public async Task buyCmd([Remainder] string query) { string username = Context.User.ToString(); //check Cooldown if (!RexTimers.canRunCmd(username, "buy")) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`" + RexTimers.getWaitMsg(username, "buy") + "`"); return; } // DataUtils.coins[username] = 1000; //test purposes //Check query argument count validity string[] words = query.Split(' '); //this condition will never be met.. as fun;ction will not be called (will call !help !buy) if (words.Length < 1) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Specify what you want to buy"); return; } int index = => f.Callname == words[0]); if (index < 0) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You entered an invalid item"); return; } ShopItem item =; if (item.Argcount != words.Length) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Check your arguments bruh"); return; } //Check if we have enough coins to buy item int cost = item.Cost; if (!DataUtils.canBuy(username, cost)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You dont have enough money you poor thing"); return; } //Actually buy the item DataUtils.spendCoins(username, cost); string name; int dice; switch (item.Callname) { case "report": //check if valid user -> name = words[1]; if (AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name).Contains("None")) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid user!"); } name = DataUtils.aliases[AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name)]; dice = DataUtils.rnd.Next(1, 101); if (dice < 50) { DataUtils.gainReports(name, 77); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(name + "has been reported 77 times LOL!"); } else { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("I decided not to report anyone"); } break; case "forgive": //check if valid user -> name = words[1]; if (AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name).Contains("None")) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid user!"); } name = DataUtils.aliases[AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name)]; dice = DataUtils.rnd.Next(1, 101); if (dice < 50) { DataUtils.gainReports(name, -77); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(name + "has been forgiven 77 times!"); } else { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("I decided not to forgive anyone"); } break; case "w": await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(MasterUtils.getAnnoyingTTSString(), true); break; case "wchance": DataUtils.incWAddChances(username); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Successfully increased your !w chances by 1%"); break; //case "beg": //break; case "catmode": //length of temp catmode in MasterHandler RexTimers.catModeClock.Start(); break; case "restrain": name = words[1]; if (AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name).Contains("None")) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid user!"); } name = DataUtils.aliases[AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name)]; int timeInSeconds = DataUtils.rnd.Next(121, 181); AdminUtils.addRestriction(name, timeInSeconds); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(name + " is restrained for " + timeInSeconds + "s!"); break; case "purge": if (int.Parse(words[1]) > 30) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You tried to purge too many messages! What a waste of coins..."); } var messages = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync((int.Parse(words[1]) + 1)).Flatten(); await Context.Channel.DeleteMessagesAsync(messages); break; case "tts": name = words[1]; if (AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name).Contains("None")) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid user! What a waste of coins..."); } name = DataUtils.aliases[AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name)]; RexTimers.addPersonToTTS(name); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("```" + username + " decided to tts-annoy " + name + "!\n" + name + " better start sending messages for the next 3 minutes or i'm going to take all of your coins!```"); break; case "annoy": name = words[1]; if (AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name).Contains("None")) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid user! What a waste of coins..."); } name = DataUtils.aliases[AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name)]; RexTimers.addPersonToAnnoy(name); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("```" + username + " decided to super annoy " + name + "!\n" + name + " better start sending messages for the next 3 minutes or i'm going to take all of your coins!```"); break; case "confuse": name = words[1]; if (AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name).Contains("None")) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid user! What a waste of coins..."); } name = DataUtils.aliases[AliasUtils.getAliasKey(name)]; RexTimers.addPersonToConfuse(name); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("```" + username + " decided to confuse " + name + "!\n" + name + " better start sending messages for the next 3 minutes or i'm going to take all of your coins!```"); break; case "bribe": await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("This function is not implemented yet! What a waste of coins..."); break; default: await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Item not added to switch statement"); break; } //show coins spent and coins remaining await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`" + username + " paid " + cost + "coins and has " + DataUtils.getCoinCount(username) + " left!`"); RexTimers.resetTimer(username, "buy"); //Check if valid argument types..? -> Just force convert.. //await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Your requested item is at index :" + index + " which costs " +; }