public TwiMLResult ReviewSize1(string digits) { var response = new VoiceResponse(); ReviewRepository repo = new ReviewRepository(); Size size = repo.FindSizeBySizeCodeForProduct(digits, (int)Session["OrderDetailID"]); if (!repo.DoesSizeExist(digits)) { response.Say("invalid size code, please try again", voice: "alice", language: "en-US"); response.Redirect("/Review/EditSize1"); } else if (size == null) { response.Say("Product not available in this size, please try again", voice: "alice", language: "en-US"); response.Redirect("/Review/EditSize1"); } else if (repo.DoesItemExistInOrder(digits, (int)Session["OrderDetailID"])) { response.Say("you already have this item in size " + size.Size1 + " in your order, to make changes to that item find it from the review menu " + " and edit it.", voice: "alice", language: "en-US"); response.Redirect("/Review/ReviewOptions"); } else if (repo.OutOfStock((int)Session["OrderDetailID"], 0, size.SizeID)) { response.Say("I'm sorry but you can't change the size of this item, since there is not enough stock in the size you chose", voice: "alice", language: "en-US"); response.Redirect("/Review/ReviewOptions"); } else { response.Gather(new Gather(action: "/Review/ConfirmSize1?sizeId=" + size.SizeID + "&sizeCode=" + size.SizeCode, numDigits: 1) .Say("you have chosen to update the size to, " + size.Size1 + " , to enter the size again, press 1. to confirm press 2.", voice: "alice", language: "en-US")); response.Redirect("/Review/ReviewSize1?digits=" + digits); } return(TwiML(response)); }