 private void DoneButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Done = true;
     DoneButton.Enabled      = false;
     RunButton.Enabled       = true;
     TableTextBox1.Enabled   = true;
     TableTextBox2.Enabled   = true;
     SCNRTextBox.Enabled     = true;
     SchemaComboBox1.Enabled = true;
     SchemaComboBox2.Enabled = true;
     ResultTextBox.Text      = "Stopping...\r\n" + ResultTextBox.Text;
 } //Stops the loop from running continuesly.
        } //Stops the loop from running continuesly.

        private async void RunButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //On click Calls doWork Method
            if ((TableTextBox1.Text != string.Empty) & (TableTextBox2.Text != string.Empty))
                ResultTextBox.Text = "Started:";
                Done      = false;
                OldIDUsed = 0;
                DaysDiff  = 0;
                string OnClickQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + SchemaComboBox1.Text + "." + TableTextBox1.Text + " LIMIT 0,1";
                DoneButton.Enabled      = true;
                RunButton.Enabled       = false;
                TableTextBox1.Enabled   = false;
                TableTextBox2.Enabled   = false;
                SCNRTextBox.Enabled     = false;
                SchemaComboBox1.Enabled = false;
                SchemaComboBox2.Enabled = false;

                #region GetDaysDiff
                try {
                    MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection((new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder {
                        Server = "localhost", UserID = "apha", Password = "******", Database = SchemaComboBox1.Text, Port = 3306
                    MySqlCommand myCommand       = new MySqlCommand(OnClickQuery, myConnection);
                    MySqlDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    while (myReader.Read())
                        for (int i = 1; i < myReader.FieldCount; i++)
                            if (TimeColumns.Contains(myReader.GetName(i)) & (myReader[i] is long | myReader[i] is ulong))
                                double   dbTimeStamp     = Convert.ToInt64(myReader[i].ToString());                         //Gets the Database Column Value
                                DateTime dbTimeStampDate = (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddMilliseconds(dbTimeStamp);         //Turns Column Value into a DateTime
                                DaysDiff = (NowTime - dbTimeStampDate).Days + 1;
                }//End Try
                catch (Exception ex) { ResultTextBox.Text += ex; }

                while (!Done)
                    myQueryResult Return = new myQueryResult();
                    Return.OldIDUsed      = OldIDUsed;
                    Return.DaysDifference = DaysDiff;
                    await dbSync(Return);
                }//End While

                ResultTextBox.Text = "Done!!\r\n" + ResultTextBox.Text;

                ResultTextBox.Text = "You must have all Schema and Table fields filled in to proceed.";
        private async Task dbSync(myQueryResult Return)
            long a = Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)).TotalMilliseconds);
            long b = (DaysDiff * milliPerDay);
            long c = a - b;

            if (SCNRTextBox.Text == "" | SCNRTextBox.Text == string.Empty)
                if (TableTextBox1.Text[0] == 'h')
                    Return.query = "SELECT * FROM " + SchemaComboBox1.Text + "." + TableTextBox1.Text + " WHERE (tsrequest >= " + c.ToString() + " AND tsrequest <= " + (c + 2000).ToString() + ") ORDER BY tsrequest ASC limit 0, 1;";

                    Return.query = "SELECT * FROM " + SchemaComboBox1.Text + "." + TableTextBox1.Text + " WHERE (timestamp >= " + c.ToString() + " AND timestamp <= " + (c + 2000).ToString() + ") ORDER BY timestamp ASC limit 0, 1;";

                if (TableTextBox1.Text[0] == 'h')
                    Return.query = "SELECT * FROM " + SchemaComboBox1.Text + "." + TableTextBox1.Text + " WHERE (tsrequest >= " + c.ToString() + " AND tsrequest <= " + (c + 2000).ToString() + ") ORDER BY tsrequest ASC limit 0, 1;";

                    Return.query = "SELECT * FROM " + SchemaComboBox1.Text + "." + TableTextBox1.Text + " WHERE SCNR = " + SCNRTextBox.Text + " AND (timestamp >= " + c.ToString() + " AND timestamp <= " + (c + 2000).ToString() + ") ORDER BY timestamp ASC limit 0, 1;";

            //Return.query = "SELECT * FROM " + SchemaComboBox1.Text + "." + TableTextBox1.Text + " LIMIT 0,1";

            Return.builder1 = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder {
                Server = "localhost", UserID = "apha", Password = "******", Database = SchemaComboBox1.Text, Port = 3306

            try {
                //Is the connnection to the SQl Database on your local machine
                #region Connection
                MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(Return.builder1.ToString());
                MySqlCommand    myCommand    = new MySqlCommand(Return.query, myConnection);
                MySqlDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();

                #region HandleNoRowsReturned
                if (!myReader.HasRows)
                    Return.Exception += "\r\nThere was no status between now and 2 seconds in the future of " + c.ToString();
                    await Task.Delay(1000);
                //Meat and potatoes of the program
                #region Loop
                while (myReader.Read())//Begin While2
                    Return.GetNumColumns = myReader.FieldCount;

                    if (Convert.ToInt32(myReader[0].ToString()) != Return.OldIDUsed)//If we have a new ID lets get the column values
                        Return.NewIDUsed = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[0].ToString());
                        for (int i = 1; i < Return.GetNumColumns; i++)
                            if (Return.TimeColumns.Contains(myReader.GetName(i)) & (myReader[i] is long | myReader[i] is ulong) & !(i == (Return.GetNumColumns - 1))) //Checks to see if the column is one that contains a Time Stamp in Unix Time Milliseconds and is not the last column
                                double   dbTimeStamp     = Convert.ToInt64(myReader[i].ToString());                                                                   //Gets the Database Column Value
                                DateTime dbTimeStampDate = (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddMilliseconds(dbTimeStamp);                                                   //Turns Column Value into a DateTime
                                dbTimeStamp         = ((dbTimeStampDate.AddDays(Return.DaysDifference)).Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds;        //Brings the DB TimeStamp to the current day
                                Return.QueryValues += "'" + (dbTimeStamp).ToString() + "', ";                                                                         //Add values to the return
                                Return.ColumnNames += myReader.GetName(i).ToString() + ", ";

                            if (Return.TimeColumns.Contains(myReader.GetName(i)) & (myReader[i] is long | myReader[i] is ulong) & (i == (Return.GetNumColumns - 1))) //Checks to see if the column is one that contains a Time Stamp in Unix Time Milliseconds and is the last column
                                double   dbTimeStamp     = Convert.ToInt64(myReader[i].ToString());                                                                  //Gets the Database Column Value
                                DateTime dbTimeStampDate = (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddMilliseconds(dbTimeStamp);                                                  //Turns Column Value into a DateTime
                                dbTimeStamp         = ((dbTimeStampDate.AddDays(Return.DaysDifference)).Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds;       //Brings the DB TimeStamp to the current day
                                Return.QueryValues += "'" + (dbTimeStamp).ToString() + "'";                                                                          //Add values to the return
                                Return.ColumnNames += myReader.GetName(i).ToString() + ", ";

                            if (myReader.IsDBNull(i) & !(i == (Return.GetNumColumns - 1)))//If the column value is empty and not the last column
                                Return.QueryValues += "NULL, ";
                                Return.ColumnNames += myReader.GetName(i).ToString() + ", ";

                            if (myReader.IsDBNull(i) & (i == (Return.GetNumColumns - 1)))//If the column value is empty and is the last column
                                Return.QueryValues += "NULL";
                                Return.ColumnNames += myReader.GetName(i).ToString() + "";

                            if (!myReader.IsDBNull(i) & (i == (Return.GetNumColumns - 1)))//If the column value is not null and is the last column
                                Return.QueryValues += "'" + myReader[i].ToString() + "'";
                                Return.ColumnNames += myReader.GetName(i).ToString() + "";

                            if (!Return.TimeColumns.Contains(myReader.GetName(i).ToString()) & !myReader.IsDBNull(i) & !(i == (Return.GetNumColumns - 1)))//IF this is not a time column and not null and not the last column
                                Return.QueryValues += "'" + myReader[i].ToString() + "', ";
                                Return.ColumnNames += myReader.GetName(i).ToString() + ", ";

                            if (Return.TimeColumns.Contains(myReader.GetName(i).ToString()) & !myReader.IsDBNull(i) & !(i == (Return.GetNumColumns - 1)) & myReader[i] is DateTime)//If this is a time column and not null and not the last column and is a date time value
                                DateTime tempDate = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader[i].ToString());
                                tempDate = tempDate.AddDays(Return.DaysDifference);
                                string [] temp = (tempDate.ToString()).Split(' ', '/');
                                Return.QueryValues += "'" + temp[2] + "-" + temp[0] + "-" + temp[1] + " " + temp[3] + "', ";
                                Return.ColumnNames += myReader.GetName(i).ToString() + ", ";

                            if (Return.TimeColumns.Contains(myReader.GetName(i).ToString()) & !myReader.IsDBNull(i) & (i == (Return.GetNumColumns - 1)) & myReader[i] is DateTime)//If this is a time column and not null and is the last column and is a date time value
                                DateTime tempDate = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader[i].ToString());
                                tempDate = tempDate.AddDays(Return.DaysDifference);
                                string[] temp = (tempDate.ToString()).Split(' ', '/');
                                Return.QueryValues += "'" + temp[2] + "-" + temp[0] + "-" + temp[1] + " " + temp[3] + "'";
                                Return.ColumnNames += myReader.GetName(i).ToString() + "";
                        } //End For
                        await Task.Delay(1000);
                    }     //End If

                        Return.Exception += "row id:" + OldIDUsed.ToString() + " was returned.\r\n";
                        Return.NewIDUsed  = Return.OldIDUsed;
                        await Task.Delay(1000);
                }//End While2

                //Close the Conneciton
            }//End Try

            catch (Exception ex) {
                Return.Exception += ex.ToString();

            #region PostToWindow
            if (Return.Exception != string.Empty)
                ResultTextBox.Text = Return.Exception + "\r\n" + ResultTextBox.Text;

                ResultTextBox.Text = "Get Sucess\r\nColumnNames: " + Return.ColumnNames + "\r\nQueryValues: " + Return.QueryValues + "\r\n" + ResultTextBox.Text;
            OldIDUsed = Return.NewIDUsed;

            #region PostToSQLDatabase
            if (Return.Exception == string.Empty)
                Return.query    = "INSERT INTO " + SchemaComboBox2.Text + "." + TableTextBox2.Text + " (" + Return.ColumnNames + ") VALUES (" + Return.QueryValues + ");";
                Return.builder2 = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder {
                    Server = "localhost", UserID = "apha", Password = "******", Database = SchemaComboBox2.Text, Port = 3306

                try {
                    MySqlConnection mySecondConnection = new MySqlConnection(Return.builder2.ToString());
                    MySqlCommand    mySecondCommand    = new MySqlCommand(Return.query, mySecondConnection);
                    int worked = mySecondCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    if (worked == 1)
                        ResultTextBox.Text = "Post Success\r\n" + ResultTextBox.Text;

                        ResultTextBox.Text = "Post Failed\r\n" + ResultTextBox.Text;
                catch (Exception exx) {
                    ResultTextBox.Text = exx + "\r\n" + ResultTextBox.Text;
            await Task.Delay(10);