + forallNoRec + ");"); if (body != null || hidden || isAxiom) { writer.WriteLine("implementation lemma_fun_ensures_" + name + "()"); writer.WriteLine("{"); dafnySpec.WriteLemmas(writer, this, visibleModules, function.Attributes); writer.WriteLine(" " + forallNoRec); writer.WriteLine(" {"); writer.WriteLine(" " + bodyDecls); writer.WriteLine(" if (" + reqConjunct + ")"); writer.WriteLine(" {"); if (isAxiom) { writer.WriteLine(" // dummy lemma body for axiom"); } else { bodyStmts.ForEach(s => writer.WriteLine(" " + s)); } writer.WriteLine(" }"); if (hidden && !isFull) { writer.WriteLine(" assert unhide_" + name + "(" + argsNoRec + ");"); } if (hidden && isFull) { writer.WriteLine(" assert unhide_" + unfullName + "(" + argsNoRec + ");"); } writer.WriteLine(" if (" + reqConjunct + ")"); writer.WriteLine(" {"); enssNoRec.ForEach(e => writer.WriteLine(" assert " + e + ";")); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine(" }"); writer.WriteLine("}"); } dafnySpec.AddLemma(new LemmaCall(moduleName, visibleElementType, "call lemma_fun_ensures_" + name + "();", false)); } isPrinting = false; }
public void MoveGhost(RtlVar destVar, RtlExp rhs) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostMove(new RtlVar[] { destVar }, new RtlExp[] { rhs })); }
public RtlExp GetTypeWellFormedExp(List<Tuple<string,bool,Type>> vars, string op, RtlExp rhs) { var exps = GetTypeWellFormed(vars); foreach(var e in exps) { rhs = new RtlBinary(op, e, rhs); } return rhs; }
public void AddTypeWellFormed(List<RtlExp> specs, RtlExp exp, bool isGhost, Type t, List<UserDefinedType> recs) { UserDefinedType ut = t as UserDefinedType; if (minVerify && !isGhost && t is IntType) { specs.Add(new RtlApply("word", new RtlExp[] { exp })); return; } if (t is NatType) { specs.Add(new RtlBinary(">=", exp, new RtlInt(0))); } if (ut != null && ut.AsDatatype != null && recs.TrueForAll(r => ut.Name != r.Name) ) { recs.Add(ut); foreach (var ctor in ut.AsDatatype.Ctors) { List<RtlExp> cspecs = new List<RtlExp>(); foreach (var f in ctor.Formals) { AddTypeWellFormed(cspecs, new RtlLiteral(f.Name + "#" + ctor.Name + "(" + exp + ")"), isGhost, f.Type, recs); } foreach (var spec in cspecs) { specs.Add(new RtlLiteral("((" + exp + ") is " + ctor.Name + " ==> (" + spec + "))")); } } recs.RemoveAt(recs.Count - 1); } }
public RtlExp GhostIfThenElse(RtlExp eTest, Func<RtlExp> feThen, Func<RtlExp> feElse) { if (stmtExprEnabled && ignoreStmtExpr == 0) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + eTest + ") {", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); } var eThen = feThen(); if (stmtExprEnabled && ignoreStmtExpr == 0) { Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (!(" + eTest + ")) {", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); } var eElse = feElse(); if (stmtExprEnabled && ignoreStmtExpr == 0) { Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } return new RtlLiteral("(if (" + eTest + ") then (" + eThen + ") else (" + eElse + "))"); }
public List <RtlStmt> Alloc() { assigned = new List <List <string> >(new List <string> [stmts.Count]); Func <int, string> slotMem = offset => "[r.regs[ESP] + " + offset + "]"; Func <RtlExp, string> spillLoc = e => "EvalPtr(r, " + e.AsOperand() + ")"; Func <RtlExp, string> spillMem = e => "[" + spillLoc(e) + "]"; Stack <int> workList = new Stack <int>(); List <RtlStmt> newStmts = new List <RtlStmt>(); Action <string, string> move = (string dest, string src) => { if (dest != src) { newStmts.Add(new RtlInst("instr_Mov", new RtlVar[] { new RtlVar(dest, false) }, new RtlVar[0], new RtlExp[] { new RtlVar(src, false) }, false) .WithComment("regalloc_move:: " + dest + " := " + src)); } }; Action <string, RtlExp, string> sLoad = (string dest, RtlExp src, string var) => { int dbgTag = debugTag++; Util.DebugWriteLine("sLoad: dest = " + dest + " " + dbgTag); newStmts.Add(new RtlStmtComputed((inst => { var eDst = inst.args[0].e; string opPtr = inst.args[1].e.AsOperand(); string ptr = "EvalPtr(r, " + opPtr + ")"; return(IsPtr(var) ? "call r, mems := heapLoadStack(r, core_state, stk, statics, io, mems, " + "$commonVars, $gcVars, $absMem, $toAbs, $stacksFrames, objLayouts, " + eDst + ", " + opPtr + ", " + ptr + ");" + Environment.NewLine + " " + var + "__abs := frameGet($stacksFrames, " + ptr + ");" : "call r := logical_Load(r, core_state, stk, " + eDst + ", " + opPtr + ");"); }), new RtlArg[] { new RtlArg(true, false, new RtlVar(dest, false)), new RtlArg(true, false, src) }, false) .WithComment(() => "regalloc_stack_load:: " + dest + " := " + src + " // var = " + var + " " + dbgTag)); }; Action <RtlExp, string, string> sStore = (RtlExp dest, string src, string var) => { newStmts.Add(new RtlStmtComputed((inst => { string opPtr = inst.args[0].e.AsOperand(); string opVal = inst.args[1].e.AsOperand(); string ptr = "EvalPtr(r, " + opPtr + ")"; string val = "Eval(r, " + opVal + ")"; return(IsPtr(var) ? "call mems, $stacksFrames := " + "heapStoreStack(r, core_state, stk, statics, io, mems, " + "$commonVars, $gcVars, $absMem, $toAbs, $stacksFrames, objLayouts, " + opPtr + ", " + opVal + ", " + ptr + ", " + var + "__abs);" : "call stk := logical_Store(r, core_state, stk, " + opPtr + ", " + opVal + ");"); }), new RtlArg[] { new RtlArg(true, false, dest), new RtlArg(true, false, new RtlVar(src, false)) }, false) .WithComment(() => "regalloc_stack_store:: " + dest + " := " + src + " // var = " + var)); }; workList.Push(0); while (workList.Count > 0) { int i = workList.Pop(); RtlStmt stmt = stmts[i]; stmt.Uses().ForEach(x => preds[i].ForEach(p => { if (!defVars[p].Contains(x)) { throw new Exception( "variable " + x + " is used before it is assigned"); } })); Util.DebugWriteLine(i + ": " + stmt); List <string> vars = stmt.Vars(); List <string> assignment = new List <string>((i == 0) ? initAssign : preds[i].ConvertAll(p => assigned[p]).Find(a => a != null)); Util.DebugWriteLine(" " + String.Join(", ", assignment)); RtlInst inst = stmt as RtlInst; List <Tuple <string, string> > pinVars = (inst == null) ? new List <Tuple <string, string> >() : inst.args.Where(arg => arg.pinReg != null && arg.e is RtlVar) .Select(arg => Tuple.Create(((RtlVar)arg.e).x, arg.pinReg)).ToList(); for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++) { string rx = assignment[r]; if (rx != null && !liveVars[i].ContainsKey(rx)) { assignment[r] = null; } if (pinVars.Exists(p => p.Item1 == rx)) { assignment[r] = null; } foreach (var p in pinVars) { if (p.Item2 == regs[r]) { assignment[r] = p.Item1; } } } if (stmt is RtlCall) { RtlCall call = (RtlCall)stmt; if (!call.ghost) { for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++) { assignment[r] = null; } /* * Func<RtlExp, bool> shouldSkip = (RtlExp e) => ((e is RtlVar) && ((RtlVar)e).isGhost); * int[] outsToReg = new int[2] { regs.IndexOf("EAX"), regs.IndexOf("ESI") }; * int[] argsToReg = new int[3] { regs.IndexOf("ECX"), regs.IndexOf("EDX"), regs.IndexOf("EBX") }; * * for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++) * { * string rx = assignment[r]; * if (rx != null && (call.outs.Where(v => v.ToString() == rx).Count() != 0 || call.args.Where(v => v.ToString() == rx).Count() != 0)) * { * assignment[r] = null; * } * } * for (int idx = 0; idx < 2; idx++) * { * if (call.outs.Count >= idx + 1 && !shouldSkip(call.outs[idx])) * { * int r = outsToReg[idx]; * string rx = assignment[r]; * if (rx != null) * { * sStore(Spill(rx), regs[r]); * } * assignment[r] = call.outs[idx].ToString(); * } * } * for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++) * { * if (call.args.Count >= idx + 1 && !shouldSkip(call.args[idx])) * { * int r = argsToReg[idx]; * string rx = assignment[r]; * if (rx != null) * { * sStore(Spill(rx), regs[r]); * } * assignment[r] = call.args[idx].ToString(); * } * } */ } } else if (stmt is RtlReturn) { for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++) { assignment[r] = null; } } else if (inst == null || !inst.ghost) { foreach (string x in vars) { Tuple <int, int> bestEvict = null; for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++) { var rx = assignment[r]; if (rx == x) { goto done; } if (!vars.Contains(rx)) { int thisEvict = (rx == null) ? Int32.MaxValue : liveVars[i][rx]; if (bestEvict == null || thisEvict > bestEvict.Item2) { bestEvict = Tuple.Create(r, thisEvict); } } } string ex = assignment[bestEvict.Item1]; if (ex != null) { Spill(ex); } assignment[bestEvict.Item1] = x; done : {} } } Util.DebugWriteLine(" vars = " + String.Join(", ", vars)); Util.DebugWriteLine(" preds = " + String.Join(", ", preds[i])); Util.DebugWriteLine(" succs = " + String.Join(", ", succs[i])); Util.DebugWriteLine(" live = " + String.Join(", ", liveVars[i].Keys.Select(x => Tuple.Create(x, liveVars[i][x])))); Util.DebugWriteLine(" assign: " + String.Join(", ", assignment)); assigned[i] = assignment; succs[i].Where(s => assigned[s] == null).ToList().ForEach(workList.Push); } for (int i = 0; i < stmts.Count; i++) { RtlJump jump = stmts[i] as RtlJump; if (jump != null && jump.cond != null) { List <string> assignment1 = assigned[i]; List <string> assignment2 = assigned[labels[jump.label]]; List <string> condVars = jump.cond.Vars(); for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++) { string x1 = assignment1[r]; string x2 = assignment2[r]; if (x1 != null && x2 != null && condVars.Contains(x1) && x1 != x2) { assignment2[r] = null; Spill(x2); } } } } Action <List <string>, Dictionary <string, int>, Dictionary <string, int>, Dictionary <string, string> > transition = (List <string> assignment2, Dictionary <string, int> live, Dictionary <string, int> liveAlt, Dictionary <string, string> varToReg) => { Util.DebugWriteLine("start transition"); varToReg.Keys.Where(x => x != null && !live.ContainsKey(x) && !liveAlt.ContainsKey(x)).ToList() .ForEach(x => varToReg.Remove(x)); bool done; do { done = true; for (int rx = 0; rx < regs.Count; rx++) { string x = assignment2[rx]; string reg = regs[rx]; if (x != null && varToReg.ContainsKey(x) && varToReg[x] != reg && !varToReg.ContainsValue(reg)) { Util.DebugWriteLine("move " + x + ": " + regs[rx] + " <- " + varToReg[x]); move(regs[rx], varToReg[x]); varToReg[x] = reg; done = false; } } } while (!done); List <string> toSpill = new List <string>(); foreach (var current in varToReg) { string x = current.Key; int rx = regs.IndexOf(current.Value); Util.DebugWriteLine("current = " + x + " -> " + regs[rx]); Util.DebugWriteLine("assign = " + assignment2[rx] + " -> " + regs[rx]); if (assignment2[rx] != x && (live.ContainsKey(x) || liveAlt.ContainsKey(x))) { Util.DebugWriteLine("spilling " + x + " from " + regs[rx]); toSpill.Add(x); sStore(Spill(x), regs[rx], x); } } toSpill.ForEach(x => varToReg.Remove(x)); Util.DebugWriteLine("live = " + String.Join(", ", live)); for (int rx = 0; rx < regs.Count; rx++) { string x = assignment2[rx]; if (x != null && live.ContainsKey(x)) { Util.DebugWriteLine("assign = " + x + " -> " + regs[rx]); if (varToReg.ContainsKey(x)) { Util.Assert(varToReg[x] == regs[rx]); } else { Util.DebugWriteLine("loading " + x + " to " + regs[rx]); sLoad(regs[rx], Spill(x), x); Util.DebugWriteLine("loaded " + x + " to " + regs[rx]); varToReg.Add(x, regs[rx]); } } } }; Util.DebugWriteLine("spilled: " + String.Join(", ", spillInts.Keys)); Action <string> DebugWriteLine = s => { }; if (stmts.Count > 0) { transition(assigned[0], liveVars[0], liveVars[0], new Dictionary <string, string>()); } for (int i = 0; i < stmts.Count; i++) { List <string> assignment = assigned[i]; RtlStmt stmt = stmts[i]; List <string> vars = stmt.Vars(); List <string> uses = stmt.Uses(); Dictionary <string, string> varToReg = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Util.DebugWriteLine(i + ": " + stmt); Util.DebugWriteLine(" assignment: " + String.Join(", ", assignment)); Util.DebugWriteLine(" vars:" + String.Join(", ", vars)); Util.DebugWriteLine(" uses:" + String.Join(", ", uses)); DebugWriteLine(i + ": " + stmt.GetType() + ": " + stmt); DebugWriteLine(" vars = " + String.Join(", ", vars)); DebugWriteLine(" uses = " + String.Join(", ", uses)); DebugWriteLine(" preds = " + String.Join(", ", preds[i])); DebugWriteLine(" succs = " + String.Join(", ", succs[i])); DebugWriteLine(" live = " + String.Join(", ", liveVars[i].Keys.Select(x => Tuple.Create(x, liveVars[i][x])))); DebugWriteLine(" defs = " + String.Join(", ", defVars[i])); DebugWriteLine(" assign: " + String.Join(", ", assignment)); Action <int, int> transitionTarget = (int target, int altTarget) => { Util.DebugWriteLine("transition from " + i + " to " + target); transition(assigned[target], liveVars[target], liveVars[altTarget], varToReg); }; int r; for (r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++) { string x = assignment[r]; if (x != null) { varToReg.Add(x, regs[r]); } } r = 0; foreach (string x in vars) { if (varToReg.ContainsKey(x) || stmt is RtlReturn) { continue; } int rx = assignment.IndexOf(x); if (rx < 0) { rx = assignment.IndexOf(null, r); Util.Assert(rx >= 0); Util.DebugWriteLine(i + ": MOVE(1): " + x); sLoad(regs[rx], Spill(x), x); r = rx + 1; } varToReg.Add(x, regs[rx]); } Util.DebugWriteLine("vars = " + String.Join(", ", vars)); List <string> defs = stmt.Defs(); stmt = stmt.Subst(varToReg); Dictionary <string, string> regToVar = new Dictionary <string, string>(); varToReg.ToList().ForEach(p => regToVar.Add(p.Value, p.Key)); RtlJump jump = stmt as RtlJump; RtlReturn ret = stmt as RtlReturn; RtlLabel label = stmt as RtlLabel; RtlCall call = stmt as RtlCall; RtlCallInOut inOut = stmt as RtlCallInOut; if (ret != null) { Util.DebugWriteLine("RETURN: " + outVars.Count); for (int rr = 0; rr < regs.Count; rr++) { string rx = assignment[rr]; if (rx != null) { newStmts.Add(new RtlComment("spill variable " + rx + " from register " + regs[rr])); sStore(Spill(rx), regs[rr], rx); } } } if (jump == null) { List <string> spilledArgs = new List <string>(); if (inOut != null) { string reg = ((RtlVar)(inOut.args[0].e)).getName(); string var = regToVar[reg]; bool isPtr = IsPtr(var); int offset = 4 * inOut.index; RtlExp slot = new RtlExpComputed(e => isPtr ? StackOMemPtr(offset) : StackOMem(offset)); newStmts.Add(new RtlComment(inOut.comment)); if (inOut.isRet) { if (isPtr) { callPtrRets = Math.Max(callPtrRets, inOut.index + 1); } else { callIntRets = Math.Max(callIntRets, inOut.index + 1); newStmts.Add(new RtlInst(null, new RtlVar[] { new RtlVar(var, true) }, new RtlVar[0], new RtlExp[] { new RtlLiteral( CompileMethod.IntToTyped(varTypes[var], slotMem(offset))) }, true)); } Util.DebugWriteLine(" var = " + var + " live = " + String.Join(",", liveVars[i].Keys) + " live' = " + String.Join(",", liveVars[i + 1].Keys)); if (i + 1 >= liveVars.Count || liveVars[i + 1].ContainsKey(var)) { Util.DebugWriteLine("sLoad inOut: " + reg + " " + slot + " " + var); sLoad(reg, slot, var); } } else { if (isPtr) { callPtrArgs = Math.Max(callPtrArgs, inOut.index + 1); } else { callIntArgs = Math.Max(callIntArgs, inOut.index + 1); } sStore(slot, reg, var); } } else { newStmts.Add(stmt); defs.Where(x => !IsPtr(x)).ToList() .ForEach(x => newStmts.Add(new RtlInst(null, new RtlVar[] { new RtlVar(x, true) }, new RtlVar[0], new RtlExp[] { new RtlLiteral( CompileBase.IntToTyped(varTypes[x], Reg(varToReg[x]))) }, true))); } Util.DebugWriteLine("sLoad spilled: " + String.Join(", ", spilledArgs.Select(arg => "(" + varToReg[arg] + " <- " + arg + ")"))); spilledArgs.ForEach(arg => sLoad(varToReg[arg], Spill(arg), arg)); } if (label != null && label.loop) { List <RtlExp> typeInvs = new List <RtlExp>(); newStmts.Add(new RtlComment("loop invariants")); foreach (string x in liveVars[i].Keys) { if (defVars[i].Contains(x)) { compileMethod.AddTypeWellFormed(typeInvs, x, false, varTypes[x]); string save_x = x; RtlExp loc = varToReg.ContainsKey(x) ? new RtlVar(Reg(varToReg[x]), false) : (RtlExp) new RtlExpComputed(e => spillMem(Spill(save_x))); if (IsPtr(x)) { string absData = "Abs_" + TypeString(varTypes[x]) + "(" + x + ")"; if (varToReg.ContainsKey(x)) { newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlLiteral( "HeapAbsData(heap, " + x + "__abs) == " + absData), true)); newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlExpComputed(e => "HeapValue(objLayouts, true, $toAbs, " + loc + ", " + save_x + "__abs)"), true)); if (IsArray(x)) { newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlLiteral( x + "__abs == " + x + ".arrAbs"), true)); } } else { newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlExpComputed(e => "StackAbsSlot(heap, $stacksFrames, " + spillLoc(Spill(save_x)) + ") == " + absData), true)); if (IsArray(x)) { newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlExpComputed(e => "frameGet($stacksFrames, " + spillLoc(Spill(save_x)) + ") == " + save_x + ".arrAbs"), true)); } } } else { newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(CompileMethod.IntEqTyped(varTypes[x], new RtlVar(x, false), new RtlExpComputed(e => loc.ToString())), true)); } } } typeInvs.ForEach(e => newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(e, true))); } bool fallThru = (ret == null && i + 1 < stmts.Count && (jump == null || jump.cond != null)); if (jump != null) { transitionTarget(labels[jump.label], fallThru ? (i + 1) : labels[jump.label]); newStmts.Add(stmt); } if (fallThru) { transitionTarget(i + 1, i + 1); } } return(newStmts); }
public RtlExp GhostExpressionRec(Expression exp, bool inRecSpec = false, bool inRequiresOrOld = false) { Util.Assert(!isPrinting); exp = GetExp(exp); StmtExpr stmtExpr = exp as StmtExpr; IdentifierExpr idExp = exp as IdentifierExpr; LiteralExpr literal = exp as LiteralExpr; BinaryExpr binary = exp as BinaryExpr; UnaryExpr unary = exp as UnaryExpr; ITEExpr ite = exp as ITEExpr; ExistsExpr existsExp = exp as ExistsExpr; ForallExpr forallExp = exp as ForallExpr; LetExpr letExp = exp as LetExpr; MatchExpr matchExp = exp as MatchExpr; OldExpr oldExp = exp as OldExpr; FreshExpr freshExp = exp as FreshExpr; FunctionCallExpr funCall = exp as FunctionCallExpr; DatatypeValue dataVal = exp as DatatypeValue; FieldSelectExpr fieldSelect = exp as FieldSelectExpr; SeqSelectExpr seqSelect = exp as SeqSelectExpr; SeqUpdateExpr seqUpdate = exp as SeqUpdateExpr; SeqDisplayExpr seqDisplay = exp as SeqDisplayExpr; Func <Expression, RtlExp> G = e => GhostExpression(e, inRecSpec, inRequiresOrOld); if (stmtExpr != null) { if (stmtExprEnabled) { if (ignoreStmtExpr == 0) { AddGhostStatement(stmtExpr.S); } return(G(stmtExpr.E)); } else { throw new Exception("not implemented: cannot handle statement expression here"); } } else if (idExp != null) { return(AsVar(idExp)); } else if (literal != null && literal.Value is BigInteger) { return(new RtlInt((BigInteger)(literal.Value))); } else if (literal != null && literal.Value is bool) { return(new RtlLiteral((bool)(literal.Value) ? "true" : "false")); } else if (literal != null && literal.Value == null) { return(new RtlLiteral("ArrayOfInt(0 - 1, NO_ABS)")); } else if (literal != null && literal.Value is Microsoft.Basetypes.BigDec) { return(new RtlLiteral(((Microsoft.Basetypes.BigDec)literal.Value).ToDecimalString())); } else if (binary != null) { string op = null; string internalOp = null; CompileFunction compileFunction = this as CompileFunction; string thisFuncName = (compileFunction == null) ? null : compileFunction.function.Name; switch (binary.ResolvedOp) { case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SeqEq: return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(binary.E0.Type), "Seq_Equal"), new RtlExp[] { G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1) })); case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SeqNeq: return(new RtlLiteral("(!" + new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(binary.E0.Type), "Seq_Equal"), new RtlExp[] { G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1) }) + ")")); case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Concat: return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(binary.Type), "Seq_Append"), new RtlExp[] { G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1) })); } if (binary.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Exp) { binary = new BinaryExpr(binary.tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp, binary.E0, binary.E1); } switch (binary.Op) { case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Disjoint: case BinaryExpr.Opcode.In: case BinaryExpr.Opcode.NotIn: throw new Exception("not implemented: binary operator '" + BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(binary.Op) + "'"); } if (AppType(binary.E0.Type) is IntType && AppType(binary.E1.Type) is IntType) { switch (binary.Op) { case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Le: internalOp = "INTERNAL_le_boogie"; break; case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Lt: internalOp = "INTERNAL_lt_boogie"; break; case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Ge: internalOp = "INTERNAL_ge_boogie"; break; case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Gt: internalOp = "INTERNAL_gt_boogie"; break; case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add: internalOp = "INTERNAL_add_boogie"; break; case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub: internalOp = "INTERNAL_sub_boogie"; break; case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mul: op = "*"; if (thisFuncName != "INTERNAL_mul") { internalOp = FunName("INTERNAL__mul"); } break; case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Div: op = "div"; if (thisFuncName != "INTERNAL_div") { internalOp = FunName("INTERNAL__div"); } break; case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mod: op = "mod"; if (thisFuncName != "INTERNAL_mod") { internalOp = FunName("INTERNAL__mod"); } break; default: op = BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(binary.Op); break; } } else { op = BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(binary.Op); } if (internalOp == null) { return(new RtlBinary(op, G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1))); } else { return(new RtlApply(internalOp, new RtlExp[] { G(binary.E0), G(binary.E1) })); } } else if (unary != null && unary.Op == UnaryExpr.Opcode.Not) { return(new RtlLiteral("(!(" + G(unary.E) + "))")); } else if (unary != null && unary.Op == UnaryExpr.Opcode.SeqLength) { return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(unary.E.Type), "Seq_Length"), new RtlExp[] { G(unary.E) })); } else if (ite != null) { return(GhostIfThenElse(G(ite.Test), () => G(ite.Thn), () => G(ite.Els))); } else if (funCall != null) { switch (funCall.Function.Name) { case "left": case "right": case "relation": case "public": Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 1); return(new RtlApply(funCall.Function.Name, new RtlExp[] { G(funCall.Args[0]) })); case "sizeof": Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 1); return(new RtlApply(funCall.Function.Name + "##" + TypeString(AppType(funCall.Args[0].Type)), new RtlExp[] { G(funCall.Args[0]) })); case "INTERNAL_add_raw": Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 2); return(new RtlBinary("+", G(funCall.Args[0]), G(funCall.Args[1]))); case "INTERNAL_sub_raw": Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 2); return(new RtlBinary("-", G(funCall.Args[0]), G(funCall.Args[1]))); case "IntToReal": Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 1); return(new RtlApply("real", new RtlExp[] { G(funCall.Args[0]) })); case "RealToInt": Util.Assert(funCall.Args.Count == 1); return(new RtlApply("int", new RtlExp[] { G(funCall.Args[0]) })); } TypeApply app = dafnySpec.Compile_Function(funCall.Function, funCall.TypeArgumentSubstitutions.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => AppType(p.Value))); string name = FunName(SimpleName(app.AppName())); string fullName = FunName(SimpleName(app.AppFullName())); List <RtlExp> rtlArgs = funCall.Args.Select(G).ToList(); List <RtlExp> rtlReads = funCall.Function.Reads.Where(e => e.Field != null).ToList() .ConvertAll(e => (RtlExp) new RtlVar( GhostVar(e.FieldName), e.Field.IsGhost, AppType(e.Field.Type))); rtlArgs = rtlReads.Concat(rtlArgs).ToList(); if (name.EndsWith("__INTERNAL__HEAP")) { name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - "__INTERNAL__HEAP".Length); } else if (DafnySpec.IsHeapFunction(funCall.Function)) { rtlArgs.Insert(0, new RtlLiteral(inRequiresOrOld ? "$absMem_old" : "$absMem")); } if (Attributes.Contains(funCall.Function.Attributes, "opaque") && funCall.Function.Formals.Count + rtlReads.Count == 0) { rtlArgs.Insert(0, new RtlLiteral("true")); } if (fullName == recFunName) { name = fullName; } if (name == recFunName) { recCalls.Add(new List <RtlExp>(rtlArgs)); rtlArgs.Insert(0, new RtlApply("decreases_" + name, new List <RtlExp>(rtlArgs))); rtlArgs.Insert(1, new RtlLiteral(inRecSpec ? "__unroll" : "__unroll + 1")); name = "rec_" + name; } return(new RtlApply(name, rtlArgs)); } else if (dataVal != null) { bool isSeq = dataVal.Type.TypeName(null).StartsWith("Seq<"); return(new RtlApply((isSeq ? "_" : "") + dafnySpec.Compile_Constructor( dataVal.Type, dataVal.Ctor.Name, dataVal.InferredTypeArgs, typeApply.typeArgs).AppName(), dataVal.Arguments.Select(G))); } else if (existsExp != null || forallExp != null) { QuantifierExpr qExp = (QuantifierExpr)exp; bool isForall = forallExp != null; var varTuples = qExp.BoundVars.Select(v => Tuple.Create(GhostVar(v.Name), v.IsGhost, v.Type)); var oldRenamer = PushRename(qExp.BoundVars.Select(v => v.Name)); var oldStmtExprEnabled = stmtExprEnabled; stmtExprEnabled = false; RtlExp rExp = new RtlLiteral((isForall ? "(forall " : "(exists ") + string.Join(", ", qExp.BoundVars.Select(v => GhostVar(v.Name) + ":" + TypeString(AppType(v.Type)))) + " :: " + Triggers(qExp.Attributes, G) + " " + GetTypeWellFormedExp(varTuples.ToList(), isForall ? "==>" : "&&", G(qExp.Term)) + ")"); stmtExprEnabled = oldStmtExprEnabled; PopRename(oldRenamer); return(rExp); } else if (letExp != null) { List <RtlExp> rhss; if (letExp.Exact) { rhss = letExp.RHSs.ConvertAll(e => G(e)); } else if (letExp.LHSs.Count == 1 && LiteralExpr.IsTrue(letExp.RHSs[0]) && AppType(letExp.LHSs[0].Var.Type) is IntType) { rhss = new List <RtlExp> { new RtlLiteral("0") }; } else { throw new Exception("not implemented: LetExpr: " + letExp); } return(GhostLet(exp.tok, letExp.LHSs.ConvertAll(lhs => lhs.Var), rhss, () => G(letExp.Body))); } else if (matchExp != null) { if (matchExp.MissingCases.Count != 0) { throw new Exception("not implemented: MatchExpr with missing cases: " + matchExp); } //- match src case c1(ps1) => e1 ... cn(psn) => en //- --> //- let x := src in //- if x is c1 then let ps1 := ...x.f1... in e1 else //- if x is c2 then let ps2 := ...x.f2... in e2 else //- let ps3 := ...x.f3... in e3 var src = G(matchExp.Source); var cases = matchExp.Cases; string x = TempName(); Func <RtlExp> body = null; for (int i = cases.Count; i > 0;) { i--; MatchCaseExpr c = cases[i]; Func <List <RtlExp> > cRhss = () => c.Ctor.Formals.ConvertAll(f => (RtlExp) new RtlLiteral("(" + f.Name + "#" + c.Ctor.Name + "(" + GhostVar(x) + "))")); Func <RtlExp> ec = () => GhostLet(exp.tok, c.Arguments, cRhss(), () => G(c.Body)); if (body == null) { body = ec; } else { var prevBody = body; body = () => GhostIfThenElse(new RtlLiteral("(" + GhostVar(x) + " is " + c.Ctor.Name + ")"), ec, prevBody); } } return(GhostLet(exp.tok, new List <BoundVar> { new BoundVar(exp.tok, x, matchExp.Source.Type) }, new List <RtlExp> { src }, body)); } else if (oldExp != null) { return(new RtlLiteral("old(" + GhostExpression(oldExp.E, inRecSpec, true) + ")")); } else if (freshExp != null) { Util.Assert(DafnySpec.IsArrayType(freshExp.E.Type)); string abs = G(freshExp.E) + ".arrAbs"; return(new RtlLiteral("(heap_old.absData[" + abs + "] is AbsNone)")); } else if (fieldSelect != null && fieldSelect.FieldName.EndsWith("?")) { string constructor = fieldSelect.FieldName.Substring(0, fieldSelect.FieldName.Length - 1); constructor = dafnySpec.Compile_Constructor(fieldSelect.Obj.Type, constructor, null, typeApply.typeArgs).AppName(); bool isSeq = fieldSelect.Obj.Type.TypeName(null).StartsWith("Seq<"); return(isSeq ? new RtlLiteral("is_" + constructor + "(" + G(fieldSelect.Obj) + ")") : new RtlLiteral("((" + G(fieldSelect.Obj) + ") is " + constructor + ")")); } else if (fieldSelect != null && !fieldSelect.Field.IsStatic && AppType(fieldSelect.Obj.Type) is UserDefinedType && fieldSelect.Field is DatatypeDestructor) { DatatypeDestructor field = (DatatypeDestructor)fieldSelect.Field; string constructor = dafnySpec.Compile_Constructor(fieldSelect.Obj.Type, field.EnclosingCtor.Name, null, typeApply.typeArgs).AppName(); bool isSeq = fieldSelect.Obj.Type.TypeName(null).StartsWith("Seq<"); return(new RtlLiteral("(" + fieldSelect.FieldName + (isSeq ? "_" : "#") + constructor + "(" + G(fieldSelect.Obj) + "))")); } else if (fieldSelect != null && DafnySpec.IsArrayType(AppType(fieldSelect.Obj.Type)) && fieldSelect.FieldName == "Length") { return(new RtlLiteral("(Arr_Length(" + G(fieldSelect.Obj) + "))")); } else if (fieldSelect != null && fieldSelect.Obj is ImplicitThisExpr) { //- we don't support objects yet, so interpret this as a global variable return(new RtlVar(GhostVar(fieldSelect.FieldName), true, fieldSelect.Type)); } else if (seqSelect != null) { if (seqSelect.SelectOne && DafnySpec.IsArrayType(AppType(seqSelect.Seq.Type))) { return(new RtlExpComputed(e => "fun_INTERNAL__array__elems__index(" + (inRequiresOrOld ? "$absMem_old" : "$absMem") + "[" + e.args[0] + ".arrAbs], (" + e.args[1] + "))", new RtlExp[] { G(seqSelect.Seq), G(seqSelect.E0) })); } else if (seqSelect.SelectOne) { return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqSelect.Seq.Type), "Seq_Index"), new RtlExp[] { G(seqSelect.Seq), G(seqSelect.E0) })); } else { RtlExp seq = G(seqSelect.Seq); if (DafnySpec.IsArrayType(AppType(seqSelect.Seq.Type))) { seq = new RtlApply(FunName("Seq__FromArray"), new RtlExp[] { new RtlLiteral(inRequiresOrOld ? "$absMem_old" : "$absMem"), seq }); } if (seqSelect.E1 != null) { seq = new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqSelect.Type), "Seq_Take"), new RtlExp[] { seq, G(seqSelect.E1) }); } if (seqSelect.E0 != null) { seq = new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqSelect.Type), "Seq_Drop"), new RtlExp[] { seq, G(seqSelect.E0) }); } return(seq); } } else if (seqUpdate != null) { if (seqUpdate.ResolvedUpdateExpr != null) { return(GhostExpressionRec(seqUpdate.ResolvedUpdateExpr, inRecSpec, inRequiresOrOld)); } return(new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqUpdate.Seq.Type), "Seq_Update"), new RtlExp[] { G(seqUpdate.Seq), G(seqUpdate.Index), G(seqUpdate.Value) })); } else if (seqDisplay != null) { RtlExp seq = new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqDisplay.Type), "Seq_Empty"), new RtlExp[0]); foreach (Expression ei in seqDisplay.Elements) { seq = new RtlApply(dafnySpec.GetSeqOperationName(AppType(seqDisplay.Type), "Seq_Build"), new RtlExp[] { seq, G(ei) }); } return(seq); } else { throw new Exception("not implemented: " + exp); } }
public RtlExp GetTypeWellFormedExp(List <Tuple <string, bool, Type> > vars, string op, RtlExp rhs) { var exps = GetTypeWellFormed(vars); foreach (var e in exps) { rhs = new RtlBinary(op, e, rhs); } return(rhs); }
public RtlMem(RtlExp ptr, string offset):this(ptr, new RtlLiteral(offset)) { }
public virtual void AddResolvedGhostStatement(Statement stmt) { BlockStmt block = stmt as BlockStmt; IfStmt ifStmt = stmt as IfStmt; AssertStmt assertStmt = stmt as AssertStmt; AssignStmt assignStmt = stmt as AssignStmt; CallStmt callStmt = stmt as CallStmt; VarDecl varDecl = stmt as VarDecl; CalcStmt calcStmt = stmt as CalcStmt; ForallStmt forallStmt = stmt as ForallStmt; AssignSuchThatStmt existsStmt = stmt as AssignSuchThatStmt; if (block != null) { var oldRenamer = PushRename(); block.Body.ForEach(AddGhostStatement); PopRename(oldRenamer); } else if (varDecl != null) { AddGhostVarDecl(varDecl.Name, varDecl.Type, varDecl.IsGhost); } else if (minVerify) { return; } else if (assignStmt != null) { ExprRhs expRhs = assignStmt.Rhs as ExprRhs; if (expRhs != null) { FieldSelectExpr fieldSelect = assignStmt.Lhs as FieldSelectExpr; RtlVar destVar; if (fieldSelect != null) { destVar = new RtlVar(GhostVar(fieldSelect.FieldName), true, fieldSelect.Type); } else { destVar = AsVar(assignStmt.Lhs); Util.Assert(destVar != null); } stmts.Add(new RtlGhostMove(new RtlVar[] { destVar }, new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(expRhs.Expr) })); } else { throw new Exception("not implemented: " + assignStmt.Rhs); } } else if (callStmt != null) { AddGhostCall(callStmt.Lhs.ConvertAll(AsVar), callStmt.Args, dafnySpec.Compile_Method(callStmt.Method, callStmt.TypeArgumentSubstitutions.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => AppType(p.Value))), DafnySpec.IsHeapMethod(callStmt.Method)); SymdiffLinearityPoint(); } else if (ifStmt != null) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ") {", new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(ifStmt.Guard) })); Indent(); AddGhostStatement(ifStmt.Thn); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); if (ifStmt.Els != null) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ") {", new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(new UnaryExpr(Bpl.Token.NoToken, UnaryExpr.Opcode.Not, ifStmt.Guard)) })); Indent(); AddGhostStatement(ifStmt.Els); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } } else if (assertStmt != null) { stmts.Add(new RtlAssert(GhostExpression(assertStmt.Expr))); } else if (forallStmt != null) { var oldRenamer = PushRename(forallStmt.BoundVars.Select(v => v.Name)); RtlExp ens = new RtlLiteral("true"); foreach (var e in forallStmt.Ens) { ens = new RtlBinary("&&", ens, GhostExpression(e.E)); } RtlExp range = (forallStmt.Range == null) ? new RtlLiteral("true") : GhostExpression(forallStmt.Range); List <RtlExp> wellFormed = GetTypeWellFormed(forallStmt.BoundVars. Select(x => Tuple.Create(GhostVar(x.Name), x.IsGhost, x.Type)).ToList()); wellFormed.ForEach(e => range = new RtlBinary("&&", e, range)); ens = new RtlBinary("==>", range, ens); string vars = String.Join(", ", forallStmt.BoundVars.Select(x => GhostVar(x.Name) + ":" + TypeString(AppType(x.Type)))); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "forall " + vars + "::(" + s.args[0] + ")", new List <RtlExp> { ens })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); stmts.Add(PushForall()); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ")", new List <RtlExp> { range })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); AddGhostStatement(forallStmt.Body); foreach (var e in forallStmt.Ens) { stmts.Add(new RtlAssert(GhostExpression(e.E))); } PopForall(); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); PopRename(oldRenamer); } else if (existsStmt != null) { List <RtlStmt> assigns = new List <RtlStmt>(); List <RtlVar> tmps = new List <RtlVar>(); List <Tuple <string, bool, Type> > varTuples = new List <Tuple <string, bool, Type> >(); var oldRenamer = PushRename(); foreach (var lhs in existsStmt.Lhss) { IdentifierExpr idExp = lhs.Resolved as IdentifierExpr; RtlVar origVar = AsVar(lhs); AddRename(idExp.Name); RtlVar renameVar = AsVar(lhs); tmps.Add(renameVar); varTuples.Add(Tuple.Create(renameVar.ToString(), true, idExp.Type)); assigns.Add(new RtlGhostMove(new RtlVar[] { origVar }, new RtlExp[] { renameVar })); } string vars = String.Join(", ", tmps.Select(x => x.getName() + ":" + TypeString(AppType(x.type)))); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "exists " + vars + "::(" + s.args[0] + ");", new List <RtlExp> { GetTypeWellFormedExp(varTuples.ToList(), "&&", GhostExpression(existsStmt.Expr)) })); stmts.AddRange(assigns); PopRename(oldRenamer); } else if (calcStmt != null) { Util.Assert(calcStmt.Steps.Count == calcStmt.Hints.Count); CalcStmt.BinaryCalcOp binOp = calcStmt.Op as CalcStmt.BinaryCalcOp; bool isImply = binOp != null && binOp.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp && calcStmt.Steps.Count > 0; if (isImply) { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "if (" + s.args[0] + ")", new RtlExp[] { GhostExpression(CalcStmt.Lhs(calcStmt.Steps[0])) })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); } var stepCount = calcStmt.Hints.Last().Body.Count == 0 ? calcStmt.Steps.Count - 1 : calcStmt.Steps.Count; for (int i = 0; i < stepCount; i++) { if (calcStmt.Hints[i] == null) { stmts.Add(new RtlAssert(GhostExpression(calcStmt.Steps[i]))); } else { stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "forall::(" + s.args[0] + ")", new List <RtlExp> { GhostExpression(calcStmt.Steps[i]) })); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "{", new RtlExp[0])); Indent(); var dict = new Dictionary <string, RtlVar>(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => String.Concat(dict.Values.Select( x => "var " + x.x + ":" + TypeString(x.type) + ";")), new RtlExp[0])); forallVars.Add(dict); AddGhostStatement(calcStmt.Hints[i]); forallVars.RemoveAt(forallVars.Count - 1); Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } } if (isImply) { Unindent(); stmts.Add(new RtlGhostStmtComputed(s => "}", new RtlExp[0])); } } else { throw new Exception("not implemented in ghost methods: " + stmt); } }
public RtlMem(RtlExp ptr, RtlExp offset):this(ptr, null, null, offset) { }