private static void St2()
            var hasLibCSharpFileMakeCompileSlow = false;

            foreach (var p in RoFile.Ls(EditorScript.Ro.EditorEnv.assetsPath))
                var isLibDir = RoFile.IsDir(p) && !RoFile.Basename(p)
                               .IsMatch(@"^(Script|PostProcessing|Scripts|Editor|EditorScript|Draft|Test|Plugins|Standard Assets)$");
                if (isLibDir)
                    foreach (var p2 in RoFile.FF(p))
                        if (p2.IsMatch("\\.cs$"))
                            hasLibCSharpFileMakeCompileSlow = true;
                            var rootDir = RoFile.Rel(p2, EditorEnv.assetsPath).Match("[^/]+").ToString();
                                $"In *Assets/{rootDir}*, it has lib c# file in Assets not *Assets/Standard Assets* to make compile slow, run *mad compile time optimizer* or maunally moving all lib c# files to *Assets/Standard Assets* to improve it");

                if (hasLibCSharpFileMakeCompileSlow)
        private static void St2()
            var shouldBeIgnoredInBuildScripts = new List <string>();

            foreach (var path in RoFile.Ls(EditorEnv.assetsPath))
                if (RoFile.IsDir(path))
                    if (RoFile.Basename(path).IsMatch("(Editor|Script|Standard Assets)"))

                    var fs = RoFile.FF(path);
                    fs.Each((path2) =>
                        if (path2.IsMatch("\\.cs$") && !RoFile.Read(path2).IsMatch("#if UNITY_EDITOR"))

            if (shouldBeIgnoredInBuildScripts.Count > 0)
                throw new SystemException(
                          "following code should be marked #if UNITY_EDITOR to only run in unity editor not unity build" +
                          "\n" + shouldBeIgnoredInBuildScripts.Join("\n"));
        public static void St()
            Thr(() =>
                var editorScriptsDir = RoFile.Join(EditorEnv.assetsPath, "EditorScript/Ro");
                if (RoFile.IsDir(editorScriptsDir))
                    var shouldMarkIf_UNITY_EDITOR_scripts = new List <string>();
                    RoFile.FF(editorScriptsDir).Each((path) =>
                        if (path.IsMatch("\\.cs$") && !RoFile.Read(path).IsMatch("#if\\s+UNITY_EDITOR"))
                            Notify($"wrap with #if UNITY_EDITOR, script: {path}");
                            RoFile.Write(path, $"#if UNITY_EDITOR\n{RoFile.Read(path)}\n#endif");

//                var shouldMarkStr = shouldMarkIf_UNITY_EDITOR_scripts.Map((script) => { return $"    {script}"; })
//                    .Join("\n");
//                throw new SystemException(
//                    $"following scripts should mark #if UNITY_EDITOR\n{shouldMarkStr}");