 protected RtfCtrlWordData AfterCtrlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
     foreach (IRtfDestinationListener listener in listeners)
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the value of the property identified by the parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctrlWordData">The controlword with the name to set</param>
        /// <returns> true  for handled or  false  if  propertyName  or  propertyValue  is  null </returns>
        public bool SetProperty(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
        { //String propertyName, Object propertyValueNew) {
            var    propertyName     = ctrlWordData.SpecialHandler;
            object propertyValueNew = ctrlWordData.Param;

            // depending on the control word, set mulitiple or reset settings, etc.
            //if pard then reset settings
            setProperty(propertyName, propertyValueNew);
        public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("blue"))

            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("red"))

            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("green"))

            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cshade"))

            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ctint"))
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("cmaindarkone")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("cmainlightone")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("cmaindarktwo")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("cmainlighttwo")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("caccentone")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("caccenttwo")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("caccentthree")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("caccentfour")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("caccentfive")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("caccentsix")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("chyperlink")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("cfollowedhyperlink")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("cbackgroundone")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("ctextone")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("cbacgroundtwo")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
            //if(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("ctexttwo")) this.SetThemeColor(ctrlWordData.ctrlWord);
        /// <summary>
        /// Toggle the value of the property identified by the  RtfCtrlWordData.specialHandler  parameter.
        /// Toggle values are assumed to be integer values per the RTF spec with a value of 0=off or 1=on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctrlWordData">The property name to set</param>
        /// <returns> true  for handled or  false  if  propertyName  is  null  or <i>blank</i></returns>
        public bool ToggleProperty(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
        { //String propertyName) {
            var propertyName = ctrlWordData.SpecialHandler;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))

            var propertyValue = GetProperty(propertyName);

            if (propertyValue == null)
                propertyValue = ON;
                if (propertyValue is int)
                    var value = (int)propertyValue;
                    if (value != 0)
                    if (propertyValue is long)
                        var value = (long)propertyValue;
                        if (value != 0)
            setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
         * Toggle the value of the property identified by the <code>RtfCtrlWordData.specialHandler</code> parameter.
         * Toggle values are assumed to be integer values per the RTF spec with a value of 0=off or 1=on.
         * @param ctrlWordData The property name to set
         * @return <code>true</code> for handled or <code>false</code> if <code>propertyName</code> is <code>null</code> or <i>blank</i>
        public bool ToggleProperty(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)   //String propertyName) {
            String propertyName = ctrlWordData.specialHandler;

            if (propertyName == null || propertyName.Length == 0)

            Object propertyValue = GetProperty(propertyName);

            if (propertyValue == null)
                propertyValue = RtfProperty.ON;
                if (propertyValue is int)
                    int value = (int)propertyValue;
                    if (value != 0)
                    if (propertyValue is long)
                        long value = (long)propertyValue;
                        if (value != 0)
            SetProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
        public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
            bool result       = true;
            bool skipCtrlWord = false;

            if (this.rtfParser.IsImport())
                skipCtrlWord = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("listtable"))
                    result = true;
                    this.currentListMappingNumber = 0;
                /* Picture info for icons/images for lists */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("listpicture"))    /* DESTINATION */
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    // this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup();
                    result = true;
                /* list */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("list"))     /* DESTINATION */
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    this.newList = new RtfList(this.rtfParser.GetRtfDocument());
                    this.newList.SetListType(RtfList.LIST_TYPE_NORMAL); // set default
                    this.currentLevel = -1;
                    this.currentSubGroupCount = 0;
                    result = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("listtemplateid"))   /* // List item*/
                    // ignore this because it gets regenerated in every document
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("listsimple"))   /* // List item*/
                    // is value 0 or 1
                    if (ctrlWordData.hasParam && ctrlWordData.param == "1")
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                    // this gets set internally. Don't think it should be imported
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("listhybrid"))   /* // List item*/
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                    // this gets set internally. Don't think it should be imported
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("listrestarthdn"))   /* // List item*/
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("listid"))        // List item cannot be between -1 and -5
                // needs to be mapped for imports and is recreated
                // we have the new id and the old id. Just add it to the mapping table here.
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("listname"))  /* // List item*/
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("liststyleid"))  /* // List item*/
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("liststylename"))  /* // List item*/
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                /* listlevel */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("listlevel"))     /* DESTINATION There are 1 or 9 listlevels per list */
                    this.currentListLevel = this.newList.GetListLevel(this.currentLevel);
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("leveljc"))     // listlevel item justify
                // this is the old number. Only use it if the current type is not set
                    if (this.currentListLevel.GetAlignment() == RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                        switch (ctrlWordData.IntValue())
                        case 0:

                        case 1:

                        case 2:
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("leveljcn"))     // listlevel item
                // if this exists, use it and it overrides the old setting
                    switch (ctrlWordData.IntValue())
                    case 0:

                    case 1:

                    case 2:
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelstartat"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("lvltentative"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelold"))
                    // old style. ignore
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelprev"))
                    // old style. ignore
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelprevspace"))
                    // old style. ignore
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelspace"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelindent"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("leveltext"))    /* FIX */
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelfollow"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levellegal"))
                    this.currentListLevel.SetLegal(ctrlWordData.param == "1"?true:false);
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelnorestart"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("chrfmt"))    /* FIX */
                // set an attribute pair
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelpicture"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("li"))
                    // set an attribute pair
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("fi"))
                    // set an attribute pair
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("jclisttab"))
                    // set an attribute pair
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tx"))
                    // set an attribute pair
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                /* number */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelnfc"))     /* old style */
                    if (this.currentListLevel.GetListType() == RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                        this.currentListLevel.SetListType(ctrlWordData.IntValue() + RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_BASE);
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                else if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelnfcn"))   /* new style takes priority over levelnfc.*/
                    this.currentListLevel.SetListType(ctrlWordData.IntValue() + RtfListLevel.LIST_TYPE_BASE);
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                /* level text */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("leveltemplateid"))
                    // ignore. this value is regenerated in each document.
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;
                /* levelnumber */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("levelnumbers"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result       = true;

            if (this.rtfParser.IsConvert())
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("shppict"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("nonshppict"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true;
                    result = true;
            if (!skipCtrlWord)
                switch (this.rtfParser.GetConversionType())
                case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FULL:
                    // WriteBuffer();
                    // WriteText(ctrlWordData.ToString());
                    result = true;

                case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FRAGMENT:
                    // WriteBuffer();
                    // WriteText(ctrlWordData.ToString());
                    result = true;

                case RtfParser.TYPE_CONVERT:
                    result = true;

                default:     // error because is should be an import or convert
                    result = false;

        public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
            bool result = false;
            OnCtrlWord(ctrlWordData);  // event handler

            if (RtfParser.IsImport())
                // map font information
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("f")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapFontNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }

                // map color information
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cb")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cf")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcbpat")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcbpatraw")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcfpat")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcfpatraw")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }
                //table rows
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcfpat")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcbpat")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }
                //paragraph border
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("brdrcf")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapColorNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }
                // map lists
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ls")) { ctrlWordData.Param = RtfParser.GetImportManager().MapListNr(ctrlWordData.Param); }

            if (RtfParser.IsConvert())
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("par")) { addParagraphToDocument(); }
                // Set Font
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("f")) { }

                // color information
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cb")) { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cf")) { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcbpat")) { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcbpatraw")) { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcfpat")) { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clcfpatraw")) { }
                //table rows
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcfpat")) { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcbpat")) { }
                //paragraph border
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("brdrcf")) { }

                /* TABLES */
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trowd")) /*Beginning of row*/ { _tableLevel++; }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cell")) /*End of Cell Denotes the end of a table cell*/
                    //              String ctl = ctrlWordData.ctrlWord;
                    //              System.out.Print("cell found");
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("row")) /*End of row*/ { _tableLevel++; }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("lastrow")) /*Last row of the table*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("row")) /*End of row*/ { _tableLevel++; }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("irow")) /*param  is the row index of this row.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("irowband")) /*param is the row index of the row, adjusted to account for header rows. A header row has a value of -1.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tcelld")) /*Sets table cell defaults*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("nestcell")) /*Denotes the end of a nested cell.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("nestrow")) /*Denotes the end of a nested row*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("nesttableprops")) /*Defines the properties of a nested table. This is a destination control word*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("nonesttables")) /*Contains text for readers that do not understand nested tables. This destination should be ignored by readers that support nested tables.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trgaph")) /*Half the space between the cells of a table row in twips.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cellx")) /*param Defines the right boundary of a table cell, including its half of the space between cells.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmgf")) /*The first cell in a range of table cells to be merged.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrg")) /*Contents of the table cell are merged with those of the preceding cell*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clvmgf")) /*The first cell in a range of table cells to be vertically merged.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clvmrg")) /*Contents of the table cell are vertically merged with those of the preceding cell*/ { }
                /* TABLE: table row revision tracking */
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trauth")) /*With revision tracking enabled, this control word identifies the author of changes to a table row's properties. N refers to a value in the revision table*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trdate")) /*With revision tracking enabled, this control word identifies the date of a revision*/ { }
                /* TABLE: Autoformatting flags */
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkborder")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format borders*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkshading")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to affect shading.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkfont")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to affect font*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkcolor")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to affect color*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkbestfit")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to apply best fit*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkhdrrows")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format the first (header) row*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllklastrow")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format the last row.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllkhdrcols")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format the first (header) column*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllklastcol")) /*Flag sets table autoformat to format the last column*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllknorowband")) /*Specifies row banding conditional formatting shall not be applied*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tbllknocolband")) /*Specifies column banding conditional formatting shall not be applied.*/ { }
                /* TABLE: Row Formatting */
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("taprtl")) /*Table direction is right to left*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trautofit")) /*param = AutoFit:
    0   No AutoFit (default).
    1   AutoFit is on for the row. Overridden by \clwWidthN and \trwWidthN in any table row.
                { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trhdr")) /*Table row header. This row should appear at the top of every page on which the current table appears*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trkeep")) /*Keep table row together. This row cannot be split by a page break. This property is assumed to be off unless the control word is present*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trkeepfollow")) /*Keep row in the same page as the following row.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trleft")) /*Position in twips of the leftmost edge of the table with respect to the left edge of its column.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trqc")) /*Centers a table row with respect to its containing column.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trql")) /*Left-justifies a table row with respect to its containing column.*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trqr")) /*Right-justifies a table row with respect to its containing column*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trrh")) /*Height of a table row in twips. When 0, the height is sufficient for all the text in the line; when positive, the height is guaranteed to be at least the specified height; when negative, the absolute value of the height is used, regardless of the height of the text in the line*/ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddb")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddl")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddt")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddfb")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddfl")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddfr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpaddft")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdl")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdt")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdb")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdfl")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdft")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdfb")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trspdfr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trwWidth")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trftsWidth")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trwWidthB")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trftsWidthB")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trftsWidthB")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trwWidthA")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trftsWidthA")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tblind")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tblindtype")) /* */ { }
                /*TABLE: Row shading and Background Colors*/
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcbpat")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trcfpat")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trpat")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trshdng")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgbdiag")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgcross")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdcross")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkbdiag")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkcross")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkdcross")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkfdiag")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkhor")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgdkvert")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgfdiag")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbghoriz")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbgvert")) /* */ { }
                /* TABLE: Cell Formatting*/
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clFitText")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clNoWrap")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadl")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadt")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadb")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadfl")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadft")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadfb")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clpadfr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clwWidth")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clftsWidth")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clhidemark")) /* */ { }
                /* TABLE: Compared Table Cells */
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clins")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldel")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrgd")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrgdr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clsplit")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clsplitr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clinsauth")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clinsdttm")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldelauth")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldeldttm")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrgdauth")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clmrgddttm")) /* */ { }
                /*TABLE: Position Wrapped Tables (The following properties must be the same for all rows in the table.)*/
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tdfrmtxtLeft")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tdfrmtxtRight")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tdfrmtxtTop")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tdfrmtxtBottom")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tabsnoovrlp")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tphcol")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tphmrg")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tphpg")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposnegx")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposnegy")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposx")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxc")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxi")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxl")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxo")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposxr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposy")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyb")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyc")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyil")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyin")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyout")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tposyt")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tpvmrg")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tpvpara")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("tpvpg")) /* */ { }
                /* TABLE: Bidirectional Controls */
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("rtlrow")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ltrrow")) /* */ { }
                /* TABLE: Row Borders */
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrt")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrl")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrb")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrh")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("trbrdrv")) /* */ { }
                /* TABLE: Cell Borders */
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("brdrnil")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clbrdrb")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clbrdrt")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clbrdrl")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("clbrdrr")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldglu")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cldgll")) /* */ { }
                if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("")) /* */ { }
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.TOGGLE)

            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.FLAG ||
                    ctrlWordData.CtrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.VALUE)
                RtfParser.GetState().Properties.SetProperty(ctrlWordData);//ctrlWordData.specialHandler, ctrlWordData.param);

            switch (_conversionType)
                case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FULL:
                    if (!_importIgnoredCtrlwords.Contains(ctrlWordData.CtrlWord))
                    result = true;
                case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FRAGMENT:
                    if (!_importIgnoredCtrlwords.Contains(ctrlWordData.CtrlWord))
                    result = true;
                case RtfParser.TYPE_CONVERT:
                    if (_importIgnoredCtrlwords.Contains(ctrlWordData.CtrlWord) == false)
                    result = true;
                default:    // error because is should be an import or convert
                    result = false;

            return result;
 /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see com.lowagie.text.rtf.parser.destinations.RtfDestination#handleControlWord(com.lowagie.text.rtf.parser.ctrlwords.RtfCtrlWordData)
 public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
        public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
            bool result       = false;
            bool skipCtrlWord = false;

            if (this.rtfParser.IsImport())
                skipCtrlWord = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("shppict"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("nonshppict"))      // never gets here because this is a destination set to null
                    skipCtrlWord = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("blipuid"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picprop"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pict"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("emfblip"))
                    result = true; pictureType = Image.ORIGINAL_NONE;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pngblip"))
                    result = true; pictureType = Image.ORIGINAL_PNG;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("jepgblip"))
                    result = true; pictureType = Image.ORIGINAL_JPEG;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("macpict"))
                    result = true; pictureType = Image.ORIGINAL_NONE;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pmmetafile"))
                    result = true; pictureType = Image.ORIGINAL_NONE;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wmetafile"))
                    result = true; pictureType = Image.ORIGINAL_WMF;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("dibitmap"))
                    result = true; pictureType = Image.ORIGINAL_NONE;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wbitmap"))
                    result = true; pictureType = Image.ORIGINAL_BMP;
                /* bitmap information */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wbmbitspixel"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wbmplanes"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wbmwidthbytes"))
                    result = true;
                /* picture size, scaling and cropping */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picw"))
                    this.width = ctrlWordData.LongValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pich"))
                    this.height = ctrlWordData.LongValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picwgoal"))
                    this.desiredWidth = ctrlWordData.LongValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pichgoal"))
                    this.desiredHeight = ctrlWordData.LongValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picscalex"))
                    this.scaleX = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picscaley"))
                    this.scaleY = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picscaled"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picprop"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("defshp"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("piccropt"))
                    this.cropTop = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("piccropb"))
                    this.cropBottom = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("piccropl"))
                    this.cropLeft = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("piccropr"))
                    this.cropRight = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                /* metafile information */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picbmp"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picbpp"))
                    result = true;
                /* picture data */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("bin"))
                    this.dataFormat = FORMAT_BINARY;
                    // set length to param
                    this.binaryLength = ctrlWordData.LongValue();
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("blipupi"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("blipuid"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("bliptag"))
                    result = true;
            if (this.rtfParser.IsConvert())
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("shppict"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("nonshppict"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("blipuid"))
                    result = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pict"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("emfblip"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pngblip"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("jepgblip"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("macpict"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pmmetafile"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wmetafile"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("dibitmap"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wbitmap"))
                    result = true;
                /* bitmap information */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wbmbitspixel"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wbmplanes"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("wbmwidthbytes"))
                    result = true;
                /* picture size, scaling and cropping */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picw"))
                    this.width = ctrlWordData.LongValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pich"))
                    this.height = ctrlWordData.LongValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picwgoal"))
                    this.desiredWidth = ctrlWordData.LongValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("pichgoal"))
                    this.desiredHeight = ctrlWordData.LongValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picscalex"))
                    this.scaleX = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picscaley"))
                    this.scaleY = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picscaled"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picprop"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("defshp"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("piccropt"))
                    this.cropTop = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("piccropb"))
                    this.cropBottom = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("piccropl"))
                    this.cropLeft = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("piccropr"))
                    this.cropRight = ctrlWordData.IntValue(); result = true;
                /* metafile information */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picbmp"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("picbpp"))
                    result = true;
                /* picture data */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("bin"))
                    dataFormat = FORMAT_BINARY; result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("blipupi"))
                    result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("blipuid"))
                    skipCtrlWord = true; this.rtfParser.SetTokeniserStateSkipGroup(); result = true;
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("bliptag"))
                    result = true;
            if (!skipCtrlWord)
                switch (this.rtfParser.GetConversionType())
                case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FULL:
                    result = true;

                case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FRAGMENT:
                    result = true;

                case RtfParser.TYPE_CONVERT:
                    result = true;

                default: // error because is should be an import or convert
                    result = false;
        public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
            bool result = true;

            this.OnCtrlWord(ctrlWordData);  // event handler

            if (this.rtfParser.IsImport())
                // information
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("s"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("cs"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("ds"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("ts"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsrowd"))

                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("keycode"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("shift"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("ctrl"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("alt"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("fn"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("additive"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("sbasedon"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("snext"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("sautoupd"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("shidden"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("slink"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("slocked"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("spersonal"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("scompose"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("sreply"))
                /* FORMATTING */
                // brdrdef/parfmt/apoctl/tabdef/shading/chrfmt

                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("styrsid"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("ssemihidden"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("sqformat"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("spriority"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("sunhideused"))

                /* TABLE STYLES */
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellwidth"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellwidthfts"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddt"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddl"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddr"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddb"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddft"))/*0-auto, 3-twips*/
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddfl"))/*0-auto, 3-twips*/
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddfr"))/*0-auto, 3-twips*/
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellpaddfb"))/*0-auto, 3-twips*/
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsvertalt"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsvertalc"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsvertalb"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsnowrap"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellcfpat"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscellcbpat"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbgbdiag"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbgfdiag"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbgcross"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbgdcross"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbgdkcross "))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbgdkdcross"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbghoriz"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbgvert"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbgdkhor"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbgdkvert"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrt"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrb"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrl"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrr"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrh"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrv"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrdgl"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tsbrdrdgr"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscbandsh"))
                if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWord.Equals("tscbandsv"))
            if (ctrlWordData.ctrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.FLAG ||
                ctrlWordData.ctrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.TOGGLE ||
                ctrlWordData.ctrlWordType == RtfCtrlWordType.VALUE)

            switch (this.rtfParser.GetConversionType())
            case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FULL:
                result = true;

            case RtfParser.TYPE_IMPORT_FRAGMENT:
                result = true;

            case RtfParser.TYPE_CONVERT:
                result = true;

            default:    // error because is should be an import or convert
                result = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// (non-Javadoc)
 /// @see com.lowagie.text.rtf.parser.destinations.RtfDestination#handleControlWord(com.lowagie.text.rtf.parser.ctrlwords.RtfCtrlWordData)
 /// </summary>
 public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
     _elementName = ctrlWordData.CtrlWord;
  * Handle control word for this destination
  * @param ctrlWordData The control word and parameter information object
  * @return true if handled, false if not handled
 public abstract bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData);
        /// <summary>
        /// (non-Javadoc)
        /// @see com.lowagie.text.rtf.parser.destinations.RtfDestination#handleControlWord(com.lowagie.text.rtf.parser.ctrlwords.RtfCtrlWordData)
        /// @since 2.0.8
        /// </summary>
        public override bool HandleControlWord(RtfCtrlWordData ctrlWordData)
            bool result = true;

            // just let fonttbl fall through and set last ctrl word object.

            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("f"))
                SetFontNumber(ctrlWordData.Param); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fcharset"))
                SetCharset(ctrlWordData.Param); result = true;

            // font families
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fnil"))
                SetFontFamily("roman"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("froman"))
                SetFontFamily("roman"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fswiss"))
                SetFontFamily("swiss"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fmodern"))
                SetFontFamily("modern"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fscript"))
                SetFontFamily("script"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fdecor"))
                SetFontFamily("decor"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ftech"))
                SetFontFamily("tech"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fbidi"))
                SetFontFamily("bidi"); result = true;
            // pitch
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fprq"))
                SetPitch(ctrlWordData.Param); result = true;
            // bias
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fbias"))
                SetBias(ctrlWordData.Param); result = true;
            // theme font information
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("flomajor"))
                SetThemeFont("flomajor"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fhimajor"))
                SetThemeFont("fhimajor"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fdbmajor"))
                SetThemeFont("fdbmajor"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fbimajor"))
                SetThemeFont("fbimajor"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("flominor"))
                SetThemeFont("flominor"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fhiminor"))
                SetThemeFont("fhiminor"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fdbminor"))
                SetThemeFont("fdbminor"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fbiminor"))
                SetThemeFont("fbiminor"); result = true;

            // panose
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("panose"))
                _state = SettingPanose; result = true;

            // \*\fname
            // <font name> #PCDATA
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fname"))
                _state = SettingFontname; result = true;

            // \*\falt
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("falt"))
                _state = SettingAlternate; result = true;

            // \*\fontemb
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fontemb"))
                _state = SettingFontEmbed; result = true;

            // font type
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("ftnil"))
                SetTrueType("ftnil"); result = true;
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fttruetype"))
                SetTrueType("fttruetype"); result = true;

            // \*\fontfile
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("fontemb"))
                _state = SettingFontFile; result = true;

            // codepage
            if (ctrlWordData.CtrlWord.Equals("cpg"))
                SetCodePage(ctrlWordData.Param); result = true;

            LastCtrlWord = ctrlWordData;