    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            checkHotel(); //to check with the hotel information details
        //to show the hotel information details
        if (Session["emailH"] != null)
            Hotel a = (Hotel)Session["emailH"];
            tbxHotel.Text     = a.Name;
            tbxEmail.Text     = a.OrgEmail;
            tbxRegID.Text     = a.RegID;
            tbxAddress.Text   = a.Address;
            tbxPcode.Text     = a.PostalCode;
            tbxCity.Text      = a.City;
            tbxCountry.Text   = a.Country;
            tbxPassword.Text  = a.Password;
            tbxContact.Text   = a.ContactNo;
            tbxDesc.Text      = a.Description;
            tbxLicense.Text   = a.License;
            imgHotel.ImageUrl = "../images/" + a.Photo;
            tbxSrating.Text   = Convert.ToString(a.StarRating);
        //to show the hotel rooms into the gridview
        List <Room> rooms = RoomDB.getHotelRoomByCountry(Session["countryName"].ToString(), Session["hotel"].ToString());

        gvRoom.DataSource = rooms;