private protected abstract TModel TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, LinearModelParameters predictor, int weightSetCount);
 protected override void CheckLabel(RoleMappedData data)
        private FieldAwareFactorizationMachineModelParameters TrainCore(IChannel ch, IProgressChannel pch, RoleMappedData data,
                                                                        RoleMappedData validData = null, FieldAwareFactorizationMachineModelParameters predictor = null)

            var featureColumns    = data.Schema.GetColumns(RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole.Feature);
            int fieldCount        = featureColumns.Count;
            int totalFeatureCount = 0;

            int[] fieldColumnIndexes = new int[fieldCount];
            for (int f = 0; f < fieldCount; f++)
                var col = featureColumns[f];
                if (!(col.Type is VectorType vectorType) ||
                    !vectorType.IsKnownSize ||
                    vectorType.ItemType != NumberType.Float)
                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(data), "Training feature column '{0}' must be a known-size vector of R4, but has type: {1}.", col.Name, col.Type);
                Host.Assert(vectorType.Size > 0);
                fieldColumnIndexes[f] = col.Index;
                totalFeatureCount    += vectorType.Size;
            ch.Check(checked (totalFeatureCount * fieldCount * _latentDimAligned) <= Utils.ArrayMaxSize, "Latent dimension or the number of fields too large");
            if (predictor != null)
                ch.Check(predictor.FeatureCount == totalFeatureCount, "Input model's feature count mismatches training feature count");
                ch.Check(predictor.LatentDim == _latentDim, "Input model's latent dimension mismatches trainer's");
            if (validData != null)
                var validFeatureColumns = data.Schema.GetColumns(RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole.Feature);
                Host.Assert(fieldCount == validFeatureColumns.Count);
                for (int f = 0; f < fieldCount; f++)
                    var featCol      = featureColumns[f];
                    var validFeatCol = validFeatureColumns[f];
                    Host.Assert(featCol.Name == validFeatCol.Name);
                    Host.Assert(featCol.Type == validFeatCol.Type);
            bool shuffle = _shuffle;

            if (shuffle && !data.Data.CanShuffle)
                ch.Warning("Training data does not support shuffling, so ignoring request to shuffle");
                shuffle = false;
            var rng                = shuffle ? Host.Rand : null;
            var featureGetters     = new ValueGetter <VBuffer <float> > [fieldCount];
            var featureBuffer      = new VBuffer <float>();
            var featureValueBuffer = new float[totalFeatureCount];
            var featureIndexBuffer = new int[totalFeatureCount];
            var featureFieldBuffer = new int[totalFeatureCount];
            var latentSum          = new AlignedArray(fieldCount * fieldCount * _latentDimAligned, 16);
            var metricNames        = new List <string>()

            if (validData != null)
            int    iter                 = 0;
            long   exampleCount         = 0;
            long   badExampleCount      = 0;
            long   validBadExampleCount = 0;
            double loss                 = 0;
            double validLoss            = 0;

            pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(metricNames.ToArray(), new string[] { "iterations", "examples" }), entry =>
                entry.SetProgress(0, iter, _numIterations);
                entry.SetProgress(1, exampleCount);
            Func <int, bool> pred = c => fieldColumnIndexes.Contains(c) || c == data.Schema.Label.Value.Index || c == data.Schema.Weight?.Index;

            InitializeTrainingState(fieldCount, totalFeatureCount, predictor, out float[] linearWeights,
                                    out AlignedArray latentWeightsAligned, out float[] linearAccSqGrads, out AlignedArray latentAccSqGradsAligned);

            // refer to Algorithm 3 in
            while (iter++ < _numIterations)
                using (var cursor = data.Data.GetRowCursor(pred, rng))
                    var labelGetter  = RowCursorUtils.GetLabelGetter(cursor, data.Schema.Label.Value.Index);
                    var weightGetter = data.Schema.Weight?.Index is int weightIdx?RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <float>(NumberType.R4, cursor, weightIdx) : null;

                    for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                        featureGetters[i] = cursor.GetGetter <VBuffer <float> >(fieldColumnIndexes[i]);
                    loss            = 0;
                    exampleCount    = 0;
                    badExampleCount = 0;
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        float label         = 0;
                        float weight        = 1;
                        int   count         = 0;
                        float modelResponse = 0;
                        labelGetter(ref label);
                        weightGetter?.Invoke(ref weight);
                        float annihilation = label - label + weight - weight;
                        if (!FloatUtils.IsFinite(annihilation))
                        if (!FieldAwareFactorizationMachineUtils.LoadOneExampleIntoBuffer(featureGetters, featureBuffer, _norm, ref count,
                                                                                          featureFieldBuffer, featureIndexBuffer, featureValueBuffer))

                        // refer to Algorithm 1 in [3]
                        FieldAwareFactorizationMachineInterface.CalculateIntermediateVariables(fieldCount, _latentDimAligned, count,
                                                                                               featureFieldBuffer, featureIndexBuffer, featureValueBuffer, linearWeights, latentWeightsAligned, latentSum, ref modelResponse);
                        var slope = CalculateLossSlope(label, modelResponse);

                        // refer to Algorithm 2 in [3]
                        FieldAwareFactorizationMachineInterface.CalculateGradientAndUpdate(_lambdaLinear, _lambdaLatent, _learningRate, fieldCount, _latentDimAligned, weight, count,
                                                                                           featureFieldBuffer, featureIndexBuffer, featureValueBuffer, latentSum, slope, linearWeights, latentWeightsAligned, linearAccSqGrads, latentAccSqGradsAligned);
                        loss += weight * CalculateLoss(label, modelResponse);
                    loss /= exampleCount;

                if (_verbose)
                    if (validData == null)
                        pch.Checkpoint(loss, iter, exampleCount);
                        validLoss = CalculateAvgLoss(ch, validData, _norm, linearWeights, latentWeightsAligned, _latentDimAligned, latentSum,
                                                     featureFieldBuffer, featureIndexBuffer, featureValueBuffer, featureBuffer, ref validBadExampleCount);
                        pch.Checkpoint(loss, validLoss, iter, exampleCount);
            if (badExampleCount != 0)
                ch.Warning($"Skipped {badExampleCount} examples with bad label/weight/features in training set");
            if (validBadExampleCount != 0)
                ch.Warning($"Skipped {validBadExampleCount} examples with bad label/weight/features in validation set");

            return(new FieldAwareFactorizationMachineModelParameters(Host, _norm, fieldCount, totalFeatureCount, _latentDim, linearWeights, latentWeightsAligned));
        private protected IDataView MapLabelsCore <T>(ColumnType type, InPredicate <T> equalsTarget, RoleMappedData data)
            Host.Assert(type.RawType == typeof(T));

            var lab = data.Schema.Label.Value;

            InPredicate <T> isMissing;

            if (!Args.ImputeMissingLabelsAsNegative && Conversions.Instance.TryGetIsNAPredicate(type, out isMissing))
                return(LambdaColumnMapper.Create(Host, "Label mapper", data.Data,
                                                 lab.Name, lab.Name, type, NumberType.Float,
                                                 (in T src, ref float dst) =>
                                                 dst = equalsTarget(in src) ? 1 : (isMissing(in src) ? float.NaN : default(float))));
            return(LambdaColumnMapper.Create(Host, "Label mapper", data.Data,
                                             lab.Name, lab.Name, type, NumberType.Float,
                                             (in T src, ref float dst) =>
                                             dst = equalsTarget(in src) ? 1 : default(float)));
        private static void GetPipeline(IHostEnvironment env, InputBase input, out IDataView startingData, out RoleMappedData transformedData)

            ISchema inputSchema = null;

            startingData    = null;
            transformedData = null;
            byte[][] transformedDataSerialized    = null;
            string[] transformedDataZipEntryNames = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Models.Length; i++)
                var model = input.Models[i];

                var inputData = new EmptyDataView(env, model.TransformModel.InputSchema);
                model.PrepareData(env, inputData, out RoleMappedData transformedDataCur, out IPredictor pred);

                if (inputSchema == null)
                    env.Assert(i == 0);
                    inputSchema     = model.TransformModel.InputSchema;
                    startingData    = inputData;
                    transformedData = transformedDataCur;
                else if (input.ValidatePipelines)
                    using (var ch = env.Start("Validating pipeline"))
                        if (transformedDataSerialized == null)
                            ch.Assert(transformedDataZipEntryNames == null);
                            SerializeRoleMappedData(env, ch, transformedData, out transformedDataSerialized,
                                                    out transformedDataZipEntryNames);
                        CheckSamePipeline(env, ch, transformedDataCur, transformedDataSerialized, transformedDataZipEntryNames);
        private TPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, LinearModelParameters predictor, int weightSetCount)
            int numFeatures   = data.Schema.Feature.Value.Type.GetVectorSize();
            var cursorFactory = new FloatLabelCursor.Factory(data, CursOpt.Label | CursOpt.Features);
            int numThreads    = 1;

            ch.CheckUserArg(numThreads > 0, nameof(_options.NumberOfThreads),
                            "The number of threads must be either null or a positive integer.");

            var             positiveInstanceWeight = _options.PositiveInstanceWeight;
            VBuffer <float> weights = default;
            float           bias    = 0.0f;

            if (predictor != null)
                predictor.GetFeatureWeights(ref weights);
                VBufferUtils.Densify(ref weights);
                bias = predictor.Bias;
                weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <float>(numFeatures);

            var weightsEditor = VBufferEditor.CreateFromBuffer(ref weights);

            // Reference: Parasail. SymSGD.
            bool tuneLR = _options.LearningRate == null;
            var  lr     = _options.LearningRate ?? 1.0f;

            bool tuneNumLocIter = (_options.UpdateFrequency == null);
            var  numLocIter     = _options.UpdateFrequency ?? 1;

            var l2Const = _options.L2Regularization;
            var piw     = _options.PositiveInstanceWeight;

            // This is state of the learner that is shared with the native code.
            State    state         = new State();
            GCHandle stateGCHandle = default;

                stateGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(state, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                state.TotalInstancesProcessed = 0;
                using (InputDataManager inputDataManager = new InputDataManager(this, cursorFactory, ch))
                    bool shouldInitialize = true;
                    using (var pch = Host.StartProgressChannel("Preprocessing"))

                    int iter = 0;
                    if (inputDataManager.IsFullyLoaded)
                        ch.Info("Data fully loaded into memory.");
                    using (var pch = Host.StartProgressChannel("Training"))
                        if (inputDataManager.IsFullyLoaded)
                            pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(new[] { "iterations" }),
                                          entry => entry.SetProgress(0, state.PassIteration, _options.NumberOfIterations));
                            // If fully loaded, call the SymSGDNative and do not come back until learned for all iterations.
                            Native.LearnAll(inputDataManager, tuneLR, ref lr, l2Const, piw, weightsEditor.Values, ref bias, numFeatures,
                                            _options.NumberOfIterations, numThreads, tuneNumLocIter, ref numLocIter, _options.Tolerance, _options.Shuffle, shouldInitialize,
                                            stateGCHandle, ch.Info);
                            shouldInitialize = false;
                            pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(new[] { "iterations" }),
                                          entry => entry.SetProgress(0, iter, _options.NumberOfIterations));

                            // Since we loaded data in batch sizes, multiple passes over the loaded data is feasible.
                            int numPassesForABatch = inputDataManager.Count / 10000;
                            while (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)
                                // We want to train on the final passes thoroughly (without learning on the same batch multiple times)
                                // This is for fine tuning the AUC. Experimentally, we found that 1 or 2 passes is enough
                                int numFinalPassesToTrainThoroughly = 2;
                                // We also do not want to learn for more passes than what the user asked
                                int numPassesForThisBatch = Math.Min(numPassesForABatch, _options.NumberOfIterations - iter - numFinalPassesToTrainThoroughly);
                                // If all of this leaves us with 0 passes, then set numPassesForThisBatch to 1
                                numPassesForThisBatch = Math.Max(1, numPassesForThisBatch);
                                state.PassIteration   = iter;
                                Native.LearnAll(inputDataManager, tuneLR, ref lr, l2Const, piw, weightsEditor.Values, ref bias, numFeatures,
                                                numPassesForThisBatch, numThreads, tuneNumLocIter, ref numLocIter, _options.Tolerance, _options.Shuffle, shouldInitialize,
                                                stateGCHandle, ch.Info);
                                shouldInitialize = false;

                                // Check if we are done with going through the data
                                if (inputDataManager.FinishedTheLoad)
                                    iter += numPassesForThisBatch;
                                    // Check if more passes are left
                                    if (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)
                                        inputDataManager.RestartLoading(_options.Shuffle, Host);

                                // If more passes are left, load as much as possible
                                if (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)

                        // Maps back the dense features that are mislocated
                        if (numThreads > 1)
                            Native.MapBackWeightVector(weightsEditor.Values, stateGCHandle);
                if (stateGCHandle.IsAllocated)
            return(CreatePredictor(weights, bias));
 private protected override void CheckLabel(RoleMappedData examples, out int weightSetCount)
     examples.CheckMulticlassLabel(out weightSetCount);
        private protected override void CheckAndUpdateParametersBeforeTraining(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, float[] labels, int[] groups)
            GbmOptions["objective"] = "lambdarank";
            ch.CheckValue(groups, nameof(groups));

            // Only output one ndcg score.
            GbmOptions["eval_at"] = "5";
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor, given a training set and optional other arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trainingSet">Will set <see cref="TrainingSet"/> to this value. This must be specified</param>
        /// <param name="validationSet">Will set <see cref="ValidationSet"/> to this value if specified</param>
        /// <param name="testSet">Will set <see cref="TestSet"/> to this value if specified</param>
        /// <param name="initialPredictor">Will set <see cref="InitialPredictor"/> to this value if specified</param>
        public TrainContext(RoleMappedData trainingSet, RoleMappedData validationSet = null, RoleMappedData testSet = null, IPredictor initialPredictor = null)
            Contracts.CheckValue(trainingSet, nameof(trainingSet));

            // REVIEW: Should there be code here to ensure that the role mappings between the two are compatible?
            // That is, all the role mappings are the same and the columns between them have identical types?

            TrainingSet      = trainingSet;
            ValidationSet    = validationSet;
            TestSet          = testSet;
            InitialPredictor = initialPredictor;
        [ConditionalFact(typeof(Environment), nameof(Environment.Is64BitProcess))] // x86 fails with "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format."
        void TestOldSavingAndLoading()
            if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))

            var modelFile = "squeezenet/00000001/model.onnx";

            var samplevector = GetSampleArrayData();

            var dataView = ComponentCreation.CreateDataView(Env,
                                                            new TestData[] {
                new TestData()
                    data_0 = samplevector

            var inputNames  = new[] { "data_0" };
            var outputNames = new[] { "softmaxout_1" };
            var est         = new OnnxScoringEstimator(Env, modelFile, inputNames, outputNames);
            var transformer = est.Fit(dataView);
            var result      = transformer.Transform(dataView);
            var resultRoles = new RoleMappedData(result);

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                TrainUtils.SaveModel(Env, Env.Start("saving"), ms, null, resultRoles);
                ms.Position = 0;
                var loadedView = ModelFileUtils.LoadTransforms(Env, dataView, ms);

                loadedView.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex(outputNames[0], out int softMaxOut1);
                using (var cursor = loadedView.GetRowCursor(col => col == softMaxOut1))
                    VBuffer <float> softMaxValue  = default;
                    var             softMaxGetter = cursor.GetGetter <VBuffer <float> >(softMaxOut1);
                    float           sum           = 0f;
                    int             i             = 0;
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        softMaxGetter(ref softMaxValue);
                        var values = softMaxValue.DenseValues();
                        foreach (var val in values)
                            sum += val;
                            if (i == 0)
                                Assert.InRange(val, 0.00004, 0.00005);
                            if (i == 1)
                                Assert.InRange(val, 0.003844, 0.003845);
                            if (i == 999)
                                Assert.InRange(val, 0.0029566, 0.0029567);
                    Assert.InRange(sum, 1.0, 1.00001);
        private PcaPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, int dimension)

            if (_rank > dimension)
                throw ch.Except("Rank ({0}) cannot be larger than the original dimension ({1})", _rank, dimension);
            int oversampledRank = Math.Min(_rank + _oversampling, dimension);

            //exact: (size of the 2 big matrices + other minor allocations) / (2^30)
            Double memoryUsageEstimate = 2.0 * dimension * oversampledRank * sizeof(Float) / 1e9;

            if (memoryUsageEstimate > 2)
                ch.Info("Estimate memory usage: {0:G2} GB. If running out of memory, reduce rank and oversampling factor.", memoryUsageEstimate);

            var y    = Zeros(oversampledRank, dimension);
            var mean = _center ? VBufferUtils.CreateDense <Float>(dimension) : VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <Float>(dimension);

            var omega = GaussianMatrix(oversampledRank, dimension, _seed);

            var  cursorFactory = new FeatureFloatVectorCursor.Factory(data, CursOpt.Features | CursOpt.Weight);
            long numBad;

            Project(Host, cursorFactory, ref mean, omega, y, out numBad);
            if (numBad > 0)
                ch.Warning("Skipped {0} instances with missing features/weights during training", numBad);

            //Orthonormalize Y in-place using stabilized Gram Schmidt algorithm.
            for (var i = 0; i < oversampledRank; ++i)
                var v = y[i];
                VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref v, 1 / VectorUtils.Norm(y[i]));

                // Make the next vectors in the queue orthogonal to the orthonormalized vectors.
                for (var j = i + 1; j < oversampledRank; ++j) //subtract the projection of y[j] on v.
                    VectorUtils.AddMult(ref v, -VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref v, ref y[j]), ref y[j]);
            var q = y;     // q in QR decomposition.

            var b = omega; // reuse the memory allocated by Omega.

            Project(Host, cursorFactory, ref mean, q, b, out numBad);

            //Compute B2 = B' * B
            var b2 = new Float[oversampledRank * oversampledRank];

            for (var i = 0; i < oversampledRank; ++i)
                for (var j = i; j < oversampledRank; ++j)
                    b2[i * oversampledRank + j] = b2[j * oversampledRank + i] = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref b[i], ref b[j]);

            Float[] smallEigenvalues;// eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the small matrix B2.
            Float[] smallEigenvectors;
            EigenUtils.EigenDecomposition(b2, out smallEigenvalues, out smallEigenvectors);
            PostProcess(b, smallEigenvalues, smallEigenvectors, dimension, oversampledRank);

            return(new PcaPredictor(Host, _rank, b, ref mean));
 protected override void CheckLabel(RoleMappedData examples)
 private protected override void CheckLabel(RoleMappedData data)
 protected override void CheckLabel(RoleMappedData examples, out int weightSetCount)
     weightSetCount = 1;
        private TPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data)

            // 1. Subset Selection
            var stackingTrainer = Combiner as IStackingTrainer <TOutput>;

            //REVIEW: Implement stacking for Batch mode.
            ch.CheckUserArg(stackingTrainer == null || Args.BatchSize <= 0, nameof(Args.BatchSize), "Stacking works only with Non-batch mode");

            var validationDataSetProportion = SubModelSelector.ValidationDatasetProportion;

            if (stackingTrainer != null)
                validationDataSetProportion = Math.Max(validationDataSetProportion, stackingTrainer.ValidationDatasetProportion);

            var needMetrics = Args.ShowMetrics || Combiner is IWeightedAverager;
            var models      = new List <FeatureSubsetModel <TOutput> >();

            _subsetSelector.Initialize(data, NumModels, Args.BatchSize, validationDataSetProportion);
            int batchNumber = 1;

            foreach (var batch in _subsetSelector.GetBatches(Host.Rand))
                // 2. Core train
                ch.Info("Training {0} learners for the batch {1}", Trainers.Length, batchNumber++);
                var batchModels = new FeatureSubsetModel <TOutput> [Trainers.Length];

                Parallel.ForEach(_subsetSelector.GetSubsets(batch, Host.Rand),
                                 new ParallelOptions()
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Args.TrainParallel ? -1 : 1
                                 (subset, state, index) =>
                    ch.Info("Beginning training model {0} of {1}", index + 1, Trainers.Length);
                    Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        if (EnsureMinimumFeaturesSelected(subset))
                            var model = new FeatureSubsetModel <TOutput>(
                            SubModelSelector.CalculateMetrics(model, _subsetSelector, subset, batch, needMetrics);
                            batchModels[(int)index] = model;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ch.Assert(batchModels[(int)index] == null);
                        ch.Warning(ex.Sensitivity(), "Trainer {0} of {1} was not learned properly due to the exception '{2}' and will not be added to models.",
                                   index + 1, Trainers.Length, ex.Message);
                    ch.Info("Trainer {0} of {1} finished in {2}", index + 1, Trainers.Length, sw.Elapsed);

                var modelsList = batchModels.Where(m => m != null).ToList();
                if (Args.ShowMetrics)
                    PrintMetrics(ch, modelsList);

                modelsList = SubModelSelector.Prune(modelsList).ToList();

                if (stackingTrainer != null)
                    stackingTrainer.Train(modelsList, _subsetSelector.GetTestData(null, batch), Host);

                int modelSize = Utils.Size(models);
                if (modelSize < Utils.Size(Trainers))
                    ch.Warning("{0} of {1} trainings failed.", Utils.Size(Trainers) - modelSize, Utils.Size(Trainers));
                ch.Check(modelSize > 0, "Ensemble training resulted in no valid models.");
 private protected override void CheckLabels(RoleMappedData data)
        protected override void ConvertNaNLabels(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, float[] labels)
            // Only initialize one time.
            if (_numClass < 0)
                float minLabel    = float.MaxValue;
                float maxLabel    = float.MinValue;
                bool  hasNaNLabel = false;
                foreach (var label in labels)
                    if (float.IsNaN(label))
                        hasNaNLabel = true;
                        minLabel = Math.Min(minLabel, label);
                        maxLabel = Math.Max(maxLabel, label);
                ch.CheckParam(minLabel >= 0, nameof(data), "min label cannot be negative");
                if (maxLabel >= _maxNumClass)
                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(data), $"max label cannot exceed {_maxNumClass}");

                if (data.Schema.Label.Type.IsKey)
                    ch.Check(data.Schema.Label.Type.AsKey.Contiguous, "label value should be contiguous");
                    if (hasNaNLabel)
                        _numClass = data.Schema.Label.Type.AsKey.Count + 1;
                        _numClass = data.Schema.Label.Type.AsKey.Count;
                    _tlcNumClass = data.Schema.Label.Type.AsKey.Count;
                    if (hasNaNLabel)
                        _numClass = (int)maxLabel + 2;
                        _numClass = (int)maxLabel + 1;
                    _tlcNumClass = (int)maxLabel + 1;
            float defaultLabel = _numClass - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; ++i)
                if (float.IsNaN(labels[i]))
                    labels[i] = defaultLabel;
 public Subset(RoleMappedData data, BitArray features = null)
     Data             = data;
     SelectedFeatures = features;
 private void CheckLabel(RoleMappedData examples, out int weightSetCount)
     weightSetCount = 1;
        public static TOut Train <TArg, TOut>(IHost host, TArg input,
                                              Func <ITrainer> createTrainer,
                                              Func <string> getLabel  = null,
                                              Func <string> getWeight = null,
                                              Func <string> getGroup  = null,
                                              Func <string> getName   = null,
                                              Func <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole, string> > > getCustom = null,
                                              ICalibratorTrainerFactory calibrator = null,
                                              int maxCalibrationExamples           = 0)
            where TArg : LearnerInputBase
            where TOut : CommonOutputs.TrainerOutput, new()
            using (var ch = host.Start("Training"))
                var schema  = input.TrainingData.Schema;
                var feature = FindColumn(ch, schema, input.FeatureColumn);
                var label   = getLabel?.Invoke();
                var weight  = getWeight?.Invoke();
                var group   = getGroup?.Invoke();
                var name    = getName?.Invoke();
                var custom  = getCustom?.Invoke();

                var trainer = createTrainer();

                IDataView view = input.TrainingData;
                TrainUtils.AddNormalizerIfNeeded(host, ch, trainer, ref view, feature, input.NormalizeFeatures);

                ch.Trace("Binding columns");
                var roleMappedData = new RoleMappedData(view, label, feature, group, weight, name, custom);

                RoleMappedData    cachedRoleMappedData = roleMappedData;
                Cache.CachingType?cachingType          = null;
                switch (input.Caching)
                case CachingOptions.Memory:
                    cachingType = Cache.CachingType.Memory;

                case CachingOptions.Disk:
                    cachingType = Cache.CachingType.Disk;

                case CachingOptions.Auto:
                    // REVIEW: we should switch to hybrid caching in future.
                    if (!(input.TrainingData is BinaryLoader) && trainer.Info.WantCaching)
                        // default to Memory so mml is on par with maml
                        cachingType = Cache.CachingType.Memory;

                case CachingOptions.None:

                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(input.Caching), "Unknown option for caching: '{0}'", input.Caching);

                if (cachingType.HasValue)
                    var cacheView = Cache.CacheData(host, new Cache.CacheInput()
                        Data    = roleMappedData.Data,
                        Caching = cachingType.Value
                    cachedRoleMappedData = new RoleMappedData(cacheView, roleMappedData.Schema.GetColumnRoleNames());

                var predictor = TrainUtils.Train(host, ch, cachedRoleMappedData, trainer, calibrator, maxCalibrationExamples);
                return(new TOut()
                    PredictorModel = new PredictorModelImpl(host, roleMappedData, input.TrainingData, predictor)
 private protected abstract TModel TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, int count);
        private protected override void ConvertNaNLabels(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, float[] labels)
            // Only initialize one time.
            if (_numClass < 0)
                float minLabel    = float.MaxValue;
                float maxLabel    = float.MinValue;
                bool  hasNaNLabel = false;
                foreach (var labelColumn in labels)
                    if (float.IsNaN(labelColumn))
                        hasNaNLabel = true;
                        minLabel = Math.Min(minLabel, labelColumn);
                        maxLabel = Math.Max(maxLabel, labelColumn);
                ch.CheckParam(minLabel >= 0, nameof(data), "min labelColumn cannot be negative");
                if (maxLabel >= _maxNumClass)
                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(data), $"max labelColumn cannot exceed {_maxNumClass}");

                if (data.Schema.Label.Value.Type is KeyType keyType)
                    if (hasNaNLabel)
                        _numClass = keyType.GetCountAsInt32(Host) + 1;
                        _numClass = keyType.GetCountAsInt32(Host);
                    _tlcNumClass = keyType.GetCountAsInt32(Host);
                    if (hasNaNLabel)
                        _numClass = (int)maxLabel + 2;
                        _numClass = (int)maxLabel + 1;
                    _tlcNumClass = (int)maxLabel + 1;
            float defaultLabel = _numClass - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; ++i)
                if (float.IsNaN(labels[i]))
                    labels[i] = defaultLabel;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes a <see cref="RoleMappedData"/> as input, saves it as an in-memory <see cref="ZipArchive"/>
        /// and returns two arrays indexed by the entries in the zip:
        /// 1. An array of byte arrays, containing the byte sequences of each entry.
        /// 2. An array of strings, containing the name of each entry.
        /// This method is used for comparing pipelines. Its outputs can be passed to <see cref="CheckSamePipeline"/>
        /// to check if this pipeline is identical to another pipeline.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SerializeRoleMappedData(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data,
                                                   out byte[][] dataSerialized, out string[] dataZipEntryNames)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
            ch.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                TrainUtils.SaveModel(env, ch, ms, null, data);
                var zip     = new ZipArchive(ms);
                var entries = zip.Entries.OrderBy(e => e.FullName).ToArray();
                dataSerialized    = new byte[Utils.Size(entries)][];
                dataZipEntryNames = new string[Utils.Size(entries)];
                for (int i = 0; i < Utils.Size(entries); i++)
                    dataZipEntryNames[i] = entries[i].FullName;
                    dataSerialized[i]    = new byte[entries[i].Length];
                    using (var s = entries[i].Open())
                        s.Read(dataSerialized[i], 0, (int)entries[i].Length);
        private protected override void CheckAndUpdateParametersBeforeTraining(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, float[] labels, int[] groups)
            ch.Assert(PredictionKind == PredictionKind.MultiClassClassification);
            ch.Assert(_numClass > 1);
            Options["num_class"] = _numClass;
            bool useSoftmax = false;

            if (Args.UseSoftmax.HasValue)
                useSoftmax = Args.UseSoftmax.Value;
                if (labels.Length >= _minDataToUseSoftmax)
                    useSoftmax = true;

                ch.Info("Auto-tuning parameters: " + nameof(Args.UseSoftmax) + " = " + useSoftmax);

            if (useSoftmax)
                Options["objective"] = "multiclass";
                Options["objective"] = "multiclassova";

            // Add default metric.
            if (!Options.ContainsKey("metric"))
                Options["metric"] = "multi_error";
        private ISingleFeaturePredictionTransformer <TScalarPredictor> TrainOne(IChannel ch, TScalarTrainer trainer, RoleMappedData data, int cls)
            var view = MapLabels(data, cls);

            string trainerLabel = data.Schema.Label.Value.Name;

            // REVIEW: In principle we could support validation sets and the like via the train context, but
            // this is currently unsupported.
            var transformer = trainer.Fit(view);

            if (_options.UseProbabilities)
                var calibratedModel = transformer.Model as TDistPredictor;

                // REVIEW: restoring the RoleMappedData, as much as we can.
                // not having the weight column on the data passed to the TrainCalibrator should be addressed.
                var trainedData = new RoleMappedData(view, label: trainerLabel, feature: transformer.FeatureColumn);

                if (calibratedModel == null)
                    calibratedModel = CalibratorUtils.GetCalibratedPredictor(Host, ch, Calibrator, transformer.Model, trainedData, Args.MaxCalibrationExamples) as TDistPredictor;

                Host.Check(calibratedModel != null, "Calibrated predictor does not implement the expected interface");
                return(new BinaryPredictionTransformer <TScalarPredictor>(Host, calibratedModel, trainedData.Data.Schema, transformer.FeatureColumn));

            return(new BinaryPredictionTransformer <TScalarPredictor>(Host, transformer.Model, view.Schema, transformer.FeatureColumn));
 protected override void CheckLabel(RoleMappedData examples)
     examples.CheckMultiClassLabel(out _numClasses);
 private protected abstract void CheckLabel(RoleMappedData data);
        private ISingleFeaturePredictionTransformer <TDistPredictor> TrainOne(IChannel ch, TScalarTrainer trainer, RoleMappedData data, int cls1, int cls2)
            // this should not be necessary when the legacy constructor doesn't exist, and the label column is not an optional parameter on the
            // MetaMulticlassTrainer constructor.
            string trainerLabel = data.Schema.Label.Value.Name;

            var view        = MapLabels(data, cls1, cls2);
            var transformer = trainer.Fit(view);

            // the validations in the calibrator check for the feature column, in the RoleMappedData
            var trainedData = new RoleMappedData(view, label: trainerLabel, feature: transformer.FeatureColumn);

            var calibratedModel = transformer.Model as TDistPredictor;

            if (calibratedModel == null)
                calibratedModel = CalibratorUtils.GetCalibratedPredictor(Host, ch, Calibrator, transformer.Model, trainedData, Args.MaxCalibrationExamples) as TDistPredictor;

            return(new BinaryPredictionTransformer <TDistPredictor>(Host, calibratedModel, trainedData.Data.Schema, transformer.FeatureColumn));
        private MatrixFactorizationModelParameters TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, RoleMappedData validData = null)

            ch.CheckParam(data.Schema.Label.HasValue, nameof(data), "Input data did not have a unique label");
            RecommenderUtils.CheckAndGetMatrixIndexColumns(data, out var matrixColumnIndexColInfo, out var matrixRowIndexColInfo, isDecode: false);
            var labelCol = data.Schema.Label.Value;

            if (labelCol.Type != NumberDataViewType.Single && labelCol.Type != NumberDataViewType.Double)
                throw ch.Except("Column '{0}' for label should be floating point, but is instead {1}", labelCol.Name, labelCol.Type);
            MatrixFactorizationModelParameters predictor;

            if (validData != null)
                ch.CheckValue(validData, nameof(validData));
                ch.CheckParam(validData.Schema.Label.HasValue, nameof(validData), "Input validation data did not have a unique label");
                RecommenderUtils.CheckAndGetMatrixIndexColumns(validData, out var validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo, out var validMatrixRowIndexColInfo, isDecode: false);
                var validLabelCol = validData.Schema.Label.Value;
                if (validLabelCol.Type != NumberDataViewType.Single && validLabelCol.Type != NumberDataViewType.Double)
                    throw ch.Except("Column '{0}' for validation label should be floating point, but is instead {1}", validLabelCol.Name, validLabelCol.Type);

                if (!matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type.Equals(validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type))
                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(validData), "Train and validation sets' matrix-column types differed, {0} vs. {1}",
                                         matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type, validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type);
                if (!matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type.Equals(validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Type))
                    throw ch.ExceptParam(nameof(validData), "Train and validation sets' matrix-row types differed, {0} vs. {1}",
                                         matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type, validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Type);

            int colCount = matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type.GetKeyCountAsInt32(_host);
            int rowCount = matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type.GetKeyCountAsInt32(_host);

            ch.Assert(rowCount > 0);
            ch.Assert(colCount > 0);

            // Checks for equality on the validation set ensure it is correct here.
            using (var cursor = data.Data.GetRowCursor(matrixColumnIndexColInfo, matrixRowIndexColInfo, data.Schema.Label.Value))
                // LibMF works only over single precision floats, but we want to be able to consume either.
                var labGetter = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <float>(NumberDataViewType.Single, cursor, data.Schema.Label.Value.Index);
                var matrixColumnIndexGetter = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberDataViewType.UInt32, cursor, matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Index);
                var matrixRowIndexGetter    = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberDataViewType.UInt32, cursor, matrixRowIndexColInfo.Index);

                if (validData == null)
                    // Have the trainer do its work.
                    using (var buffer = PrepareBuffer())
                        buffer.Train(ch, rowCount, colCount, cursor, labGetter, matrixRowIndexGetter, matrixColumnIndexGetter);
                        predictor = new MatrixFactorizationModelParameters(_host, buffer, (KeyType)matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type, (KeyType)matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type);
                    RecommenderUtils.CheckAndGetMatrixIndexColumns(validData, out var validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo, out var validMatrixRowIndexColInfo, isDecode: false);
                    using (var validCursor = validData.Data.GetRowCursor(matrixColumnIndexColInfo, matrixRowIndexColInfo, data.Schema.Label.Value))
                        ValueGetter <float> validLabelGetter = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <float>(NumberDataViewType.Single, validCursor, validData.Schema.Label.Value.Index);
                        var validMatrixColumnIndexGetter     = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberDataViewType.UInt32, validCursor, validMatrixColumnIndexColInfo.Index);
                        var validMatrixRowIndexGetter        = RowCursorUtils.GetGetterAs <uint>(NumberDataViewType.UInt32, validCursor, validMatrixRowIndexColInfo.Index);

                        // Have the trainer do its work.
                        using (var buffer = PrepareBuffer())
                            buffer.TrainWithValidation(ch, rowCount, colCount,
                                                       cursor, labGetter, matrixRowIndexGetter, matrixColumnIndexGetter,
                                                       validCursor, validLabelGetter, validMatrixRowIndexGetter, validMatrixColumnIndexGetter);
                            predictor = new MatrixFactorizationModelParameters(_host, buffer, (KeyType)matrixColumnIndexColInfo.Type, (KeyType)matrixRowIndexColInfo.Type);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method ensures that the data meets the requirements of this trainer and its
        /// subclasses, injects necessary transforms, and throws if it couldn't meet them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch">The channel</param>
        /// <param name="examples">The training examples</param>
        /// <param name="weightSetCount">Gets the length of weights and bias array. For binary classification and regression,
        /// this is 1. For multi-class classification, this equals the number of classes on the label.</param>
        /// <returns>A potentially modified version of <paramref name="examples"/></returns>
        private protected RoleMappedData PrepareDataFromTrainingExamples(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData examples, out int weightSetCount)
            CheckLabel(examples, out weightSetCount);
            var       idvToShuffle = examples.Data;
            IDataView idvToFeedTrain;

            if (idvToShuffle.CanShuffle)
                idvToFeedTrain = idvToShuffle;
                var shuffleArgs = new RowShufflingTransformer.Options
                    PoolOnly     = false,
                    ForceShuffle = ShuffleData
                idvToFeedTrain = new RowShufflingTransformer(Host, shuffleArgs, idvToShuffle);


            var roles = examples.Schema.GetColumnRoleNames();
            var examplesToFeedTrain = new RoleMappedData(idvToFeedTrain, roles);

            if (examples.Schema.Weight.HasValue)

            ch.Check(examplesToFeedTrain.Schema.Feature.Value.Type is VectorType vecType && vecType.Size > 0, "Training set has no features, aborting training.");