public bool GetDoor(RoomConnections door, out Vector2Int location) { if ((door & RoomConnections.Top) != 0) { location = new Vector2Int(m_DoorCentre.x, FullExtent.z - 1); return(true); } if ((door & RoomConnections.Bottom) != 0) { location = new Vector2Int(m_DoorCentre.x, 0); return(true); } if ((door & RoomConnections.Left) != 0) { location = new Vector2Int(0, m_DoorCentre.y); return(true); } if ((door & RoomConnections.Right) != 0) { location = new Vector2Int(FullExtent.x - 1, m_DoorCentre.y); return(true); } location =; return(false); }
public PlacedRoomInfo(RoomSettings settings, Vector3Int centre, Vector3Int extents, RoomConnections connection = RoomConnections.None) { m_Settings = settings; m_Centre = centre; m_Extents = extents; m_Connection = connection; }
public static PlacedRoomInfo FindRoomSlot(RoomSettings settings, List <PlacedRoomInfo> allRooms) { Vector3Int centre = new Vector3Int(); Vector3Int extents = settings.RandomExtents(); int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, allRooms.Count - 1); for (int i = 0; i < allRooms.Count; ++i) { int index = (randomIndex + i) % allRooms.Count; RoomConnections connection = allRooms[index].FindOpenSlot(allRooms, ref centre, extents); if (connection != RoomConnections.None) { return(new PlacedRoomInfo(settings, centre, extents, connection)); } } Debug.Assert(false, "Failed to find a room slot!"); return(null); }
private bool CheckForOpenSlot(List <PlacedRoomInfo> allRooms, RoomConnections connection, ref Vector3Int centre, Vector3Int extents) { if ((m_Connection & connection) != 0) { return(false); } switch (connection) { case RoomConnections.Top: centre = m_Centre + new Vector3Int(0, 0, (m_Extents.z + extents.z) / 2); break; case RoomConnections.Bottom: centre = m_Centre - new Vector3Int(0, 0, (m_Extents.z + extents.z) / 2); break; case RoomConnections.Right: centre = m_Centre + new Vector3Int((m_Extents.x + extents.x) / 2, 0, 0); break; case RoomConnections.Left: centre = m_Centre - new Vector3Int((m_Extents.x + extents.x) / 2, 0, 0); break; } foreach (PlacedRoomInfo roomInfo in allRooms) { if (roomInfo != this && roomInfo.Overlaps(centre, extents)) { return(false); } } m_Connection |= connection; return(true); }
public RoomGeneratorHelper(RoomSettings settings, Vector3Int targetExtent, RoomConnections connections) { m_Settings = settings; m_Connections = connections; m_NoiseMap = new PerlinNoise(Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue)); // Decide room size m_TraversableExtent = new Vector3Int( targetExtent.x - settings.m_Padding.x * 2, targetExtent.y, targetExtent.z - settings.m_Padding.z * 2 ); // Populate voxel data Vector3Int fullExtent = FullExtent; VoxelData voxelData = VoxelData.New(fullExtent.x, fullExtent.y, fullExtent.z); m_DoorCentre = new Vector2Int(fullExtent.x / 2, fullExtent.z / 2); for (int x = 0; x < fullExtent.x; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < fullExtent.z; ++z) { int height = GetHeight(x, z); // Try to create a placement spot here if (x % m_Settings.m_PlacementFrequency == 0 && z % m_Settings.m_PlacementFrequency == 0) { if (height == m_Settings.m_FloorHeight) { m_AccessibleSpots.Add(new Vector3Int(x, height, z)); } else if (height == m_TraversableExtent.y) { m_InaccessibleSpots.Add(new Vector3Int(x, height, z)); } } for (int y = 0; y <= height; ++y) { uint[] coloursTable = m_Settings.m_ColourIndices; float rawNoise = GetRawNoise(x, z, m_Settings.m_TextureHeightFrequency, m_Settings.m_TextureNoiseScale); if (rawNoise <= 0.3f && m_Settings.m_LowNoiseColourIndices.Length != 0) { coloursTable = m_Settings.m_LowNoiseColourIndices; } else if (rawNoise >= 0.6f && m_Settings.m_HighNoiseColourIndices.Length != 0) { coloursTable = m_Settings.m_HighNoiseColourIndices; } int colourLookupIdx = Mathf.Clamp(height - y, 0, coloursTable.Length - 1); uint colour = coloursTable[colourLookupIdx]; voxelData.SetVoxel(new Voxel(colour), x, y, z); } } } m_Mesh = voxelData.GenerateMesh(, settings.m_Scale); = "GeneratedMesh"; }
public static RoomInstance PlaceRoom(RoomInstance prefab, bool isBossRoom, FloorSettings floorSettings, RoomSettings roomSettings, Vector3Int location, Vector3Int extents, RoomConnections connection) { RoomInstance instance = Instantiate(prefab, location, Quaternion.identity); instance.m_Connections = connection; instance.m_IsBossRoom = isBossRoom; instance.m_RoomSettings = roomSettings; instance.m_FloorSettings = floorSettings; RoomGeneratorHelper generator = new RoomGeneratorHelper(roomSettings, extents, connection); instance.SetupRoom(generator, extents); return(instance); }