public virtual void GatherInputsFromCurrent() { this.tileset = this.tilesetRecord.Tileset; this.inputAtlasTexture = this.tileset.AtlasTexture; this.inputTileWidth = this.tileset.TileWidth; this.inputTileHeight = this.tileset.TileHeight; this.inputBorderSize = this.tileset.BorderSize; this.inputDelta = this.tileset.Delta; if (this.inputBorderSize == 0 && this.inputDelta == 0f) { this.inputEdgeCorrectionPreset = EdgeCorrectionPreset.DoNothing; } else if (this.inputBorderSize == 0 && this.inputDelta == 0.5f) { this.inputEdgeCorrectionPreset = EdgeCorrectionPreset.InsetUVs; } else { this.inputEdgeCorrectionPreset = EdgeCorrectionPreset.Custom; } this.inputProcedural = this.tileset.procedural; RotorzEditorGUI.ClearControlFocus(); }
internal static void DeleteBrush(Brush brush, bool selectParentTileset) { var brushRecord = BrushDatabase.Instance.FindRecord(brush); if (brushRecord == null) { return; } RotorzEditorGUI.ClearControlFocus(); if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( TileLang.ParticularText("Action", "Delete Brush"), string.Format( /* 0: name of brush */ TileLang.Text("Deleting a brush that has been previously used in a tile system may cause damage to that tile system.\n\n'{0}'\n\nDo you really want to delete this brush?"), brushRecord.DisplayName ), TileLang.ParticularText("Action", "Yes"), TileLang.ParticularText("Action", "No") )) { // Determine whether tileset should be selected in designer. var designerWindow = RotorzWindow.GetInstance <DesignerWindow>(); if (designerWindow != null && ReferenceEquals(brushRecord.Brush, designerWindow.SelectedObject)) { designerWindow.SelectedObject = selectParentTileset && brushRecord.Brush is TilesetBrush ? (brushRecord.Brush as TilesetBrush).Tileset : null; } BrushUtility.DeleteBrush(brushRecord.Brush); } }