        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The workflow action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, Rock.Model.WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List <string> errorMessages)
            var checkInState = GetCheckInState(entity, out errorMessages);

            if (checkInState != null)

            var family = checkInState.CheckIn.Families.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Selected);

            if (family != null)
                foreach (var person in family.People.Where(f => f.Selected && !f.FirstTime).ToList())
                    if (person.LastCheckIn != null)
                        var groupType = person.GroupTypes.FirstOrDefault(gt => gt.Selected || gt.LastCheckIn == person.LastCheckIn);
                        if (groupType != null)
                            groupType.PreSelected = true;
                            groupType.Selected    = true;

                            var group = groupType.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Selected || g.LastCheckIn == person.LastCheckIn);
                            if (group != null)
                                group.PreSelected = true;
                                group.Selected    = true;

                                var location = group.Locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Selected || l.LastCheckIn == person.LastCheckIn);
                                if (location != null)
                                    location.PreSelected = true;
                                    location.Selected    = true;

                                    var schedule = location.Schedules.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Selected || s.LastCheckIn == person.LastCheckIn);
                                    if (schedule != null)
                                        schedule.PreSelected = true;
                                        schedule.Selected    = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The workflow action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, Rock.Model.WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List <string> errorMessages)
            var checkInState = GetCheckInState(entity, out errorMessages);

            if (checkInState == null)
            var family = checkInState.CheckIn.CurrentFamily;

            if (family != null)
                var remove = GetAttributeValue(action, "Remove").AsBoolean();

                foreach (var person in family.People)
                    FilterGroups(person, rockContext, remove);

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The workflow action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, Rock.Model.WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List <string> errorMessages)
            var checkInState = GetCheckInState(entity, out errorMessages);

            if (checkInState != null)
                //This is an optimization over standard Rock
                //Core Rock has this inside the loop. Reading all the iCals is slow.
                var activeKioskGroupTypes = new List <KioskGroupType>();

                foreach (var kioskGroupType in checkInState.Kiosk.ActiveGroupTypes(checkInState.ConfiguredGroupTypes))
                    if (kioskGroupType.KioskGroups.SelectMany(g => g.KioskLocations).Any(l => l.IsCheckInActive && l.Location.IsActive))

                foreach (var family in checkInState.CheckIn.GetFamilies(true))
                    foreach (var person in family.People)
                        foreach (var kioskGroupType in activeKioskGroupTypes)
                            if (!person.GroupTypes.Any(g => g.GroupType.Id == kioskGroupType.GroupType.Id))
                                var checkinGroupType = new CheckInGroupType();
                                checkinGroupType.GroupType = kioskGroupType.GroupType;
            errorMessages.Add($"Attempted to run {this.GetType().GetFriendlyTypeName()} in check-in, but the check-in state was null.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The workflow action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, Rock.Model.WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List <string> errorMessages)
            var checkInState = GetCheckInState(entity, out errorMessages);

            if (checkInState == null)
                errorMessages.Add($"Attempted to run {this.GetType().GetFriendlyTypeName()} in check-in, but the check-in state was null.");
            var family = checkInState.CheckIn.CurrentFamily;

            if (family != null)
                var remove = GetAttributeValue(action, "Remove").AsBoolean();

                foreach (var person in family.People)
                    FilterGroups(person, rockContext, remove);

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The workflow action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, Rock.Model.WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List <string> errorMessages)
            var checkInState = GetCheckInState(entity, out errorMessages);

            if (checkInState == null)
                throw new Exception("Check-In state lost: Filter Groups By Birthday");

            var family = checkInState.CheckIn.CurrentFamily;

            if (family != null)
                var  remove      = GetAttributeValue(action, "Remove").AsBoolean();
                bool ageRequired = checkInState.CheckInType == null || checkInState.CheckInType.AgeRequired;

                // get the admin-selected attribute key instead of using a hardcoded key
                var birthdayRangeAttributeKey  = string.Empty;
                var birthdayRangeAttributeGuid = GetAttributeValue(action, "GroupBirthdayRangeAttribute").AsGuid();
                if (birthdayRangeAttributeGuid != Guid.Empty)
                    birthdayRangeAttributeKey = AttributeCache.Read(birthdayRangeAttributeGuid, rockContext).Key;

                // log a warning if the attribute is missing or invalid
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(birthdayRangeAttributeKey))
                    throw new Exception("Workflow attribute not set: Filter Groups By Birthday | Birthday Range Attribute");

                var filterGradeSchoolGuid = GetAttributeValue(action, "GroupFilterGradeSchoolAttribute").AsGuid();
                if (filterGradeSchoolGuid == Guid.Empty)
                    throw new Exception("Workflow attribute not set: Filter Groups By Birthday | Filter GradeSchool Students");
                string filterGradeSchoolKey = AttributeCache.Read(filterGradeSchoolGuid, rockContext).Key;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterGradeSchoolKey))
                    throw new Exception("Workflow attribute not set: Filter Groups By Birthday | Filter GradeSchool Students");

                foreach (var person in family.People)
                    if (person.Person.BirthDate == null && !ageRequired)

                    foreach (var groupType in person.GroupTypes.ToList())
                        foreach (var group in groupType.Groups.ToList())
                            if (person.Person.BirthDate == null)
                                if (remove)
                                    group.ExcludedByFilter = true;

                            var birthdayRange = group.Group.GetAttributeValue(birthdayRangeAttributeKey);
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(birthdayRange))
                            var      dateRangePair = birthdayRange.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                            DateTime?minDate       = null;
                            DateTime?maxDate       = null;

                            if (dateRangePair.Length == 2)
                                minDate = dateRangePair[0].AsDateTime();
                                maxDate = dateRangePair[1].AsDateTime();

                            if (minDate != null)
                                if (person.Person.BirthDate < minDate)
                                    if (remove)
                                        group.ExcludedByFilter = true;

                            if (maxDate != null)
                                if (person.Person.BirthDate > maxDate)
                                    if (remove)
                                        group.ExcludedByFilter = true;

                            //Filter kids out who are in school
                            if (group.Group.GetAttributeValue(filterGradeSchoolKey).AsBoolean())
                                if (person.Person.GradeOffset != null && person.Person.GradeOffset < 13 && person.Person.GradeOffset >= 0)
                                    if (remove)
                                        group.ExcludedByFilter = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The workflow action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        public override bool Execute(RockContext rockContext, Rock.Model.WorkflowAction action, object entity, out List <string> errorMessages)
            var checkInState = GetCheckInState(entity, out errorMessages);

            if (checkInState == null)
                errorMessages.Add($"Attempted to run {this.GetType().GetFriendlyTypeName()} in check-in, but the check-in state was null.");

            var family = checkInState.CheckIn.CurrentFamily;

            if (family != null)
                var  remove        = GetAttributeValue(action, "Remove").AsBoolean();
                bool gradeRequired = checkInState.CheckInType == null || checkInState.CheckInType.GradeRequired;

                foreach (var person in family.People)
                    if (person.Person.GraduationYear == null && !gradeRequired)

                    foreach (var groupType in person.GroupTypes.ToList())
                        int?personsGradeOffset = person.Person.GraduationYear - CurrentGraduationYear(groupType.GroupType);
                        foreach (var group in groupType.Groups.ToList())
                            string            gradeOffsetRange     = group.Group.GetAttributeValue("GradeRange") ?? string.Empty;
                            var               gradeOffsetRangePair = gradeOffsetRange.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.None).AsGuidOrNullList().ToArray();
                            DefinedValueCache minGradeDefinedValue = null;
                            DefinedValueCache maxGradeDefinedValue = null;
                            if (gradeOffsetRangePair.Length == 2)
                                minGradeDefinedValue = gradeOffsetRangePair[0].HasValue ? DefinedValueCache.Get(gradeOffsetRangePair[0].Value) : null;
                                maxGradeDefinedValue = gradeOffsetRangePair[1].HasValue ? DefinedValueCache.Get(gradeOffsetRangePair[1].Value) : null;

                             * example (assuming defined values are the stock values):
                             * minGrade,maxGrade of between 4th and 6th grade
                             * 4th grade is 8 years until graduation
                             * 6th grade is 6 years until graduation
                             * GradeOffsetRange would be 8 and 6
                             * if person is in:
                             *      7th grade or older (gradeOffset 5 or smaller), they would be NOT included
                             *      6th grade (gradeOffset 6), they would be included
                             *      5th grade (gradeOffset 7), they would be included
                             *      4th grade (gradeOffset 8), they would be included
                             *      3th grade or younger (gradeOffset 9 or bigger), they would be NOT included
                             *      NULL grade, not included

                            // if the group type specifies a min grade (max gradeOffset)...
                            if (maxGradeDefinedValue != null)
                                // NOTE: minGradeOffset is actually based on the MAX Grade since GradeOffset's are Years Until Graduation
                                int?minGradeOffset = maxGradeDefinedValue.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
                                if (minGradeOffset.HasValue)
                                    // remove if the person does not have a grade or if their grade offset is more than the max offset (too young)
                                    // example person is in 3rd grade (offset 9) and range is 4th to 6th (offset 6 to 8)
                                    if (!personsGradeOffset.HasValue || personsGradeOffset < minGradeOffset.Value)
                                        if (remove)
                                            group.ExcludedByFilter = true;


                            // if the group type specifies a max grade (min gradeOffset)...
                            if (minGradeDefinedValue != null)
                                // NOTE: maxGradeOffset is actually based on the MIN Grade since GradeOffset's are Years Until Graduation
                                int?maxGradeOffset = minGradeDefinedValue.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
                                if (maxGradeOffset.HasValue)
                                    // remove if the person does not have a grade or if their grade offset is less than the min offset (too old)
                                    // example person is in 7rd grade (offset 5) and range is 4th to 6th (offset 6 to 8)
                                    if (!personsGradeOffset.HasValue || personsGradeOffset > maxGradeOffset)
                                        if (remove)
                                            group.ExcludedByFilter = true;

