        private static string StepToBugMarkdown(RhinoTestStep testStep)
            // setup action
            var action = "*" + testStep.Action.Replace("{", "\\\\{") + "*\\r\\n";

            // setup
            var expectedResults = Regex
                                  .Split(testStep.Expected, "(\r\n|\r|\n)")
                                  .Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i) && !Regex.IsMatch(i, "(\r\n|\r|\n)"))

            var failedOn = testStep.Context.ContainsKey(ContextEntry.FailedOn)
                ? (IEnumerable <int>)testStep.Context[ContextEntry.FailedOn]
                : Array.Empty <int>();

            // exit conditions
            if (!failedOn.Any())

            // build
            var markdown = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < expectedResults.Length; i++)
                var outcome = failedOn.Contains(i) ? "{panel:bgColor=#ffebe6}" : "{panel:bgColor=#e3fcef}";
                markdown.Add(outcome + expectedResults[i].Replace("{", "\\\\{") + "{panel}");

            // results
            return(action + string.Join("\\r\\n", markdown));
        private static RhinoTestStep GetTestStep(JToken testStep)
            // constants
            const string Pattern = @"{{(?!\$).*?}}";

            // 1st cycle
            var rhinoStep = new RhinoTestStep
                Action   = $"{testStep["fields"]["Action"]}".Replace(@"\{", "{").Replace(@"\[", "[").Replace("{{{{", "{{").Replace("}}}}", "}}"),
                Expected = $"{testStep["fields"]["Expected Result"]}".Replace(@"\{", "{").Replace(@"\[", "[").Replace("{{{{", "{{").Replace("}}}}", "}}")

            // 2nd cycle: action
            var matches = Regex.Matches(rhinoStep.Action, Pattern);

            foreach (Match match in matches)
                rhinoStep.Action = ReplaceByMatch(rhinoStep.Action, match);

            // 3rd cycle: action
            matches = Regex.Matches(rhinoStep.Expected, Pattern);
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                rhinoStep.Expected = ReplaceByMatch(rhinoStep.Expected, match);

            // get
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts test management test case interface into a RhinoTestCase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Test case token (from Jira response) to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>RhinoTestCase object.</returns>
        public static RhinoTestCase ToRhinoTestCase(this JToken testCase)
            // initialize test case instance & fetch issues
            var onTestCase = new RhinoTestCase();

            // apply context
            onTestCase.Context ??= new Dictionary <string, object>();
            onTestCase.Context[nameof(testCase)] = testCase;

            // fields: setup
            var priority = GetPriority(testCase);

            // fields: values
            onTestCase.Priority = string.IsNullOrEmpty(priority) ? onTestCase.Priority : priority;
            onTestCase.Key      = $"{testCase["key"]}";
            onTestCase.Scenario = $"{testCase.SelectToken("fields.summary")}";
            onTestCase.Link     = $"{testCase["self"]}";

            // initialize test steps collection
            var testSteps   = testCase.SelectToken("..steps");
            var parsedSteps = new List <RhinoTestStep>();

            // iterate test steps & normalize action/expected
            foreach (var testStep in testSteps.Children())
                var step = new RhinoTestStep
                    Action   = $"{testStep["action"]}".Replace("{{", "{").Replace("}}", "}").Replace(@"\{", "{").Replace(@"\[", "["),
                    Expected = $"{testStep["result"]}".Replace("{{", "{").Replace("}}", "}").Replace(@"\{", "{").Replace(@"\[", "[")

                // normalize auto links (if any)
                step.Action   = NormalizeAutoLink(step.Action);
                step.Expected = NormalizeAutoLink(step.Expected);

                // normalize line breaks from XRay
                var onExpected = step.Expected.SplitByLines();
                step.Expected = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, onExpected);

                // apply
                step.Context[nameof(testStep)] = testStep;

            // apply to connector test steps
            onTestCase.Steps = parsedSteps;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an update request for XRay test case result, under a test execution entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testStep">RhinoTestStep by which to create request.</param>
        /// <param name="outcome">Set the step outcome. If not provided, defaults will be assigned.</param>
        public static object GetUpdateRequest(this RhinoTestStep testStep, string outcome)
            // setup
            var inconclusiveStatus = testStep.GetCapability(AtlassianCapabilities.InconclusiveStatus, "ABORTED");

            // set outcome
            var onOutcome = testStep.Actual ? "PASS" : "FAIL";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outcome) && outcome != "PASS" && outcome != "FAIL" && outcome != inconclusiveStatus)
                onOutcome = outcome;

            // set request object
                Id = $"{testStep.Context["runtimeid"]}",
                Status = onOutcome,
                Comment = testStep.Exception == null ? null : $"{{noformat}}{testStep?.Exception}{{noformat}}",
                ActualResult = $"{{noformat}}{testStep.ReasonPhrase}{{noformat}}"
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a RhinoTestStep into XRay compatible markdown which can be placed in any
 /// description type field.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="testStep">RhinoTestStep to convert.</param>
 /// <returns>XRay compatible markdown representation of this RhinoTestStep.</returns>
 public static string BugMarkdown(this RhinoTestStep testStep)
 private static bool IsWebAppAction(RhinoTestStep testStep)
     return(Regex.IsMatch(input: testStep.Action, pattern: "(?i)(go to url|navigate to|open|go to)"));