public async Task AddAsync(RiftEventLog log) { await using var context = new RiftContext(); await context.EventLogs.AddAsync(log); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
static async Task LogEventAsync(string name, ulong[] participants, string rewardPlain, ulong startedBy, DateTime startedAt, TimeSpan duration) { var log = new RiftEventLog { Name = name, ParticipantsAmount = (uint)participants.Length, Reward = rewardPlain, StartedBy = startedBy, StartedAt = startedAt, Duration = duration, FinishedAt = DateTime.UtcNow, }; await LogEventAsync(log); }
static async Task LogEventAsync(RiftEventLog log) { await DB.EventLogs.AddAsync(log); }
async Task FinishAsync(RiftActiveEvent expiredEvent) { var eventLogString = $"ID {expiredEvent.Id.ToString()} \"{expiredEvent.EventName}\""; var dbEvent = await DB.Events.GetAsync(expiredEvent.EventName); if (dbEvent is null) { RiftBot.Log.Error($"Could not finish event {eventLogString}: {nameof(RiftEvent)} is null!"); return; } if (!IonicHelper.GetTextChannel(Settings.App.MainGuildId, Settings.ChannelId.Monsters, out var channel)) { RiftBot.Log.Error($"Could not finish event {eventLogString}: Event channel is null!"); return; } var message = (IUserMessage)await channel.GetMessageAsync(expiredEvent.ChannelMessageId); if (message is null) { RiftBot.Log.Error($"Could not finish event {eventLogString}: Event message is null! Deleted?"); return; } if (!IonicHelper.GetEmote(213672490491314176ul, "smite", out var emote)) { RiftBot.Log.Error($"Could not finish event {eventLogString}: Emote is null! Deleted?"); return; } // Reaction amount is limited by discord itself. // See var reactions = await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(emote, 100).FlattenAsync(); if (reactions is null) { RiftBot.Log.Error($"Could not finish event {eventLogString}: Unable to get reactions."); return; } var dbReward = await DB.Rewards.GetAsync(dbEvent.SharedRewardId); if (dbReward is null) { RiftBot.Log.Error($"Could not finish event {eventLogString}: " + $"Unable to get reward ID {dbEvent.SharedRewardId.ToString()}."); return; } var participants = reactions .Where(x => !x.IsBot && x.Id != IonicHelper.Client.CurrentUser.Id) .Select(x => x.Id) .ToArray(); if (participants.Length == 0) { await LogEventAsync(dbEvent.Name, null, "No reward provided ", expiredEvent.StartedBy, expiredEvent.StartedAt, dbEvent.Duration); await DB.ActiveEvents.RemoveAsync(expiredEvent.Id); RiftBot.Log.Error($"Could not finish event {eventLogString}: No participants."); return; } RiftReward specialReward = null; var specialWinnerId = 0ul; if (dbEvent.HasSpecialReward) { specialReward = await DB.Rewards.GetAsync(dbEvent.SpecialRewardId); if (specialReward is null) { RiftBot.Log.Error($"Could not finish event {eventLogString}: " + $"Unable to get special reward ID {dbEvent.SharedRewardId.ToString()}."); return; } specialWinnerId = participants.Random(); var specReward = specialReward.ToRewardBase(); await rewardService.DeliverToAsync(specialWinnerId, specReward); } var reward = dbReward.ToRewardBase(); foreach (var userId in participants) { await rewardService.DeliverToAsync(userId, reward); } await DB.ActiveEvents.RemoveAsync(expiredEvent.Id); var eventType = (EventType)dbEvent.Type; foreach (var participant in participants) { switch (eventType) { case EventType.Normal: NormalMonstersKilled?.Invoke( null, new NormalMonstersKilledEventArgs(participant, 1u)); break; case EventType.Rare: RareMonstersKilled?.Invoke( null, new RareMonstersKilledEventArgs(participant, 1u)); break; case EventType.Epic: EpicMonstersKilled?.Invoke( null, new EpicMonstersKilledEventArgs(participant, 1u)); break; } } var log = new RiftEventLog { Name = dbEvent.Name, ParticipantsAmount = (uint)participants.Length, Reward = "No reward provided", StartedBy = expiredEvent.StartedBy, StartedAt = expiredEvent.StartedAt, Duration = dbEvent.Duration, FinishedAt = DateTime.UtcNow, SpecialWinnerId = specialWinnerId }; await messageService.SendMessageAsync("event-finished", Settings.ChannelId.Monsters, new FormatData(expiredEvent.StartedBy) { EventData = new EventData { Log = log, Stored = dbEvent, } }); if (dbEvent.HasSpecialReward) { await messageService.SendMessageAsync("event-finished-special", Settings.ChannelId.Monsters, new FormatData(specialWinnerId) { Reward = specialReward.ToRewardBase() }); } await LogEventAsync(log).ConfigureAwait(false); }