        static void Test_Remove()
            RleArray <char> chars = new RleArray <char>();

                // In a node
                Set(chars, "aa");
                TestUtl.AssertEquals(1, chars.Count);
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[1|a]", chars._Nodes.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals(0, chars.Count);
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("", chars._Nodes.ToString());
                try{ chars.RemoveAt(0); throw new Exception(); }
                catch (Exception ex) { TestUtl.AssertExceptionType <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(ex); }

                // Removing a node
                Set(chars, "aaabc");
                TestUtl.AssertEquals(4, chars.Count);
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[3|a] [1|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // Combining nodes
                Set(chars, "aabaa");
                TestUtl.AssertEquals(4, chars.Count);
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[4|a]", chars._Nodes.ToString());
        public void Remove()
            RleArray <char> chars = new RleArray <char>();

                // In a node
                Set(chars, "aa");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, chars.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual("[1|a]", chars._Nodes.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual(0, chars.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual("", chars._Nodes.ToString());
                MyAssert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(delegate {

                // Removing a node
                Set(chars, "aaabc");
                Assert.AreEqual(4, chars.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual("[3|a] [1|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // Combining nodes
                Set(chars, "aabaa");
                Assert.AreEqual(4, chars.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual("[4|a]", chars._Nodes.ToString());
        static void Test_Contains()
            RleArray <char> chars = new RleArray <char>();

            Set(chars, "aabbcca");
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(true, chars.Contains('a'));
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(true, chars.Contains('b'));
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(true, chars.Contains('c'));
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(false, chars.Contains('d'));
        static void Test_IndexOf()
            RleArray <char> chars = new RleArray <char>();

            Set(chars, "aabbcca");
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(0, chars.IndexOf('a'));
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(2, chars.IndexOf('b'));
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(4, chars.IndexOf('c'));
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(-1, chars.IndexOf('d'));
        public void Contains()
            RleArray <char> chars = new RleArray <char>();

            Set(chars, "aabbcca");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, chars.Contains('a'));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, chars.Contains('b'));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, chars.Contains('c'));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, chars.Contains('d'));
        public void IndexOf()
            RleArray <char> chars = new RleArray <char>();

            Set(chars, "aabbcca");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, chars.IndexOf('a'));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, chars.IndexOf('b'));
            Assert.AreEqual(4, chars.IndexOf('c'));
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, chars.IndexOf('d'));
        public void Insert()
            RleArray <char> chars = new RleArray <char>();

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(2, 'a');
            Assert.AreEqual(5, chars.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[4]);
            MyAssert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(delegate {
            MyAssert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(delegate {

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(2, 'b');
            Assert.AreEqual(5, chars.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[4]);

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(2, 'c');
            Assert.AreEqual(5, chars.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("a a c b b", chars.ToString());

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(1, 'a');
            Assert.AreEqual(5, chars.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[4]);

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(1, 'c');
            Assert.AreEqual(5, chars.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual('c', chars[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[4]);
        static void Test_InitDispose()
            RleArray <char> chars;

            chars = new RleArray <char>();
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(0, chars.Count);

            chars = new RleArray <char>();
            Set(chars, "abc");
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(3, chars.Count);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[0]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[1]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('c', chars[2]);
        public void InitDispose()
            RleArray <char> chars;

            chars = new RleArray <char>();
            Assert.AreEqual(0, chars.Count);

            chars = new RleArray <char>();
            Set(chars, "abc");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, chars.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual('c', chars[2]);
        static void Test_Insert()
            RleArray <char> chars = new RleArray <char>();

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(2, 'a');
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(5, chars.Count);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[0]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[1]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[2]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[3]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[4]);
            try{ chars[-1].ToString(); throw new Exception(); }
            catch (Exception ex) { TestUtl.AssertExceptionType <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(ex); }
            try{ chars[5].ToString(); throw new Exception(); }
            catch (Exception ex) { TestUtl.AssertExceptionType <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(ex); }

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(2, 'b');
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(5, chars.Count);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[0]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[1]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[2]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[3]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[4]);

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(2, 'c');
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(5, chars.Count);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a c b b", chars.ToString());

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(1, 'a');
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(5, chars.Count);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[0]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[1]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[2]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[3]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[4]);

            Set(chars, "aabb");
            chars.Insert(1, 'c');
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(5, chars.Count);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[0]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('c', chars[1]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[2]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[3]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[4]);
        static void Test_GetSet()
            RleArray <char> chars;

            // get
            chars = new RleArray <char>();
            Set(chars, "abc");
            TestUtl.AssertEquals(3, chars.Count);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('a', chars[0]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('b', chars[1]);
            TestUtl.AssertEquals('c', chars[2]);
            try{ chars[-1].ToString(); throw new Exception(); }
            catch (Exception ex) { TestUtl.AssertExceptionType <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(ex); }
            try{ chars[5].ToString(); throw new Exception(); }
            catch (Exception ex) { TestUtl.AssertExceptionType <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(ex); }

            // set - out of bounds
            chars = new RleArray <char>();
            Set(chars, "abc");
            try{ chars[-1] = 'z'; throw new Exception(); }
            catch (Exception ex) { TestUtl.AssertExceptionType <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(ex); }
            try{ chars[4] = 'd'; throw new Exception(); }
            catch (Exception ex) { TestUtl.AssertExceptionType <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(ex); }

                // set - same value
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[2] = 'b';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a b b b c c", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[2|a] [3|b] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - new value on left boundary
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[2] = 'X';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a X b b c c", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[2|a] [1|X] [2|b] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - same value as the previous node on left boundary
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[2] = 'a';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a a b b c c", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[3|a] [2|b] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - new value in the middle of a node
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[3] = 'a';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a b a b c c", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[2|a] [1|b] [1|a] [1|b] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - new value on right boundary
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[4] = 'X';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a b b X c c", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[2|a] [2|b] [1|X] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - same value as the next node on right boundary
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[4] = 'c';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a b b c c c", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[2|a] [2|b] [3|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - combines with previous node and the node disappears
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabcc");
                chars[2] = 'a';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a a c c", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[3|a] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - combines with next node and the node disappears
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabcc");
                chars[2] = 'c';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a c c c", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[2|a] [3|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - combines with next and previous node, and the node disappears
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabaa");
                chars[2] = 'a';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a a a a", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[5|a]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - combines with previous node and the node disappears
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabcc");
                chars[2] = 'B';
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("a a B c c", chars.ToString());
                TestUtl.AssertEquals("[2|a] [1|B] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());
        public void GetSet()
            RleArray <char> chars;

            // get
            chars = new RleArray <char>();
            Set(chars, "abc");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, chars.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual('a', chars[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual('b', chars[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual('c', chars[2]);
            MyAssert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(delegate {
            MyAssert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(delegate {

            // set - out of bounds
            chars = new RleArray <char>();
            Set(chars, "abc");
            MyAssert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(delegate {
                chars[-1] = 'z';
            MyAssert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(delegate {
                chars[4] = 'd';

                // set - same value
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[2] = 'b';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a b b b c c", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[2|a] [3|b] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - new value on left boundary
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[2] = 'X';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a X b b c c", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[2|a] [1|X] [2|b] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - same value as the previous node on left boundary
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[2] = 'a';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a a b b c c", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[3|a] [2|b] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - new value in the middle of a node
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[3] = 'a';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a b a b c c", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[2|a] [1|b] [1|a] [1|b] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - new value on right boundary
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[4] = 'X';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a b b X c c", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[2|a] [2|b] [1|X] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - same value as the next node on right boundary
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabbbcc");
                chars[4] = 'c';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a b b c c c", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[2|a] [2|b] [3|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - combines with previous node and the node disappears
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabcc");
                chars[2] = 'a';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a a c c", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[3|a] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - combines with next node and the node disappears
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabcc");
                chars[2] = 'c';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a c c c", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[2|a] [3|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - combines with next and previous node, and the node disappears
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabaa");
                chars[2] = 'a';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a a a a", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[5|a]", chars._Nodes.ToString());

                // set - combines with previous node and the node disappears
                chars = new RleArray <char>();
                Set(chars, "aabcc");
                chars[2] = 'B';
                Assert.AreEqual("a a B c c", chars.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual("[2|a] [1|B] [2|c]", chars._Nodes.ToString());