/// <summary>
        /// Takes an exception and serializes the important information and sends it to the recipient connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serialization">Serialization information to use for this response.</param>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception which occurred to send to the recipient session.</param>
        /// <param name="messageReturnId">Id used to reference this call on the recipient session.</param>
        private void SendRpcException(SerializationCache.Serializer serialization, Exception ex, ushort messageReturnId)
            // Reset the length of the stream to clear it.

            // Clear the message writer of any previously stored data.

            // Writer the Rpc call type and the return Id.

            // Get the exception information in a format that we can serialize.
            var exception = new RpcRemoteExceptionDataContract(ex is TargetInvocationException ? ex.InnerException : ex);

            // Serialize the class with a length prefix.
            serialization.SerializeToWriter(exception, 0);

            // Send the message to the recipient connection.
            SendHandlerMessage((byte)RpcCallMessageAction.MethodException, serialization.MessageWriter.ToMessage(true));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates instance of the remote exception class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exception">Exception details which are used to pass along to the base exception.</param>
 public RpcRemoteException(RpcRemoteExceptionDataContract exception) : base(exception.Message)