public static void prepareToCreateTOC(string consoletocFile, RichTextBox rtb = null) { if (!consoletocFile.EndsWith("\\")) { consoletocFile = consoletocFile + "\\"; } List <string> files = GetFiles(consoletocFile); if (files.Count != 0) { rtb?.AppendText($"Creating TOC in {consoletocFile}\n"); string t = files[0]; int n = t.IndexOf("DLC_"); if (n > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { files[i] = files[i].Substring(n); } string t2 = files[0]; n = t2.IndexOf("\\"); for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { files[i] = files[i].Substring(n + 1); } } else { n = t.IndexOf("BIOGame"); if (n > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { files[i] = files[i].Substring(n); } } } string pathbase; string t3 = files[0]; int n2 = t3.IndexOf("BIOGame"); if (n2 >= 0) { pathbase = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(consoletocFile)) + "\\"; } else { pathbase = consoletocFile; } CreateTOC(pathbase, consoletocFile + "PCConsoleTOC.bin", files.ToArray()); rtb?.AppendText("Done.\n"); } }
public MainForm () { // // _richTextBox // _richTextBox = new RichTextBox (); _richTextBox.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; _richTextBox.SelectionAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; _richTextBox.AppendText ("Title"); Controls.Add (_richTextBox); // // _alignButton // _alignButton = new Button (); _alignButton.Text = "Left Align"; _alignButton.Dock = DockStyle.Top; _alignButton.Click += new EventHandler (AlignButton_Click); Controls.Add (_alignButton); // // MainForm // ClientSize = new Size (300, 130); Location = new Point (250, 100); StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Text = "bug #351918"; Load += new EventHandler (MainForm_Load); }
public MainForm () { // // _richTextBox // _richTextBox = new RichTextBox (); _richTextBox.ReadOnly = true; _richTextBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black; _richTextBox.AppendText ("should be colored black"); _richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Red; _richTextBox.AppendText ("\r\nshould have a red color"); _richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Empty; _richTextBox.AppendText ("\r\nshould be default color"); _richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black; _richTextBox.AppendText ("\r\nshould be colored black"); _richTextBox.SelectionFont = new Font (_richTextBox.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Bold); _richTextBox.AppendText (" and now bold"); _richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Red; _richTextBox.AppendText ("\r\nshould have a red color"); _richTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Empty; _richTextBox.AppendText ("\r\nshould be default color"); Controls.Add (_richTextBox); // // MainForm // ClientSize = new Size (300, 150); Location = new Point (250, 100); StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Text = "bug #351576"; Load += new EventHandler (MainForm_Load); }
static void Main () { TextBox textBox = new TextBox (); textBox.CreateControl (); for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) textBox.AppendText (string.Format ("This is line {0}", i)); RichTextBox rtb = new RichTextBox (); rtb.CreateControl (); for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) rtb.AppendText (string.Format ("This is line {0}", i)); }
public static void WriteLog(RichTextBox _logTextBox, string Text) { string Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss dd-MM-yyyy | "); if (_logTextBox.InvokeRequired) { _logTextBox.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { _logTextBox.AppendText(Time + Text + "\n"); _logTextBox.Select(_logTextBox.Text.LastIndexOf('|'), 1); _logTextBox.SelectionFont = new System.Drawing.Font(_logTextBox.Font.FontFamily, _logTextBox.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold); _logTextBox.ScrollToCaret(); })); } else { _logTextBox.AppendText(Time + Text + "\n"); _logTextBox.Select(_logTextBox.Text.LastIndexOf('|'), 1); _logTextBox.SelectionFont = new System.Drawing.Font(_logTextBox.Font.FontFamily, _logTextBox.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold); _logTextBox.ScrollToCaret(); } }
public static void Append(this RichTextBox textbox, object text) { textbox.AppendText(text.ToString()); }
public static void AppendLine(this RichTextBox textbox) { textbox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); }
public static void AppendFormatLine(this RichTextBox textbox, string format, params object[] arg0) { textbox.AppendText(String.Format(format, arg0) + Environment.NewLine); }
/// <summary> /// Вывод сообщения в диалог. /// </summary> /// <param name="parMessage">Текст сообщения</param> public override void AddMessageToMessageBox(string parMessage) { _messageSpace.AppendText(parMessage); }
public void AppendText(string AppendingText) { TB.Focus(); TB.AppendText(AppendingText); Invalidate(); }
protected override void write(string message) { richTextBox.AppendText($"{message}\n"); }
private void SendTheMessageToRichTextBox(string logMessage, RichTextBoxRowColoringRule rule, LogEventInfo logEvent) { RichTextBox textBox = TargetRichTextBox; int startIndex = textBox.Text.Length; textBox.SelectionStart = startIndex; textBox.SelectionBackColor = GetColorFromString(rule.BackgroundColor, textBox.BackColor); textBox.SelectionColor = GetColorFromString(rule.FontColor, textBox.ForeColor); textBox.SelectionFont = new Font(textBox.SelectionFont, textBox.SelectionFont.Style ^ rule.Style); textBox.AppendText(logMessage + "\n"); textBox.SelectionLength = textBox.Text.Length - textBox.SelectionStart; // find word to color foreach (RichTextBoxWordColoringRule wordRule in WordColoringRules) { MatchCollection matches = wordRule.CompiledRegex.Matches(textBox.Text, startIndex); foreach (Match match in matches) { textBox.SelectionStart = match.Index; textBox.SelectionLength = match.Length; textBox.SelectionBackColor = GetColorFromString(wordRule.BackgroundColor, textBox.BackColor); textBox.SelectionColor = GetColorFromString(wordRule.FontColor, textBox.ForeColor); textBox.SelectionFont = new Font(textBox.SelectionFont, textBox.SelectionFont.Style ^ wordRule.Style); } } if (SupportLinks) { object linkInfoObj; lock (logEvent.Properties) { logEvent.Properties.TryGetValue(RichTextBoxLinkLayoutRenderer.LinkInfo.PropertyName, out linkInfoObj); } if (linkInfoObj != null) { RichTextBoxLinkLayoutRenderer.LinkInfo linkInfo = (RichTextBoxLinkLayoutRenderer.LinkInfo)linkInfoObj; bool linksAdded = false; textBox.SelectionStart = startIndex; textBox.SelectionLength = textBox.Text.Length - textBox.SelectionStart; string addedText = textBox.SelectedText; MatchCollection matches = linkAddRegex.Matches(addedText); //only access regex after checking SupportLinks, as it assures the initialization for (int i = matches.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) //backwards order, so the string positions are not affected { Match match = matches[i]; string linkText = linkInfo.GetValue(match.Value); if (linkText != null) { textBox.SelectionStart = startIndex + match.Index; textBox.SelectionLength = match.Length; FormHelper.ChangeSelectionToLink(textBox, linkText, LinkPrefix + logEvent.SequenceID); linksAdded = true; } } if (linksAdded) { linkedEvents[logEvent.SequenceID] = logEvent; } } } //remove some lines if there above the max if (MaxLines > 0) { //find the last line by reading the textbox var lastLineWithContent = textBox.Lines.LastOrDefault(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f)); if (lastLineWithContent != null) { char lastChar = lastLineWithContent.Last(); var visibleLineCount = textBox.GetLineFromCharIndex(textBox.Text.LastIndexOf(lastChar)); var tooManyLines = (visibleLineCount - MaxLines) + 1; if (tooManyLines > 0) { textBox.SelectionStart = 0; textBox.SelectionLength = textBox.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(tooManyLines); if (SupportLinks) { string selectedRtf = textBox.SelectedRtf; //only access regex after checking SupportLinks, as it assures the initialization foreach (Match match in linkRemoveRtfRegex.Matches(selectedRtf)) { int id; if (int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out id)) { lock (linkedEventsLock) { linkedEvents.Remove(id); } } } } textBox.SelectedRtf = "{\\rtf1\\ansi}"; } } } if (AutoScroll) { textBox.Select(textBox.TextLength, 0); textBox.ScrollToCaret(); } }
private void BackgroundWorkerOnProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs progressChangedEventArgs) { _logText.AppendText(progressChangedEventArgs.UserState + "\n"); }
private void AppendText(string info) { box.AppendText(info); box.ScrollToCaret(); }
/// <summary>Appends text to the current text of a rich text box.</summary> /// <param name="text">The text to append to the current contents of the text box.</param> public void AppendText(string text) { _richTextBox.AppendText(text); }
private async void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _resourceManager = Properties.Resources.ResourceManager; _imageStatusList = new ImageList(); // ReSharper disable once ResourceItemNotResolved _imageCloseTabPage = (Bitmap)_resourceManager.GetObject("close"); _imageNameList = new List <string>() { "False", "True" }; foreach (var imageName in _imageNameList) { _imageStatusList.Images.Add((Bitmap)_resourceManager?.GetObject(imageName)); } listViewFriends.SmallImageList = _imageStatusList; LoginForm loginForm = new LoginForm(); if (loginForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _connection = await ConnectionBuilder.Create(loginForm.AuthorizationResult); await _connection.Session.Initialization(loginForm.AuthorizationResult.User); foreach (var friend in _connection.Friends) { if (friend.Value == true) { listViewFriends.Items.Add(friend.Key, friend.Key, 1); } else { listViewFriends.Items.Add(friend.Key, friend.Key, 0); } } } _connection.ChangeStatusFriend += (o, args) => { if (args.Status == true) { listViewFriends.Items[args.UserName].ImageIndex = 1; if (TabControlChat.Controls.Count != 0) { if (TabControlChat.SelectedTab == TabControlChat.TabPages[args.UserName]) { sendMessageButton.Enabled = true; } } } else { listViewFriends.Items[args.UserName].ImageIndex = 0; if (TabControlChat.Controls.Count != 0) { if (TabControlChat.SelectedTab == TabControlChat.TabPages[args.UserName]) { sendMessageButton.Enabled = false; } } } }; _connection.SendMessage += (o, args) => { TabPage page = TabControlChat.TabPages[args.UserName]; RichTextBox richTextBox = page.Controls[0] as RichTextBox; richTextBox?.AppendText("\r\n"); richTextBox?.AppendText("Ja :" + args.Message); }; _connection.ReceiveMessage += (o, args) => { if (TabControlChat.TabPages[args.UserName] == null) { TabPage page = new TabPage(args.UserName) { Name = args.UserName }; RichTextBox richTextBox = new RichTextBox { Text = args.UserName + @": " + args.Message, Dock = DockStyle.Fill, ReadOnly = true }; page.Controls.Add(richTextBox); TabControlChat.Controls.Add(page); } else { var page = TabControlChat.TabPages[args.UserName]; RichTextBox richTextBox = page.Controls[0] as RichTextBox; richTextBox?.AppendText("\r\n"); richTextBox?.AppendText(args.UserName + @": " + args.Message); } }; _connection.IncomingCall += (o, args) => { buttonCall.Visible = false; buttonCancel.Visible = false; buttonCallDeclined.Visible = true; buttonCallAccepted.Visible = true; userName = args.User; }; }
private void DisplayWorkFlowItems() { multiTabs.TabPages.Clear(); RichTextBox box = null; TextBox sumBox = null; TabPage page = null; Label lab = null; String[] tabs = { "Inputs", "Attributes" }; // Removed Sequence //foreach (TabPage cPage in multiTabs.TabPages) //{ // cPage.Controls.Clear(); // multiTabs.TabPages.Remove(cPage); //} foreach (String tabName in tabs) { page = new TabPage(); page.Text = tabName; page.Name = tabName; box = new RichTextBox(); page.Controls.Add(box); multiTabs.TabPages.Add(page); CopyRTB(templateRTB, ref box, true); box.ContextMenuStrip = null; switch (tabName) { case "Inputs": foreach (VROWorkFlow.Variables iVar in workflowitems.inputs.Values) { box.AppendText(iVar.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "Attributes": foreach (VROWorkFlow.Variables iVar in workflowitems.attribs.Values) { box.AppendText(iVar.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } break; case "Sequence": VROWorkFlow.WorkFlowItem wfi = workflowitems.workitems[workflowitems.rootItem]; box.AppendText("Root Item : " + wfi.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); while (wfi.wfiType != "end") { wfi = workflowitems.workitems[wfi.outItemName]; box.AppendText("Next Item : " + wfi.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } break; } } List <String> wfkeys = workflowitems.itemKeys.Keys.ToList(); wfkeys.Sort(); foreach (String key in wfkeys) { String wfiItemName = workflowitems.itemKeys[key]; page = new TabPage(); VROWorkFlow.WorkFlowItem wfi = workflowitems.workitems[wfiItemName]; page.Text = wfi.displayName == null ? wfi.itemName : wfi.displayName; page.Tag = wfi; page.Name = wfi.itemName; box = new RichTextBox(); box.Name = "RTB-" + wfi.itemName; box.KeyDown += TextBoxMonitorKeyDown; box.KeyUp += TextBoxMonitorKeyUp; box.Click += RTBBoxClicked; sumBox = new TextBox(); sumBox.Name = "SUMMARY-" + wfi.itemName; lab = new Label(); lab.Name = "LABEL-" + wfi.itemName; page.Controls.Add(sumBox); page.Controls.Add(box); page.Controls.Add(lab); multiTabs.TabPages.Add(page); CopyRTB(templateRTB, ref box); CopyBOX(templateSummary, ref sumBox); CopyLabel(PositionMarker, lab); box.Lines = wfi.lines; sumBox.AppendText(wfi.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); if (wfi.inputs.Count > 0) { foreach (String eName in wfi.inputs.Keys) { sumBox.AppendText("Input : " + eName + " - " + wfi.inputs[eName].ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } } if (wfi.outputs.Count > 0) { foreach (String eName in wfi.outputs.Keys) { sumBox.AppendText("Output : " + eName + " - " + wfi.outputs[eName].ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } } } }
private void PrintNeuronResult(RichTextBox richTextBox, int index, double result) { richTextBox.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { richTextBox.AppendText(index + ": " + String.Format("{0:0.00000}", result) + "\r\n"); }); }
public override void Write(string value) { txt.AppendText(value); }
public bool verificarSintaxis(RichTextBox txtLog) { bool comprobante = true; List <String> pila = new List <String>(); TablaAnalisisSintactico tas = new TablaAnalisisSintactico(); IdentificadoresTabla find = new IdentificadoresTabla(); pila.Add("$"); pila.Add("Codigo"); do { Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------"); foreach (String element in pila) { Console.Write(" " + element); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (String element in entrada) { Console.Write(" " + element); } //si los ultimos elementos de ambas listas son iguales, se eliminan if (pila[pila.Count - 1].Equals(entrada[entrada.Count - 1])) { pila.RemoveAt(pila.Count - 1); entrada.RemoveAt(entrada.Count - 1); } else if (pila[pila.Count - 1].Equals("e")) { pila.RemoveAt(pila.Count - 1); } else //Se busca en la tabla los reemplazos para el último en la pila { String noTerminal = pila[pila.Count - 1]; pila.RemoveAt(pila.Count - 1); int cont = 0; int fila = Array.IndexOf(find.Fila, noTerminal); int columna = Array.IndexOf(find.Columna, entrada[entrada.Count - 1]); //Console.WriteLine("\n\nFila: " + fila + " Columna: " + columna); try { foreach (String element in tas.Tabla[fila, columna]) { pila.Add(element); cont++; } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex) { comprobante = false; } if (cont == 0) { comprobante = false; } } Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); } while (pila.Count != 0 && comprobante); //Si la pila o la entrada no están vacías quiere decir que el análisis sintáctico no fue satisfactorio if (pila.Count != 0 || entrada.Count != 0) { comprobante = false; Console.WriteLine("Hay errores sintácticos en el análisis"); txtLog.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + "Error Sintáctico en: (" + informacion[entrada.Count - 2].Fila + "," + informacion[entrada.Count - 2].Columna + ")"); } return(comprobante); }
public static void ProcessInput(int startpoint) { processing = true; if (startpoint == 0) { r3.Text = ""; } noOfLines = r2.Lines.Length - 1; int u = startpoint; // process only last line for (; u < noOfLines; u++) { cuurrentLineNo = u; Initialize(); show_output = true; p_line = r2.Lines[u]; p_line = p_line.Trim(' '); if (p_line == "") { continue; } if (p_line[p_line.Length - 1] == ';') { show_output = false; } p_line = p_line.Trim(';'); p_len = p_line.Length; if (p_len == 0) { continue; } // Skip Initial Spaces SkipSpaces(); inx--; if (End()) { continue; } // Store This Point; beginInx = inx; if (IsCommand()) { // Skip Spaces SkipSpaces(); inx--; if (End()) { continue; } ParseCommand(); } else if (IsEquation(p_line)) { if (SplitEquation(p_line, VariableAssignment)) { FVar temp = null; if ((temp = ListHandler.ML_VariableList(MLGUI.GetVariable, is_var)) != null) { ListHandler.ML_VariableList(MLGUI.UpdateVariableValue, temp.varName, is_val); } else { ListHandler.ML_VariableList(MLGUI.AddItem, is_var, is_val); } } else if (SplitEquation(p_line, FunctionAssignment)) { FunctionTree temp = null; if ((temp = ListHandler.ML_FunctionList(MLGUI.GetFunction, is_var)) != null) { ListHandler.ML_FunctionList(MLGUI.UpdateFunctionExpression, is_var, is_func); } else { ListHandler.ML_FunctionList(MLGUI.AddItem, is_var, is_func); } //foreach (FVar v in temp.varList) //{ //if (ListHandler.ML_FunctionList(MLGUI.GetFunction, v.varName)) //} } else { syntaxError = true; Error(); } } else if (IsVariable(p_line)) { ListHandler.ML_VariableList(MLGUI.RemoveItem, is_var); ListHandler.ML_VariableList(MLGUI.AddItem, is_var); } else if (IsFunction(p_line)) { FunctionEntry temp = null; if ((temp = ListHandler.ML_FunctionListSecondary(MLGUI.GetFunctionFromExpression, is_func)) != null) { r2.AppendText(temp.Name); r2.SelectionStart = r2.TextLength; r2.ScrollToCaret(); } else { ListHandler.ML_FunctionList(MLGUI.AddItem, "", is_func); } } else { parseError = true; Error(); } if (output[0] != "" && show_output) { string lu = (u + 1) + ""; r3.AppendText("line-" + lu); for (int o = 0; o < (5 - lu.Length); o++) { r3.Text += " "; } r3.AppendText("\t" + output[0] + "\n"); int z = 1; while (output[z] != "" && z < output.Length) { for (int o = 0; o < 10; o++) { r3.Text += " "; } r3.AppendText("\t" + output[z] + "\n"); z++; } } } processing = false; }
public void validarLexemas(RichTextBox TokensTxt, RichTextBox ErroresTxt) { TokensTxt.AppendText("<ListaTokens>\n", Color.BlueViolet); ErroresTxt.AppendText("<ListaErrores>\n\n", Color.BlueViolet); Boolean PalabraControl; foreach (Palabra auxPalabra in Palabras) { PalabraControl = false; foreach (Regex auxRegex in Expresiones) { if (auxRegex.TestLexema(auxPalabra.getLexema(), Conjuntos)) { //GENERAR XML TokensTxt.AppendText("\t<Token>\n", Color.LimeGreen); TokensTxt.AppendText("\t\t<Nombre> ", Color.DarkOrange); TokensTxt.AppendText(auxRegex.getID(), Color.Gainsboro); TokensTxt.AppendText(" </Nombre>\n", Color.DarkOrange); TokensTxt.AppendText("\t\t<Valor> ", Color.DeepPink); TokensTxt.AppendText(auxPalabra.getLexema(), Color.Gainsboro); TokensTxt.AppendText(" </Valor>\n", Color.DeepPink); TokensTxt.AppendText("\t\t<Fila> ", Color.Crimson); TokensTxt.AppendText(auxPalabra.Fila.ToString(), Color.Gainsboro); TokensTxt.AppendText(" </Fila>\n", Color.Crimson); TokensTxt.AppendText("\t\t<Columa> ", Color.DodgerBlue); TokensTxt.AppendText(auxPalabra.Columna.ToString(), Color.Gainsboro); TokensTxt.AppendText(" </Columa>\n", Color.DodgerBlue); TokensTxt.AppendText("\t</Token>\n\n", Color.LimeGreen); PalabraControl = true; } } if (!PalabraControl) { //GENERAR XML ErroresTxt.AppendText("\t<Error>\n", Color.LimeGreen); ErroresTxt.AppendText("\t\t<Valor> ", Color.DeepPink); ErroresTxt.AppendText(auxPalabra.getLexema(), Color.Gainsboro); ErroresTxt.AppendText(" </Valor>\n", Color.DeepPink); ErroresTxt.AppendText("\t\t<Fila> ", Color.Crimson); ErroresTxt.AppendText(auxPalabra.Fila.ToString(), Color.Gainsboro); ErroresTxt.AppendText(" </Fila>\n", Color.Crimson); ErroresTxt.AppendText("\t\t<Columa> ", Color.DodgerBlue); ErroresTxt.AppendText(auxPalabra.Columna.ToString(), Color.Gainsboro); ErroresTxt.AppendText(" </Columa>\n", Color.DodgerBlue); ErroresTxt.AppendText("\t</Error>\n\n", Color.LimeGreen); } } TokensTxt.AppendText("</ListaTokens>", Color.BlueViolet); ErroresTxt.AppendText("</ListaErrores>", Color.BlueViolet); }
//appends the text to the current textbox that is in focus private void SquareRootButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { focusedTextBox.AppendText("√"); }
public void ResetDescription(RichTextBox rtbDescription) { rtbDescription.AppendText(string.Format(LexTextControls.ksBullettedItem, Citation, Environment.NewLine)); }
public static void TCPSocketServer() { string data = null; // Data buffer for incoming data. byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024]; int portNumber; Configuration configManager = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None); KeyValueConfigurationCollection confCollection = configManager.AppSettings.Settings; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(confCollection["TCPPort"].Value)) { Int32.TryParse(confCollection["TCPPort"].Value, out portNumber); } else { MessageBox.Show("TCPPort is not set in the config file!!!", "BuggerNET"); return; } // Establish the local endpoint for the socket. // Dns.GetHostName returns the name of the // host running the application. IPHostEntry ipHostInfo = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0]; IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, portNumber); TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(localEndPoint); // Bind the socket to the local endpoint and // listen for incoming connections. try { tcpListener.Start(); // Start listening for connections. while (true) { //statRTB.AppendText("Waiting for a connection...\n"); while (!tcpListener.Pending()) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); } // Program is suspended while waiting for an incoming connection. Socket handler = tcpListener.AcceptSocket(); handler.Blocking = false; data = null; // An incoming connection needs to be processed. int count = 0; while (/*count < 100000 && !m_Stop.WaitOne(0)*/ true) { bytes = new byte[1024]; data = null; SocketError socketError = SocketError.Success; //try //{ while (handler.Receive(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, SocketFlags.None, out socketError) <= 0) { // //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); } //} //catch (Exception ex1) //{ // string str = ex1.ToString(); //} data = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); //statRTB.AppendText(string.Format("Text received : {0}\n", data)); bytes = null; count++; } handler.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); handler.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { statRTB.AppendText(ex.ToString()); } }
public static void AppendFormat(this RichTextBox textbox, string format, params object[] arg0) { textbox.AppendText(String.Format(format, arg0)); }
public void wyswietl(RichTextBox o, string tekst) { o.Focus(); o.AppendText(tekst); o.ScrollToCaret(); }
public static void AppendLine(this RichTextBox textbox, string text) { textbox.AppendText(text + Environment.NewLine); }
public override void Write(char value) { base.Write(value); _output.AppendText(value.ToString()); // Когда символ записывается в поток, добавляем его в textbox. }
private void ViewSpellInfo() { _rtb.Clear(); _rtb.SetBold(); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("ID - {0} {1}", _spell.ID, _spell.SpellNameRank); _rtb.SetDefaultStyle(); _rtb.AppendFormatLine(_line); _rtb.AppendFormatLineIfNotNull("Description: {0}", _spell.Description); _rtb.AppendFormatLineIfNotNull("ToolTip: {0}", _spell.ToolTip); _rtb.AppendFormatLineIfNotNull("Modal Next Spell: {0}", _spell.ModalNextSpell); if (_spell.Description != string.Empty && _spell.ToolTip != string.Empty && _spell.ModalNextSpell != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine(_line); } _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Category = {0}, SpellIconID = {1}, activeIconID = {2}, SpellVisual = ({3},{4}), SpellPriority = {5}", _spell.Category, _spell.SpellIconID, _spell.ActiveIconID, _spell.SpellVisual[0], _spell.SpellVisual[1], _spell.SpellPriority); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Family {0}, flag [0] 0x{1:X8} [1] 0x{2:X8} [2] 0x{3:X8}", (SpellFamilyNames)_spell.SpellFamilyName, _spell.SpellFamilyFlags[0], _spell.SpellFamilyFlags[1], _spell.SpellFamilyFlags[2]); _rtb.AppendLine(); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("SpellSchoolMask = {0} ({1})", _spell.SchoolMask, _spell.School); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("DamageClass = {0} ({1})", _spell.DmgClass, (SpellDmgClass)_spell.DmgClass); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("PreventionType = {0} ({1})", _spell.PreventionType, (SpellPreventionType)_spell.PreventionType); if (_spell.Attributes != 0 || _spell.AttributesEx != 0 || _spell.AttributesEx2 != 0 || _spell.AttributesEx3 != 0 || _spell.AttributesEx4 != 0 || _spell.AttributesEx5 != 0 || _spell.AttributesEx6 != 0 || _spell.AttributesEx7 != 0) { _rtb.AppendLine(_line); } if (_spell.Attributes != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Attributes: 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.Attributes, (SpellAtribute)_spell.Attributes); } if (_spell.AttributesEx != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("AttributesEx1: 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.AttributesEx, (SpellAtributeEx)_spell.AttributesEx); } if (_spell.AttributesEx2 != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("AttributesEx2: 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.AttributesEx2, (SpellAtributeEx2)_spell.AttributesEx2); } if (_spell.AttributesEx3 != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("AttributesEx3: 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.AttributesEx3, (SpellAtributeEx3)_spell.AttributesEx3); } if (_spell.AttributesEx4 != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("AttributesEx4: 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.AttributesEx4, (SpellAtributeEx4)_spell.AttributesEx4); } if (_spell.AttributesEx5 != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("AttributesEx5: 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.AttributesEx5, (SpellAtributeEx5)_spell.AttributesEx5); } if (_spell.AttributesEx6 != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("AttributesEx6: 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.AttributesEx6, (SpellAtributeEx6)_spell.AttributesEx6); } if (_spell.AttributesEx7 != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("AttributesEx7: 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.AttributesEx7, (SpellAtributeEx7)_spell.AttributesEx7); } _rtb.AppendLine(_line); if (_spell.Targets != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Targets Mask = 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.Targets, (SpellCastTargetFlags)_spell.Targets); } if (_spell.TargetCreatureType != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Creature Type Mask = 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.TargetCreatureType, (CreatureTypeMask)_spell.TargetCreatureType); } if (_spell.Stances != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Stances: {0}", (ShapeshiftFormMask)_spell.Stances); } if (_spell.StancesNot != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Stances Not: {0}", (ShapeshiftFormMask)_spell.StancesNot); } AppendSkillLine(); // reagents { var printedHeader = false; for (var i = 0; i < _spell.Reagent.Length; ++i) { if (_spell.Reagent[i] == 0) { continue; } if (!printedHeader) { _rtb.AppendLine(); _rtb.Append("Reagents:"); printedHeader = true; } _rtb.AppendFormat(" {0} x{1}", _spell.Reagent[i], _spell.ReagentCount[i]); } if (printedHeader) { _rtb.AppendLine(); } } _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Spell Level = {0}, base {1}, max {2}, maxTarget {3}", _spell.SpellLevel, _spell.BaseLevel, _spell.MaxLevel, _spell.MaxTargetLevel); if (_spell.EquippedItemClass != -1) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("EquippedItemClass = {0} ({1})", _spell.EquippedItemClass, (ItemClass)_spell.EquippedItemClass); if (_spell.EquippedItemSubClassMask != 0) { switch ((ItemClass)_spell.EquippedItemClass) { case ItemClass.WEAPON: _rtb.AppendFormatLine(" SubClass mask 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.EquippedItemSubClassMask, (ItemSubClassWeaponMask)_spell.EquippedItemSubClassMask); break; case ItemClass.ARMOR: _rtb.AppendFormatLine(" SubClass mask 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.EquippedItemSubClassMask, (ItemSubClassArmorMask)_spell.EquippedItemSubClassMask); break; case ItemClass.MISC: _rtb.AppendFormatLine(" SubClass mask 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.EquippedItemSubClassMask, (ItemSubClassMiscMask)_spell.EquippedItemSubClassMask); break; } } if (_spell.EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine(" InventoryType mask = 0x{0:X8} ({1})", _spell.EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask, (InventoryTypeMask)_spell.EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask); } } _rtb.AppendLine(); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Category = {0}", _spell.Category); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("DispelType = {0} ({1})", _spell.Dispel, (DispelType)_spell.Dispel); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Mechanic = {0} ({1})", _spell.Mechanic, (Mechanics)_spell.Mechanic); _rtb.AppendLine(_spell.Range); _rtb.AppendFormatLineIfNotNull("Speed {0:F}", _spell.Speed); _rtb.AppendFormatLineIfNotNull("Stackable up to {0}", _spell.StackAmount); _rtb.AppendLine(_spell.CastTime); if (_spell.RecoveryTime != 0 || _spell.CategoryRecoveryTime != 0 || _spell.StartRecoveryCategory != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("RecoveryTime: {0} ms, CategoryRecoveryTime: {1} ms", _spell.RecoveryTime, _spell.CategoryRecoveryTime); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("StartRecoveryCategory = {0}, StartRecoveryTime = {1:F} ms", _spell.StartRecoveryCategory, _spell.StartRecoveryTime); } _rtb.AppendLine(_spell.Duration); if (_spell.ManaCost != 0 || _spell.ManaCostPercentage != 0 || _spell.PowerType != 0 || _spell.ManaCostPerlevel != 0 || _spell.ManaPerSecond != 0 || _spell.ManaPerSecondPerLevel != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormat("Power {0}, Cost {1}", (Powers)_spell.PowerType, _spell.ManaCost == 0 ? _spell.ManaCostPercentage + " %" : _spell.ManaCost.ToString()); _rtb.AppendFormatIfNotNull(" + lvl * {0}", _spell.ManaCostPerlevel); _rtb.AppendFormatIfNotNull(" + {0} Per Second", _spell.ManaPerSecond); _rtb.AppendFormatIfNotNull(" + lvl * {0}", _spell.ManaPerSecondPerLevel); _rtb.AppendLine(); } _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Interrupt Flags: 0x{0:X8}, AuraIF 0x{1:X8}, ChannelIF 0x{2:X8}", _spell.InterruptFlags, _spell.AuraInterruptFlags, _spell.ChannelInterruptFlags); if (_spell.CasterAuraState != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("CasterAuraState = {0} ({1})", _spell.CasterAuraState, (AuraState)_spell.CasterAuraState); } if (_spell.TargetAuraState != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("TargetAuraState = {0} ({1})", _spell.TargetAuraState, (AuraState)_spell.TargetAuraState); } if (_spell.CasterAuraStateNot != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("CasterAuraStateNot = {0} ({1})", _spell.CasterAuraStateNot, (AuraState)_spell.CasterAuraStateNot); } if (_spell.TargetAuraStateNot != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("TargetAuraStateNot = {0} ({1})", _spell.TargetAuraStateNot, (AuraState)_spell.TargetAuraStateNot); } if (_spell.MaxAffectedTargets != 0) { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("MaxAffectedTargets = {0}", _spell.MaxAffectedTargets); } AppendSpellAura(); AppendAreaInfo(); _rtb.AppendFormatLineIfNotNull("Requires Spell Focus {0}", _spell.RequiresSpellFocus); if (_spell.ProcFlags != 0) { _rtb.SetBold(); _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Proc flag 0x{0:X8}, chance = {1}, charges - {2}", _spell.ProcFlags, _spell.ProcChance, _spell.ProcCharges); _rtb.SetDefaultStyle(); _rtb.AppendFormatLine(_line); _rtb.AppendText(_spell.ProcInfo); } else { _rtb.AppendFormatLine("Chance = {0}, charges - {1}", _spell.ProcChance, _spell.ProcCharges); } AppendSpellEffectInfo(); AppendItemInfo(); AppendDifficultyInfo(); AppendSpellVisualInfo(); }
public void ShowSerialLog(RichTextBox rtxtLog) { rtxtLog.AppendText(RcvLog); RcvLog = ""; }
private void Slot_MouseDownBlow(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var hs = (Button)sender; var nc = (KeyValuePair <AirSlotAttributesClass, InstrumentsNotesClass>)hs.Tag; Application.DoEvents(); hs.BackColor = Color.Green; sa.NoteOn(nc.Value.GetNoteByte(), 65, 0); if (writeNoteToText) { timePlayed.Restart(); SongText.AppendText($@"{nc.Value.Note}"); } Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(100); }
public void Drop(RichTextBox richTextBox, object sender, DragEventArgs e) { #region Opid funkcji /* Funkcja podczas upuszczenia pliku na RichTextBox'ie wstawia do niego w zależności od rozszerzenia nazwy pliku: * - obraz (pliki: jpg, jpeg, bmb, gif, tif * - tekst (pliki txt) */ #endregion if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { try { //Pobranie scieżki do pliku string[] filePath = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) as string[]; if (filePath != null) { if (File.Exists(filePath[0])) { foreach (var file in filePath) { int dlugosc = file.Length; int znak = file.LastIndexOf("."); string formatPliku = file.Substring(dlugosc - (dlugosc - znak - 1)).ToLower(); if (formatPliku.ToLower() == "txt") //Plik tekstowy { richTextBox.AppendText(File.ReadAllText(file) + "\n"); } else if (formatPliku == "jpg" || formatPliku == "jpeg" || formatPliku == "bmp" || formatPliku == "gif" || formatPliku == "tif") //Plik obrazu { bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(file, UriKind.Absolute)) { CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad }; bitmap.Freeze(); image = new Image(); image.Source = bitmap; if (image != null) { image.Height = bitmap.Height; //przypisanie rozmiaru Image z orginału (Bitmapy) image.Width = bitmap.Width; //INSERT IMAGE BlockUIContainer container = new BlockUIContainer(image); richTextBox.Document.Blocks.Add(container); //Dodoanie ZNACZNIKÓW dla narozników AKTUALNIE wstawianego zdjecia dla RESIZE za pomocą klasy ResizingAdorner image.Loaded += delegate { AdornerLayer al = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(image); if (al != null) { al.Add(new ResizingAdorner(image, true)); //true - rozciąganie proporcjonalne } }; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } }
public static void smethod_0(RichTextBox richTextBox_0, string string_0, Color color_0) { int length = richTextBox_0.Text.Length; richTextBox_0.AppendText(string_0 + "\r\n\r\n"); richTextBox_0.Select(length, checked(string_0.Length + 1)); richTextBox_0.SelectionColor = color_0; richTextBox_0.Select(length, 0); richTextBox_0.ScrollToCaret(); if (richTextBox_0.Lines.Length >= 150) { richTextBox_0.Clear(); } }
public void LogWind(int wind) { int deltaWind = 0; if (lastWind == null) { deltaWind = wind; } else { deltaWind = wind - (int)lastWind; } lastWind = wind; string dws = ""; if (deltaWind > 0) { if (enemyDir == 1) { dws = "\t(∆ = " + deltaWind + " ►, ∆ѳ = ◄ " + (deltaWind / 10) + "°)"; } else { dws = "\t(∆ = ◄ " + (-1 * deltaWind) + ", ∆ѳ = " + (deltaWind / 10) + "° ►)"; } } else if (deltaWind < 0) { if (enemyDir == 1) { dws = "\t(∆ = ◄ " + (-1 * deltaWind) + ", ∆ѳ = " + Math.Abs(deltaWind / 10) + "° ►)"; } else { dws = "\t(∆ = ◄ " + (-1 * deltaWind) + ", ∆ѳ = ◄ " + Math.Abs(deltaWind / 10) + "°)"; } } else { dws = "\t(∆ = " + deltaWind + ", ∆ѳ = 0°)"; } /*if (deltaWind > 0) * dws = "\t(∆ = " + deltaWind + " ►)"; * else if (deltaWind < 0) * dws = "\t(∆ = ◄ " + (-1 * deltaWind) + ")"; * else * dws = "\t(∆ = " + deltaWind + ")";*/ if (wind > 0) { log.AppendText(wind + " ►" + dws + Environment.NewLine); } else if (wind < 0) { log.AppendText("◄ " + (-1 * wind) + dws + Environment.NewLine); } else { log.AppendText(wind + dws + Environment.NewLine); } windChart.Series["wind_history"].Points.Add(new DataPoint(x, wind)); x++; }