/// <summary>
 /// The constructor of the ResumeStates controller.
 /// </summary>
 public ResumeStatesController(
     ILogger <ResumeStatesController> logger,
     IMapper mapper,
     ResumeStateBLL bll
     this.logger = logger;
     this.mapper = mapper;
     this.bll    = bll;
        public RJMMutation(
            DocumentBLL documentBLL,
            DocumentTypeBLL documentTypeBLL,
            ResumeBLL resumeBLL,
            ResumeStateBLL resumeStateBLL,
            SkillBLL skillBLL,
            SkillAliasBLL skillAliasBLL,
            JobBLL jobBLL,
            JobStateBLL jobStateBLL

            // Documents
            //    "createDocument",
            //    arguments: new QueryArguments(
            //        new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<DocumentInputType>>
            //        {
            //            Name = "document"
            //        }
            //    ),
            //    resolve: async context =>
            //    {
            //        Document document = context.GetArgument<Document>("document");

            //        return await context.TryAsyncResolve(
            //            async c => await documentBLL.CreateDocumentAsync(document)
            //        );
            //    }

            FieldAsync <GraphQLTypes.DocumentType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    //new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<IdGraphType>>
                    //    Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <GraphQLTypes.DocumentInputType> >
                Name = "document"
                resolve: async context =>
                //Guid id = context.GetArgument<Guid>("id");
                Document document = context.GetArgument <Document>("document");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await documentBLL.UpdateDocumentAsync(document)

            FieldAsync <GraphQLTypes.DocumentType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <DocumentResumeInputType> >
                Name = "documentResume"
                resolve: async context =>
                DocumentResume documentResume = context.GetArgument <DocumentResume>("documentResume");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await documentBLL.LinkResumeToDocumentAsync(documentResume)

            FieldAsync <GraphQLTypes.DocumentType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <DocumentResumeInputType> >
                Name = "documentResume"
                resolve: async context =>
                DocumentResume documentResume = context.GetArgument <DocumentResume>("documentResume");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await documentBLL.UnlinkResumeFromDocumentAsync(documentResume)

            FieldAsync <GraphQLTypes.DocumentType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> >
                Name = "id"
                resolve: async context =>
                Guid id = context.GetArgument <Guid>("id");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await documentBLL.DeleteDocumentByIdAsync(id)

            // DocumentTypes
            FieldAsync <DocumentTypeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <DocumentTypeInputType> >
                Name = "documentType"
                resolve: async context =>
                APIModels.DocumentType documentType = context.GetArgument <APIModels.DocumentType>("documentType");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await documentTypeBLL.CreateDocumentTypeAsync(documentType)

            FieldAsync <DocumentTypeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    //new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<IdGraphType>>
                    //    Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <DocumentTypeInputType> >
                Name = "documentType"
                resolve: async context =>
                //Guid id = context.GetArgument<Guid>("id");
                APIModels.DocumentType documentType = context.GetArgument <APIModels.DocumentType>("documentType");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await documentTypeBLL.UpdateDocumentTypeAsync(documentType)

            FieldAsync <DocumentTypeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> >
                Name = "id"
                resolve: async context =>
                Guid id = context.GetArgument <Guid>("id");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await documentTypeBLL.DeleteDocumentTypeByIdAsync(id)

            // Resumes
            FieldAsync <ResumeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResumeInputType> >
                Name = "resume"
                resolve: async context =>
                Resume resume = context.GetArgument <Resume>("resume");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeBLL.CreateResumeAsync(resume)

            FieldAsync <ResumeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    //new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<IdGraphType>>
                    //    Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResumeInputType> >
                Name = "resume"
                resolve: async context =>
                //Guid id = context.GetArgument<Guid>("id");
                Resume resume = context.GetArgument <Resume>("resume");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeBLL.UpdateResumeAsync(resume)

            FieldAsync <ResumeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <DocumentResumeInputType> >
                Name = "documentResume"
                resolve: async context =>
                DocumentResume documentResume = context.GetArgument <DocumentResume>("documentResume");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeBLL.LinkDocumentToResumeAsync(documentResume)

            FieldAsync <ResumeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <DocumentResumeInputType> >
                Name = "documentResume"
                resolve: async context =>
                DocumentResume documentResume = context.GetArgument <DocumentResume>("documentResume");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeBLL.UnlinkDocumentFromResumeAsync(documentResume)

            FieldAsync <ResumeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResumeSkillInputType> >
                Name = "resumeSkill"
                resolve: async context =>
                ResumeSkill resumeSkill = context.GetArgument <ResumeSkill>("resumeSkill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeBLL.LinkSkillToResumeAsync(resumeSkill)

            FieldAsync <ResumeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResumeSkillInputType> >
                Name = "resumeSkill"
                resolve: async context =>
                ResumeSkill resumeSkill = context.GetArgument <ResumeSkill>("resumeSkill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeBLL.UnlinkSkillFromResumeAsync(resumeSkill)

            FieldAsync <ResumeType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> >
                Name = "id"
                resolve: async context =>
                Guid id = context.GetArgument <Guid>("id");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeBLL.DeleteResumeByIdAsync(id)

            // ResumeStates
            FieldAsync <ResumeStateType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResumeStateInputType> >
                Name = "resumeState"
                resolve: async context =>
                ResumeState resumeState = context.GetArgument <ResumeState>("resumeState");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeStateBLL.CreateResumeStateAsync(resumeState)

            FieldAsync <ResumeStateType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    //new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<IdGraphType>>
                    //    Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResumeStateInputType> >
                Name = "resumeState"
                resolve: async context =>
                //Guid id = context.GetArgument<Guid>("id");
                ResumeState resumeState = context.GetArgument <ResumeState>("resumeState");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeStateBLL.UpdateResumeStateAsync(resumeState)

            FieldAsync <ResumeStateType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> >
                Name = "id"
                resolve: async context =>
                Guid id = context.GetArgument <Guid>("id");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await resumeStateBLL.DeleteResumeStateByIdAsync(id)

            // Skills
            FieldAsync <SkillType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <SkillInputType> >
                Name = "skill"
                resolve: async context =>
                Skill skill = context.GetArgument <Skill>("skill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillBLL.CreateSkillAsync(skill)

            FieldAsync <SkillType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    //new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<IdGraphType>>
                    //    Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <SkillInputType> >
                Name = "skill"
                resolve: async context =>
                //Guid id = context.GetArgument<Guid>("id");
                Skill skill = context.GetArgument <Skill>("skill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillBLL.UpdateSkillAsync(skill)

            FieldAsync <SkillType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResumeSkillInputType> >
                Name = "resumeSkill"
                resolve: async context =>
                ResumeSkill resumeSkill = context.GetArgument <ResumeSkill>("resumeSkill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillBLL.LinkResumeToSkillAsync(resumeSkill)

            FieldAsync <SkillType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <ResumeSkillInputType> >
                Name = "resumeSkill"
                resolve: async context =>
                ResumeSkill resumeSkill = context.GetArgument <ResumeSkill>("resumeSkill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillBLL.UnlinkResumeFromSkillAsync(resumeSkill)

            FieldAsync <SkillType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <JobSkillInputType> >
                Name = "jobSkill"
                resolve: async context =>
                JobSkill jobSkill = context.GetArgument <JobSkill>("jobSkill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillBLL.LinkJobToSkillAsync(jobSkill)

            FieldAsync <SkillType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <JobSkillInputType> >
                Name = "jobSkill"
                resolve: async context =>
                JobSkill jobSkill = context.GetArgument <JobSkill>("jobSkill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillBLL.UnlinkJobFromSkillAsync(jobSkill)

            FieldAsync <SkillType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> >
                Name = "id"
                resolve: async context =>
                Guid id = context.GetArgument <Guid>("id");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillBLL.DeleteSkillByIdAsync(id)

            // SkillAliases
            FieldAsync <SkillAliasType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <SkillAliasInputType> >
                Name = "skillAlias"
                resolve: async context =>
                SkillAlias skillAlias = context.GetArgument <SkillAlias>("skillAlias");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillAliasBLL.CreateSkillAliasAsync(skillAlias)

            FieldAsync <SkillAliasType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    //new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<IdGraphType>>
                    //    Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <SkillAliasInputType> >
                Name = "skillAlias"
                resolve: async context =>
                //Guid id = context.GetArgument<Guid>("id");
                SkillAlias skillAlias = context.GetArgument <SkillAlias>("skillAlias");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillAliasBLL.UpdateSkillAliasAsync(skillAlias)

            FieldAsync <SkillAliasType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> >
                Name = "id"
                resolve: async context =>
                Guid id = context.GetArgument <Guid>("id");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await skillAliasBLL.DeleteSkillAliasByIdAsync(id)

            // Jobs
            FieldAsync <JobType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <JobInputType> >
                Name = "job"
                resolve: async context =>
                Job job = context.GetArgument <Job>("job");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await jobBLL.CreateJobAsync(job)

            FieldAsync <JobType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    //new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<IdGraphType>>
                    //    Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <JobInputType> >
                Name = "job"
                resolve: async context =>
                //Guid id = context.GetArgument<Guid>("id");
                Job job = context.GetArgument <Job>("job");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await jobBLL.UpdateJobAsync(job)

            FieldAsync <JobType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <JobSkillInputType> >
                Name = "jobSkill"
                resolve: async context =>
                JobSkill jobSkill = context.GetArgument <JobSkill>("jobSkill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await jobBLL.LinkSkillToJobAsync(jobSkill)

            FieldAsync <JobType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <JobSkillInputType> >
                Name = "jobSkill"
                resolve: async context =>
                JobSkill jobSkill = context.GetArgument <JobSkill>("jobSkill");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await jobBLL.UnlinkSkillFromJobAsync(jobSkill)

            FieldAsync <JobType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> >
                Name = "id"
                resolve: async context =>
                Guid id = context.GetArgument <Guid>("id");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await jobBLL.DeleteJobByIdAsync(id)

            // JobStates
            FieldAsync <JobStateType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <JobStateInputType> >
                Name = "jobState"
                resolve: async context =>
                JobState jobState = context.GetArgument <JobState>("jobState");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await jobStateBLL.CreateJobStateAsync(jobState)

            FieldAsync <JobStateType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    //new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<IdGraphType>>
                    //    Name = "id"
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <JobStateInputType> >
                Name = "jobState"
                resolve: async context =>
                //Guid id = context.GetArgument<Guid>("id");
                JobState jobState = context.GetArgument <JobState>("jobState");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await jobStateBLL.UpdateJobStateAsync(jobState)

            FieldAsync <JobStateType>(
                arguments: new QueryArguments(
                    new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <IdGraphType> >
                Name = "id"
                resolve: async context =>
                Guid id = context.GetArgument <Guid>("id");

                return(await context.TryAsyncResolve(
                           async c => await jobStateBLL.DeleteJobStateByIdAsync(id)