    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        _timer += Time.deltaTime;

        if (_state == 0)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Start");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state = 9;
                _timer = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

             * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
             * {
             *      _state = 110;
             *      _timer = 0f;
             *      _done_state = true;
             * }

        if (_state == 9)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Establishing...");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f)
                _state      = 10;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 10)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Decode Signal 1");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            bool result = _signal[0].GetComponent <Signal>()._isWin;

            if (result)
                _state = 20;
                _timer = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 20)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Video from daughter");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state = 31;
                _timer = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 30)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  First attack");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_timer > 15f && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state      = 31;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 31)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  First attack A");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_root.StateIsDone())
                _state = 32;
                _timer = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 32)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  First attack B");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;
                _alienAttackManager._enable = true;
            if (_alienAttackManager._firstWin)
                _state      = 33;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 33)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  First attack C");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_root.StateIsDone())
                _state      = 38;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 38)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Show ship status");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state = 39;
                _timer = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 39)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Establishing...");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f)
                _state      = 40;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 40)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Decode signal 2");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            bool result = _signal[1].GetComponent <Signal>()._isWin;

            _alienAttackManager._enable = true;

            if (result)
                _alienAttackManager._enable = false;

                _state = 50;
                _timer = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 50)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Video from command 1");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state = 60;
                _timer = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 60)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Place coordinates");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            bool result = _coordinate.GetComponent <Coodinate> ()._isWin;

            if (result && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state      = 70;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 70)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Update map");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_timer >= 1f && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state      = 79;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 79)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Establishing...");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f)
                _state      = 80;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 80)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Decode signal 3");

            bool result = _signal[2].GetComponent <Signal>()._isWin;

            _alienAttackManager._enable = true;

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (result)
                _alienAttackManager._enable = false;

                _state = 90;
                _timer = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 90)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Video from command 2");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;
                _alienFlying.GetComponent <MeteoriteGenerator>()._enable = true;

            if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state = 100;
                _timer = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 100)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Major attack");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;
                // aliens fly to you
                // aliens hit you

            if (_timer >= 15f && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state      = 110;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 110)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Fly to destination");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;
                _alienFlying.GetComponent <MeteoriteGenerator>()._enable = false;

            if (_root._pause_time <= 1f)
                _state      = 120;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 120)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  End");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_root.GameIsEnd())
                _state      = 130;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        if (_state == 130)
            Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Credits");

            if (_done_state)
                _done_state = false;

            if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                _state      = 0;
                _timer      = 0f;
                _done_state = true;

        // original

         * if(_state == 0)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Radio");
         * if (_done_state)
         * {
         * _done_state = false;
         * _root.StartGame();
         * }
         * _root.ShowTextRadio();
         * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
         *      {
         *              _state = 10;
         *              _timer = 0f;
         *              _meteoriteGenerator.SlowDownAll(.5f);
         * _root.StopTextRadio();
         * _done_state = true;
         * }
         * }
         * if(_state == 10)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log ("State:" + _state + "  First Attack");
         * if (_done_state)
         * {
         * _done_state = false;
         *              _root.FirstAttack();
         * }
         *      if(_timer > 15f)
         *      {
         *              _state = 20;
         *              _timer = 0f;
         * _done_state = true;
         * }
         * }
         * if(_state == 20)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Radio");
         * _root.ShowTextRadio();
         * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
         * {
         * _state = 30;
         *              _timer = 0f;
         * _root.StopTextRadio();
         * }
         * }
         * if(_state == 30)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Decode Signal");
         * if (_done_state)
         * {
         * _done_state = false;
         * _root.ShowMainTextEstablishing(2f);
         * }
         * if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f)
         * {
         * _root.StopMainTextEstablishing();
         * _signal[0].SetActive(true);
         * bool result = _signal[0].GetComponent<Signal>()._isWin;
         * _root.PlayDecodingSound();
         * _root.ShowTextDecoding();
         * if (result)
         * {
         *  _state = 40;
         *  _timer = 0f;
         *  _signal[0].SetActive(false);
         *  _root.StopDecodingSound();
         *  _root.StopTextDecodingVideo();
         *  _root.PlayDecodeSuccessSound();
         *  _done_state = true;
         * }
         * }
         * }
         * if(_state == 40)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Video (Command 1)");
         * if (_done_state)
         * {
         * _done_state = false;
         * _root.PlayVideo(1);
         * }
         * if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f)
         *      {
         *              _state = 50;
         *              _timer = 0f;
         * _done_state = true;
         * }
         * }
         * if(_state == 50)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Radio");
         * _root.ShowTextRadio();
         * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
         * {
         * _state = 60;
         *              _timer = 0f;
         * _root.StopTextRadio();
         * }
         * }
         * if(_state == 60)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Decode Signal 2");
         *      if (_done_state)
         *      {
         *              _done_state = false;
         *              _root.ShowMainTextEstablishing (2f);
         *      }
         *      if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f)
         *      {
         *              _root.StopMainTextEstablishing();
         *              _signal[1].SetActive(true);
         *              bool result = _signal[1].GetComponent<Signal>()._isWin;
         *              _root.PlayDecodingSound();
         *              _root.ShowTextDecoding();
         *              if (result)
         *              {
         *                      _state = 70;
         *                      _timer = 0f;
         *                      _signal[1].SetActive(false);
         *                      _root.StopDecodingSound();
         *                      _root.StopTextDecodingVideo();
         *                      _root.PlayDecodeSuccessSound();
         *                      _done_state = true;
         *              }
         *      }
         * }
         * if(_state == 70)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Video (Command 2)");
         * if (_done_state)
         * {
         * _done_state = false;
         * _root.PlayVideo(2);
         * }
         * if (_root._pause_time <= 0.1f)
         * {
         *              _state = 75;
         *              _timer = 0f;
         * _done_state = true;
         * }
         * }
         * if(_state == 75)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Major Attack");
         * if (_done_state)
         * {
         * _done_state = false;
         * _root.MajorAttack();
         * }
         *      if(_timer > 6f)
         *      {
         *              _state = 80;
         *              _timer = 0f;
         * _done_state = true;
         * }
         * }
         * if(_state == 80)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Radio");
         * _root.ShowTextRadio();
         * if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
         *      {
         *              _state = 90;
         *              _timer = 0f;
         * _root.StopTextRadio();
         * }
         * }
         * if (_state == 90)
         * {
         *      Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  End?");
         *      if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))
         *      {
         *              _alienPlanet.EnableFly();
         *              _meteoriteGenerator.SlowDownAll(2.0f);
         *      }
         * if (_alienPlanet._is_arrived && _done_state)
         * {
         * _done_state = false;
         * // fade into black
         * _root.EndGame();
         * }
         *      if (_root.GameIsEnd()) {
         *              _state = 100;
         *              _timer = 0f;
         * CancelInvoke();
         * _done_state = true;
         * }
         * }
         * if (_state == 100)
         * {
         * Debug.Log("State:" + _state + "  Credits");
         * if (_done_state)
         * {
         * _done_state = false;
         *              _meteoriteGenerator.gameObject.SetActive (false);
         * _root.ShowCredits();
         * }
         *      if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt) && _root._pause_time <= 0.1f)
         * {
         * _state = 0;
         * _timer = 0f;
         * _done_state = true;
         * }
         * }