        private IClickableRibbonItem FindItemInSubMenu(RibbonItemWrapper startWrapper, List <String> items)
            RibbonItemWrapper currWrapper = startWrapper;

            while (items.Count > 0)  // We still have elements to find
                if (currWrapper is RibbonDropDownBaseWrapper)
                    // Z.B. [MENU]DATEI->Beenden
                    RibbonDropDownBaseWrapper currDropDownWrapper = currWrapper as RibbonDropDownBaseWrapper;
                    currDropDownWrapper.DroppedDown = true;
                    String currItemToFind = items[0];
                    items = items.Skip(1).ToList();
                    // Thread.Sleep(2000);
                    currWrapper = currDropDownWrapper.Items[currItemToFind];
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Das Item >" + currWrapper.Text + "< ist kein gültiges DropDownItem (RibbonMenu oder SplitButton)!");
            }  // We're on the last item. We'll click it.

            if (currWrapper is IClickableRibbonItem)
                return(currWrapper as IClickableRibbonItem);
                throw new NotSupportedException("Das Item >" + currWrapper.Text + "< ist kein gültiger Button!");
        private IWrappedObjectWithText FindItemInRibbon(List <string> items)
            String           tabText = items[0];
            RibbonTabWrapper tab;

            tab = lribbon.Tabs.FindElement(tabText);  // We search the tab in the Tabs of the ribbon

            if (tab == null)
                if (lribbon.SelectedTab.Text.ToLower().Equals(tabText))
                    tab = lribbon.SelectedTab;

                /* else
                 * {
                 *  // if(!lribbon.SelectedTab.Text.ToLower().Equals(tabText))
                 * }

            #region Listallribbons
            if (lbaseGlobals.isListallribbons && (tab != null))
                // jetzt alle Ribbons merken, die im RibbonTab vorhanden sind
                Logger.Instance.Log(this, "Ribbons, die im TAB " + this + "vorhanden sind");
                rTab = tab.Text;
                // allRibbons = allRibbons + tab.Text + rDelemPath;
                // return null;
            #region TabGroup.FindElement
            if (tab == null) // The Tab was not found in the 'normal' tabs, we have to search the contextual Tabs
                for (int currentGroupIndex = 0; currentGroupIndex < lribbon.ContextualTabGroups.Count; currentGroupIndex++)
                    RibbonContextualTabGroupWrapper tabGroup = lribbon.ContextualTabGroups[currentGroupIndex];
                    tab = tabGroup.Tabs.FindElement(tabText);
                    if (lbaseGlobals.isListallribbons && (tab != null))
                        rTab = tab.Text;
                    // allRibbons = allRibbons + tab.Text + rDelemPath;

                    if (tab != null)

            if (tab == null)  // The Tab was still not found
                if (lbaseGlobals.isOptional == true)
                    // throw new OptionalException("Ribbon Menü ignoriert, da optional.");
                    Logger.Instance.Log(this, "Optional Ribbon: " + this);
                    // return "Ribbon Menü ignoriert, da optional.";
                    // return ReturnOK;
                    // Exception( );
                    // throw new ItemNotFoundException("Der Tab >" + tabText + "< wurde nicht gefunden!");
                    // Ribbon->RibbonBar->Der Tab >GENERISCHE TABELLEN-DATEN - ÜBERSICHT< wurde nicht gefunden!
                    throw new ItemNotFoundException("Der Tab >" + tabText + "< wurde nicht gefunden!");
            #endregion TabGroup.FindElement

            lribbon.SelectedTab = tab;

            #region isListallribbons
            if (lbaseGlobals.isListallribbons)
                int countGroups = tab.Groups.Count;
                for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < countGroups; nGroup++)
                    RibbonGroupWrapper tGroup = tab.Groups[nGroup];
                    rGroup = tGroup.Text;
                    // allRibbons = allRibbons + rGroup + rDelemPath; // Gruppe ergänzen
                    // Alle Items unter der Gruppe ergänzen
                    int countItems = tGroup.Items.Count;
                    for (int nItem = 0; nItem < countItems; nItem++)
                        // allItemsInGroup = tGroup.Items // GetType().Name; // tab.Groups[nGroup].Items;
                        allRibbons = allRibbons + rTab + rDelemPath + rGroup + rDelemPath +
                                     tGroup.Items[nItem].Text + rDelem; // Item ergänzen und Delemiter
                        if (tGroup.Items[nItem].Text == lastRibbon)     // || (nGroup == countGroups  && nItem == countItems))
                            lbaseGlobals.isListallribbons = false;
                            // hier noch allRibbons vor dem Ausstieg in eine Datei schreiben
                            c_textdatei.WriteFile(ModulFile, "Alle Ribbons des TABS " + rTab + ":\r\n" + allRibbons + "\r\n");

                             * // OpenFileDialog
                             * System.IO.StreamReader sr = new
                             *  System.IO.StreamReader(ModulFile);
                             * MessageBox.Show(sr.ReadToEnd());
                             * sr.Close();

                            MessageBox.Show("Angelegt in der Datei: \r\n" + ModulFile + "\r\n\r\n" + allRibbons, "Alle Ribbons zu TAB " + rTab);
                            // ModulFile
                            allRibbons = "";
                            // throw new ListallRibbonsException("Alle Ribbons des TABS: + \r\n" + allRibbons);                            // return null;
                            // hier in Datei schreiben
                lbaseGlobals.isListallribbons = false;
                // hier noch allRibbons vor dem Ausstieg in eine Datei schreiben
                c_textdatei.WriteFile(ModulFile, "Alle Ribbons des TABS " + rTab + ":\r\n" + allRibbons + "\r\n");
                MessageBox.Show("Angelegt in der Datei: \r\n" + ModulFile + "\r\n\r\n" + allRibbons, "Alle Ribbons zu TAB " + rTab);
                // ModulFile
                allRibbons = "";
            #endregion isListallribbons

            items = items.Skip(1).ToList();
            if (items.Count == 0 && (lbaseGlobals.isListallribbons == false))  // no more elements in the list, only the tab change is wanted
            #endregion Listallribbons

            String             groupText = items[0];
            RibbonGroupWrapper group     = tab.Groups[groupText];
            items = items.Skip(1).ToList();
            if (items.Count == 0)  //no more elements in the list, only a verification that the group exists was done
            if (!group.Enabled)
                throw new NotEnabledException("Die Gruppe >" + groupText + "< ist nicht enabled.");
            RibbonItemWrapper foundItem = group.Items[items[0]];
            items = items.Skip(1).ToList();
            Logger.Instance.Log("foundItem, items: " + foundItem + ", " + items);
            return(FindItemInSubMenu(foundItem, items));