public ResultModel ConvertFile(ConversionDto conversionDto) { var fileNames = _storageRepository.ParseNames(conversionDto.sessionId); if (fileNames == null) { return(ResultModel.Error(fileNames.Id, "Invalid session id", 400)); } return(OpConvert.Measure(fileNames.Id, () => { FileFormat fmt; if (conversionDto.outputType != null && formats.TryGetValue(conversionDto.outputType, out fmt)) { SceneImportContext importContext = CreateLoadContext(fileNames); //User uploaded an unsupported file format. if (importContext.SourceFormat == null) { _logger.LogError("Failed to detect file type from file {0}", fileNames.Id); return ResultModel.Error(fileNames.Id, "Unsupported input file", 400); } Scene scene; try { scene = importContext.LoadScene(); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Failed to open input file {0}", fileNames.Id); OperationFailed(e); return ResultModel.Error(fileNames.Id, "Internal server error", 500); } var originalFile = importContext.MainFile; try { var fileName = fileNames[OutputFile]; using (var stream = LimitedStream.CreateFile(fileName, MaximumOutputSize)) { scene.Save(stream, fmt); } } catch (Exception e) { var msg = "Internal server error"; if (e is ExportException) { msg = e.Message; } _logger.LogError(e, "Failed to save converted file to {0}", fileNames[SourceFile]); OperationFailed(e); return ResultModel.Error(fileNames.Id, msg, 500); } var newFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(originalFile, fmt.Extension); importContext.MetaData.OutputFile = newFileName; SetMetaData(fileNames, importContext.MetaData); return ResultModel.Ok(true); } return ResultModel.Error(fileNames.Id, "Output type not found", 400); })); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ResultModel> > Error2Forum([FromBody] Error2ForumRequest req) { var repo = storageService.GetRepository(req.Application); if (repo == null) { return(new ActionResult <ResultModel>(ResultModel.Error("Invalid application", 400))); } var fileNames = repo.ParseNames(req.Session); if (fileNames == null || !Directory.Exists(fileNames.Directory)) { return(new ActionResult <ResultModel>(ResultModel.Error("Invalid session id", 400))); } var now = DateTime.Now.ToString(); var appName = FormatAppName(req.Application); const string username = "******"; var title = $"{appName} issue - {now}"; var content = $"<p><b>Session :</b> {req.Session}</p><p><b>Date :</b> {now}</p>"; try { var url = await conholdateService.PostToForum(title, req.Email, username, content); return(new ActionResult <ResultModel>(ResultModel.Ok(url))); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError("Failed to post error to forum", e); } return(new ActionResult <ResultModel>(ResultModel.Error("Something bad happened", 500))); }
/// <summary> /// 编辑商家信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel EditSYSInfo(ShowSYSModel model) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { try { var sys = context.bsp_businesses.FirstOrDefault(); sys.address = model.address; =; sys.businessEnd = sys.businessEnd; sys.businessStart = sys.businessStart; sys.businessTimeStr = sys.businessTimeStr; sys.canSendRadius = sys.canSendRadius; sys.description = sys.description; sys.latitude = sys.latitude; sys.longitude = sys.longitude; sys.showimg = sys.showimg; context.SaveChanges(); return(ResultModel.Success("修改成功")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error(ex); return(ResultModel.Error()); } } }
/// <summary> /// 新增拼团活动 /// </summary> public ResultModel CreateGroupInfo(GroupInfoModel model) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { try { bsp_groupinfos newGroupInfo = new bsp_groupinfos(); newGroupInfo.endtime = model.endtime; newGroupInfo.groupoid = model.groupoid; newGroupInfo.groupprice = model.groupprice; newGroupInfo.grouptype = model.grouptype; newGroupInfo.maxtime = model.maxtime; newGroupInfo.needcount = model.needcount; newGroupInfo.shopprice = model.shopprice; newGroupInfo.starttime = model.starttime; context.bsp_groupinfos.Add(newGroupInfo); context.SaveChanges(); return(ResultModel.Success("新增成功")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error("CreateGroupInfo方法,", ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取当前拼团活动正在进行的团 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel GetRunningGroupListByInfo(int groupInfoId) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { try { string sql = $@"select bsp_groups.*, bsp_groupdetails.groupdetailid gd_groupdetailid, bsp_groupdetails.groupid gd_groupid, bsp_groupdetails.paytime gd_paytime, bsp_groupdetails.sno gd_sno, bsp_groupdetails.uid gd_uid from bsp_groups left join bsp_groupdetails on bsp_groupdetails.groupid = bsp_groups.groupid where groupinfoid = {groupInfoId} and isfinish = 0 and isfail = 0"; var dt = SqlManager.FillDataTable(AppConfig.ConnectionString, new SqlCommand(sql)); var groups = dt.GetList <GroupModel>("").Distinct(new DistinctModel <GroupModel>()).ToList(); foreach (var group in groups) { //拼团信息 DataTable gddt = dt.Select($"groupid = {group.groupid}").CopyToDataTable(); group.details = gddt.GetList <GroupDetailModel>(""); } return(ResultModel.Success("", groups)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error("GroupInfoList方法,", ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
public ResultModel AddSKU(int pid, int valueid, int isdefaultprice, decimal price) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { try { var sku = context.bsp_productskus.SingleOrDefault(t => == pid && t.attrvalueid == valueid); if (sku != null) { return(ResultModel.Fail("该规格SKU已经存在")); } var attrvalue = context.bsp_attributevalues.SingleOrDefault(t => t.attrvalueid == valueid); bsp_productskus newsku = new bsp_productskus(); = pid; newsku.attrid = attrvalue.attrid; newsku.attrvalueid = valueid; newsku.inputattr = attrvalue.attrname; newsku.inputvalue = attrvalue.attrvalue; newsku.isdefaultprice = isdefaultprice; newsku.price = price; context.bsp_productskus.Add(newsku); context.SaveChanges(); ProductCache.InitProductList(); return(ResultModel.Success("", newsku.recordid)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error(ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
/// <summary> /// 客户端调用Login之后传回Code,根据code获取openid,如果已存在用户信息,则返回用户信息,否则返回错误状态值,前端再请求用户授权 /// </summary> public ResultModel Login(string code) { string session2Url = string.Format("{0}&secret={1}&js_code={2}&grant_type=authorization_code", WXPayHelper.appid, WXPayHelper.appsecret, code); var jsonstr = HttpHelper.HttpGet(session2Url, ""); Code2SessionModel result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Code2SessionModel>(jsonstr); if (result.errcode != 0) { Logger._.Error($"code2session接口请求失败,errcode:{result.errcode},errmsg:{result.errmsg}"); return(ResultModel.Error($"code2session接口请求失败,errcode:{result.errcode},errmsg:{result.errmsg}")); } using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { try { var user = context.bsp_users.SingleOrDefault(t => t.openid == result.openid); if (user == null) { return(ResultModel.Fail(result.openid)); } return(ResultModel.Success("", user2ShowUser(user))); }catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error(ex); return(ResultModel.Error("数据库操作异常")); } } }
public ResultModel AddAttributeValue(short attrid, string value) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { try { var attrvalue = context.bsp_attributevalues.SingleOrDefault(t => t.attrid == attrid && t.attrvalue == value); if (attrvalue != null) { return(ResultModel.Fail("该属性值已经存在")); } var attr = context.bsp_attributes.SingleOrDefault(t => t.attrid == attrid); bsp_attributevalues newattrvalue = new bsp_attributevalues(); newattrvalue.attrid = attrid; newattrvalue.attrname =; newattrvalue.attrvalue = value; context.bsp_attributevalues.Add(newattrvalue); context.SaveChanges(); return(ResultModel.Success("", newattrvalue.attrvalueid)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error(ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
/// <summary> /// 删除分类 /// </summary> /// <param name="cateid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel DeleteCateGory(int cateid) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { try { var sql = $@"select COUNT(bsp_cateproducts.catepid) from bsp_cateproducts left join bsp_products on = where bsp_products.isdelete = 0 and bsp_cateproducts.cateid = {cateid}" ; var dt = SqlManager.FillDataTable(AppConfig.ConnectionString, new SqlCommand(sql)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (int.Parse(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()) > 0) { return(ResultModel.Fail("该分类下存在商品,不允许删除")); } } var cate = context.bsp_categories.SingleOrDefault(t => t.cateid == cateid); if (cate == null) { return(ResultModel.Fail("该分类已经删除,请刷新")); } context.bsp_categories.Remove(cate); context.SaveChanges(); return(ResultModel.Success("删除成功")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error(ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
/// <summary> /// 添加分类 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel AddCateGory(string name, int displayorder = 0) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { try { var catrgory = context.bsp_categories.SingleOrDefault(t => == name); if (catrgory != null) { return(ResultModel.Fail("已存在该分类")); } bsp_categories newcate = new bsp_categories(); = name; newcate.displayorder = displayorder; newcate.pricerange = ""; newcate.path = ""; context.bsp_categories.Add(newcate); context.SaveChanges(); return(ResultModel.Success("添加成功", newcate.cateid)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error(ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
/// <summary> /// 删除包厢 /// </summary> /// <param name="boxid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel DeleteBox(int boxid) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { var tran = context.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { var box = context.bsp_boxes.SingleOrDefault(t => t.boxid == boxid); if (box == null) { return(ResultModel.Fail("该包厢已删除,请刷新")); } context.bsp_boxes.Remove(box); context.SaveChanges(); tran.Commit(); new BoxCache().Init(); return(ResultModel.Success("删除成功")); } catch (Exception ex) { tran.Rollback(); Logger._.Error(ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
/// <summary> /// 更新包厢 /// </summary> /// <param name="boxid"></param> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel UpdateBox(int boxid, BoxState state, string name, decimal price, decimal bookprice) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { var tran = context.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { var box = context.bsp_boxes.SingleOrDefault(t => t.boxid == boxid); if (box == null) { return(ResultModel.Fail("该包厢已删除,请刷新")); } box.state = (int)state; = name; box.price = price; box.bookprice = bookprice; if (state == BoxState.Empty) { box.username = ""; = ""; } context.SaveChanges(); tran.Commit(); new BoxCache().Init(); return(ResultModel.Success("修改成功")); } catch (Exception ex) { tran.Rollback(); Logger._.Error(ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
public ResultModel UploadIForm([FromForm] IFormCollection formData) { IFormFileCollection files = formData.Files; int fileCount = files.Count; if (files == null || fileCount == 0) { return(ResultModel.Error("file can't be null!", 400)); } var fileNames = _storageRepository.NewNames(); return(OpUpload.Measure(fileNames.Id, () => { try { SaveUploadedFiles(fileNames, files); } catch (Exception e) { OperationFailed(e); return ResultModel.Error(fileNames.Id, e.Message, 400); } return ResultModel.Ok(fileNames.Id); })); }
public ResultModel <bool> TestValiTokenState(string tokenStr) { var result = new ResultModel <bool>(); string loginID = ""; var secretKey = ConfigurationManager.GetJwtSettings("SecretKey"); TokenType tokenType = _tokenHelper.ValiTokenState(tokenStr, secretKey, a => a["iss"] == "" && a["aud"] == "webapi", action => { loginID = action["id"]; }); if (tokenType == TokenType.Fail) { return(result.Error("token验证失败", false)); } if (tokenType == TokenType.Expired) { return(result.Error("token已经过期", false)); } return(result.Success("访问成功", true));; }
/// <summary> /// 参数校验 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel ArgsCheck() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewName)) { return(ResultModel.Error("ViewName can not be null!")); } return(ResultModel.Success()); }
public ResultModel QueryArgsCheck() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(interfaceCode)) { return(ResultModel.Error("interfaceCode can not be null!")); } return(ResultModel.Success()); }
/// <summary> /// 新增优惠券(后台) /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel AddCouponType(ShowCouponTypeInfo model) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { var tran = context.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { //新增 if (model.ct_coupontypeid == 0) { bsp_coupontypes newcoupontype = new bsp_coupontypes(); newcoupontype.cutmoney = model.ct_cutmoney; = model.ct_discount; newcoupontype.fullmoney = model.ct_fullmoney; newcoupontype.count = 0; newcoupontype.getmode = 0; newcoupontype.isstack = model.ct_isstack; newcoupontype.limitbrandid = 0; newcoupontype.limitcateid = 0; newcoupontype.limitproduct = 0; = 0; = model.ct_name; newcoupontype.orderamountlower = 0; newcoupontype.sendendtime = model.ct_sendendtime; newcoupontype.sendmode = 0; newcoupontype.sendstarttime = model.ct_sendstarttime; newcoupontype.state = 0; newcoupontype.type = model.ct_type; newcoupontype.useendtime = model.ct_useexpiretime == 1?model.ct_useendtime:DateTime.Now; newcoupontype.useexpiretime = model.ct_useexpiretime; newcoupontype.usemode = 0; newcoupontype.userranklower = 0; newcoupontype.usestarttime = model.ct_useexpiretime == 1 ? model.ct_usestarttime : DateTime.Now; newcoupontype.isforgroup = model.ct_isforgroup; context.bsp_coupontypes.Add(newcoupontype); context.SaveChanges(); if (model.ct_pid > 0) { bsp_couponproducts bsp_Couponproduct = new bsp_couponproducts(); bsp_Couponproduct.coupontypeid = newcoupontype.coupontypeid; = model.ct_pid; context.bsp_couponproducts.Add(bsp_Couponproduct); context.SaveChanges(); } } tran.Commit(); return(ResultModel.Success("添加成功")); } catch (Exception ex) { tran.Rollback(); Logger._.Error(ex); return(ResultModel.Error()); } } }
/// <summary> /// 用户参团(支付回调时调用) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel JoinGroup(int GroupId, int uid, string outtradeno, string transaction_id) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { var tran = context.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { bsp_groups Group = context.bsp_groups.SingleOrDefault(t => t.groupid == GroupId); Group.nowcount += 1; //拼团成功,发放优惠券 if (Group.needcount <= Group.nowcount) { Group.isfinish = true; Group.endtime = DateTime.Now; var groupdetails = context.bsp_groupdetails.Where(t => t.groupid == GroupId).ToList(); foreach (var groupdetail in groupdetails) { if (!groupdetail.isgetcoupon.Value) { coupon.RecpientCoupon(groupdetail.uid, Group.groupoid); groupdetail.isgetcoupon = true; } } } bsp_groupdetails newGroupetail = new bsp_groupdetails(); newGroupetail.groupid = Group.groupid; newGroupetail.paytime = DateTime.Now; newGroupetail.sno = Group.nowcount; newGroupetail.uid = uid; newGroupetail.isgetcoupon = false; newGroupetail.paytime = DateTime.Parse("1997-01-27"); newGroupetail.transaction_id = transaction_id; newGroupetail.outtradeno = outtradeno; if (Group.needcount <= Group.nowcount) { coupon.RecpientCoupon(newGroupetail.uid, Group.groupoid); newGroupetail.isgetcoupon = true; } context.bsp_groupdetails.Add(newGroupetail); context.SaveChanges(); ORDER.AddStatistics(true, Group, newGroupetail, context); tran.Commit(); return(ResultModel.Success("参团成功")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error("JoinGroup方法,", ex); tran.Rollback(); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
public ResultModel Delete(int metaObjectId, FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> condition) { var metaObject = metaObjectService.GetById(metaObjectId); if (metaObject == null) { return(ResultModel.Error("没有找到该实体编码对应的实体信息")); } return(Delete(metaObject, condition)); }
public IActionResult Check(IEnumerable <TypeModel> typeModels) { try { bll.Check(typeModels); return(Json(ResultModel.Success("更新收支类型成功!"))); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(ResultModel.Error(e.Message))); } }
public IActionResult SaveData(IEnumerable <DayModel> data) { try { bll.CheckData(data); return(Json(ResultModel.Success("更新数据成功"))); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(ResultModel.Error(e.Message))); } }
public async Task <JsonResult> Register([FromBody] RegisterApiRequest model) { using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { try { if (model.RePassword != model.Password) { return(BadResponse(ResultModel.Error("Repassword must match password"))); } AppUserDetail appUserDetail = new AppUserDetail { FirstName = model.FirstName, LastName = model.LastName, ProfilePhotoPath = "", CoverPhotoPath = "" }; ResultModel resultModel = _userDetailService.Create(appUserDetail); if (!resultModel.Status) { return(BadResponse(resultModel)); } AppUser userEntity = new AppUser { UserName = model.UserName, Email = model.Email, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, DetailId = appUserDetail.Id }; IdentityResult result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(userEntity, model.Password); if (!result.Succeeded) { Result.Status = false; Result.Message = string.Join(",", result.Errors.Select(x => x.Description)); scope.Dispose(); return(BadResponse(Result)); } scope.Complete(); return(OkResponse(Result)); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Dispose(); Result.Status = false; Result.Message = ex.ToString(); return(BadResponse(Result)); } } }
public async Task <JsonResult> Login([FromBody] LoginApiRequest model) { Log.Logger.Information("LoginController - Login Logged"); if (model.Username == configuration.GetValue <string>("MySettings:UserName") && model.Password == configuration.GetValue <string>("MySettings:Password")) { var token = _tokenService.GenerateToken(model.Username); return(OkResponse(token)); } return(BadResponse(ResultModel.Error("Kullanıcı adı veya şifre yanlış"))); }
/// <summary> /// 根据id删除配置字段,校验是否被引用 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> public new ResultModel Delete(int id) { if (dbContext.QueryExist <InterfaceAggregation>(t => t.SearchConditionId == id)) { //存在引用关系,先删除引用该数据的数据 return(ResultModel.Error("存在引用关系,先删除引用该数据的数据")); } else { base.Delete(id); return(ResultModel.Success()); } }
/// <summary> /// 用户发起拼团支付 /// </summary> /// <param name="isstart">1开团 2参团</param> /// <param name="gid"></param> /// <param name="uid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel PayGroup(int isstart, int gid, int uid, decimal totalfee) { try { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { if (isstart == 1) { var groupCount = context.bsp_groups.Where(t => t.startuid == uid & t.groupinfoid == gid).Count(); if (groupCount > 0) { return(ResultModel.Fail("您已参与过该团")); } } else { var groupCount = context.bsp_groupdetails.Where(t => t.uid == uid & t.groupid == gid).Count(); if (groupCount > 0) { return(ResultModel.Fail("您已参与过该团")); } } var user = context.bsp_users.SingleOrDefault(t => t.uid == uid); WXPayHelper wXPayHelper = new WXPayHelper(); var unifiedorderResult = wXPayHelper.unifiedorderForGroup(isstart, gid, uid, "拼团", user.openid, totalfee); if (!unifiedorderResult.Item1) { return(ResultModel.Fail("拼团支付调用微信下单接口失败,详情见日志")); } SortedDictionary <string, object> payDic = unifiedorderResult.Item2 as SortedDictionary <string, object>; var timestamp = WXPayHelper.GetTimeStamp(); string aSign = $@"appId={payDic["appid"]}&nonceStr={payDic["nonce_str"].ToString()}&package=prepay_id={payDic["prepay_id"].ToString()}&signType=MD5&timeStamp={timestamp}&key={WXPayHelper.apisecret}"; WxpayDataForApi model = new WxpayDataForApi(); model.appId = payDic["appid"].ToString(); model.nonceStr = payDic["nonce_str"].ToString(); model.package = $@"prepay_id={payDic["prepay_id"].ToString()}"; model.paySign = EncryptHelp.EncryptMD5(aSign); model.signType = WxPayAPI.WxPayData.SIGN_TYPE_MD5; model.timeStamp = timestamp; return(ResultModel.Success("", model)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error("PayGroup方法,", ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } }
public ResultModel <string> GetDownLoadFile(string url) { var userId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.User.FindFirst("id").Value); //根据orderNo 与 会员Id查询 订单信息 /* * 此时为了跟大家演示 下载效果 只需要传参 url即可 * 真实的业务场景,会根据登录用户,以及业务编号 我们可以根据需求去重写 对应的业务即可即可 */ var result = new ResultModel <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return(result.Error("请输入文件地址", null)); } string cdipath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + url; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(cdipath)) { return(result.Error("文件不存在", null)); } //根据当前登录用户验证 文件相对路径 是否包含userId值 if (!url.Contains(userId.ToString() + "_")) { return(result.Error("您当前下载的文件不正确", null)); } /* * 真实场景 下载客户文件时,需要根据业务信息动态获取客户源文件名,生成文件名的规则 你们也可以自定义 * 此处 我会根据切割 地址获取文件名 /MyUpfiles/2020/09/24/55020_04-03-{文件名} */ var getfileName = url.Split('_')[1].ToString(); var fileKey = _protector.Protect(getfileName, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)); //fileKey 是根据文件进行加密后的秘钥,有效时间为:120s return(result.Success("文件秘钥生成成功", fileKey)); }
public ActionResult Get(int id) { Log.Logger.Information("ArticleController - Get Logged"); var data = _articleService.GetById(id); if (data != null) { return(OkResponse(data)); } else { return(BadResponse(ResultModel.Error("Makale bulunamadı."))); } }
public JsonResult CreatePost([FromBody] PostCreateApi model) { using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled)) { try { if (model.Text == null) { Result.Status = false; Result.Message = "You can not add a post without writing text ! "; return(BadResponse(Result)); } #region CRUD var newPost = new Post { Text = model.Text, }; ResultModel postModel = _postService.Create(newPost); if (!postModel.Status) { scope.Dispose(); return(BadResponse(ResultModel.Error("The upload process can not be done !"))); } #endregion scope.Complete(); //TODO //There must be an integration that returns the last post that has just been createad. return(OkResponse(new PostListDto { Id = newPost.Id, Text = newPost.Text, CreatedDate = newPost.CreatedDate, Comments = null })); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Dispose(); Result.Status = false; Result.Message = ex.ToString(); return(BadResponse(Result)); } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取首页拼团列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel GroupInfoList() { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { try { string sql = $@"select * from bsp_groupinfos"; List <GroupInfoModel> groupInfos = context.Database.SqlQuery <GroupInfoModel>(sql).ToList(); var couponTypes = coupon.GetCouponTypeForGroup(); foreach (var groupInfo in groupInfos) { groupInfo.couponTypeInfo = couponTypes.SingleOrDefault(t => t.ct_coupontypeid == groupInfo.groupoid); bool isfind = false; foreach (var products in ProductCache.ProductList) { foreach (var product in products.productInfos) { if ( == groupInfo.couponTypeInfo.ct_pid) { groupInfo.productInfo = product; isfind = true; break; } } if (isfind) { break; } } var couponTypeInfodes = ""; if (groupInfo.couponTypeInfo.ct_type == 1) { couponTypeInfodes = $@" 满{Math.Round(groupInfo.couponTypeInfo.ct_fullmoney,2)}减{Math.Round(groupInfo.couponTypeInfo.ct_cutmoney,2)}"; } else { couponTypeInfodes = $@" {(int)groupInfo.couponTypeInfo.ct_discount}折"; } groupInfo.title = groupInfo.couponTypeInfo.ct_name + couponTypeInfodes; } return(ResultModel.Success("", groupInfos)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error("GroupInfoList方法,", ex); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }
/// <summary> /// 用户开团(支付回调时调用) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ResultModel StartGroup(int groupInfoId, int uid, string outtradeno, string transaction_id) { using (brnshopEntities context = new brnshopEntities()) { var tran = context.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { bsp_groupinfos GroupInfo = context.bsp_groupinfos.SingleOrDefault(t => t.groupinfoid == groupInfoId); bsp_groups newGroup = new bsp_groups(); newGroup.endtime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(GroupInfo.maxtime); newGroup.failtype = 0; newGroup.groupoid = GroupInfo.groupoid; newGroup.groupprice = GroupInfo.groupprice; newGroup.grouptype = GroupInfo.grouptype; newGroup.isfail = false; newGroup.isfinish = false; newGroup.maxtime = GroupInfo.maxtime; newGroup.needcount = GroupInfo.needcount; newGroup.nowcount = 1; newGroup.shopprice = GroupInfo.shopprice; newGroup.starttime = DateTime.Now; newGroup.startuid = uid; newGroup.groupinfoid = groupInfoId; context.bsp_groups.Add(newGroup); context.SaveChanges(); bsp_groupdetails newGroupetail = new bsp_groupdetails(); newGroupetail.groupid = newGroup.groupid; newGroupetail.paytime = DateTime.Now; newGroupetail.sno = 1; newGroupetail.uid = uid; newGroupetail.isgetcoupon = false; newGroupetail.paytime = DateTime.Parse("1997-01-27"); newGroupetail.transaction_id = transaction_id; newGroupetail.outtradeno = outtradeno; context.bsp_groupdetails.Add(newGroupetail); context.SaveChanges(); ORDER.AddStatistics(true, newGroup, newGroupetail, context); tran.Commit(); return(ResultModel.Success("开团成功")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger._.Error("StartGroup方法,", ex); tran.Rollback(); return(ResultModel.Error(ex.ToString())); } } }