public static void drawText_section(Rectangle3d tempBoundingBox, Rhino.Display.Text3d textToDraw, double tempScaleFactor, System.Windows.Point tempOrigin, ref Canvas UnitPlanCanvas, double fontSize, System.Windows.Media.Brush foreGround) { System.Windows.Point tempTransformedPoint = pointConverter(tempBoundingBox, textToDraw.TextPlane.Origin, tempScaleFactor, tempOrigin); Border tempBorder = new Border(); tempBorder.Height = 200; tempBorder.Width = 200; Canvas.SetLeft(tempBorder, pointConverter(tempBoundingBox, textToDraw.TextPlane.Origin, tempScaleFactor, tempOrigin).X - 200 / 2); Canvas.SetTop(tempBorder, pointConverter(tempBoundingBox, textToDraw.TextPlane.Origin, tempScaleFactor, tempOrigin).Y - 200 / 2); TextBlock textBlockToDraw = new TextBlock(); textBlockToDraw.Text = textToDraw.Text; textBlockToDraw.Foreground = foreGround; textBlockToDraw.FontSize = fontSize; textBlockToDraw.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center; textBlockToDraw.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; System.Windows.Media.RotateTransform tempRotater = new System.Windows.Media.RotateTransform(90); textBlockToDraw.RenderTransform = tempRotater; textBlockToDraw.RenderTransformOrigin = new System.Windows.Point(.5, .5); tempBorder.Child = textBlockToDraw; UnitPlanCanvas.Children.Add(tempBorder); }
public override void DrawViewportWires(IGH_PreviewArgs args) { if (_text.Count == 0) { return; } //Plane plane; //args.Viewport.GetFrustumFarPlane(out plane); for (int i = 0; i < _text.Count; i++) { string text = _text[i]; Point3d point = _point[i]; double size = _size[i]; Polyline tile = _tile[i]; Plane plane; args.Viewport.GetFrustumFarPlane(out plane); plane.Origin = point; Rhino.Display.Text3d drawText = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(text, plane, size); args.Display.Draw3dText(text, Color.Black, plane, size, null, false, false, Rhino.DocObjects.TextHorizontalAlignment.Center, Rhino.DocObjects.TextVerticalAlignment.Middle); args.Display.DrawPolyline(tile, Color.Black, 2); drawText.Dispose(); } }
public override void DrawViewportWires(IGH_PreviewArgs args) { base.DrawViewportWires(args); if (texts.Count == 0) { return; } Plane plane; args.Viewport.GetFrustumFarPlane(out plane); for (int i = 0; i < texts.Count; i++) { string text = texts[i]; double size = sizes[i]; Point3d location = locations[i]; plane.Origin = location; // Figure out the size. This means measuring the visible size in the viewport AT the current location. double pixPerUnit; Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport viewport = args.Viewport; viewport.GetWorldToScreenScale(location, out pixPerUnit); size = size / pixPerUnit; Rhino.Display.Text3d drawText = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(text, plane, size); args.Display.Draw3dText(drawText, args.WireColour); drawText.Dispose(); } }
public Guid DrawObjectWithSpecificLayer(Rhino.Display.Text3d text, NamedLayer layername) { Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(layerIndexes[(int)layername], false); Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes attribute = new Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes(); var result = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddText(text.Text, text.TextPlane, 200, "Arial", false, false, Rhino.Geometry.TextJustification.Center); Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Layers.SetCurrentLayerIndex(0, false); return(result); }
private static Rhino.Display.Text3d centeredText(string text, double height, Point3d center) { Rhino.Display.Text3d tempRoomType = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(text, Plane.WorldXY, height); Vector3d tempVector = new Vector3d(center - tempRoomType.BoundingBox.Center); tempRoomType.TextPlane = new Plane(tempRoomType.TextPlane.Origin + tempVector, Vector3d.ZAxis); return(tempRoomType); }
public static RoomNamecard CreateRoomNamecard(Point3d CenterPoint, double RoomSize_squareMilimeter, double storiesHeight) { List <Curve> Form = CreateNamecardForm(CenterPoint); Rhino.Display.Text3d roomType = centeredText("주거시설", 400, CenterPoint + new Point3d(0, 250, 0)); Rhino.Display.Text3d roomSize = centeredText(Math.Round(RoomSize_squareMilimeter / 1000000, 0).ToString() + "m\xB2", 400, CenterPoint + new Point3d(-500, -250, 0)); Rhino.Display.Text3d roomHeight = centeredText("CH : " + Math.Round(storiesHeight, 0).ToString(), 400, CenterPoint + new Point3d(-500, -250, 0)); Rhino.Display.Text3d[] text = { roomType, roomSize, roomHeight }; return(new RoomNamecard(Form, text.ToList())); }
public Slider(Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider slider, Plane p, string fontFace, double length, double textHeight, string name) { plane = p; vMin = (double)slider.Slider.Minimum; vMax = (double)slider.Slider.Maximum; val = (double)slider.CurrentValue; normVal = (val - vMin) / (vMax - vMin); range = new Line(p.Origin, p.XAxis, length); sValue = new Line(p.Origin, p.XAxis, length * normVal); = name; this.textHeight = textHeight; this.fontFace = fontFace; label = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(name); label.Height = textHeight; Plane labPlane = new Plane(plane); labPlane.Translate(p.YAxis * -(textHeight * 1.8)); label.TextPlane = labPlane; tMin = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(Convert.ToString(vMin)); tMax = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(Convert.ToString(vMax)); tVal = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(Convert.ToString(val)); if (this.fontFace != "") { tMin.FontFace = this.fontFace; tMax.FontFace = this.fontFace; tVal.FontFace = this.fontFace; label.FontFace = this.fontFace; } tMin.Height = textHeight; tMax.Height = textHeight; tVal.Height = textHeight * 1.2; Plane tPlane = new Plane(plane); tPlane.Translate(p.XAxis * -(textHeight * 0.8)); tMin.TextPlane = tPlane; tPlane.Origin = p.Origin + p.XAxis * length; tPlane.Translate(p.XAxis * (textHeight * 0.8)); tMax.TextPlane = tPlane; tPlane.Origin = p.Origin + p.XAxis * length * normVal; tPlane.Translate(p.YAxis * textHeight); tVal.TextPlane = tPlane; tMin.HorizontalAlignment = Rhino.DocObjects.TextHorizontalAlignment.Right; tMax.HorizontalAlignment = Rhino.DocObjects.TextHorizontalAlignment.Left; tVal.HorizontalAlignment = Rhino.DocObjects.TextHorizontalAlignment.Center; tVal.Bold = true; }
public PointUnited(Point3d rpoint) { float mousex = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X; float mousey = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y; rPoint = rpoint; wPoint = new System.Windows.Point(mousex, mousey); Rhino.Display.Text3d text3d = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(rpoint.Z.ToString()); Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddText(text3d); }
public override void DrawViewportWires(IGH_PreviewArgs args) { args.Viewport.GetFrustumFarPlane(out Plane plane); Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport viewport = args.Viewport; //X軸 for (int i = 0; i < _xline.Count; i++) { if (x_guideline == 1) { args.Display.DrawPatternedLine(_xline[i], Color.Black, 0x00001111, 1); double size = fontsize; Point3d point = _xline[i].From; plane.Origin = point; viewport.GetWorldToScreenScale(point, out double pixPerUnit); size /= pixPerUnit; Rhino.Display.Text3d drawText = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(_xlabel[i], plane, size); drawText.HorizontalAlignment = TextHorizontalAlignment.Center; drawText.VerticalAlignment = TextVerticalAlignment.Top; args.Display.Draw3dText(drawText, Color.Black); drawText.Dispose(); } } //Y軸 for (int i = 0; i < _yline.Count; i++) { if (y_guideline == 1) { args.Display.DrawPatternedLine(_yline[i], Color.Black, 0x00001111, 1); double size = fontsize; Point3d point = _yline[i].From; plane.Origin = point; viewport.GetWorldToScreenScale(point, out double pixPerUnit); size /= pixPerUnit; Rhino.Display.Text3d drawText = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(_ylabel[i], plane, size); drawText.HorizontalAlignment = TextHorizontalAlignment.Right; drawText.VerticalAlignment = TextVerticalAlignment.Middle; args.Display.Draw3dText(drawText, Color.Black); drawText.Dispose(); } } //Z軸 for (int i = 0; i < _zline.Count; i++) { if (z_guideline == 1) { args.Display.DrawPatternedLine(_zline[i], Color.Black, 0x00001111, 1); double size = fontsize; Point3d point = _zline[i].From; plane.Origin = point; viewport.GetWorldToScreenScale(point, out double pixPerUnit); size /= pixPerUnit; Rhino.Display.Text3d drawText = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(_zlabel[i], plane, size); drawText.HorizontalAlignment = TextHorizontalAlignment.Right; drawText.VerticalAlignment = TextVerticalAlignment.Middle; args.Display.Draw3dText(drawText, Color.Black); drawText.Dispose(); } } }///ここからGUIの作成*****************************************************************************************
/***************************************************/ // Create the preview of panels. public static void AddPanelPreview(this Rhino.Display.CustomDisplay display, Model model, IEnumerable <int> ids, out HashSet <int> nodeIds, double graphicFactor, double elementFactor, double textFactor, double forceFactor, bool showComponentNumbers, bool showElementNumbers, bool showLCS, bool showLoads, bool showLoadValues, bool showEdges, bool showThk = false, Grasshopper.GUI.Gradient.GH_Gradient gradient = null, string panelResultType = "None", bool showResultValues = false) { nodeIds = new HashSet <int>(); if (model.Panels.Count == 0) { return; } // Take all results out first to determine min & max, otherwise could be done inside the loop. Dictionary <int, double> panelTopResults = new Dictionary <int, double>(); Dictionary <int, double> panelBottomResults = new Dictionary <int, double>(); double panelMax = 0; double panelMin = 0; if (panelResultType != "None") { Dictionary <int, double[]> panelResults = model.Mesh.GetElementResults(panelResultType); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double[]> elResult in panelResults) { int id = elResult.Key; double[] results = elResult.Value; int halfResultCount = results.Length / 2; panelTopResults.Add(id, results.Skip(halfResultCount).Average()); panelBottomResults.Add(id, results.Take(halfResultCount).Average()); } panelMax = Math.Max(panelTopResults.Values.Max(), panelBottomResults.Values.Max()); panelMin = Math.Min(panelTopResults.Values.Min(), panelBottomResults.Values.Min()); } ids = ids.Count() == 0 ? Enumerable.Range(0, model.Panels.Count) : ids.Select(i => i - 1); foreach (int i in ids) { Panel panel = model.Panels[i]; if (showComponentNumbers) { Vector3d fOffset = panel.LCS.ZAxis * 0.002; if (showThk) { fOffset += panel.LCS.ZAxis * 0.5 * panel.Thickness; } Plane fp = new Plane(panel.LCS.Origin + fOffset, panel.LCS.ZAxis); Plane bp = new Plane(panel.LCS.Origin - fOffset, -panel.LCS.ZAxis); Rhino.Display.Text3d ft = new Rhino.Display.Text3d("Panel " + panel.CCXId(), fp, elementFactor * 0.6 * textFactor); Rhino.Display.Text3d bt = new Rhino.Display.Text3d("Panel " + panel.CCXId(), bp, elementFactor * 0.6 * textFactor); ft.Bold = true; bt.Bold = true; display.AddText(ft, Color.DarkRed); display.AddText(bt, Color.DarkRed); } foreach (Element element in panel.Elements) { Element2D e = element as Element2D; int eId = e.Id.AsInteger; foreach (Node n in e.Nodes.Take(e.PrimaryNodeCount)) { nodeIds.Add(n.Id.AsInteger); } Color bottomColor; Color topColor; if (panelResultType == "None") { bottomColor = topColor = Color.Aqua; } else { bottomColor = gradient.ColourAt((panelBottomResults[eId] - panelMin) / (panelMax - panelMin)); topColor = gradient.ColourAt((panelTopResults[eId] - panelMin) / (panelMax - panelMin)); } Point3d centroid = e.GetCentroid(); Vector3d normal = e.GetNormal(); Vector3d minOffset = normal * 0.001; Vector3d offset = showThk ? normal * 0.5 * panel.Thickness : minOffset; List <Point3d> front = new List <Point3d>(); List <Point3d> back = new List <Point3d>(); foreach (Point3d v in e.GetVertices()) { front.Add(v + offset); back.Add(v - offset); } display.AddPolygon(front, topColor, Color.Black, true, showEdges); display.AddPolygon(back, bottomColor, Color.Black, true, showEdges); if (showThk) { front.Add(front[0]); back.Add(back[0]); for (int j = 0; j < front.Count - 1; j++) { List <Point3d> fv = front.GetRange(j, 2); List <Point3d> bv = back.GetRange(j, 2); bv.Reverse(); fv.AddRange(bv); display.AddPolygon(fv, Color.Aqua, Color.Black, true, true); } } Plane tp = new Plane(panel.LCS); tp.Origin = centroid + offset + minOffset; tp.XAxis *= -1; tp.ZAxis *= -1; Plane bp = new Plane(panel.LCS); bp.Origin = centroid - offset - minOffset; if (showResultValues && panelTopResults.Count != 0) { Rhino.Display.Text3d t1 = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(panelTopResults[eId].ToString("G2"), tp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t1.Bold = true; display.AddText(t1, Color.Black); Rhino.Display.Text3d t2 = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(panelBottomResults[eId].ToString("G2"), bp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t2.Bold = true; display.AddText(t2, Color.Black); } if (showLCS) { display.AddVector(centroid, e.Orientation[0] * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Red); display.AddVector(centroid, e.Orientation[1] * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Green); display.AddVector(centroid, normal * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Blue); } if (showLoads && e.Pressure != 0) { Vector3d pv = normal * e.Pressure / forceFactor * elementFactor * 5 * graphicFactor; List <Point3d> pressurePoints = new List <Point3d>(); foreach (Point3d pt in e.PopulateWithPoints()) { if (e.Pressure > 0) { display.AddVector(pt - pv - offset, pv); } else { display.AddVector(pt - pv + offset, pv); } } if (showLoadValues) { Plane p; if (e.Pressure > 0) { p = new Plane(e.GetCentroid() - pv * 1.1 - offset, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis); } else { p = new Plane(e.GetCentroid() - pv * 1.1 + offset, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis); } Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(e.Pressure.ToString("G2"), p, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t.Bold = true; display.AddText(t, Color.Magenta); } } if (showElementNumbers) { Rhino.Display.Text3d tt = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(e.CCXId(), tp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); Rhino.Display.Text3d bt = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(e.CCXId(), bp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); tt.Bold = true; bt.Bold = true; display.AddText(tt, Color.Black); display.AddText(bt, Color.Black); } } } }
public List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> MeshTopoVerticeGetEdgeID(Mesh x) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshTopologyVertexList vs = x.TopologyVertices; Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshTopologyEdgeList el = x.TopologyEdges; for (int i = 0; i < vs.Count; i++) { Point3d f = vs[i]; int[] fs = vs.ConnectedTopologyVertices(i); if (fs.Length > 1) { string str = ""; for (int j = 0; j < fs.Length - 1; j++) { str += el.GetEdgeIndex(fs[j], i).ToString() + "-"; } str += el.GetEdgeIndex(fs[fs.Length - 1], i).ToString(); Rhino.Display.Text3d te = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(str.ToString(), new Plane(f, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(te); } } return output; }
/***************************************************/ // Create the preview of nodes. public static void AddNodePreview(this Rhino.Display.CustomDisplay display, Model model, IEnumerable <int> ids, double graphicFactor, double elementFactor, double textFactor, double forceFactor, bool showNodes, bool showNodeNumbers, bool showLoads, bool showLoadValues, Grasshopper.GUI.Gradient.GH_Gradient gradient = null, string nodeResultType = "None", bool showResultValues = false) { if (model.Mesh == null || model.Mesh.Nodes.Count == 0) { return; } List <double> nodeResults = new List <double>(); double nodeMax = 0; double nodeMin = 0; if (nodeResultType != "None") { nodeResults = model.Mesh.GetNodeDisplacement(nodeResultType); nodeMax = nodeResults.Max(); nodeMin = nodeResults.Min(); } foreach (int i in ids) { Node n = model.Mesh.Nodes[i]; if (!n.Primary) { continue; } if (showNodes) { if (nodeResults.Count > 0) { display.AddPoint(n.Location, gradient.ColourAt((nodeResults[i] - nodeMin) / (nodeMax - nodeMin)), Rhino.Display.PointStyle.Simple, Math.Max(1, Convert.ToInt32(5 * elementFactor * graphicFactor))); } else { display.AddPoint(n.Location, Color.DarkRed, Rhino.Display.PointStyle.Simple, Math.Max(1, Convert.ToInt32(5 * elementFactor * graphicFactor))); } } if (showResultValues && nodeResults.Count > 0) { Plane p = new Plane(n.Location + Vector3d.ZAxis * elementFactor, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis); Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(nodeResults[i].ToString("G2"), p, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t.Bold = true; display.AddText(t, Color.Black); } if (showLoads && n.ForceLoad.Length != 0) { Vector3d dLoad = n.ForceLoad / forceFactor * elementFactor * 5 * graphicFactor; display.AddVector(n.Location - dLoad, dLoad); if (showLoadValues) { Plane p = new Plane(n.Location - dLoad * 1.1, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis); Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(n.ForceLoad.Length.ToString("G2"), p, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t.Bold = true; display.AddText(t, Color.Magenta); } } if (showLoads && n.MomentLoad.Length != 0) { Vector3d mLoad = n.MomentLoad; Vector3d axis = new Vector3d(mLoad.X, mLoad.Y, mLoad.Z); Plane ap = new Plane(n.Location, axis); Arc mArc = new Arc(new Circle(ap, 2.5 * elementFactor * graphicFactor), Math.PI * 1.5); display.AddArc(mArc); display.AddVector(mArc.EndPoint, mArc.TangentAt(Math.PI * 1.5)); if (showLoadValues) { Plane p = new Plane(n.Location - n.MomentLoad / forceFactor * elementFactor * 5 * graphicFactor * 1.1, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis); Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(n.MomentLoad.Length.ToString("G2"), p, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t.Bold = true; display.AddText(t, Color.Magenta); } } if (showNodeNumbers) { Plane p = new Plane(n.Location, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis); Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(n.CCXId(), p, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t.Bold = true; display.AddText(t, Color.Purple); } } }
/***************************************************/ // Create the preview of bars. public static void AddBarPreview(this Rhino.Display.CustomDisplay display, Model model, IEnumerable <int> ids, out HashSet <int> nodeIds, double graphicFactor, double elementFactor, double textFactor, bool showComponentNumbers, bool showElementNumbers, bool showLCS, bool showThk = false, string barResultType = "None", bool showResultValues = false) { nodeIds = new HashSet <int>(); if (model.Bars.Count == 0) { return; } // Take all results out first to determine min & max, otherwise could be done inside the loop. Dictionary <int, double[]> barResults = new Dictionary <int, double[]>(); double BFactor = 0; if (barResultType != "None") { barResults = model.Mesh.GetElementResults(barResultType); double barExtreme = barResults.Values.Select(r => Math.Max(Math.Abs(r[0]), Math.Abs(r[1]))).Max(); BFactor = elementFactor / barExtreme * 10; } ids = ids.Count() == 0 ? Enumerable.Range(0, model.Bars.Count) : ids.Select(i => i - 1); foreach (int i in ids) { Bar bar = model.Bars[i]; Plane locLCS = new Plane(bar.LCS); locLCS.Rotate(bar.Rotation, locLCS.ZAxis); locLCS.Translate(locLCS.XAxis * bar.Offset.X); locLCS.Translate(locLCS.YAxis * bar.Offset.Y); Vector3d hOffset = locLCS.XAxis * (bar.Profile.GetHeight() * 0.5); if (showThk) { hOffset *= 2; } Plane tp = new Plane(locLCS.Origin, bar.LCS.YAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis); tp.Translate(hOffset); Curve[] profileCurves = bar.Profile.ToRhinoProfile(); if (showComponentNumbers) { Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d("Bar " + bar.CCXId(), tp, elementFactor * 0.6 * textFactor); t.Bold = true; display.AddText(t, Color.DarkRed); } foreach (Element element in bar.Elements) { Element1D e = element as Element1D; int eId = e.Id.AsInteger; nodeIds.Add(e.Nodes.First().Id.AsInteger); nodeIds.Add(e.Nodes.Last().Id.AsInteger); Point3d[] endPts = e.GetVertices().ToArray(); Point3d c = (endPts[0] + endPts[1]) * 0.5; display.AddLine(new Line(endPts[0], endPts[1]), Color.Aqua); if (showThk) { Plane eP = new Plane(locLCS); List <Point3d> elementVertices = e.GetVertices().ToList(); eP.Translate(elementVertices[0] - bar.LCS.Origin); Transform ptp = Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, eP); // Use DisplayPipeline to get surface preview! Now a temporary solution given. foreach (Curve pc in profileCurves) { Curve opc = pc.DuplicateCurve(); opc.Transform(ptp); display.AddCurve(opc); opc.Translate(elementVertices[1] - elementVertices[0]); display.AddCurve(opc); } } if (barResultType != "None") { Vector3d graphDir; switch (barResultType) { case "Myy": graphDir = locLCS.XAxis; break; case "Mxx": graphDir = locLCS.YAxis; break; default: string barResDir = barResultType.ToString().Substring(1, 1); graphDir = barResDir == "y" ? locLCS.YAxis : locLCS.XAxis; break; } graphDir *= BFactor * graphicFactor; Point3d[] cPts = new Point3d[] { endPts[0], endPts[1], endPts[1] + graphDir * barResults[eId][1], endPts[0] + graphDir * barResults[eId][0] }; display.AddPolygon(cPts, Color.CornflowerBlue, Color.Black, true, true); if (showResultValues && barResults.Count != 0) { Plane tp1 = new Plane(tp); tp1.Translate(endPts[0] - tp1.Origin + graphDir * barResults[eId][0]); Rhino.Display.Text3d t1 = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(barResults[eId][0].ToString("G2"), tp1, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t1.Bold = true; display.AddText(t1, Color.Black); Plane tp2 = new Plane(tp); tp2.Translate(endPts[1] - tp2.Origin + graphDir * barResults[eId][1]); Rhino.Display.Text3d t2 = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(barResults[eId][1].ToString("G2"), tp2, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t2.Bold = true; display.AddText(t2, Color.Black); } } if (showLCS) { display.AddVector(c, locLCS.XAxis * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Red); display.AddVector(c, locLCS.YAxis * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Green); display.AddVector(c, locLCS.ZAxis * elementFactor * graphicFactor, Color.Blue); } if (showElementNumbers) { Plane etp = new Plane(tp); etp.Translate(c - bar.LCS.Origin); Rhino.Display.Text3d t = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(e.CCXId(), etp, elementFactor * 0.4 * textFactor); t.Bold = true; display.AddText(t, Color.Black); } } } }
public List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> MeshFaceID(Mesh x) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); for (int i = 0; i < x.Faces.Count; i++) { Point3d f = new Point3d(); if (x.Faces[i].IsQuad) { f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].A]; f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].B]; f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].C]; f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].D]; f /= 4; } else if (x.Faces[i].IsTriangle) { f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].A]; f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].B]; f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].C]; f /= 3; } Rhino.Display.Text3d te = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(i.ToString(), new Plane(f, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(te); } return output; }
public List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> MeshID(List<Mesh> x) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); for (int i = 0; i < x.Count; i++) { Point3d p; p = x[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Center; Rhino.Display.Text3d text = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(i.ToString(), new Plane(p, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(text); } return output; }
public List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> MeshEdgeID(Mesh x) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshTopologyEdgeList el = x.TopologyEdges; for (int i = 0; i < el.Count; i++) { Point3d f = new Point3d(); Line l1 = el.EdgeLine(i); f = l1.PointAt(0.5); Rhino.Display.Text3d te = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(i.ToString(), new Plane(f, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(te); } return output; }
public List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> MeshFaceGetTopoVerticeID(Mesh x) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshTopologyVertexList vs = x.TopologyVertices; for (int i = 0; i < x.Faces.Count; i++) { Point3d f = new Point3d(); String outputText = ""; int[] data = vs.IndicesFromFace(i); if (x.Faces[i].IsQuad) { int a = x.Faces[i].A, b = x.Faces[i].B, c = x.Faces[i].C, d = x.Faces[i].D; f += x.Vertices[a]; f += x.Vertices[b]; f += x.Vertices[c]; f += x.Vertices[d]; f /= 4; outputText += data[0].ToString() + "-"; outputText += data[1].ToString() + "-"; outputText += data[2].ToString() + "-"; outputText += data[3].ToString(); } else if (x.Faces[i].IsTriangle) { f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].A]; f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].B]; f += x.Vertices[x.Faces[i].C]; f /= 3; outputText += data[0].ToString() + "-"; outputText += data[1].ToString() + "-"; outputText += data[2].ToString(); } Rhino.Display.Text3d te = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(outputText, new Plane(f, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(te); } return output; }
public List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> MeshVerticeID(Mesh x) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshVertexList vs = x.Vertices; for (int i = 0; i < vs.Count; i++) { Point3d f = vs[i]; Rhino.Display.Text3d te = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(i.ToString(), new Plane(f, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(te); } return output; }
// <summary> public List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> MeshVerticeGetFaceID(Mesh x) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshVertexList vs = x.Vertices; for (int i = 0; i < vs.Count; i++) { Point3d f = vs[i]; int[] fs = vs.GetVertexFaces(i); if (fs.Length > 1) { string str = ""; for (int j = 0; j < fs.Length - 1; j++) { str += fs[j].ToString() + "-"; } str += fs[fs.Length - 1].ToString(); Rhino.Display.Text3d te = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(str.ToString(), new Plane(f, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(te); } } return output; }
public static List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> DisplayRef(List<Vertice4> vs) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); for (int i = 0; i < vs.Count; i++) { Point3d f = vs[i].pos; List<int> fs = vs[i].refer; List<int> fs2 = vs[i].refer2; List<int> fs3 = vs[i].refer3; string str = ""; for (int j = 0; j < fs2.Count; j++) { str += fs2[j].ToString() + "-"; } Rhino.Display.Text3d te = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(str.ToString(), new Plane(f, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(te); } return output; }
public List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> MeshTopoVerticeData(Mesh x, List<double> data) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); Rhino.Geometry.Collections.MeshTopologyVertexList vs = x.TopologyVertices; if (data.Count < vs.Count) return output; for (int i = 0; i < vs.Count; i++) { Point3d f = vs[i]; Rhino.Display.Text3d te = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(data[i].ToString(), new Plane(f, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(te); } return output; }
// <summary> public List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> GeoID(List<Object> x) { List<Rhino.Display.Text3d> output = new List<Rhino.Display.Text3d>(); for (int i = 0; i < x.Count; i++) { Point3d p; // index.Add(i); if (x[i].GetType() == typeof(Line)) { Line l = (Line)(x[i]); p = (l.From + l.To) / 2; } else { Rhino.Geometry.GeometryBase base1 = (Rhino.Geometry.GeometryBase)x[i]; // pos.Add(base1.GetBoundingBox(true).Center); p = base1.GetBoundingBox(true).Center; } Rhino.Display.Text3d text = new Rhino.Display.Text3d(i.ToString(), new Plane(p, Vector3d.ZAxis), 1); output.Add(text); } return output; }