        public async Task TestDelayStoreWithExponentialBackoffRetry()
            // Simulates the DB on the server:
            var innerStore = new InMemoryKeyValueStore();
            // Simulates the connection to the server:
            var simulatedRemoteConnection = new MockDekayKeyValueStore().WithFallbackStore(innerStore);
            var requestRetry = new RetryKeyValueStore(simulatedRemoteConnection, maxNrOfRetries: 5);
            var outerStore   = new InMemoryKeyValueStore().WithFallbackStore(requestRetry);

            var key1      = "key1";
            var value1    = "value1";
            var key2      = "key2";
            var value2    = "value2";
            var fallback2 = "fallback2";

                var delayedSetTask = outerStore.Set(key1, value1);
                Assert.Equal(value1, await outerStore.Get(key1, ""));    // The outer store already has the update
                Assert.NotEqual(value1, await innerStore.Get(key1, "")); // The inner store did not get the update yet
                // After waiting for set to fully finish the inner store has the update too:
                await delayedSetTask;
                Assert.Equal(value1, await innerStore.Get(key1, ""));

            // Now simulate that the remote DB/server never can be reached:
            simulatedRemoteConnection.throwTimeoutError = true;

                var timeoutErrorCounter = 0;
                // In the retry listen to any error if the wrapped store:
                requestRetry.onError = (e) => {
                    Assert.IsType <TimeoutException>(e); // thrown by the simulatedRemoteConnection

                var delayedSetTask = outerStore.Set(key2, value2);
                Assert.Equal(value2, await outerStore.Get(key2, fallback2)); // In the outer store the value was set
                Assert.False(await innerStore.ContainsKey(key2));            // The inner store never got the update

                // The delayedSetTask was canceled after 5 retries:
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OperationCanceledException>(async() => await delayedSetTask);

                // There will be 5 TimeoutException in the simulatedRemoteConnection:
                Assert.Equal(requestRetry.maxNrOfRetries, timeoutErrorCounter);
        public async Task ExampleUsage3()
            // Simulate the DB on the server
            var simulatedDb = new InMemoryKeyValueStore();
            // Simulate the connection (with a delay) to the server:
            var simulatedRemoteConnection = new MockDelayKeyValueStore(simulatedDb);

            // The connection to the server is wrapped by a automatic retry for failing requests:
            var requestRetry = new RetryKeyValueStore(simulatedRemoteConnection, maxNrOfRetries: 5);
            // Any errors in the inner layers like connection errors, DB errors are catched by default:
            var errorHandler = new ExceptionWrapperKeyValueStore(requestRetry);
            // The outer store is a local in memory cache and the main point of contact:
            var outerStore = new InMemoryKeyValueStore().WithFallbackStore(errorHandler);

            var key1      = "key1";
            var value1    = "value1";
            var fallback1 = "fallback1";
            await outerStore.Set(key1, value1);

            Assert.Equal(value1, await outerStore.Get(key1, fallback1));
            Assert.Equal(value1, await simulatedDb.Get(key1, fallback1));

            // Simmulate connection problems to the remote DB:
            simulatedRemoteConnection.throwTimeoutError = true;

            var key2      = "key2";
            var value2    = "value2";
            var fallback2 = "fallback2";
            // Awaiting a set will take some time since there will be 5 retries:
            await outerStore.Set(key2, value2);

            // The outer store has the set value cached:
            Assert.Equal(value2, await outerStore.Get(key2, fallback2));
            // But the request never reached the simulated DB:
            Assert.False(await simulatedDb.ContainsKey(key2));