private void LoadFromReg( ) { if (txSvrIP.Text.Length == 0) { return; } txSvrPort.Text = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11" + "\\" + txSvrIP.Text, "Port", 2221.ToString( )); txUsr.Text = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11" + "\\" + txSvrIP.Text, "Usr", "usr"); //Do not store... txPwd.Text = ""; //WP81 FIX /* * chbFastConn.IsChecked = RscRegistry.ReadBool( HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, * "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11" + "\\" + txSvrIP.Text, * "FastConn", false ); * * chbFastConnEx.IsChecked = RscRegistry.ReadBool( HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, * "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11" + "\\" + txSvrIP.Text, * "FastConnEx", false ); */ }
private void SaveToReg() { RscRegistry.WriteString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11", "LastSvrIP", txSvrIP.Text); RscRegistry.WriteString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11" + "\\" + txSvrIP.Text, "Port", txSvrPort.Text); RscRegistry.WriteString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11" + "\\" + txSvrIP.Text, "Usr", txUsr.Text); //Do not store... //txPwd.Text = ""; //WP81 FIX /* * RscRegistry.WriteBool( HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, * "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11" + "\\" + txSvrIP.Text, * "FastConn", chbFastConn.IsChecked.Value ); * * RscRegistry.WriteBool( HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, * "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11" + "\\" + txSvrIP.Text, * "FastConnEx", chbFastConnEx.IsChecked.Value ); */ }
private double GetVol(bool bSet = false) { int iMuteOn; if (bSet) { iMuteOn = 1; //True... if (vidFull.Volume > 0) { iMuteOn = 0; //False... } RscRegistry.WriteDWORD(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscViewer_MediaV10", "MuteOn", iMuteOn); } else { iMuteOn = RscRegistry.ReadDWORD(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscViewer_MediaV10", "MuteOn", 0); } if (iMuteOn != 0) { m_btnMuteOnOff.Image.Source = m_isMuteOn; return(0); } else { m_btnMuteOnOff.Image.Source = m_isMuteOff; return(1); } }
private void OnOK() { if (m_AppInput != null) { string strRes = txStr.Text; //NoEmpty... if (m_AppInput.GetFlag(1).Length > 0) { strRes = strRes.Trim(); if (strRes.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Value must not be empty!"); return; } } //FileName... if (m_AppInput.GetFlag(1).Length > 0) { strRes = strRes.Trim(); string strChk = "\\/:*?\"<>|"; foreach (char cChk in strChk) { if (strRes.IndexOf(cChk) >= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Value must not contain characters of '" + strChk + "'!"); return; } } } if (m_bUseHistory) { string sPath = "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\" + csClsName + "\\History"; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.CallerAppTitle; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.ID; RscRegistry.WriteString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "LastOk", txStr.Text); m_RegHistory.Add(txStr.Text); m_RegHistory.Flush(); } RscPageArgsRet appOutput = m_AppInput.CreateOutPut(); appOutput.SetFlag(0, "Ok"); appOutput.SetData(0, txStr.Text); appOutput.SetOutput(); } this.NavigationService.GoBack(); }
public RscDlg_FolderInputV10() { InitializeComponent(); m_AppFrame = new RscAppFrame("Ressive.Hu", "Folder Input 1.0", "Images/Ico001_Ressive.jpg" , this, AppTitleBar, AppStatusBar); // /////////////// m_AppFrame.OnNext += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnNext_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnNext); m_AppFrame.OnExit += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnExit_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnExit); m_tmrBrowse = new DispatcherTimer(); m_tmrBrowse.Interval = new TimeSpan(500); m_tmrBrowse.Tick += new System.EventHandler(m_tmrBrowse_Tick); m_AppArgs = new RscPageArgsRetManager(); RscPageArgsRetManager appArgsMgr = new RscPageArgsRetManager(); m_AppInput = appArgsMgr.GetInput(csClsName); if (m_AppInput != null) { m_AppFrame.AppTitle = m_AppInput.CallerAppTitle; m_AppFrame.AppIconRes = m_AppInput.CallerAppIconRes; lbStr.Text = m_AppInput.GetFlag(0); txStr.Text = m_AppInput.GetData(0); if (txStr.Text.Length == 0) { string sPath = "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\" + csClsName + "\\History"; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.CallerAppTitle; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.ID; txStr.Text = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "LastOk", ""); } _LoadHistory(); } }
public RscDlg_FtpHostInputV10() { InitializeComponent(); m_AppFrame = new RscAppFrame("Ressive.Hu", "FTP Host Input 1.0", "Images/Ico001_Ressive.jpg" , this, AppTitleBar, AppStatusBar); // /////////////// m_AppFrame.OnNext += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnNext_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnNext); m_AppFrame.OnExit += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnExit_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnExit); // /////////////// imgIpUpIco.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Inc.jpg"); imgIpDnIco.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Dec.jpg"); txSvrIP.Text = ""; RscPageArgsRetManager appArgsMgr = new RscPageArgsRetManager(); m_AppInput = appArgsMgr.GetInput(csClsName); if (m_AppInput != null) { m_AppFrame.AppTitle = m_AppInput.CallerAppTitle; m_AppFrame.AppIconRes = m_AppInput.CallerAppIconRes; //lbStr.Text = m_AppInput.GetFlag(0); //txSvrIP.Text = m_AppInput.GetData(0); if (txSvrIP.Text.Length == 0) { string sPath = "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\" + csClsName + "\\History"; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.CallerAppTitle; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.ID; txSvrIP.Text = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "LastOk", ""); } _LoadHistory(); } }
public RscDlg_TxtInputV10() { InitializeComponent(); m_AppFrame = new RscAppFrame("Ressive.Hu", "Text Input 1.0", "Images/Ico001_Ressive.jpg" , this, AppTitleBar, AppStatusBar); // /////////////// m_AppFrame.OnNext += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnNext_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnNext); m_AppFrame.OnExit += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnExit_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnExit); RscPageArgsRetManager appArgsMgr = new RscPageArgsRetManager(); m_AppInput = appArgsMgr.GetInput(csClsName); if (m_AppInput != null) { m_AppFrame.AppTitle = m_AppInput.CallerAppTitle; m_AppFrame.AppIconRes = m_AppInput.CallerAppIconRes; lbStr.Text = m_AppInput.GetFlag(0); txStr.Text = m_AppInput.GetData(0); m_bUseHistory = (m_AppInput.GetFlag(3).Length == 0); lbHis.Visibility = Rsc.ConditionalVisibility(m_bUseHistory); scrl.Visibility = Rsc.ConditionalVisibility(m_bUseHistory); if (txStr.Text.Length == 0 && m_bUseHistory) { string sPath = "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\" + csClsName + "\\History"; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.CallerAppTitle; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.ID; txStr.Text = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "LastOk", ""); } _LoadHistory(); } }
private void DoOk(string sCustRes = "") { string sPath = "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\" + csClsName + "\\History"; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.CallerAppTitle; sPath += "\\" + m_AppInput.ID; RscRegistry.WriteString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sPath, "LastOk", txSvrIP.Text); m_RegHistory.Add(txSvrIP.Text); m_RegHistory.Flush(); if (sCustRes.Length == 0) { sCustRes = txSvrIP.Text; } RscPageArgsRet appOutput = m_AppInput.CreateOutPut(); appOutput.SetFlag(0, "Ok"); appOutput.SetData(0, sCustRes); //txSvrIP.Text ); appOutput.SetOutput(); this.NavigationService.GoBack(); }
public RscFtp_ExplorerV11() { InitializeComponent(); m_AppFrame = new RscAppFrame("Ressive.Hu", "FTP Explorer 1.1", "Images/IcoSm001_FtpTest.jpg" , this, AppTitleBar, AppStatusBar); // /////////////// m_AppFrame.OnNext += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnNext_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnNext); // /////////////// imgInput.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Open.jpg"); imgIpUpIco.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Inc.jpg"); imgIpDnIco.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Dec.jpg"); m_txtRemotePath = new TextBoxDenieEdit(true, true, pathPanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); m_txtRemotePath.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray); m_txtRemotePath.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); m_txtRemotePath.FontSize = 16; m_txtRemotePath.MarginOffset = new Thickness(0, 10, 0, 10); m_txtRemotePath.Text = ""; m_txtLastFile = new TextBoxDenieEdit(true, true, lastFilePanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); m_txtLastFile.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray); m_txtLastFile.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); m_txtLastFile.FontSize = 16; m_txtLastFile.MarginOffset = new Thickness(0, 0, 12, 0); m_txtLastFile.Text = ""; m_btnRemoteEnter = new RscIconButton(lastFilePanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 1, 36, 36, Rsc.Visible); m_btnRemoteEnter.Image.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/BtnDrk001_(dir).jpg"); m_btnRemoteEnter.MarginOffset = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0); m_btnRemoteEnter.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(m_btnRemoteEnter_Click); m_btnDownloadMem = new RscIconButton(lastFilePanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 2, 36, 36, Rsc.Visible, 0, 0, "Down\r\nMem"); m_btnDownloadMem.Image.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Empty.jpg"); m_btnDownloadMem.MarginOffset = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0); m_btnDownloadMem.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(m_btnDownloadMem_Click); m_btnDownloadFile = new RscIconButton(lastFilePanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 3, 36, 36, Rsc.Visible, 0, 0, "Down\r\nFile"); m_btnDownloadFile.Image.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Empty.jpg"); m_btnDownloadFile.MarginOffset = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0); m_btnDownloadFile.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(m_btnDownloadFile_Click); m_btnRemoteDel = new RscIconButton(lastFilePanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 4, 36, 36, Rsc.Visible); m_btnRemoteDel.Image.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Delete.jpg"); m_btnRemoteDel.MarginOffset = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0); m_btnRemoteDel.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(m_btnRemoteDel_Click); m_btnRemoteDateTime = new RscIconButton(lastFilePanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 5, 36, 36, Rsc.Visible, 0, 0, "Date\r\nTime"); m_btnRemoteDateTime.Image.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Empty.jpg"); m_btnRemoteDateTime.MarginOffset = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0); m_btnRemoteDateTime.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(m_btnRemoteDateTime_Click); m_btnRemoteList = new RscIconButton(lastFilePanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 6, 36, 36, Rsc.Visible, 0, 0, "List"); m_btnRemoteList.Image.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_Empty.jpg"); m_btnRemoteList.MarginOffset = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0); m_btnRemoteList.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(m_btnRemoteList_Click); btnNop.FontSize = 14; btnNopSup.FontSize = 14; btnMkD.Content = "Mk Cnst Dir"; btnMkD.FontSize = 14; btnPasv.FontSize = 14; btnList.FontSize = 14; btnSendTxt.Content = "Snd Cnst Txt"; btnSendTxt.FontSize = 14; btnSendJpg.Content = "Snd Cnst Jpg"; btnSendJpg.FontSize = 14; btnSendMem.Content = "Snd MEM Fle..."; btnSendMem.FontSize = 14; btnSendFile.Content = "Snd FLE Fle..."; btnSendFile.FontSize = 14; btnAddFolder.Content = "Mk Dir..."; btnAddFolder.FontSize = 14; m_tmrSend = new DispatcherTimer(); m_tmrSend.Interval = new TimeSpan(500); m_tmrSend.Tick += new System.EventHandler(m_tmrSend_Tick); m_AppArgs = new RscPageArgsRetManager(); txSvrIP.Text = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscFtp_ExplorerV11", "LastSvrIP", ""); LoadFromReg(); m_ftpc = new RscFtpClient(); m_ftpc.CommandSocketConnectedAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.CommandSocketConnectedAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_CommandSocketConnectedAsync); m_ftpc.ServerResponseAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.ServerResponseAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_ServerResponseAsync); m_ftpc.CommandSentAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.CommandSentAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_CommandSentAsync); m_ftpc.DataSocketConnectedAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.DataSocketConnectedAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_DataSocketConnectedAsync); m_ftpc.ServerDataReceivedAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.ServerDataReceivedAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_ServerDataReceivedAsync); m_ftpc.ServerDataSentAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.ServerDataSentAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_ServerDataSentAsync); m_ftpc.DataSocketClosingAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.DataSocketClosingAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_DataSocketClosingAsync); m_ftpc.CommandDoneAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.CommandDoneAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_CommandDoneAsync); m_ftpc.LogAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.LogAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_LogAsync); m_ftpc.ProgressAsync += new Ressive.FTP.RscFtpClient.ProgressAsync_EventHandler(m_ftpc_ProgressAsync); m_tmrFolder = new DispatcherTimer(); m_tmrFolder.Interval = new TimeSpan(500); m_tmrFolder.Tick += new System.EventHandler(m_tmrFolder_Tick); m_tmrInput = new DispatcherTimer(); m_tmrInput.Interval = new TimeSpan(500); m_tmrInput.Tick += new System.EventHandler(m_tmrInput_Tick); m_logs.ListBoxAsteriskWidth = 100; lbLogs.ItemsSource = m_logs; lbLogs.SizeChanged += new System.Windows.SizeChangedEventHandler(lbLogs_SizeChanged); this.Loaded += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(RscFtpTestV10_Loaded); this.Unloaded += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(RscFtpTestV10_Unloaded); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { if (m_AppArgs.Waiting) { RscPageArgsRet appOutput = m_AppArgs.GetOutput(); if (appOutput != null) { switch (appOutput.ID) { case "SndFldrPath": if (appOutput.GetFlag(0) == "Ok") { string sFolderIn = appOutput.GetData(0); m_siInPlayer = null; ClearAllSound(); RscStore store = new RscStore(); string[] fles = RscSort.OrderBy(store.GetFileNames(sFolderIn, "*.*")); foreach (string sFle in fles) { string sExt = RscStore.ExtensionOfPath(sFle); // FIX: To support Tube(HD)'s own local storage Video folder // where files are listed without extension!!! bool bInclude = (sExt == ""); string strFileGroup = RscRegFs.GetFileGroupEx(sExt); switch (strFileGroup) { case "Sound.Native": case "Video.Native": { bInclude = true; break; } } if (bInclude) { SoundInfo si = AddSound(sFolderIn + "\\" + sFle); if (m_siInPlayer == null) { m_siInPlayer = si; } } } if (m_siInPlayer != null) { DoPlay(); } RscRegistry.WriteString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscViewer_SoundV11" , "LastOk", sFolderIn); } else { //NOP... } break; } } m_AppArgs.Clear(); } }
private void RscViewer_SoundV10_Loaded(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { m_AppFrame.SetNoSleep(true); if (m_bLoaded) { return; } m_bLoaded = true; m_currentPosition.Tick += new System.EventHandler(m_currentPosition_Tick); RscPageArgsRetManager appArgsMgr = new RscPageArgsRetManager(); appInput = appArgsMgr.GetInput(csPageName); if (appInput != null) { m_AppFrame.AppTitle = appInput.CallerAppTitle; m_AppFrame.AppIconRes = appInput.CallerAppIconRes; int iIndex = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(appInput.GetFlag(0), out iIndex)) { return; } //NOT NEEDED... /* * if( !double.TryParse( appInput.GetFlag(1), out dWidth ) ) return; * if( !double.TryParse( appInput.GetFlag(2), out dHeight ) ) return; */ m_siInPlayer = null; ClearAllSound(); for (int i = 0; i < appInput.DataCount; i++) { SoundInfo si = AddSound(appInput.GetData(i)); if (i == iIndex) { m_siInPlayer = si; } } if (m_siInPlayer != null) { DoPlay(); } //Denie to auto-reload on next start... appArgsMgr.Vipe(); } else { string sLastOk = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Ressive.Hu\\RscViewer_SoundV11" , "LastOk", ""); if (sLastOk.Length > 0) { try { m_siInPlayer = null; //DO NOT!!! //ClearAllSound(); RscStore store = new RscStore(); string[] fles = RscSort.OrderBy(store.GetFileNames(sLastOk, "*.*")); foreach (string sFle in fles) { string sExt = RscStore.ExtensionOfPath(sFle); // FIX: To support Tube(HD)'s own local storage Video folder // where files are listed without extension!!! bool bInclude = (sExt == ""); string strFileGroup = RscRegFs.GetFileGroupEx(sExt); switch (strFileGroup) { case "Sound.Native": case "Video.Native": { bInclude = true; break; } } if (bInclude) { SoundInfo si = AddSound(sLastOk + "\\" + sFle); if (m_siInPlayer == null) { m_siInPlayer = si; } } } //DO NOT!!! /* * if( m_siInPlayer != null ) * { * DoPlay(); * } */ } catch (Exception) { } } } }
public RscFileTypesV10() { InitializeComponent(); m_AppFrame = new RscAppFrame("Ressive.Hu", "File Types 1.0", "Images/IcoSm001_FileTypes.jpg" , this, AppTitleBar, AppStatusBar); // /////////////// m_AppFrame.OnNext += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnNext_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnNext); m_AppFrame.OnExit += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnExit_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnExit); m_AppFrame.OnTimer += new Ressive.FrameWork.RscAppFrame.OnTimer_EventHandler(m_AppFrame_OnTimer); ToolBarPanel.Background = new SolidColorBrush(m_AppFrame.Theme.ThemeColors.ToolBarLightBack); m_btnExpandAll = new RscIconButton(ToolBarPanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 0, 50, 50, Rsc.Visible); m_btnExpandAll.Image.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_TreeExpand.jpg"); m_btnExpandAll.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(m_btnExpandAll_Click); m_btnCollapseAll = new RscIconButton(ToolBarPanel, Grid.ColumnProperty, 1, 50, 50, Rsc.Visible); m_btnCollapseAll.Image.Source = m_AppFrame.Theme.GetImage("Images/Btn001_TreeCollapse.jpg"); m_btnCollapseAll.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(m_btnCollapseAll_Click); m_AppFrame.ShowButtonNext(false); m_aTI = new RscTreeLbItemList(lbTree, m_AppFrame.Theme, "Images/Btn001_TreeExpand.jpg", "Images/Btn001_TreeCollapse.jpg"); ContentPanel.SizeChanged += new System.Windows.SizeChangedEventHandler(ContentPanel_SizeChanged); // // // StringArrayHelper sah = new StringArrayHelper(); string [] asKeys = RscRegistry.GetKeys(HKEY.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ""); for (int i = 0; i < asKeys.Length; i++) { string sExt = asKeys[i]; if (sExt.IndexOf("()") != 0) { continue; } sExt = sExt.Substring(2); if (sExt.Length == 0) { continue; } string sGroup = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "()" + sExt, "Group", ""); if (sGroup.Length == 0) { continue; } sah.Add(sGroup); } for (int i = 0; i < sah.m_a.Count; i++) { TreeLbItem ti = new TreeLbItem(m_aTI, null, "Group", sah.m_a[i]); m_aTI.Add(ti); } // // // }
override public void Expand() { if (ContainerID.Length == 0) { return; } //VERY SLOW!!! //m_aTI.PreRefresh(); PreInserts(); switch (ContainerID) { case "ViewerApp": { string sGroup = Parent.Title; string sValue; TreeLbItem ti; sValue = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Groups\\" + sGroup, "ViewerAppPageName", "<none>"); ti = new TreeLbItem(Holder, this, "", "Page Name", sValue); Insert(ti); sValue = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Groups\\" + sGroup, "ViewerAppAssyName", "<none>"); ti = new TreeLbItem(Holder, this, "", "Assy Name", sValue); Insert(ti); sValue = "No"; if (RscRegistry.ReadBool(HKEY.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Groups\\" + sGroup, "ViewerAppAllowList", false)) { sValue = "Yes"; } ti = new TreeLbItem(Holder, this, "", "Allow List", sValue); Insert(ti); sValue = "No"; if (RscRegistry.ReadBool(HKEY.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Groups\\" + sGroup, "ViewerAppSendContent", false)) { sValue = "Yes"; } ti = new TreeLbItem(Holder, this, "", "Send Content", sValue); Insert(ti); break; } case "Extensions": { StringArrayHelper sah = new StringArrayHelper(); string [] asKeys = RscRegistry.GetKeys(HKEY.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ""); for (int i = 0; i < asKeys.Length; i++) { string sExt = asKeys[i]; if (sExt.IndexOf("()") != 0) { continue; } sExt = sExt.Substring(2); if (sExt.Length == 0) { continue; } string sGroup = RscRegistry.ReadString(HKEY.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "()" + sExt, "Group", ""); if (sGroup.Length == 0) { continue; } if (sGroup.ToUpper().CompareTo(Parent.Title.ToUpper()) != 0) { continue; } sah.Add(sExt); } for (int i = 0; i < sah.m_a.Count; i++) { TreeLbItem ti = new TreeLbItem(Holder, this, "", "", sah.m_a[i]); Insert(ti); } break; } case "Group": { TreeLbItem ti = new TreeLbItem(Holder, this, "Extensions", "File Extension"); Insert(ti); ti = new TreeLbItem(Holder, this, "ViewerApp", "Viewer App"); Insert(ti); break; } } base.Expand(); }