static void Main(string[] args) { // String Reverse //Console.WriteLine(RS1.ReverseString("Apple")); //Console.WriteLine(RS2.ReverseString("Mango")); // Palindrome //Console.WriteLine(Palindrome1.IsPalindrome("JAHAJ")); //Console.WriteLine(Palindrome2.IsPalindrome("JAHAJI")); // Reverse Number Console.WriteLine(ReverseNum.NumReverse(-123)); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { /*// Call Print array program * //PrintArray printArrayObj = new PrintArray(); * //printArrayObj.PrintArrayElements(); * * //call printreverse array * PrintReverseArray reverobj = new PrintReverseArray(); * reverobj.ReverseArray(); * * //sumofarray * SumArray sumobj = new SumArray(); * sumobj.SumOfArray(); * * //one to another array * OnetoanotherArray otoaobj = new OnetoanotherArray(); * otoaobj.OtoT(); * * //dictionary * Dict dicObj = new Dict(); * dicObj.Dic(); * * //merging the array * MergingArray mergeObj = new MergingArray(); * mergeObj.MergeArray(); * * //spiral form * int[][] array = new int[4][]; * * // for rows * for(int i =0;i<4;i++) * { * array[i] = new int[4]; * // for columns * for (int j=0;j<4;j++) * { * array[i][j] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); * } * } * * * SpiralForm spiralObj = new SpiralForm(); * spiralObj.SpiralPrint(array); * * //contigiussubarray * int[] a = { -2,-3,4,-1,-2,1,5}; * ContiguosSubArray csObj = new ContiguosSubArray(); * Console.WriteLine(csObj.ContigousSubArray(a)); * * //kth smallest number * int[] array = { 7, 10, 4, 3, 20, 15 }; * * int k = 3; * KthSmallestnumber kObj = new KthSmallestnumber(); * var result = kObj.KthSmallest(array, k); * Console.WriteLine(result); * * //missing element * int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 5 }; * * MissingNumbers mObj = new MissingNumbers(); * var sum= mObj.Missing(array,4); * Console.WriteLine(sum); * * //leader * Leaders lObj = new Leaders(); * int[] array = { 16, 17, 4, 3, 5, 2 }; * int n = array.Length; * lObj.Leader(array, n); * * //foreachint array * ForEachArray array = new ForEachArray(); * array.Employee(); * * //foreach in sring array * ForEachArray arr = new ForEachArray(); * arr.Employee(); * * * UniqueElementInArray dicti = new UniqueElementInArray(); * dicti.Unique(); * * //candies * Candies candy = new Candies(); * candy.KidsCandies(); * * //small numbers * int[] nums = new int[5] { 8,1,2,2,3}; * SmallNumbers sObj = new SmallNumbers(); * sObj.Small(nums); * * //encodinglist * int[] nums = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; * EncodingList eObj = new EncodingList(); * eObj.Encoding(nums); * * * //eventdigits in an array * int[] nums = new int[] {12,345,2,6,7896 }; * DigitEvenorNot eObj = new DigitEvenorNot(); * eObj.Even(nums); * * //busystudents * int[] startTime = new int[] { 1,2,3}; * int[] endTime = new int[] { 3,2,7}; * int queryTime = 4; * StudentsHW obJ = new StudentsHW(); * obJ.BusyStudent(startTime,endTime,queryTime); * * //string replace * * string address = ""; * Replace rObj = new Replace(); * rObj.Replc(address); * * //creating queue using stack * Queue q = new Queue(); * q.Enqueue(1); * q.Enqueue(2); * q.Enqueue(3); * * Console.WriteLine(q.Dequeue() +" "); * Console.WriteLine(q.Dequeue() + " "); * Console.WriteLine(q.Dequeue()); * * //next greatest elemet * int[] array = new int[] { 4,5,2,25}; * NextGreatestElement nObj = new NextGreatestElement(); * nObj.Greatest(array); * * * //incrementmatrix * int n = 2; * int m = 3; * * int[][] indices = new int[2][]; * indices[0] = new int[2]; * indices[1] = new int[2]; * * indices[0][0] = 0; * indices[0][1] = 1; * indices[1][0] = 1; * indices[1][1] = 1; * * * IncrementMatrix obj = new IncrementMatrix(); * obj.Odd(n,m,indices); * * //random * int n = 5; * UniqueElem uniqueObj = new UniqueElem(); * uniqueObj.SumZero(n); * * //sort array by its parity * int[] array = new int[4] {3,1,2,4 }; * EvenOdd eObj = new EvenOdd(); * eObj.SortArrayByParity(array); * * //roman to integer * string str = "III"; * RomantoInteger rObj = new RomantoInteger(); * // rObj.Roman(r); * rObj.RomantoDec(str); * * //string to integer * string str = "-1345"; * StringtoInt Obj = new StringtoInt(); * Obj.StringtoIn(str); * * //index * string s1 = new string("sweater"); * string s2 = new string("eat"); * IndexofStr iObj = new IndexofStr(); * iObj.Index(s1,s2); * * //squares of an array * int[] array = new int[] { -4, -1, 0, 3, 10 }; * Squares Obj = new Squares(); * Obj.Square(array); * * //sortbyparity2 * int[] array = new int[4] { 4,2,5,7}; * SortParity2 sObj = new SortParity2(); * sObj.Parity(array); * * //Luckynumber * int[][] matrix = new int[3][]; * matrix[0] = new int[3]; * matrix[1] = new int[3]; * matrix[2] = new int[3]; * * matrix[0][0] = 3; * matrix[0][1] = 7; * matrix[0][2] = 8; * matrix[1][0] = 9; * matrix[1][1] = 11; * matrix[1][2] = 13; * matrix[2][0] = 15; * matrix[2][1] = 16; * matrix[2][2] = 17; * * LuckyNumb lObj = new LuckyNumb(); * lObj.Lucky(matrix); * * //reverse a string * char[] s = new char[] { 'h', 'e','l','l','o'} ; * * * Reverse rObj = new Reverse(); * rObj.ReverseString(s); * * //remove vowels * string s = new string("leetcode is a community for coders"); * * RemoveVowels rObj = new RemoveVowels(); * rObj.Vowels(s); * * //max2arrays * int[] nums = new int[4] { 3,4,5,2}; * Max2Arrays mObj = new Max2Arrays(); * mObj.MaxProduct(nums); * * //Flipping an Image * int[][] matrix = new int[3][]; * matrix[0] = new int[3]; * matrix[1] = new int[3]; * matrix[2] = new int[3]; * * * matrix[0][0] = 1; * matrix[0][1] = 1; * matrix[0][2] = 0; * matrix[1][0] = 1; * matrix[1][1] = 0; * matrix[1][2] = 1; * matrix[2][0] = 0; * matrix[2][1] = 0; * matrix[2][2] = 0; * * FlippingImage fObj = new FlippingImage(); * fObj.FlipAndInvertImage(matrix); * * //running sums * int[] nums = { 1,2,3,4}; * RunningSum rObj = new RunningSum(); * rObj.Running(nums); * * //palindrome * * string s = "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"; * s.ToLower(); * * Palindrome pObj = new Palindrome(); * pObj.Pal(s); * * //shuffle an array * int[] nums = { 1,1,2,2}; * int n = 2; * Shuffle sObj = new Shuffle(); * sObj.Shuff(nums, n); * * //arthmetic progression * int[] arr = { 3,5,1}; * * Arthmetic_progression aObj = new Arthmetic_progression(); * aObj.CanMakeArthmeticProgression(arr); * * //tolowercase * string str = "Hello"; * ToLowerCaseUsingASCII tObj = new ToLowerCaseUsingASCII(); * tObj.ToLowerV(str); * * //salary * int[] salar = { 4000,3000,1000,2000}; * MinMax mObj = new MinMax(); * mObj.Salary(salar);*/ //reverse a number int x = -123; ReverseNum rObj = new ReverseNum(); rObj.Num(x); }