static void Main(string[] args) { SpiralLab.Core.Initialize(); #region initialize RTC //var rtc = new RtcVirtual(0); //create Rtc for dummy //var rtc = new Rtc5(0); //create Rtc5 controller //var rtc = new Rtc6(0); //create Rtc6 controller //var rtc = new Rtc6Ethernet(0, "", ""); //실험적인 상태 (Scanlab Rtc6 Ethernet 제어기) var rtc = new Rtc6SyncAxis(0, Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "syncaxis", "syncAXISConfig.xml")); //실험적인 상태 (Scanlab XLSCAN 솔류션) rtc.Initialize(0, 0, string.Empty); rtc.CtlFrequency(50 * 1000, 2); // laser frequency : 50KHz, pulse width : 2usec rtc.CtlSpeed(100, 100); // default jump and mark speed : 100mm/s #endregion #region initialize Laser (virtual) ILaser laser = new LaserVirtual(0, "virtual", 20); /// 최대 출력 20W 의 가상 레이저 소스 생성 #endregion ConsoleKeyInfo key; do { Console.WriteLine("Testcase for spirallab.sirius. powered by [email protected] ("); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("'F1' : draw rectangle 2D with scanner only"); Console.WriteLine("'F2' : draw rectangle 2D with stage only"); Console.WriteLine("'F3' : draw rectangle 2D with scanner and stage"); Console.WriteLine("'M' : move stage x and y"); Console.WriteLine("'Q' : quit"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("select your target : "); key = Console.ReadKey(false); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Q) { break; } Console.WriteLine(""); switch (key.Key) { case ConsoleKey.F1: Draw(rtc, laser, MotionType.ScannerOnly); break; case ConsoleKey.F2: Draw(rtc, laser, MotionType.StageOnly); break; case ConsoleKey.F3: Draw(rtc, laser, MotionType.StageAndScanner); break; case ConsoleKey.M: rtc.StageMoveSpeed = 10; rtc.StageMoveTimeOut = 5; rtc.CtlMove(MotionType.StageOnly, 10, 10); break; } } while (true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { SpiralLab.Core.Initialize(); #region initialize RTC //var rtc = new RtcVirtual(0); //create Rtc for dummy //var rtc = new Rtc5(0); //create Rtc5 controller //var rtc = new Rtc6(0); //create Rtc6 controller //var rtc = new Rtc6Ethernet(0, "", ""); //실험적인 상태 (Scanlab Rtc6 Ethernet 제어기) string configXmlFileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "syncaxis", "syncAXISConfig.xml"); var rtc = new Rtc6SyncAxis(0, configXmlFileName); // Scanlab XLSCAN 솔류션 rtc.Initialize(0, 0, string.Empty); rtc.CtlFrequency(50 * 1000, 2); // laser frequency : 50KHz, pulse width : 2usec rtc.CtlSpeed(100, 100); // default jump and mark speed : 100mm/s #endregion #region initialize Laser (virtual) var laser = new LaserVirtual(0, "virtual", 20); // virtual laser source with max 20W power (최대 출력 20W 의 가상 레이저 소스 생성) //var laser = new IPGYLP(0, "IPG YLP", 1, 20); //var laser = new JPTTypeE(0, "JPT Type E", 1, 20); //var laser = new SPIG4(0, "SPI G3/4", 1, 20); //var laser = new PhotonicsIndustryDX(0, "PI", 1, 20); //var laser = new AdvancedOptoWaveFotia(0, "Fotia", 1, 20); //var laser = new CoherentAviaLX(0, "Avia LX", 1, 20); laser.Rtc = rtc; laser.Initialize(); laser.CtlPower(2); #endregion ConsoleKeyInfo key; do { Console.WriteLine("Testcase for spirallab.sirius. powered by [email protected] ("); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("'S' : simulation mode enabled"); Console.WriteLine("'H' : hardware mode enabled"); Console.WriteLine("'C' : job characteristic"); Console.WriteLine("'F1' : draw rectangle 2D with scanner only"); Console.WriteLine("'F2' : draw rectangle 2D with stage only"); Console.WriteLine("'F3' : draw rectangle 2D with scanner and stage"); Console.WriteLine("'F10' : get status"); Console.WriteLine("'F11' : reset"); Console.WriteLine("'F12' : abort"); Console.WriteLine("'M' : move stage x and y"); Console.WriteLine("'Q' : quit"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("select your target : "); key = Console.ReadKey(false); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Q) { break; } Console.WriteLine(""); switch (key.Key) { case ConsoleKey.S: rtc.CtlSimulationMode(true); break; case ConsoleKey.H: rtc.CtlSimulationMode(false); break; case ConsoleKey.F1: Draw(rtc, laser, MotionType.ScannerOnly); break; case ConsoleKey.F2: Draw(rtc, laser, MotionType.StageOnly); break; case ConsoleKey.F3: //band width 변경 가능 //rtc.CtlBandWidth(2.0f); //멀티헤드 사용시 개별 헤드별 오프셋 처리 가능 //rtc.CtlHeadOffset(ScanDevice.ScanDevice1, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.2f), 5); //rtc.CtlHeadOffset(ScanDevice.ScanDevice2, new Vector2(-0.1f, -0.2f), -5); Draw(rtc, laser, MotionType.StageAndScanner); break; case ConsoleKey.F10: if (rtc.CtlGetStatus(RtcStatus.Busy)) { Console.WriteLine("rtc is busy now ..."); } else { Console.WriteLine("rtc is not busy ..."); } rtc.CtlGetDynamicsConfig(out var dynamics); Console.WriteLine(dynamics.ToString()); rtc.CtlGetTrajectory(out var trajectory); Console.WriteLine(trajectory.ToString()); { rtc.CtlGetScannerPosition(ScanDevice.ScanDevice1, out float x, out float y); Console.WriteLine($"scanner x= {x:F3}, y= {y:F3}"); } { rtc.CtlGetStagePosition(out float x, out float y); Console.WriteLine($"stage x= {x:F3}, y= {y:F3}"); } Console.WriteLine($"band width= {rtc.BandWidth}"); Console.WriteLine($"simulation mode= {rtc.IsSimulationMode} with {rtc.SimulationFileName}"); break; case ConsoleKey.F11: rtc.CtlReset(); break; case ConsoleKey.F12: rtc.CtlAbort(); break; case ConsoleKey.C: PrintJobCharacteristic(rtc); break; case ConsoleKey.M: rtc.StageMoveSpeed = 10; rtc.StageMoveTimeOut = 5; rtc.CtlMove(MotionType.StageOnly, 10, 10); break; } } while (true); }