        public LibraryWindow()

            this._sliderChangedHandler = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<double>(this.RankSlider_ValueChanged);


            this.PuzzleListBox.ItemsSource = Global.Data.Library.Puzzles;

            this.RankSlider.ValueChanged += this._sliderChangedHandler;
        private void LoadSlider(float setvalue, float multiply, Slider slider, RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> valueChanged)
            IsSliderSetting = true;
            var min   = (int)slider.Minimum;
            var max   = (int)slider.Maximum;
            int value = (int)Math.Round(setvalue * multiply);

            if (value < min)
                value = min;
            if (value > max)
                value = max;
            slider.Value    = value;
            IsSliderSetting = false;
        private static void OnCommandChanged(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs dpceArgs)
            string eventName  = GetEvent(dependencyObject);
            var    clickEvent = dependencyObject.GetType().GetEvents().FirstOrDefault(eventInfo => eventInfo.Name.Equals(eventName));

            if (clickEvent != null)
                string   parameter = dependencyObject.GetValue(_commandProperty).ToString();
                ICommand command   = (ICommand)dpceArgs.NewValue;

                bool useParameter = GetUseParameter(dependencyObject);

                if (clickEvent.EventHandlerType.Equals(typeof(RoutedEventHandler)) == true)
                    RoutedEventHandler handler = null;

                    if (useParameter == false)
                        handler = delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs arg) { command.Execute(parameter); };
                        handler = delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs arg) { command.Execute(arg); };

                    clickEvent.AddEventHandler((object)dependencyObject, handler);
                else if (clickEvent.EventHandlerType.Equals(typeof(RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double>)) == true)
                    RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> handler = null;

                    if (useParameter == false)
                        handler = delegate(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double> arg) { command.Execute(parameter); };
                        handler = delegate(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double> arg) { command.Execute(arg); };

                    clickEvent.AddEventHandler((object)dependencyObject, handler);
        public void ExpectEventHandlers()
            var c = new Canvas();

            bool eventWasRaised;
            RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <bool> handler = (s, e) =>
                Assert.AreSame(c, s);
                eventWasRaised = true;

            c.AddHandler(GridSnap.IsEnabledChangedEvent, handler);

                eventWasRaised = false;
                GridSnap.SetIsEnabled(c, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the IsOpenChanged event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments associated with the IsOpenChanged event.</param>
        protected virtual void OnIsOpenChanged(RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <bool> args)
            if (args.NewValue && this._container == null)
                if (KeysOpened == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException();
                _insertStart = this.AssociatedObject.CaretPosition;
                // IMPORTANT: This is needed for when the rightclick menue is used:
                // Because the TextPointer remembers the position by selecting a character and then if the insert-postion was before or after the character we need to be carefull.
                // Example: text is "12"
                // I want to select between 1 and 2 but that can have two outcomes
                // If i click to the left side (more on the 1) then i get the TextPointer with properties 1 and formward-direction
                // If i click to the right side (more on the 2) then i get the TextPointer with properties 2 and backward-direction
                // The problem is then when we get a TextPointer with properties 2 and backward because now when new charachters are typed it will move with the new text and when a TextRange is created with that it will always be empty
                if (_insertStart.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward)
                    _insertStart = this.AssociatedObject.CaretPosition.GetPositionAtOffset(-1);
                _insertEnd = this.AssociatedObject.CaretPosition;

            if (!args.NewValue)
                this._container.IsOpen = false;
                this._container        = null;
            RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <bool> handler = IsOpenChanged;

            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, args);
            RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <bool> previewHandler = PreviewIsOpenChanged;

            if (previewHandler != null)
                previewHandler(this, args);
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the value of the OffsetRatioProperty property changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oldValue">The value to be replaced.</param>
 /// <param name="newValue">The new value.</param>
 private void OnOffsetRatioPropertyChanged(double oldValue, double newValue)
     if (ValueHelper.CanGraph(newValue))
         RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> handler = this.OffsetRatioChanged;
         if (handler != null)
             handler(this, new RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double>(oldValue, newValue));
         if (this.State == DataPointState.Created)
             ActualOffsetRatio = newValue;
         this.OffsetRatio = 0.0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the value of the ActualRatioProperty property changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldValue">The value to be replaced.</param>
        /// <param name="newValue">The new value.</param>
        private void OnActualRatioPropertyChanged(double oldValue, double newValue)
            if (ValueHelper.CanGraph(newValue))
                RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> handler = this.ActualRatioChanged;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(this, new RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double>(oldValue, newValue));
                this.ActualRatio = 0.0;

            if (DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this))
                PieSeries.UpdatePieDataPointGeometry(this, ActualWidth, ActualHeight);
 public MainWindowModelView()
     this.Messages = new ObservableCollection <string>();
     SPDataModel   = null;
     this.ImportDataModel        = new ImportDataModelCommandImplementation(this);
     this.SaveDataModel          = new SaveSPDataModelCommand(this);
     this.SaveSQLScript          = new SaveSQLScriptCommand(this);
     this.SaveDropTableSQLScript = new SaveDropTableSQLScriptCommand(this);
     //event handlers
     TreeViewExpanded            = new RoutedEventHandler(TreeViewExpandedHandler);
     TreeViewSelectedItemChanged = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <Object>(TreeViewSelectedItemChangedHandler);
     //Get default values from the Properties.Settings
     b_URL          = Properties.Settings.Default.URL;
     b_InludeHidden = Properties.Settings.Default.InludeHidden;
     b_GroupName    = Properties.Settings.Default.GroupName;
     b_DatabaseName = Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseName;
     b_FileName     = Properties.Settings.Default.FileName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the value of the RatioProperty property changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldValue">The value to be replaced.</param>
        /// <param name="newValue">The new value.</param>
        private void OnRatioPropertyChanged(double oldValue, double newValue)
            if (ValueHelper.CanGraph(newValue))
                SetFormattedProperty(FormattedRatioProperty, RatioStringFormat, newValue);
                RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> handler = this.RatioChanged;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(this, new RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double>(oldValue, newValue));

                if (this.State == DataPointState.Created)
                    ActualRatio = newValue;
                this.Ratio = 0.0;
        public override void attachEventHandler(string name, Action <string> action)
            FrameworkElement element = getElementByName(name);

            switch (element.GetType().ToString())
            case "System.Windows.Controls.TextBox":
                TextChangedEventHandler eventHandler = (a, b) => { action(name); };
                ((TextBox)element).TextChanged += eventHandler;

            case "System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox":
                RoutedEventHandler eventHandler2 = (a, b) => { action(name); };
                ((CheckBox)element).Checked   += eventHandler2;
                ((CheckBox)element).Unchecked += eventHandler2;

            case "System.Windows.Controls.Slider":
                RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> eventHandler3 = (a, b) => { action(name); };
                ((Slider)element).ValueChanged += eventHandler3;

            case "System.Windows.Controls.RadioButton":
                RoutedEventHandler eventHandler4 = (a, b) => { action(name); };
                ((RadioButton)element).Checked   += eventHandler4;
                ((RadioButton)element).Unchecked += eventHandler4;

            case "System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem":
            case "System.Windows.Controls.ComboBoxItem":
                RoutedEventHandler eventHandler5 = (a, b) => { action(name); };
                ((ListBoxItem)element).Selected   += eventHandler5;
                ((ListBoxItem)element).Unselected += eventHandler5;

                throw new Exception("attachEventHandler not supported for " + element.GetType().ToString());
        /*------------ Generate Color Picker For Each Department ------------*/
        public static void GenerateColorPicker(Grid grid, string name, byte[] color, RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <Color?> Color_Changed)
            int rowIndex = grid.RowDefinitions.Count;

            // Add Row For Each Program
            RowDefinition gridRow = new RowDefinition();

            gridRow.Height = new GridLength(40);

            // Generate And Display Label Of Each Department
            Label departmentName = new Label();

            departmentName.Content                    = name;
            departmentName.Height                     = 30;
            departmentName.FontSize                   = 14;
            departmentName.BorderBrush                = Brushes.Black;
            departmentName.BorderThickness            = new Thickness(0.3);
            departmentName.FontWeight                 = FontWeights.DemiBold;
            departmentName.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            departmentName.VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            departmentName.HorizontalAlignment        = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
            departmentName.VerticalAlignment          = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            Grid.SetColumn(departmentName, 0);
            Grid.SetRow(departmentName, rowIndex);

            // Generate And Display ColorPicker Of Each Department
            ColorPicker colorPicker = new ColorPicker();

            colorPicker.SelectedColor       = Color.FromRgb(color[0], color[1], color[2]);
            colorPicker.Height              = 30;
            colorPicker.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
            colorPicker.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            Grid.SetColumn(colorPicker, 1);
            Grid.SetRow(colorPicker, rowIndex);
            colorPicker.SelectedColorChanged += Color_Changed;
        internal virtual void OnValueChanged(double oldValue, double newValue)
            if (newValue.Equals(oldValue))
            if (newValue > this.Maximum)
                this.Value = this.Maximum;

            if (newValue < this.Minimum)
                this.Value = this.Minimum;

            RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> routedPropertyChangedEventHandler = this.ValueChanged;

            if (routedPropertyChangedEventHandler != null)
                routedPropertyChangedEventHandler(this, new RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double>(oldValue, newValue));
		protected override void CreatePotenzielleZiele(Schiffsposition von, object argument, Action<Schiffsposition> enable)
			_Angle = von.OrientationAngle;
			_Position = von.Position.AsVector();

			_Gradeaus = _Angle.AsVector();
			_Links = (_Angle - 90).AsVector();
			_Rechts = (_Angle + 90).AsVector();

			enable(_Links3 = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Gradeaus * 240) + (_Links * 240),
				orientation: _Angle - 180,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "3"));

			enable(_Rechts3 = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Gradeaus * 240) + (_Rechts * 240),
				orientation: _Angle + 180,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "3"));

			_Fluglinien.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 43,0 A 196,196 0 0 0 -154,-197") });
			_Fluglinien.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 43,0 A 196,196 0 0 1 240,-197") });
			_Fluglinien.ForEach(fl => von.Canvas.Children.Add(fl));

			von.ViewModel.Slider1Visible = true;
			von.Slider1.Value = 0;
			von.Slider1.ValueChanged += slider1ValueChanged = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<double>((object o, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e) =>
				var targetSlide = e.NewValue * 2.2;

				_Links3.PositionAt(_Position + (_Gradeaus * 240) + (_Links * 240) + (_Gradeaus * targetSlide));
				_Rechts3.PositionAt(_Position + (_Gradeaus * 240) + (_Rechts * 240) + (_Gradeaus * targetSlide * -1));
        private void SetSliderValues(
            Slider slider,
            RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> handler,
            double value,
            if (slider != null)
                slider.ValueChanged -= handler;

                slider.Value = value;
                if (minimum != null)
                    slider.Minimum = minimum.Value;
                if (maximum != null)
                    slider.Maximum = maximum.Value;

                slider.ValueChanged += handler;
        public UiEncodingLabeledNumber(string label, int width, int minValue, int maxValue, RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<object> onValueChanged)
            _onValueChanged = onValueChanged;

            ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() {Width = GridLength.Auto});
            ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());

            Margin = new Thickness(5);

            UiTextBlock labelControl = UiTextBlockFactory.Create(label);
                labelControl.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 2, 5);
                labelControl.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                AddUiElement(labelControl, 0, 0);

            NumberControl = UiIntegerUpDownFactory.Create(minValue, maxValue);
                NumberControl.Width = width;
                NumberControl.Margin = new Thickness(2, 5, 5, 5);
                NumberControl.ValueChanged += OnValueChanged;
                AddUiElement(NumberControl, 0, 1);
 public static void RemovePageFilterChangedHandler(FrameworkElement dobj, RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <Page> handler)
 => dobj.RemoveHandler(PageFilterChangedEvent, handler);
		protected override void CreatePotenzielleZiele(Schiffsposition von, object argument, Action<Schiffsposition> enable)
			_Angle = von.OrientationAngle;
			_Position = von.Position.AsVector();

			_Gradeaus = _Angle.AsVector();
			_Nachhinten = (_Angle + 180).AsVector();
			_Links = (_Angle - 90).AsVector();
			_Rechts = (_Angle + 90).AsVector();

			enable(_Links1 = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Links * 172),
				orientation: _Angle,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "1"));

			enable(_Links1SchrägVorwärtz = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Links * 202) + (_Gradeaus * 82),
				orientation: _Angle + 45,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "1"));

			enable(_Links1SchrägRückwärtz = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Links * 202) + (_Nachhinten * 82),
				orientation: _Angle - 45,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "1"));

			enable(_Links2 = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Links * 259),
				orientation: _Angle,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "2"));

			enable(_Links2SchrägVorwärtz = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Links * 275) + (_Gradeaus * 119),
				orientation: _Angle + 45,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "2"));

			enable(_Links2SchrägRückwärtz = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Links * 275) + (_Nachhinten * 119),
				orientation: _Angle - 45,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "2"));

			enable(_Rechts1 = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Rechts * 172),
				orientation: _Angle,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "1"));

			enable(_Rechts1SchrägVorwärtz = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Rechts * 202) + (_Gradeaus * 82),
				orientation: _Angle - 45,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "1"));

			enable(_Rechts1SchrägRückwärtz = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Rechts * 202) + (_Nachhinten * 82),
				orientation: _Angle + 45,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "1"));

			enable(_Rechts2 = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Rechts * 259),
				orientation: _Angle,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "2"));

			enable(_Rechts2SchrägVorwärtz = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Rechts * 275) + (_Gradeaus * 119),
				orientation: _Angle - 45,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "2"));

			enable(_Rechts2SchrägRückwärtz = SchiffspositionFabrik.Neu(
				position: _Position + (_Rechts * 275) + (_Nachhinten * 119),
				orientation: _Angle + 45,
				color: von.ViewModel.Color, opacity: 0.4, label: "2"));

			_FluglinienLinks.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 0,43 L -172,43") });
			_FluglinienLinks.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 0,43 A 168,168 0 0 1 -131,-6") });
			_FluglinienLinks.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 0,43 A 168,168 0 0 0 -131,92") });
			_FluglinienLinks.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 0,43 A 300,300 0 0 1 -201,-46") });
			_FluglinienLinks.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 0,43 A 300,300 0 0 0 -201,132") });
			_FluglinienLinks.ForEach(fl => von.Canvas.Children.Add(fl));

			_FluglinienRechts.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 86,43 L 258,43") });
			_FluglinienRechts.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 86,43 A 168,168 0 0 0 217,-6") });
			_FluglinienRechts.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 86,43 A 168,168 0 0 1 217,92") });
			_FluglinienRechts.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 86,43 A 300,300 0 0 0 287,-46") });
			_FluglinienRechts.Add(new Path { Opacity = 0.2, Stroke = Brushes.White, StrokeThickness = 43, Data = Geometry.Parse("M 86,43 A 300,300 0 0 1 287,132") });
			_FluglinienRechts.ForEach(fl => von.Canvas.Children.Add(fl));

			von.ViewModel.Slider1Visible = true;
			von.Slider1.Value = 0;
			von.Slider1.ValueChanged += slider1ValueChanged = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<double>((object o, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e) =>
				Slide(von.Slider1.Value, von.Slider2.Value);

			von.ViewModel.Slider2Visible = true;
			von.Slider2.Value = 0;
			von.Slider2.ValueChanged += slider2ValueChanged = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<double>((object o, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e) =>
				Slide(von.Slider1.Value, von.Slider2.Value);
    void Fun()
        var del = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> (Test);

        del(null, null);
 public ExtendedTreeView() : base()
     SelectedItemChanged += new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <object>(___ICH);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to bind the controls in the given collection to their associated project properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controls">The control collection from which to get the bound controls.  WPF controls and
        /// their children in an <see cref="ElementHost"/> are bound if they declare a property name using the
        /// <see cref="P:SandcastleBuilder.WPF.PropertyPages.PropertyPageBinding.ProjectPropertyName"/> attached
        /// property.</param>
        protected void BindProperties(System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlCollection controls)
            Type         t;
            PropertyInfo pi;
            string       typeName, boundProperty;

                this.IsBinding = true;

                foreach (var control in controls.OfType <ElementHost>().Select(h => (FrameworkElement)h.Child))
                    foreach (var c in control.AllChildElements().Where(c =>
                        t             = c.GetType();
                        typeName      = t.FullName;
                        boundProperty = PropertyPageBinding.GetProjectPropertyName(c);

                        // Check for custom types first
                        if (customControls.ContainsKey(typeName))
                            // Find and connect the Changed event for the named property if one exists
                            var changedEvent = t.GetEvents().Where(ev =>
                                                                   ev.Name == customControls[typeName] + "Changed").FirstOrDefault();

                            if (changedEvent != null)
                                Delegate h;

                                if (changedEvent.EventHandlerType == typeof(RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <object>))
                                    h = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <object>(OnWpfPropertyChanged);
                                    h = new EventHandler(OnPropertyChanged);

                                changedEvent.RemoveEventHandler(c, h);
                                changedEvent.AddEventHandler(c, h);

                            pi = t.GetProperty(customControls[typeName], BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                        else if (c is Label)
                            Label l = (Label)c;

                            // No change event for this one but we probably don't need it

                            pi = t.GetProperty("Content", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                        else if (c is TextBoxBase)
                            TextBoxBase tb = (TextBoxBase)c;

                            tb.TextChanged -= OnPropertyChanged;
                            tb.TextChanged += OnPropertyChanged;

                            pi = t.GetProperty("Text", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                        else if (c is Selector)
                            Selector sel = (Selector)c;
                            sel.SelectionChanged -= OnPropertyChanged;
                            sel.SelectionChanged += OnPropertyChanged;

                            pi = t.GetProperty("SelectedValue", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                        else if (c is CheckBox)
                            CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)c;

                            cb.Click -= OnPropertyChanged;
                            cb.Click += OnPropertyChanged;

                            pi = t.GetProperty("IsChecked", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                            pi = null;

                        // Give the user a chance to handle the control in a custom fashion.  If not handled and
                        // we couldn't figure out what to use, ignore it.
                        if (!this.BindControlValue(boundProperty) && pi != null)
                            this.Bind(c, pi, boundProperty);
                this.IsBinding = false;
      private void SetSliderValues(
        Slider slider,
        RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<double> handler,
        double value,
        double? minimum,
        double? maximum )
        if( slider != null )
          slider.ValueChanged -= handler;

          slider.Value = value;
          if( minimum != null )
            slider.Minimum = minimum.Value;
          if( maximum != null )
            slider.Maximum = maximum.Value;

          slider.ValueChanged += handler;
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the reorder completed handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
 /// <param name="handler">The handler.</param>
 public static void RemoveReorderCompletedHandler(FrameworkElement element,
                                                  RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <int> handler)
     element.RemoveHandler(ReorderCompletedEvent, handler);
 public static void RemoveNotificationsChangedHandler(FrameworkElement dobj, RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <ObservableCollection <Notification> > handler)
 => dobj.RemoveHandler(NotificationsChangedEvent, handler);
        /* --------------------- Method For Adding Programs To An Existing Department --------------------- */
        public static void AddProgram(Grid ppt, int count, int start, Expander department,
                                      Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, float> > functions, SelectionChangedEventHandler ComboBox_SelectionChanged,
                                      RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> Slider_ValueChanged)
            char[] alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray();

            for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++)
                //Dynamically adding Rows to the Grid
                RowDefinition rowDef = new RowDefinition();
                rowDef.Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);

                // Defining Dock panels for the properties of the Department Programs
                DockPanel p = new DockPanel();
                p.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                DockPanel k = new DockPanel();
                //k.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                k.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                k.Name = "keys";
                DockPanel r = new DockPanel();
                r.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;

                // Programs
                Label programLabel = new Label();
                programLabel.Name = department.Name + "Label" + (i).ToString();
                programLabel.HorizontalAlignment        = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                programLabel.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                programLabel.Margin = new Thickness(2, 5, 2, 0);
                programLabel.Width  = 25;

                if (i < alphabet.Length)
                    programLabel.Content = alphabet[i];
                    programLabel.Content = (i - alphabet.Length).ToString();
                ComboBox program = new ComboBox();
                program.Name = department.Name + "ComboBox" + (i).ToString();
                foreach (string functionName in functions.Keys)
                    if (functions[functionName]["DGSFMax"] != 0 && functions[functionName]["keyMax"] != 0)
                        ComboBoxItem item = new ComboBoxItem();
                        item.Content = functionName;
                program.SelectedIndex       = 0;
                program.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                program.Margin            = new Thickness(0, 5, 2, 0);
                program.SelectionChanged += ComboBox_SelectionChanged;


                Grid.SetColumn(p, 0);
                Grid.SetRow(p, i);

                // First Item Of The ComboBox
                ComboBoxItem firstItem = program.Items[0] as ComboBoxItem;

                // Keys
                Label keyLabel = new Label();
                keyLabel.Content = "Rooms";
                Slider keyRooms = new Slider();
                keyRooms.Name                 = department.Name + "Rooms" + (i).ToString();
                keyRooms.Minimum              = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["keyMin"];
                keyRooms.Value                = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["keyVal"];
                keyRooms.Maximum              = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["keyMax"];
                keyRooms.TickFrequency        = 1;
                keyRooms.IsSnapToTickEnabled  = true;
                keyRooms.TickPlacement        = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.TickPlacement.BottomRight;
                keyRooms.AutoToolTipPlacement = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.AutoToolTipPlacement.TopLeft;
                keyRooms.Margin               = new Thickness(0, 5, 0, 0);
                keyRooms.ValueChanged        += Slider_ValueChanged;


                Grid.SetColumn(k, 1);
                Grid.SetRow(k, i);

                // DGSF
                Label DGSFLabel = new Label();
                DGSFLabel.Content = "DGSF";
                Slider DGSF = new Slider();
                DGSF.Name                 = department.Name + "DGSF" + (i).ToString();
                DGSF.Minimum              = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["DGSFMin"];
                DGSF.Value                = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["DGSFVal"];
                DGSF.Maximum              = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["DGSFMax"];
                DGSF.TickFrequency        = 10;
                DGSF.IsSnapToTickEnabled  = true;
                DGSF.TickPlacement        = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.TickPlacement.BottomRight;
                DGSF.AutoToolTipPlacement = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.AutoToolTipPlacement.TopLeft;
                DGSF.Margin               = new Thickness(0, 5, 0, 0);
                DGSF.ValueChanged        += Slider_ValueChanged;

                Grid.SetColumn(r, 2);
                Grid.SetRow(r, i);
        /* ------------------------ Method For Generating Elements Inisde Each Department's Expander ------------------------ */
        public static void departmentExpanderGenerator(Expander department, int numberOfProgramsInput,
                                                       Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, float> > functions,
                                                       RoutedEventHandler Button_Clicked, SelectionChangedEventHandler ComboBox_SelectionChanged,
                                                       RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <double> Slider_ValueChanged, KeyEventHandler OnKeyUpHandler)
            // The Main Container of the Expander
            StackPanel expanderWrapper = new StackPanel();

            expanderWrapper.Name       = department.Name + "Wrapper";
            expanderWrapper.Background = Brushes.White;

            // Column Definition for Grids
            ColumnDefinition c0 = new ColumnDefinition();
            ColumnDefinition c1 = new ColumnDefinition();
            ColumnDefinition c2 = new ColumnDefinition();

            /*--- The Grid for setting up the name of the department input---*/
            Grid departmentName = new Grid();

            departmentName.Margin = new Thickness(2, 5, 2, 0);

            c0.Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto);
            c1.Width = new GridLength(2, GridUnitType.Star);
            c2.Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);


            // Label of "Name of the Department"
            TextBlock name = new TextBlock();

            name.Text   = "Name of Department";
            name.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 2, 0);

            // TextBox for getting the Department's Name
            TextBox nameInput = new TextBox();

            nameInput.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
            nameInput.Name    = department.Name + "NameInputTextBox";
            nameInput.Padding = new Thickness(2);
            nameInput.KeyUp  += OnKeyUpHandler;

            // Button for setting the Departments Name
            Button setName = new Button();

            setName.Content = "SET";
            setName.Name    = nameInput.Name + "Button";
            setName.Click  += Button_Clicked;

            Grid.SetColumn(name, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(nameInput, 1);
            Grid.SetColumn(setName, 2);


            /*--- The Grid for setting up the Number of Programs input ---*/
            Grid numOfPrograms = new Grid();

            numOfPrograms.Margin = new Thickness(2, 5, 2, 15);

            c0       = new ColumnDefinition();
            c1       = new ColumnDefinition();
            c2       = new ColumnDefinition();
            c0.Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto);
            c1.Width = new GridLength(2, GridUnitType.Star);
            c2.Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);


            // Label of "Number Of The Programs"
            TextBlock number = new TextBlock();

            number.Text   = "Number of Programs";
            number.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 2, 0);

            // TextBox for getting the Department's Number Of Programs
            TextBox numberInput = new TextBox();

            numberInput.Text = numberOfProgramsInput.ToString();
            numberInput.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
            numberInput.Name    = department.Name + "NumberInputTextBox";
            numberInput.Padding = new Thickness(2);
            numberInput.KeyUp  += OnKeyUpHandler;

            // Button for setting the Departments Name
            Button setNumber = new Button();

            setNumber.Content = "SET";
            setNumber.Name    = numberInput.Name + "Button";
            setNumber.Click  += Button_Clicked;

            Grid.SetColumn(number, 0);
            Grid.SetColumn(numberInput, 1);
            Grid.SetColumn(setNumber, 2);


            /*--- Adding the programs properties ---*/
            Grid programs = new Grid();

            programs.Name = department.Name + "Programs";

            c0       = new ColumnDefinition();
            c1       = new ColumnDefinition();
            c2       = new ColumnDefinition();
            c0.Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);
            c1.Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);
            c2.Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);


            char[] alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfProgramsInput; i++)
                //Dynamically adding Rows to the Grid
                RowDefinition rowDef = new RowDefinition();
                rowDef.Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);

                // Defining Dock panels for the properties of the Department Programs
                DockPanel p = new DockPanel();
                p.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                DockPanel k = new DockPanel();
                //k.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                k.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                k.Name = "keys";
                DockPanel r = new DockPanel();
                r.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;

                // Programs
                Label programLabel = new Label();
                programLabel.Name                       = department.Name + "Label" + i.ToString();
                programLabel.Content                    = alphabet[i];
                programLabel.HorizontalAlignment        = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                programLabel.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                programLabel.Margin                     = new Thickness(2, 5, 2, 0);
                programLabel.Width                      = 25;

                ComboBox program = new ComboBox();
                program.Name = department.Name + "ComboBox" + i.ToString();
                foreach (string functionName in functions.Keys)
                    if (functions[functionName]["DGSFMax"] != 0 && functions[functionName]["keyMax"] != 0)
                        ComboBoxItem item = new ComboBoxItem();
                        item.Content = functionName;
                program.SelectedIndex       = 0;
                program.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                program.Margin            = new Thickness(0, 5, 2, 0);
                program.SelectionChanged += ComboBox_SelectionChanged;


                Grid.SetColumn(p, 0);
                Grid.SetRow(p, i);

                // First Item Of The ComboBox
                ComboBoxItem firstItem = program.Items[0] as ComboBoxItem;

                // Keys
                Label keyLabel = new Label();
                keyLabel.Content = "Rooms";
                Slider keyRooms = new Slider();
                keyRooms.Name                 = department.Name + "Rooms" + i.ToString();
                keyRooms.Minimum              = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["keyMin"];
                keyRooms.Value                = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["keyVal"];
                keyRooms.Maximum              = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["keyMax"];
                keyRooms.TickFrequency        = 1;
                keyRooms.IsSnapToTickEnabled  = true;
                keyRooms.TickPlacement        = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.TickPlacement.BottomRight;
                keyRooms.AutoToolTipPlacement = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.AutoToolTipPlacement.TopLeft;
                keyRooms.Margin               = new Thickness(0, 5, 0, 0);
                keyRooms.ValueChanged        += Slider_ValueChanged;


                Grid.SetColumn(k, 1);
                Grid.SetRow(k, i);

                // DGSF
                Label DGSFLabel = new Label();
                DGSFLabel.Content = "DGSF";
                Slider DGSF = new Slider();
                DGSF.Name                 = department.Name + "DGSF" + i.ToString();
                DGSF.Minimum              = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["DGSFMin"];
                DGSF.Value                = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["DGSFVal"];
                DGSF.Maximum              = functions[firstItem.Content.ToString()]["DGSFMax"];
                DGSF.TickFrequency        = 10;
                DGSF.IsSnapToTickEnabled  = true;
                DGSF.TickPlacement        = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.TickPlacement.BottomRight;
                DGSF.AutoToolTipPlacement = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.AutoToolTipPlacement.TopLeft;
                DGSF.Margin               = new Thickness(0, 5, 0, 0);
                DGSF.ValueChanged        += Slider_ValueChanged;

                Grid.SetColumn(r, 2);
                Grid.SetRow(r, i);

            department.Content = expanderWrapper;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the value of the State property changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldValue">The value to be replaced.</param>
        /// <param name="newValue">The new value.</param>
        protected virtual void OnStatePropertyChanged(DataPointState oldValue, DataPointState newValue)
            if (!IsCoercingState)
                // If state ever goes to or past PendingRemoval, the DataPoint is no longer active
                if (DataPointState.PendingRemoval <= newValue)
                    IsActive = false;

                if (newValue < oldValue)
                    // If we've somehow gone backwards in the life cycle (other
                    // than when we go back to normal from updating) coerce to
                    // old value.
                    IsCoercingState = true;
                    this.State      = oldValue;
                    IsCoercingState = false;
                    // Update selection
                    if (newValue > DataPointState.Normal)
                        this.IsSelectionEnabled = false;

                    // Start state transition
                    bool transitionStarted = false;
                    switch (newValue)
                    case DataPointState.Showing:
                    case DataPointState.Hiding:
                        transitionStarted = GoToCurrentRevealState();

                    // Fire Changed event
                    RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <DataPointState> handler = this.StateChanged;
                    if (handler != null)
                        handler(this, new RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <DataPointState>(oldValue, newValue));

                    // Change state if no transition started
                    if (!transitionStarted && _templateApplied)
                        switch (newValue)
                        case DataPointState.Showing:
                            State = DataPointState.Normal;

                        case DataPointState.Hiding:
                            State = DataPointState.Hidden;
 public MultiSelectTreeView()
     SelectedItemChanged += new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <object>(MultiSelectTreeView_SelectedItemChanged);
 public MultiSelectTreeView()
     SelectedItemChanged += new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<object>(MultiSelectTreeView_SelectedItemChanged);
        /// <summary>Invokes event handlers in a type-specific way, which can increase event system efficiency.</summary>
        /// <param name="genericHandler">The generic handler to call in a type-specific way.</param>
        /// <param name="genericTarget">The target to call the handler on.</param>
        // Token: 0x0600088E RID: 2190 RVA: 0x0001BD18 File Offset: 0x00019F18
        protected override void InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, object genericTarget)
            RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <T> routedPropertyChangedEventHandler = (RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <T>)genericHandler;

            routedPropertyChangedEventHandler(genericTarget, this);
        public UiEncodingLabeledNumber(string label, int width, int minValue, int maxValue, RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <object> onValueChanged)
            _onValueChanged = onValueChanged;

            ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition()
                Width = GridLength.Auto
            ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());

            Margin = new Thickness(5);

            UiTextBlock labelControl = UiTextBlockFactory.Create(label);

                labelControl.Margin            = new Thickness(5, 5, 2, 5);
                labelControl.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                AddUiElement(labelControl, 0, 0);

            NumberControl = UiIntegerUpDownFactory.Create(minValue, maxValue);
                NumberControl.Width         = width;
                NumberControl.Margin        = new Thickness(2, 5, 5, 5);
                NumberControl.ValueChanged += OnValueChanged;
                AddUiElement(NumberControl, 0, 1);
 public static void RemoveWindowRectChangedHandler(MdiWindow window, RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<Rect> handler)
     window.RemoveHandler(WindowRectChangedEvent, handler);
 public ExtendedTreeView()
     : base()
     SelectedItemChanged += new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<object>(___ICH);
 public static void RemoveWindowRectChangedHandler(MdiWindow window,
                                                   RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler <Rect> handler)
     window.RemoveHandler(WindowRectChangedEvent, handler);
 public BindableScrollBar()
     scrollBarValueChangedHandler     = OnScrollBarValueChanged;
     scrollViewerScrollChangedHandler = OnScrollViewerScrollChanged;
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the reorder completed handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element">The element.</param>
 /// <param name="handler">The handler.</param>
 public static void RemoveReorderCompletedHandler(FrameworkElement element,
                                                  RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<int> handler)
     element.RemoveHandler(ReorderCompletedEvent, handler);