        public MistakenIdentity()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1074573; // Mistaken Identity
            Description       = 1074574; // What do you want?  Wonderful, another whining request for a refund on tuition.  You know, experiences like that are invaluable ... and infrequent.  Having the opportunity to test yourself under such realistic situations isn't something the college offers all students.  Fine. Fine.  You'll need to submit a refund request form in triplicate before I can return your 1,000,000 gold tuition.  You'll need to get some signatures and a few other odds and ends.
            RefusalMessage    = 1074606; // If you're not willing to follow the proper process then go away.
            InProgressMessage = 1074605; // You're not getting a refund without the proper forms and signatures.
            CompletionMessage = 1074607; // Oh blast!  Not another of those forms.  I'm so sick of this endless paperwork.
            CompletionNotice  = CompletionNoticeShort;

            Objectives.Add(new DeliverObjective(typeof(TuitionReimbursementForm), 1, "Tuition Reimbursement Form", typeof(Gorrow)));

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074634)); // Tuition Reimbursement
        public FriendOfTheFey()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1074284;                                        // Friend of the Fey
            Description       = 1074286;                                        // The children of Sosaria understand the dedication and committment of an arcanist -- and will, from time to time offer their friendship.  If you would forge such a bond, first seek out a goodwill offering to present.  Pixies enjoy sweets and pretty things.
            RefusalMessage    = 1074288;                                        // There's always time to make new friends.
            InProgressMessage = 1074290;                                        // I think honey and some sparkly beads would please a pixie.
            CompletionMessage = 1074292;                                        // What have we here? Oh yes, gifts for a pixie.

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(1, typeof(Beads), 1024235));    // beads
            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(1, typeof(JarHoney), 1022540)); // jar of honey

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074874));                              // The opportunity to prove yourself worthy of learning to Summon Fey. (Sufficient spellweaving skill is required to cast the spell)
        public FleeAndFatigue()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075487; // Flee and Fatigue
            Description       = 1075488; // I was just *coughs* ambushed near the moongate. *wheeze* Why do I pay my taxes? Where were the guards? You then, you an Alchemist? If you can make me a few Refresh potions, I will be back on my feet and can give those lizards the what for! Find a mortar and pestle, a good amount of black pearl, and ten empty bottles to store the finished potions in. Just use the mortar and pestle and the rest will surely come to you. When you return, the favor will be repaid.
            RefusalMessage    = 1075489; // Fine fine, off with *cough* thee then! The next time you see a lizardman though, give him a whallop for me, eh?
            InProgressMessage = 1075490; // Just remember you need to use your mortar and pestle while you have empty bottles and some black pearl. Refresh potions are what I need.
            CompletionMessage = 1075491; // *glug* *glug* Ahh... Yes! Yes! That feels great! Those lizardmen will never know what hit 'em! Here, take this, I can get more from the lizards.

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(10, typeof(RefreshPotion), "refresh potions"));

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1074282, typeof(SadrahSatchel))); // Craftsmans's Satchel
        public UnfadingMemoriesPartTwo()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1075367; // Unfading Memories
            Description       = 1075368; // Finished! With the pigment I was able to create from the Prismatic Amber you brought me, I was able to complete my humble work. I should explain. Once, I loved a noble lady of gentleness and refinement, who possessed such beauty that I have found myself unable to love another to this day. But it was from afar that I admired her, for it is not for one so lowly as I to pay court to the likes of her. You have heard of the fair Thalia, Lady of Nujel'm? No? Well, she was my Muse, my inspiration, and when I heard she was to be married, I lost whatever pitiful talent I possessed. I felt I must compose a portrait of her, my masterpiece, or I would never be able to paint again. You, my friend, have helped me complete my work. Now I ask another favor of you. Will you take it to her as a wedding gift? She will probably reject it, but I must make the offer.
            RefusalMessage    = 1075370; // Alright then, you have already helped me more than I deserved. I shall find someone else to undertake this task.
            InProgressMessage = 1075371; // The wedding is taking place in the palace in Nujel'm. You will likely find her there.
            CompletionMessage = 1075372; // I’m sorry, I’m getting ready to be married. I don’t have time to . . . what’s that you say?
            CompletionNotice  = CompletionNoticeShort;

            Objectives.Add(new DeliverObjective(typeof(PortraitOfTheBride), 1, "Portrait of the Bride", typeof(Thalia)));

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1075369));             // The Artist’s gratitude.
文件: Heritage.cs 项目: twlizer/runuo
        public HeaveHo()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1074351; // Heave Ho!
            Description       = 1074519; // Ho there!  There's nothing quite like a day's honest labor to make you appreciate being alive.  Hey, maybe you'd like to help out with this project?  These crates need to be delivered to Sledge.  The only thing is -- it's a bit of a rush job and if you don't make it in time, he won't take them.  Can I trust you to help out?
            RefusalMessage    = 1074521; // Oh yah, if you're too busy, no problem.
            InProgressMessage = 1074522; // Sledge can be found in Buc's Den.  Better hurry, he won't take those crates if you take too long with them.
            CompletionMessage = 1074523; // Hey, if you have cargo for me, you can start unloading over here.
            CompletionNotice  = CompletionNoticeShort;

            Objectives.Add(new TimedDeliverObjective(TimeSpan.FromHours(1), typeof(CrateForSledge), 5, "Crates for Sledge", typeof(Sledge)));

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074875));                 // Another step closer to becoming human.
        public MakingAContributionSanctuary()
            Activated      = true;
            Title          = 1072755;                                          // Making a Contribution - Sanctuary
            Description    = 1072764;                                          // We must look to the defense of our people!  Bring boards for new arrows.
            RefusalMessage =
                1072769;                                                       // The people have need of these items.  You are proving yourself inadequate to the demands of a member of this community.
            InProgressMessage = 1072776;                                       // The requirements are simple -- 250 boards.
            CompletionMessage = 1074152;                                       // Well, where are the boards?

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(250, typeof(Board), 1027127)); // board

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074872));                             // The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.
        public SympatheticMagic()
            Activated   = true;
            Title       = 1074952;                                                   // Sympathetic Magic
            Description =
                1074958;                                                             // Hmm, I've never even heard of something that can damage diamond like that.  I guess we'll have to go with plan B.  Let's try something similar.  Sometimes there's a natural immunity to be found when you use a substance that's like the one you're trying to cut.  A sort of "sympathetic" thing.  Y'know?
            RefusalMessage    = 1074965;                                             // Sure, no problem.  I thought you were interested in figuring this out.
            InProgressMessage = 1074970;                                             // I think a lumberjack can help supply bark.
            CompletionMessage = 1074993;                                             // You're back with the bark already?  Terrific!  I bet this will do the trick.

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(10, typeof(BarkFragment), 1032687)); // Bark Fragment

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074962));                                   // A step closer to entering Blighted Grove.
        public ComfortableSeating()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075517; // Comfortable Seating
            Description       = 1075518; // Hail friend, hast thou a moment? A mishap with a saw hath left me in a sorry state, for it shall be a while before I canst return to carpentry. In the meantime, I need a comfortable chair that I may rest. Could thou craft a straw chair?  Only a tool, such as a dovetail saw, a few boards, and some skill as a carpenter is needed. Remember, this is a piece of furniture, so please pay attention to detail.
            RefusalMessage    = 1072687; // I quite understand your reluctance.  If you reconsider, I'll be here.
            InProgressMessage = 1075509; // Is all going well? I look forward to the simple comforts in my very own home.
            CompletionMessage = 1074720; // This is perfect!

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(1, typeof(BambooChair), "straw chair"));

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1074282, typeof(LowelSatchel)));             // Craftsmans's Satchel
        public ThePenIsMightier()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075542; // The Pen is Mightier
            Description       = 1075543; // Do you know anything about 'Inscription?' I've been trying to get my hands on some hand crafted Recall scrolls for a while now, and I could really use some help. I don't have a scribe's pen, let alone a spellbook with Recall in it, or blank scrolls, so there's no way I can do it on my own. How about you though? I could trade you one of my old leather bound books for some.
            RefusalMessage    = 1075546; // Hmm, thought I had your interest there for a moment. It's not everyday you see a book made from real daemon skin, after all!
            InProgressMessage = 1075547; // Inscribing... yes, you'll need a scribe's pen, some reagents, some blank scroll, and of course your own magery book. You might want to visit the magery shop if you're lacking some materials.
            CompletionMessage = 1075548; // Ha! Finally! I've had a rune to the waterfalls near Justice Isle that I've been wanting to use for the longest time, and now I can visit at last. Here's that book I promised you... glad to be rid of it, to be honest.

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(5, typeof(RecallScroll), "recall scroll"));

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1075545, typeof(RedLeatherBook)));             // a book bound in red leather
        public BatteredBucklers()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075511;                                        // Battered Bucklers
            Description       = 1075512;                                        // Hey there! Yeah... you! Ya' any good with a hammer? Tell ya what, if yer thinking about tryin' some metal work, and have a bit of skill, I can show ya how to bend it into shape. Just get some of those ingots there, and grab a hammer and use it over here at this forge. I need a few more bucklers hammered out to fill this here order with...  hmmm about ten more. that'll give some taste of how to work the metal.
            RefusalMessage    = 1075514;                                        // Not enough muscle on yer bones to use it? hmph, probably afraid of the sparks markin' up yer loverly skin... to good for some honest labor... ha!... off with ya!
            InProgressMessage = 1075515;                                        // Come On! Whats that... a bucket? We need ten bucklers... not spitoons.
            CompletionMessage = 1075516;                                        // Thanks for the help. Here's something for ya to remember me by.

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(10, typeof(Buckler), 1027027)); // buckler

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1074282, typeof(GervisSatchel)));        // Craftsmans's Satchel
        public MoreOrePlease()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075530; // More Ore Please
            Description       = 1075529; // Have a pickaxe? My supplier is late and I need some iron ore so I can complete a bulk order for another merchant. If you can get me some soon I'll pay you double what it's worth on the market. Just find a cave or mountainside and try to use your pickaxe there, maybe you'll strike a good vein! 5 large pieces should do it.
            RefusalMessage    = 1075531; // Not feeling strong enough today? Its alright, I didn't need a bucket of rocks anyway.
            InProgressMessage = 1075532; // Hmmm… we need some more Ore. Try finding a mountain or cave, and give it a whack.
            CompletionMessage = 1075533; // I see you found a good vien! Great!  This will help get this order out on time. Good work!

            Objectives.Add(new InternalObjective());

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1074282, typeof(MuggSatchel)));             // Craftsmans's Satchel
        public BendingTheBow()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1074019;                                    // Bending the Bow
            Description       = 1074113;                                    // Human craftsmanship! Ha! Why, take an elven bow. It will last for a lifetime, never break and always shoot an arrow straight and true. Can't say the same for a human, can you? Bring me some of these human made bows, and I will show you.
            RefusalMessage    = 1074063;                                    // Fine then, I'm shall find another to run my errands then.
            InProgressMessage = 1074064;                                    // Hurry up! I don't have all day to wait for you to bring what I desire!
            CompletionMessage = 1074065;                                    // These human made goods are laughable! It offends so -- I must show you what elven skill is capable of!

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(10, typeof(Bow), 1025041)); // bow

        public FoolingAernya()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1074618; // Fooling Aernya
            Description       = 1074619; // Now that I've signed your papers you'd better get back to that witch Aernya.  Mmmm mmm smell those ribs!
            RefusalMessage    = 1074620; // Giving up on your scheme eh?  Suit yourself.
            InProgressMessage = 1074621; // You better hurry back to Mistress Aernya with that signed form.  The college only has so much money and with enough claims you may find yourself unable to get your tuition refunded.  *wink*
            CompletionMessage = 1074622; // What?  Hrmph.  Gorrow signed your form did he?  Let me see that.  *squint*
            CompletionNotice  = CompletionNoticeShort;

            Objectives.Add(new DeliverObjective(typeof(SignedTuitionReimbursementForm), 1, "Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form", typeof(Aernya)));

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074634)); // Tuition Reimbursement
        public TuitionReimbursement()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1074634; // Tuition Reimbursement
            Description       = 1074635; // Well, there you are.  I've added my signature to that of Gorrow, so you should be set to return to Mistress Aernya and get your tuition refunded.
            RefusalMessage    = 1074636; // Great! If you're going to stick around here, I know we have more tasks for you to perform.
            InProgressMessage = 1074637; // Just head out the main gates there and you'll find yourself embracing the iron maiden in the Bloodletter's Guild.
            CompletionMessage = 1074638; // *disinterested stare*  What?  Oh, you've gotten your form filled in.  How nice.  *glare*  And I'd hoped you'd drop this charade before I was forced to rub your nose in it.  *nasty smile*  You're not even a student and as such, you're not eligible for a refund -- you've never paid tuition.  For your services, Master Gnosos has recommended you receive pay.  So here.  Now go away.
            CompletionNotice  = CompletionNoticeShort;

            Objectives.Add(new DeliverObjective(typeof(CompletedTuitionReimbursementForm), 1, "Completed Tuition Reimbursement Form", typeof(Aernya)));

        public NecessitysMother()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1073906;                                            // Necessity's Mother
            Description       = 1074096;                                            // What a thing, this human need to tinker. It seems there is no end to what might be produced with a set of Tinker's Tools. Who knows what an elf might build with some? Could you obtain some tinker's tools and bring them to me? In exchange, I offer you elven lore and knowledge.
            RefusalMessage    = 1073921;                                            // I will patiently await your reconsideration.
            InProgressMessage = 1073952;                                            // I will be in your debt if you bring me tinker's tools.
            CompletionMessage = 1073977;                                            // Now, I shall see what an elf can invent!

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(10, typeof(TinkerTools), 1027868)); // tinker's tools

        public AClockworkPuzzle()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075535;                                          // A clockwork puzzle
            Description       = 1075534;                                          // 'Tis a riddle, you see! "What kind of clock is only right twice per day? A broken one!" *laughs heartily* Ah, yes *wipes eye*, that's one of my favorites! Ah... to business. Could you fashion me some clock parts? I wish my own clocks to be right all the day long! You'll need some tinker's tools and some iron ingots, I think, but from there it should be just a matter of working the metal.
            RefusalMessage    = 1072981;                                          // Or perhaps you'd rather not.
            InProgressMessage = 1072271;                                          // You're not quite done yet.  Get back to work!
            CompletionMessage = 1075536;                                          // Wonderful! Tick tock, tick tock, soon all shall be well with grandfather's clock!

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(5, typeof(ClockParts), 1024175)); // clock parts

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1074282, typeof(NibbetSatchel)));          // Craftsmans's Satchel
        public TheGoldenHorn()
            Activated   = true;
            Title       = 1074543;       // The Golden Horn
            Description =
                1074545;                 // Ah ha!  You see here ... and over here ... The map fragment places the city of the bull-men, Labyrinth, on that piece of Sosaria that was thrown into the sky. Hmmm, I would have you go there and find any artifacts that remain that help tell the story.  But, legend speaks of a mighty barrier to prevent invasion of the city. Take this map to Braen and explain the problem. Perhaps he can devise a solution.
            RefusalMessage    = 1074538; // I am disappointed, but I respect your decision.
            InProgressMessage = 1074547; // Braen is nearby, run and speak with him.
            CompletionMessage = 1074549; // Yes?  What do you want?  I'm very busy.

            Objectives.Add(new DeliverObjective(typeof(FragmentOfAMapDelivery), 1, "fragment of a map", typeof(Braen)));

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074876)); // Knowledge of the legendary minotaur.
        public DeliciousFishes()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075555;                                          // Delicious Fishes
            Description       = 1075556;                                          // Ello there, looking for a good place on the dock to fish? I like the southeast corner meself. What's that? Oh, no, *sighs* me pole is broken and in for fixin'. My grandpappy gave me that pole, means a lot you see. Miss the taste of fish though... Oh say, since you're here, could you catch me a few fish? I can cook a mean fish steak, and I'll split 'em with you! But make sure it's one of the green kind, they're the best for seasoning!
            RefusalMessage    = 1075558;                                          // Ah, you're missin' out my friend, you're missing out. My peppercorn fishsteaks are famous on this little isle of ours!
            InProgressMessage = 1075559;                                          // Eh? Find yerself a pole and get close to some water. Just toss the line on in and hopefully you won't snag someone's old boots! Remember, that's twenty of them green fish we'll be needin', so come back when you've got em, 'aight?
            CompletionMessage = 1075560;                                          // Just a moment my friend, just a moment! *rummages in his pack* Here we are! My secret blend of peppers always does the trick, never fails, no not once. These'll fill you up much faster than that tripe they sell in the market!

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(5, typeof(Fish), 1022508));       // fish

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1075557, typeof(PeppercornFishsteak), 3)); // peppercorn fishsteak
        public override void Init()

            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Gold), 0xEEF, 1073116, 0x0, 0.06666));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(BankCheck), 0x14F0, 1075013, 0x34, 0.06666));

            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(RawFishSteak), 0x97A, 1075087, 0x0, 0.25));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Fish), 0x9CC, 1074939, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(FishingPole), 0xDC0, 1011406, 0x0, 2));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(BrownBook), 0xFEF, 1074906, 0x0, 3));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(TanBook), 0xFF0, 1074906, 0x0, 3));

            #region High Seas
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Lobster), 17619, 1096491, 0x0, 10));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Crab), 17617, 1096490, 0x0, 10));

            int[] hues = new int[] { 0x1E0, 0x190, 0x151 };
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendBodySash), 0x1541, 1073346, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendFeatheredHat), 0x171A, 1073347, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendSurcoat), 0x1FFD, 1073348, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendPants), 0x1539, 1073349, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendCloak), 0x1515, 1073350, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendDoublet), 0x1F7B, 1073351, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendSkirt), 0x1537, 1073352, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073341, 1073859, 100000.0)); // Britain Public Library Contributor

            hues = new int[] { 0x0, 0x1C2, 0x320, 0x190, 0x1E0 };
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendLantern), 0xA25, 1073339, 0x1C2, 200000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendReadingChair), 0x2DEB, 1073340, 0x1C2, 200000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073342, 1073860, 200000.0)); // Distinguished Library Contributor
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(SherryTheMouseQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073300, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(WyrdBeastmasterQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073310, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(MercenaryJustinQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073317, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(HeigelOfMoonglowQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073327, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(TraderHoraceQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073338, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073343, 1073861, 350000.0)); // Honored Library Contributor
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(TreatiseonAlchemyTalisman), 0x2F58, 1073353, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(PrimerOnArmsTalisman), 0x2F59, 1073354, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(MyBookTalisman), 0x2F5A, 1073355, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(TalkingtoWispsTalisman), 0x2F5B, 1073356, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(GrammarOfOrchishTalisman), 0x2F59, 1073358, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(BirdsofBritanniaTalisman), 0x2F5A, 1073359, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(TheLifeOfTravelingMinstrelTalisman), 0x2F5A, 1073360, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073344, 1073862, 550000.0)); // Prominent Library Contributor
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073345, 1073863, 800000.0)); // Eminent Library Contributor
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(MaritimeGlasses), 0x2FB8, 1073364, 0x581, 800000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Server.Multis.BritannianShipDeed), 0x14F4, 1150017, 0x0, 10000000));
        public ChopChopOnTheDouble()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075537;                                    // Chop Chop, On The Double!
            Description       = 1075538;                                    // That's right, move it! I need sixty logs on the double, and they need to be freshly cut! If you can get them to me fast I'll have your payment in your hands before you have the scent of pine out from beneath your nostrils. Just get a sharp axe and hack away at some of the trees in the land and your lumberjacking skill will rise in no time.
            RefusalMessage    = 1072981;                                    // Or perhaps you'd rather not.
            InProgressMessage = 1072271;                                    // You're not quite done yet.  Get back to work!
            CompletionMessage = 1075539;                                    // Ahhh! The smell of fresh cut lumber. And look at you, all strong and proud, as if you had done an honest days work!

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(60, typeof(Log), 1027133)); // log

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1074282, typeof(HargroveSatchel)));  // Craftsmans's Satchel
        public UnfadingMemoriesPartOne()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1075355; // Unfading Memories
            Description       = 1075356; // Aargh! It’s just not right! It doesn’t capture the unique color of her hair at all! If only I had some Prismatic Amber. That would be perfect. They used to mine it in Malas, but alas, those veins ran dry some time ago. I hear it may have been found in the Prism of Light. Oh, if only there were a bold adventurer within earshot who would go to the Prism of Light and retrieve some for me!
            RefusalMessage    = 1075358; // Is there no one who can help a humble artist pursue his Muse?
            InProgressMessage = 1075359; // You can find Prismatic Amber in the Prism of Light, located just north of the city of Nujel'm.
            CompletionMessage = 1075360; // I knew it! See, it’s just the color I needed! Look how it brings out the highlights of her wheaten tresses!
            CompletionNotice  = CompletionNoticeShort;

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(1, typeof(PrismaticAmber), "Prismatic Amber"));

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1075357));             // The joy of contributing to a noble artistic effort, however paltry the end product.
        public BakersDozen()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075478;                                         // Baker's Dozen
            Description       = 1075479;                                         // You there! Do you know much about the ways of cooking? If you help me out, I'll show you a thing or two about how it's done. Bring me some cookie mix, about 5 batches will do it, and I will reward you. Although, I don't think you can buy it, you can make some in a snap! First get a rolling pin or frying pan or even a flour sifter. Then you mix one pinch of flour with some water and you've got some dough! Take that dough and add one dollop of honey and you've got sweet dough. add one more drop of honey and you've got cookie mix. See? Nothing to it! Now get to work!
            RefusalMessage    = 1075480;                                         // Argh, I absolutely must have more of these 'cookies!' Come back if you change your mind.
            InProgressMessage = 1072271;                                         // You're not quite done yet.  Get back to work!
            CompletionMessage = 1075481;                                         // Thank you! I haven't been this excited about food in months!

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(5, typeof(CookieMix), 1024159)); // cookie mix

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1074282, typeof(AsandosSatchel)));        // Craftsmans's Satchel
文件: Heritage.cs 项目: twlizer/runuo
        public Ingenuity()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1074350; // Ingenuity
            Description       = 1074462; // The best thing about my job is that I do a little bit of everything, every day.  It's what we're good at really.  Just picking up something and making it do something else.  Listen, I'm really low on parts.  Are you interested in fetching me some supplies?
            RefusalMessage    = 1074508; // Okay.  Best of luck with your other endeavors.
            InProgressMessage = 1074509; // Lord overseers are the best source I know for power crystals of the type I need.  Iron golems too, can have them but they're harder to find.
            CompletionMessage = 1074510; // Do you have those power crystals?  I'm ready to put the finishing touches on my latest experiment.
            CompletionNotice  = CompletionNoticeShortReturn;

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(10, typeof(PowerCrystal), "Power Crystals"));

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074875));                 // Another step closer to becoming human.
        public SplitEnds()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1075506;                                      // Split Ends
            Description       = 1075507;                                      // *sighs* I think bowcrafting is a might beyond my talents. Say there, you look a bit more confident with tools. Can I persuade thee to make a few arrows? You could have my satchel in return... 'tis useless to me! You'll need a fletching kit to start, some feathers, and a few arrow shafts. Just use the fletching kit while you have the other things, and I'm sure you'll figure out the rest.
            RefusalMessage    = 1075508;                                      // Oh. Well. I'll just keep trying alone, I suppose...
            InProgressMessage = 1072271;                                      // You're not quite done yet.  Get back to work!
            CompletionMessage = 1072272;                                      // Thanks for helping me out.  Here's the reward I promised you.

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(20, typeof(Arrow), 1023902)); // arrow

            Rewards.Add(new ItemReward(1074282, typeof(AndricSatchel)));      // Craftsmans's Satchel
文件: Heritage.cs 项目: twlizer/runuo
        public AllSeasonAdventurer()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1074353; // All Season Adventurer
            Description       = 1074527; // It's all about hardship, suffering, struggle and pain.  Without challenges, you've got nothing to test yourself against -- and that's what life is all about.  Self improvement!  Honing your body and mind!  Overcoming obstacles ... You'll see what I mean if you take on my challenge.
            RefusalMessage    = 1074528; // My way of life isn't for everyone, that's true enough.
            InProgressMessage = 1074529; // You're not making much progress in the honing-mind-and-body department, are you?
            CompletionNotice  = CompletionNoticeShortReturn;

            Objectives.Add(new KillObjective(5, new Type[] { typeof(Efreet) }, "efreets", new QuestArea(1074808, "Fire")));     // Fire
            Objectives.Add(new KillObjective(5, new Type[] { typeof(IceFiend) }, "ice fiends", new QuestArea(1074809, "Ice"))); // Ice

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074875));                                                                              // Another step closer to becoming human.
        public AnImpressivePlaid()
            Activated         = true;
            HasRestartDelay   = true;
            Title             = 1074044;                                     // An Impressive Plaid
            Description       = 1074138;                                     // I do not believe humans are so ridiculous as to wear something called a "kilt". Bring for me some of these kilts, if they truly exist, and I will offer you meager reward.
            RefusalMessage    = 1074063;                                     // Fine then, I'm shall find another to run my errands then.
            InProgressMessage = 1074064;                                     // Hurry up! I don't have all day to wait for you to bring what I desire!
            CompletionMessage = 1074065;                                     // These human made goods are laughable! It offends so -- I must show you what elven skill is capable of!

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(10, typeof(Kilt), 1025431)); // kilt

        public FiendishFriends()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1074283; // Fiendish Friends
            Description       = 1074285; // It is true that a skilled arcanist can summon and dominate an imp to serve at their pleasure.  To do such at thing though, you must master the miserable little fiends utterly by demonstrating your superiority.  Rough them up some -- kill a few.  That will do the trick.
            RefusalMessage    = 1074287; // You're probably right.  They're not worth the effort.
            InProgressMessage = 1074289; // Surely you're not having difficulties swatting down those annoying pests?
                                         // TODO: Verify
            CompletionMessage = 1074291; // Hah!  You showed them!

            Objectives.Add(new KillObjective(50, new Type[] { typeof(Imp) }, "imps"));

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074873)); // The opportunity to prove yourself worthy of learning to Summon Fiends. (Sufficient spellweaving skill is required to cast the spell)
        public override void Init()

            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Gold), 0xEEF, 1073116, 0x0, 0.06666));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(BankCheck), 0x14F0, 1075013, 0x34, 0.06666));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(BlankScroll), 0xEF3, 1044377, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(BlackPearl), 0xF7A, 1015001, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Bloodmoss), 0xF7B, 1015004, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Garlic), 0xF84, 1015021, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Ginseng), 0xF85, 1015009, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(MandrakeRoot), 0xF86, 1015013, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(Nightshade), 0xF88, 1015016, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(SulfurousAsh), 0xF8C, 1015025, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(SpidersSilk), 0xF8D, 1015007, 0x0, 1));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(BrownBook), 0xFEF, 1074906, 0x0, 3));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(TanBook), 0xFF0, 1074906, 0x0, 3));
            Donations.Add(new CollectionSpellbook(SpellbookType.Regular, 0xEFA, 1011419, 10));

            int[] hues = new int[] { 0x1E0, 0x190, 0x151 };
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendBodySash), 0x1541, 1073346, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendFeatheredHat), 0x171A, 1073347, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendSurcoat), 0x1FFD, 1073348, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendPants), 0x1539, 1073349, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendCloak), 0x1515, 1073350, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendDoublet), 0x1F7B, 1073351, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendSkirt), 0x1537, 1073352, 0x190, 100000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073341, 1073859, 100000.0));                 // Britain Public Library Contributor

            hues = new int[] { 0x0, 0x1C2, 0x320, 0x190, 0x1E0 };
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendLantern), 0xA25, 1073339, 0x1C2, 200000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(LibraryFriendReadingChair), 0x2DEB, 1073340, 0x1C2, 200000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073342, 1073860, 200000.0));                 // Distinguished Library Contributor
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(SherryTheMouseQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073300, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(WyrdBeastmasterQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073310, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(MercenaryJustinQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073317, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(HeigelOfMoonglowQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073327, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionHuedItem(typeof(TraderHoraceQuotes), 0xFBD, 1073338, 0x1C2, 350000.0, hues));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073343, 1073861, 350000.0));                 // Honored Library Contributor
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(TreatiseonAlchemyTalisman), 0x2F58, 1073353, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(PrimerOnArmsTalisman), 0x2F59, 1073354, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(MyBookTalisman), 0x2F5A, 1073355, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(TalkingtoWispsTalisman), 0x2F5B, 1073356, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(GrammarOfOrchishTalisman), 0x2F59, 1073358, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(BirdsofBritanniaTalisman), 0x2F5A, 1073359, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(TheLifeOfTravelingMinstrelTalisman), 0x2F5A, 1073360, 0x0, 550000.0));
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073344, 1073862, 550000.0));                 // Prominent Library Contributor
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionTitle(1073345, 1073863, 800000.0));                 // Eminent Library Contributor
            Rewards.Add(new CollectionItem(typeof(WizardsCrystalGlasses), 0x2FB8, 1073374, 0x2B0, 800000.0));
        public NeedsOfTheManyHeartwood1()
            Activated   = true;
            Title       = 1072797;                                             // Needs of the Many - The Heartwood
            Description =
                1072763;                                                       // The way of the Arcanist involves cooperation with others and a strong commitment to the community of your people.  We have run low on the cotton we use to pack wounds and our people have need.  Bring 10 bales of cotton to me.
            RefusalMessage    = 1072768;                                       // You endanger your progress along the path with your unwillingness.
            InProgressMessage = 1072775;                                       // I care not where you acquire the cotton, merely that you provide it.
            CompletionMessage = 1074110;                                       // Well, where are the cotton bales?

            Objectives.Add(new CollectObjective(10, typeof(Cotton), 1023577)); // bale of cotton

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074872));                             // The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.
        public NotQuiteThatEasy()
            Activated         = true;
            Title             = 1074623; // Not Quite That Easy
            Description       = 1074624; // I wouldn't be too smug just yet, whiner.  You still need Master Gnosos' signature before I can cut your refund.  Last I heard, he's coordinating the recovery of the portions of the college that are currently overrun.  *nasty smile*  Off with you.
            RefusalMessage    = 1074626; // Coward.
            InProgressMessage = 1074627; // What are you waiting for?  The iron maiden is still the portal to Bedlam.
            CompletionMessage = 1074628; // Made it through did you?  Did you happen to see Red Death out there?  Big horse, skeletal ... burning eyes?  No?  What's this?  Forms?  FORMS?  I'm up to my eyebrows in ravenous out-of-control undead and you want a signature?
            CompletionNotice  = CompletionNoticeShort;

            Objectives.Add(new DeliverObjective(typeof(SignedTuitionReimbursementForm), 1, "Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form", typeof(MasterGnosos)));

            Rewards.Add(new DummyReward(1074634)); // Tuition Reimbursement