文件: WebRPC.cs 项目: LuaLG/MyLifeRPC
        public static WebRequest PrepareRequest(RichPresence presence, string applicationID, int port = 6463)
            //Validate the presence
            if (presence != null)
                //Send valid presence
                //Validate the presence with our settings
                if (presence.HasSecrets())
                    throw new BadPresenceException("Cannot send a presence with secrets as HTTP endpoint does not suppport events.");

                if (presence.HasParty() && presence.Party.Max < presence.Party.Size)
                    throw new BadPresenceException("Presence maximum party size cannot be smaller than the current size.");

            //Prepare some params
            int pid = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;

            //Prepare the payload
            PresenceCommand command = new PresenceCommand()
                PID = pid, Presence = presence
            var payload = command.PreparePayload(DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime());

            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload);

            string url = "" + port + "/rpc?v=" + RpcConnection.VERSION + "&client_id=" + applicationID;

            return(new WebRequest(url, json));
        public static WebRequest PrepareRequest(
            RichPresence presence,
            string applicationID,
            int port = 6463)
            if (presence != null)
                if (presence.HasSecrets())
                    throw new BadPresenceException("Cannot send a presence with secrets as HTTP endpoint does not suppport events.");
                if (presence.HasParty() && presence.Party.Max < presence.Party.Size)
                    throw new BadPresenceException("Presence maximum party size cannot be smaller than the current size.");
            int    id   = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)new PresenceCommand()
                PID      = id,
                Presence = presence

            return(new WebRequest("" + (object)port + "/rpc?v=" + (object)RpcConnection.VERSION + "&client_id=" + applicationID, json));
        private void setPresence(string serverName, string word1, string word2, string word3, int playerCount, string zone)
            presence.Details = "Area Server: " + serverName;
            presence.State   = "Not currently in an area.";
            //Only checking the first word. If this isn't set then it's save to assume that we weren't in a zone
            //Used to display the area words however since adding the party count's they end up not showing because the world list was too long.
            if (word1 != "")
                presence.State = "Currently in field.";
                // "Area: " + word1 + " " + word2 + " " + word3;

            presence.Assets = new Assets();
            presence.Assets.LargeImageKey = zone;
            presence.Assets.SmallImageKey = zone;

            presence.Party = new Party()
                ID      = new Guid().ToString(),
                Size    = playerCount,
                Max     = 3,
                Privacy = Party.PrivacySetting.Private
文件: WebRPC.cs 项目: LuaLG/MyLifeRPC
        public static bool TrySetRichPresence(RichPresence presence, out RichPresence response, string applicationID, int port = 6463)
            //Validate the presence
            if (presence != null)
                //Send valid presence
                //Validate the presence with our settings
                if (presence.HasSecrets())
                    throw new BadPresenceException("Cannot send a presence with secrets as HTTP endpoint does not suppport events.");

                if (presence.HasParty() && presence.Party.Max < presence.Party.Size)
                    throw new BadPresenceException("Presence maximum party size cannot be smaller than the current size.");

            //Iterate over the ports until the first succesfull one
            for (int p = port; p < 6472; p++)
                //Prepare the url and json
                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                        WebRequest request = PrepareRequest(presence, applicationID, p);
                        client.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");

                        var result = client.UploadString(request.URL, request.Data);
                        if (TryParseResponse(result, out response))
                    catch (Exception)
                        //Something went wrong, but we are just going to ignore it and try the next port.

            //we failed, return null
            response = null;
 public static bool TrySetRichPresence(
     RichPresence presence,
     out RichPresence response,
     string applicationID,
     int port = 6463)
     if (presence != null)
         if (presence.HasSecrets())
             throw new BadPresenceException("Cannot send a presence with secrets as HTTP endpoint does not suppport events.");
         if (presence.HasParty() && presence.Party.Max < presence.Party.Size)
             throw new BadPresenceException("Presence maximum party size cannot be smaller than the current size.");
     for (int port1 = port; port1 < 6472; ++port1)
         using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
                 WebRequest webRequest = WebRPC.PrepareRequest(presence, applicationID, port1);
                 webClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/json");
                 if (WebRPC.TryParseResponse(webClient.UploadString(webRequest.URL, webRequest.Data), out response))
             catch (Exception ex)
     response = (RichPresence)null;