public string GetGameRating(string title) { string retVal = "nothing"; GraphClient client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data")); client.Connect(); var results = client.Cypher .Match("(game:Game)<-[r:RATES]-()") .Where((Game game) => game.title == title) .Return(() => new { count = Return.As <int>("count(r)"), sum = Return.As <double>("sum(r.rating)") }).Results; if (results.Count() > 0) { var result = results.First(); retVal = toJson(result); } return(retVal); }
public string[] GetDevelopersPagin(string filter, int page, int activeUser) { List <string> result = new List <string>(); GraphClient client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data")); client.Connect(); var queryBuilder = client.Cypher .Match("(n:Developer)") .Where(" =~ {filter}") .OrWhere("n.location =~ {filter}") .OrWhere("n.owner =~ {filter}") .WithParam("filter", ".*(?i)" + filter + ".*"); var devNodes = queryBuilder .Return <Developer>("n") .OrderBy("tolower(n.title)") .Skip((page - 1) * paginationAmount) .Limit(paginationAmount) .Results; foreach (var dev in devNodes) { result.Add(toJson(dev)); } var gameCount = queryBuilder .Return(() => Return.As <int>("count(n)")) .Results.Single(); result.Add(gameCount.ToString()); return(result.ToArray()); }
public async Task Setup_EmptyBoard_ReturnsListOfGroups() { // Arrange string returnedId = await _uow.Boards.AddAsync(_defaultBoard, _username1); // Act string[] returnedGroups = await _uow.Boards.SetupAsync(returnedId, _defaultGroups); // Assert Assert.That(returnedGroups.Count(), Is.GreaterThan(0)); for (int i = 0; i < returnedGroups.Length; i++) { string groupName = returnedGroups[i]; Assert.That(groupName, Is.EqualTo(_defaultGroups[i])); bool groupWasAdded = (await _graphClient.Cypher .Match("(board:Board)-[:CHILD_GROUP]->(group:Group)") .Where((BoardTask board) => board.Id == returnedId) .AndWhere((GroupNode group) => group.Name == groupName) .Return((group) => Return.As <int>("count(group)")) .ResultsAsync) .Single() == 1; Assert.That(groupWasAdded, Is.True); } }
public string GetBestRatedGame() { string res = "none"; GraphClient client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data")); client.Connect(); var result = client.Cypher .Match("(best:Game)<-[r:RATES]-(user:User)") .Return((best, r) => new { game = best.As <Game>(), rates = Return.As <int>("count(r)"), totalRates = Return.As <int>("sum(r.rating)") //r.CollectAs<Rates>() }).Results; result = result.OrderByDescending(x => x.totalRates / x.rates).ThenByDescending(x => x.rates); if (result.Count() > 0) { res = toJson(result.First()); } return(res); }
public async Task AddUser_AsCollaboratorToBoard() { // Arrange string boardId = await _uow.Boards.AddAsync(_defaultBoard, _username1); await _uow.Boards.SetupAsync(boardId, _defaultGroups); // Act await _uow.Boards.AddUserAsync(boardId, _username2); // Assert bool addedCorrectly = (await _graphClient.Cypher .Match("(user1:User)-[:CHILD_BOARD]->(board:Board)<-[:SHARED_BOARD]-(link:Link)") .Where("user1.username = {username1}") .WithParam("username1", _username1.ToLower()) .AndWhere((BoardTask board) => board.Id == boardId) .Match("(user2:User)-[:CHILD_GROUP]->(:Group)-[:NEXT]->(link)") .Where("user2.username = {username2}") .WithParam("username2", _username2.ToLower()) .Return((board) => Return.As <int>("count(board)")) .ResultsAsync) .Single() == 1; Assert.That(addedCorrectly, Is.True); }
public Product GetNearest(string productName, double lat, double lon, int skip = 0, int take = 10) { var result = _client.Cypher.Match("(p:Product)-[r: ContainedIn]->(s:Shop)") .Where <ORMProduct>(p => p.Name == productName) .Return((p, s, r) => new { Product = p.As <ORMProduct>(), Cont = r.As <ORMContainedIn>(), Shop = s.As <ORMShop>(), Dist = Return.As <double>("distance(point({ latitude: toFloat(s.Latitude), longitude: toFloat(s.Longitude)}),point({ latitude: " + lat + ", longitude: " + lon + "}))") }).OrderBy("Dist").Skip(skip).Limit(take).Results; ORMProduct pr = result.First().Product; Product product = new Product() { Id = pr.Id, Name = pr.Name, Shops = new Dictionary <Shop, ContainedIn>() }; foreach (var res in result) { product.Shops.Add(res.Shop.ToShop(), res.Cont.ToContainedIn()); } return(product); }
public MappedContent edit(Content content, string username) { content.tagstr = removeTrailingComma(content.tagstr); // splits up the comma separated string into arrays and removes any empties. // each tag uses MERGE and connected to the the content node thru the HAS, e.g content-[:HAS]->tag // remember that MERGE will create if it doesn't exist otherwise based on the properties provided String[] tags = content.tagstr.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); MappedContent mappedContent = _graphClient.Cypher .Match(" (c:Content {contentId:{contentId}})-[:NEXTPOST*0..]-()-[:CURRENTPOST]-(user { username: {u}}) ") .WithParams(new { u = username, contentId = content.contentId }) .Set(" c.title = {title}, c.url = {url}, c.tagstr = {tagstr} ") .WithParams(new { title = content.title, url = content.url, tagstr = content.tagstr }) .ForEach(" (tagName in {tags} | " + "MERGE (t:Tag {wordPhrase:tagName})" + " MERGE (c)-[:HAS]->(t) " + " )") .WithParam("tags", tags) .With("user, c") .Return(() => Return.As <MappedContent>(" { contentId: c.contentId, title: c.title, url: c.url," + " tagstr: c.tagstr, timestamp: c.timestamp, userNameForPost: user.username, owner: true } ")) .Results.Single(); return(mappedContent); }
public List <UserDTOn> ShortestPath(int id1, int id2) { if (id1 == id2) { return(new List <UserDTOn>()); } var path = _client.Cypher .Match("(u1:User{userId: {user_id1} }),(u2:User{userId: {user_id2} }),p = shortestPath((u1)-[:FRIEND*]-(u2))") .WithParam("user_id1", id1) .WithParam("user_id2", id2) .Return((r, len) => new { shortestPath = Return.As <IEnumerable <Node <UserDTOn> > >("nodes(p)") }).Results; List <UserDTOn> result = new List <UserDTOn>(); foreach (var step in path) { foreach (var s in step.shortestPath.ToList()) { result.Add(s.Data); } } return(result); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <GroupDTO> > GetGroupsPage(string filters, string userFilter, string orderBy, bool descending, int from, int to) { var a = _client.Cypher .Match("(g:Group), (s:Student), (ow)-[:OWNER]-(g)") .Where(userFilter); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filters)) { a = a.AndWhere(filters); } a = a.With("g, {Id: ID(ow), Student: ow} as st"); ICypherFluentQuery <GroupDTO> ret = a.Return((g, st) => new GroupDTO { Id = Return.As <int>("ID(g)"), Group = Return.As <Group>("g"), Student = st.As <StudentDTO>() }); if (descending) { ret = ret.OrderByDescending(orderBy); } else { ret = ret.OrderBy(orderBy); } return(await ret.Skip(from).Limit(to).ResultsAsync); }
public string GetBestDeveloper() { string res = "none"; GraphClient client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data")); client.Connect(); var result = client.Cypher .Match("(best:Developer)-[DEVELOPS]->(game:Game)", "(game:Game)<-[r:RATES]-(u:User)") .Return((best, r, game) => new { dev = best.As <Developer>(), rates = Return.As <int>("count(r)"), totalRates = Return.As <int>("sum(r.rating)"), gameCount = Return.As <int>("count(game)") }).Results; result = result.OrderByDescending(x => x.totalRates / x.rates).ThenByDescending(x => x.gameCount).ThenByDescending(x => x.rates); if (result.Count() > 0) { res = toJson(result.First()); } return(res); }
//public List<Bend> vratiBendoveSearch(/*GraphClient client,*/ string input) //{ // string query = "match (n:Bend) where'.*(?i)" + input + ".*' return n"; // var qu = vratiRezultat(query); // List<Bend> vrati = ((IRawGraphClient)client).ExecuteGetCypherResults<Bend>(qu).ToList(); // return vrati; //} //public List<Izvodjac> vratiIzvodjaceSearch(/*GraphClient client,*/ string input) //{ // string query = "match (n:Izvodjac) where'.*(?i)" + input + ".*' return n"; // var qu = vratiRezultat(query); // List<Izvodjac> vrati = ((IRawGraphClient)client).ExecuteGetCypherResults<Izvodjac>(qu).ToList(); // return vrati; //} //public List<Pesma> vratiPesmeSearch(/*GraphClient client,*/ string input) //{ // string query = "match (n:Pesma) where'.*(?i)" + input + ".*' return n"; // var qu = vratiRezultat(query); // List<Pesma> vrati = ((IRawGraphClient)client).ExecuteGetCypherResults<Pesma>(qu).ToList(); // return vrati; //} //public List<Producent> vratiProducentSearch(/*GraphClient client,*/ string input) //{ // string query = "match (n:Producent) where'.*(?i)" + input + ".*' return n"; // var qu = vratiRezultat(query); // List<Producent> vrati = ((IRawGraphClient)client).ExecuteGetCypherResults<Producent>(qu).ToList(); // return vrati; //} public Res vratiPretraga(/*GraphClient client,*/ Strana input) { ////string query = "match (n) where'.*(?i)" + + ".*' and not n:Pesma return as Id, as Name, labels(n)[0] as type"; var qu = client.Cypher.Match("(n)") .Where("'.*(?i)" + input.Pretraga + ".*' and not n:Pesma") //.Return((n) => n.As<Pretraga>()); .Return(n => new { id = Return.As <long>(""), name = Return.As <string>(""), tip = n.Labels() }); //var qu = query(input); int c = qu.Results.Count(); qu = qu.Skip(input.Offset).Limit(input.Limit); var rez = qu.Results.Select(x => new Pretraga { id =, name =, type = x.tip.FirstOrDefault() }).ToList <Pretraga>(); return(new Res { count = c, p = (List <Pretraga>)rez }); }
// consumption filter for marketing (matching tags) / tag is optional public List <MappedProductUserTag> usersWithMatchingTags(string tag) { List <MappedProductUserTag> mappedProductUserTags = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tag)) { mappedProductUserTags = _graphClient.Cypher .Match("(t:Tag { wordPhrase: {wp} })") .WithParam("wp", tag) .Match(" (p:Product)-[:HAS]->(t)<-[:USES]-(u:User) ") .Return(() => Return.As <MappedProductUserTag>("{ title: p.title , " + "users: collect(u.username), tags: collect(distinct t.wordPhrase) }")) .Results.ToList(); } else { mappedProductUserTags = _graphClient.Cypher .Match(" (p:Product)-[:HAS]->(t)<-[:USES]-(u:User) ") .Return(() => Return.As <MappedProductUserTag>("{ title: p.title , " + "users: collect(u.username), tags: collect(distinct t.wordPhrase) }")) .Results.ToList(); } return(mappedProductUserTags); }
public void ReturnCustomStatementOnItsOwn() { Expression <Func <long> > expression = () => Return.As <long>("custom statement"); var returnExpression = CypherReturnExpressionBuilder.BuildText(expression, CypherCapabilities.Default, GraphClient.DefaultJsonConverters); Assert.AreEqual("custom statement", returnExpression.Text); }
// count tags in aggregate public GraphStory tagsInMyNetwork(GraphStory graphStory) { graphStory.tagsInNetwork = _graphClient.Cypher .Start(new { u = graphStory.user.noderef }) .Match("u-[:FOLLOWS]->f") .With("distinct f") .Match(" f-[:CURRENTPOST]-lp-[:NEXTPOST*0..]-c") .With("distinct c") .Match(" c-[ct:HAS]->(t)") .With("distinct ct, t") .Return(() => Return.As <MappedContentTag>("{name: t.wordPhrase, label: t.wordPhrase, " + " id: count(*) }")) .OrderByDescending("count(*) ") .Results.ToList(); graphStory.userTags = _graphClient.Cypher .Start(new { u = graphStory.user.noderef }) .Match("u-[:CURRENTPOST]-lp-[:NEXTPOST*0..]-c") .With("distinct c") .Match(" c-[ct:HAS]->(t)") .With("distinct ct, t") .Return(() => Return.As <MappedContentTag>(" {name: t.wordPhrase, label: t.wordPhrase, " + " id: count(*) }")) .OrderByDescending("count(*) ") .Results.ToList(); return(graphStory); }
public IEnumerable <Recipe> GetRecipe(string[] ingredients) { using (var graphClient = new GraphClient(new Uri(_connectionString), _userName, _password)) { graphClient.Connect(); var resultRecipes = graphClient.Cypher.Match("(recipe:Recipe)-[contains:Contains]->(ingredientExists:Ingredient)") .Where("any(name in {ingredientNames} WHERE ingredientExists.Name =~ name)") .WithParam("ingredientNames", ingredients.Select(ing => string.Format("{0}.*", ing))) .Match("(recipe:Recipe)-[contains:Contains]->(ingredientExists:Ingredient)") .With("recipe, count(ingredientExists) AS countExists") .Match("(recipe:Recipe)-[contains2:Contains]->(ingredient:Ingredient)") .With("recipe, countExists, count(contains2) AS allCount, collect(distinct ingredient.Name) AS ingredientsList") .Return((recipe, ingredientsList) => new Recipe { Name = Return.As <string>("recipe.Name"), Ingredients = ingredientsList.As <IEnumerable <string> >() }) .OrderBy("countExists DESC, allCount - countExists") .Limit(100) .Results.ToList(); return(resultRecipes); } }
// capture view and return all views public List <MappedProductUserViews> createUserViewAndReturnViews(string username, long productNodeId) { DateTime datetime = DateTime.UtcNow; string timestampAsStr = datetime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " at " + datetime.ToString("h:mm tt"); long timestampAsLong = (long)(datetime.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; List <MappedProductUserViews> mappedProductUserViews = _graphClient.Cypher .Match(" (p:Product), (u:User { username:{u} }) ") .WithParam("u", username) .Where("id(p) = {productNodeId}") .WithParam("productNodeId", productNodeId) .With(" u,p") .Merge(" (u)-[r:VIEWED]->(p)") .Set(" r.dateAsStr={d}, r.timestamp={t} ") .WithParams(new { d = timestampAsStr, t = timestampAsLong }) .With(" u ") .Match(" (u)-[r:VIEWED]->(p) ") .Return(() => Return.As <MappedProductUserViews>("{ title: p.title, " + "dateAsStr: r.dateAsStr }")) .OrderByDescending("r.timestamp") .Results.ToList(); return(mappedProductUserViews); }
public Dictionary <Shop, decimal> GetNearest(IEnumerable <string> products, double lat, double lon) { var results = _client.Cypher.With("[" + ConstructWith(products) + "] as names") .Match("(p: Product) -[l: ContainedIn]->(s: Shop)") .Where("p.Name in names") .With("s, size(names) as inputCnt, count(DISTINCT p) as cnt, sum(l.Price) as sum," + $"distance(point({{ latitude: toFloat(s.Latitude), longitude: toFloat(s.Longitude)}}),point({{ latitude: {lat}, longitude: {lon}}})) as dist") .Where("cnt = inputCnt") .Return((s, sum) => new { Shop = s.As <ORMShop>(), Price = Return.As <decimal>("sum"), Dist = Return.As <double>("dist") }) .OrderBy("dist").Results; Dictionary <Shop, decimal> dict = new Dictionary <Shop, decimal>(); foreach (var res in results) { dict.Add(res.Shop.ToShop(), res.Price); } return(dict); }
public async Task <List <Document> > GetDocumentsAsync(IEnumerable <string> documentIds) { using var client = _graphClientFactory.Create(); await client.ConnectAsync(); var idList = documentIds.ToList(); Task <List <Document> > getDocAndAuthorsTask = Run(async() => { var query = client.Cypher .Unwind(idList, "docId") .Match("(d:Document)") .Where(" = docId") .OptionalMatch("(a:Author)-[:AUTHORED]->(d)") .Return((d, a) => new { Document = d.As <Document>(), Authors = a.CollectAs <Author>() }); return((await query.ResultsAsync).Select(r => { r.Document.Authors = r.Authors.ToList(); return r.Document; }) .ToList()); }); var getCiteCountTask = Run(async() => { var query = client.Cypher .Unwind(idList, "docId") .Match("(d:Document)") .Where(" = docId") .Match("(r:Document)-[:CITES]->(d)") .Return(r => new { DocumentId = Return.As <string>(""), CiteCount = r.Count() }); return((await query.ResultsAsync).ToDictionary(r => r.DocumentId, r => r.CiteCount)); }); await Task.WhenAll(getDocAndAuthorsTask, getCiteCountTask); List <Document> documents = getDocAndAuthorsTask.Result; Dictionary <string, long> citeCountMap = getCiteCountTask.Result; foreach (var doc in documents) { if (citeCountMap.TryGetValue(doc.Id, out long citeCount)) { doc.CiteCount = (int)citeCount; } } return(documents); }
public RepRelatedClients RelatedUserOrders(string pUserId) { var query = _client.Cypher .Match("(user:User)<--(ord:Order)-->(p:Place)") .Where("user._id={userId}") .Match("(user2:User)<--(ord2:Order)-->(p2:Place)") .Where("not user2._id={userId} and p2.`_id`=p.`_id`") .WithParam("userId", pUserId) .Return((user, p, user2, ord2, p2) => new { ClientId = Return.As <string>("user._id"), ClientName = Return.As <string>(""), ClientLName = Return.As <string>("user.lastName"), Stores = Return.As <IEnumerable <Stores> >("collect(distinct {Place_Id : p.`_id`, " + "Place_Name :, Place_Desc : p.description})"), OtherUsers = Return.As <IEnumerable <RelatedUsers> >("collect(distinct {UserId:user2.`_id`,, " + "UserLastName:user2.lastName, PlaceId:p2.`_id`,, " + "Date:ord2.dateTime, OrderId:ord2.`_id`})") }); var results = query.Results.ToList(); List <RepRelatedClients> orders = new List <RepRelatedClients>(); RepRelatedClients data = new RepRelatedClients(); data.ClientId = results[0].ClientId; data.ClientName = results[0].ClientName; data.ClientLName = results[0].ClientLName; data.Stores = results[0].Stores.ToList(); data.OtherUsers = results[0].OtherUsers.ToList(); return(data); }
internal static async void GetDistance(UserPageStream userPageStream) { var window = ViewsController.GetParentWindow(userPageStream); var client = await GetClient(); int distance = 0; await client.ConnectAsync(); User user1 = new User { Email = window.User.Email }; User user2 = new User { Email = userPageStream.User.Email }; if (user1.Email == user2.Email) { distance = 0; } else { var path = client.Cypher .Match("path = shortestPath((u1:User)-[:Follows*]->(u2:User))") .Where((User u1) => u1.Email == user1.Email) .AndWhere((User u2) => u2.Email == user2.Email) .Return(() => Return.As <IEnumerable <string> >("[n IN nodes(path) |]")); if (!(path.Results.SingleOrDefault() is null)) { distance = path.Results.Single().ToList().Count() - 1; }
public async Task <VersionInfo> GetInfo() { return(await _graphRepository.Client.Cypher .Match("(v:Version)") .Return(v => Return.As <VersionInfo>("v")) .ResultsAsync .FirstOrDefault()); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <Pathway> > GetAllPathways(bool startingOnly, string gender, int age) { return(await GetPathwayQuery(startingOnly) .Where(string.Join(" and ", new List <string> { GenderIs(gender), AgeIsAboveMinimum(age), AgeIsBelowMaximum(age) })) .Return(p => Return.As <Pathway>("p")) .ResultsAsync); }
public async Task <bool> CheckHealth() { var result = await _graphRepository.Client.Cypher. Match("(p:Pathway)"). Return(p => Return.As <int>("count(p)")). ResultsAsync.FirstOrDefault(); return(result > 0); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <GroupedPathways> > GetGroupedPathways(bool startingOnly) { var query = GetPathwayQuery(startingOnly) .Return(p => new GroupedPathways { Group = Return.As <string>("distinct(m.digitalDescription)"), PathwayNumbers = Return.As <IEnumerable <string> >("collect(distinct(m.pathwayNo))") }); return(await query.ResultsAsync); }
public void ShouldReturnCustomFunctionCall() { var client = Substitute.For <IRawGraphClient>(); var query = new CypherFluentQuery(client) .Return(() => Return.As <long>("sum(")) .Query; Assert.AreEqual("RETURN sum(", query.QueryText); }
private async Task <IEnumerable <QuestionWithAnswers> > GetJustToBeSafeQuestions(string justToBeSafePart) { return(await _graphRepository.Client.Cypher. Match(string.Format("(q:Question {{ jtbs: \"{0}\" }})-[a:Answer]->()", justToBeSafePart)). Return(q => new QuestionWithAnswers { Question = Return.As <Question>("q"), Answers = Return.As <List <Answer> >(string.Format("collect(a)")), Labels = q.Labels() }). ResultsAsync); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <Answer> > GetAnswersForQuestion(string id) { var res = await _graphRepository.Client.Cypher. //Match(string.Format("(:Question {{ id: \"{0}\" }})-[a:Answer]->()", id)). Match(string.Format("({{ id: \"{0}\" }})-[a]->()", id)). Return(a => Return.As <Answer>("a")). ResultsAsync; return(res); }
public IEnumerable <string> ConnectingPaths(Person person1, Person person2) { var query = _graphClient.Cypher .Match("path = shortestPath((p1:Person)-[:FOLLOW*..6]->(p2:Person))") .Where((Person p1) => p1.NickName == person1.NickName) .AndWhere((Person p2) => p2.NickName == person2.NickName) .Return(() => Return.As <IEnumerable <string> >("[n IN nodes(path) | n.nickname]")); return(query.Results.Single()); }
public IHttpActionResult GetWorkerBranch(string id) { var query = WebApiConfig.GraphClient.Cypher .Match("(w:Worker)-[e:WORKSIN]->(b:Branch)") .Where((Worker w) => == id) .Return((w, b) => new { worker = w.As <Worker>(), branch = Return.As <string>("collect(b.number)") }); var queryData = query.Results.ToList(); var workerBranches = new List <WorkerBranch>(); foreach (var item in queryData) { WorkerBranch workerBranch = new WorkerBranch { workerNumber = item.worker.number, firstName = item.worker.firstName, lastName = item.worker.lastName, BranchNumber = item.branch }; workerBranches.Add(workerBranch); } UberDocument uberDocument = new UberDocument { Version = "1.0", Data = new List <Data>() }; if (workerBranches.Count > 0) { Data data = new Data(); data.Rel = new List <string>(); data.Rel.Add("self"); data.Rel.Add(Request.Headers.Host + "/api/worker/" + id + "/branch"); List <Data> result = new List <Data>(); foreach (WorkerBranch wb in workerBranches) { result.Add(GetBranchData(id, wb)); } data.Children = result; uberDocument.Data.Add(data); } string uber = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(uberDocument, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }); return(Ok(new { uber })); }
public MappedUserLocation getUserLocation(string currentusername) { MappedUserLocation mappedUserLocation = _graphClient.Cypher .Match(" (u:User { username : {u} } )-[:HAS]-(l:Location) ") .WithParam("u", currentusername) .Return(() => Return.As <MappedUserLocation>("{ username: u.username, address: l.address," + ", state: l.state, zip:, lat:, lon: l.lon} ")) .Results.First(); return(mappedUserLocation); }