        protected IDictionary <ResultKey, TResult> MakeChromInfoResultsMap <TChromInfo, TResult>(
            Results <TChromInfo> results, Func <ResultFile, TResult> newResultFunc) where TChromInfo : ChromInfo
            var resultMap = new Dictionary <ResultKey, TResult>();

            if (results == null)
            for (int replicateIndex = 0; replicateIndex < results.Count; replicateIndex++)
                var replicate = new Replicate(DataSchema, replicateIndex);
                var files     = results[replicateIndex];
                if (null == files)
                for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < files.Count; fileIndex++)
                    var chromInfo = files[fileIndex];
                    if (null == chromInfo)
                    var key        = new ResultKey(replicate, fileIndex);
                    var resultFile = new ResultFile(replicate, chromInfo.FileId, ResultFile.GetOptStep(chromInfo));
                    resultMap.Add(key, newResultFunc(resultFile));
            public Results <TItem> Update(Results <TItem> results, IDictionary <ResultKey, TResult> resultObjects)
                if (results == null)

                var newChromInfos = new List <IList <TItem> >();

                for (int replicateIndex = 0; replicateIndex < results.Count; replicateIndex++)
                    var replicate = new Replicate(SkylineDataSchema, replicateIndex);
                    var list      = new List <TItem>();
                    for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < results[replicateIndex].Count; fileIndex++)
                        var chromInfo = results[replicateIndex][fileIndex];
                        if (chromInfo != null)
                            var     resultKey = new ResultKey(replicate, fileIndex);
                            TResult resultObject;
                            if (resultObjects.TryGetValue(resultKey, out resultObject))
                                var newAnnotations =
                                    AnnotationUpdater.UpdateAnnotations(GetAnnotations(chromInfo), resultObject);
                                chromInfo = ChangeAnnotations(chromInfo, newAnnotations);


                return(Results <TItem> .Merge(results, newChromInfos));
 public void Create(out IResultKey @object,
                    String assemblyName,
                    RuntimeInfo targetRuntime,
                    ProcessorArchitecture targetArchitecture,
                    RuntimeInfo executionRuntime,
                    ProcessorArchitecture executionArchitecture,
                    String fileName,
                    String methodName) => @object = new ResultKey(assemblyName, targetRuntime, targetArchitecture, executionRuntime, executionArchitecture, fileName, methodName);
        private VerificationResult CreateAnomalyChecksAndRunEverything(
            DataFrame data,
            IMetricsRepository repository,
            Check otherCheck,
            IEnumerable <IAnalyzer <IMetric> > additionalRequiredAnalyzers)
            // We only want to use historic data with the EU tag for the anomaly checks since the new
            // data point is from the EU marketplace
            var filterEU = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "marketplace", "EU" }

            // We only want to use data points before the date time associated with the current
            // data point and only ones that are from 2018
            var afterDateTime  = CreateDate(2018, 1, 1);
            var beforeDateTime = CreateDate(2018, 8, 1);

            // Config for the size anomaly check
            var sizeAnomalyCheckConfig = new AnomalyCheckConfig(CheckLevel.Error, "Size only increases",
                                                                filterEU, afterDateTime, beforeDateTime);
            var sizeAnomalyDetectionStrategy = new AbsoluteChangeStrategy(0);

            // Config for the mean sales anomaly check
            var meanSalesAnomalyCheckConfig = new AnomalyCheckConfig(
                "Sales mean within 2 standard deviations",

            var meanSalesAnomalyDetectionStrategy = new OnlineNormalStrategy(upperDeviationFactor: 2, lowerDeviationFactor: Option <double> .None,
                                                                             ignoreAnomalies: false);

            // ResultKey to be used when saving the results of this run
            var currentRunResultKey =
                new ResultKey(CreateDate(2018, 8, 1), new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "marketplace", "EU" }

            return(new VerificationSuite()
                   // Add the Size anomaly check
                   .AddAnomalyCheck(sizeAnomalyDetectionStrategy, Initializers.Size(), sizeAnomalyCheckConfig)
                   // Add the Mean sales anomaly check
                   .AddAnomalyCheck(meanSalesAnomalyDetectionStrategy, Initializers.Mean("sales"),
                   // Save new data point in the repository after we calculated everything
        public override AnalysisResult Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert,
                                            JsonSerializerOptions options)
            JsonDocument.TryParseValue(ref reader, out JsonDocument document);
            JsonElement resultKey = document.RootElement.GetProperty(SerdeExt.RESULT_KEY_FIELD);
            JsonElement analyzer  = document.RootElement.GetProperty(SerdeExt.ANALYZER_CONTEXT_FIELD);

            ResultKey       resultKeyDe       = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <ResultKey>(resultKey.GetRawText(), options);
            AnalyzerContext analyzerContextDe =
                JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AnalyzerContext>(analyzer.GetRawText(), options);

            return(new AnalysisResult(resultKeyDe, analyzerContextDe));
        public static void GenerateKeyPair(ResultKey ret)
            SM2 sm2 = SM2.Instance;
            AsymmetricCipherKeyPair key    = sm2.ecc_key_pair_generator.GenerateKeyPair();
            ECPrivateKeyParameters  ecpriv = (ECPrivateKeyParameters)key.Private;
            ECPublicKeyParameters   ecpub  = (ECPublicKeyParameters)key.Public;
            BigInteger privateKey          = ecpriv.D;
            ECPoint    publicKey           = ecpub.Q;

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("公钥: " + Hex.ToHexString(publicKey.GetEncoded()).ToUpper());
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("私钥: " + Hex.ToHexString(privateKey.ToByteArray()).ToUpper());

            //System.Console.Out.WriteLine("公钥: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(publicKey.GetEncoded())).ToUpper());
            //System.Console.Out.WriteLine("私钥: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Hex.Encode(privateKey.ToByteArray())).ToUpper());

            ret.bytePubkey      = publicKey.GetEncoded();
            ret.bytePrikey      = privateKey.ToByteArray();
            ret.base64StrPubkey = Convert.ToBase64String(ret.bytePubkey);
            ret.base64StrPrikey = Convert.ToBase64String(ret.bytePrikey);
        public void save_and_retrieve_AnalyzerContexts() =>
        Evaluate(_session, (context, repository) =>
            ResultKey resultKey = new ResultKey(DATE_ONE, new Dictionary <string, string>(REGION_EU));

            repository.Save(resultKey, context);

            AnalyzerContext loadResults = repository.LoadByKey(resultKey).Value;

            DataFrame loadedResultsAsDataFrame =
                loadResults.SuccessMetricsAsDataFrame(_session, Enumerable.Empty <IAnalyzer <IMetric> >());

            DataFrame resultAsDataFrame =
                context.SuccessMetricsAsDataFrame(_session, Enumerable.Empty <IAnalyzer <IMetric> >());

            AssertSameRows(loadedResultsAsDataFrame, resultAsDataFrame);

            .SuccessMetricsAsJson(Enumerable.Empty <IAnalyzer <IMetric> >())
                      .SuccessMetricsAsJson(Enumerable.Empty <IAnalyzer <IMetric> >()));
        public void should_execute_anomaly_detection_example()
            // Anomaly detection operates on metrics stored in a metric repository, so lets create one
            InMemoryMetricsRepository metricsRepository = new InMemoryMetricsRepository();
            // This is the key which we use to store the metrics for the dataset from yesterday
            ResultKey yesterdayKeys =
                new ResultKey(DateTime.Now.Ticks - 24 * 60 * 1000);

            /* In this simple example, we assume that we compute metrics on a dataset every day and we want
             * to ensure that they don't change drastically. For sake of simplicity, we just look at the
             * size of the data */

            /* Yesterday, the data had only two rows */
            var yesterdaysDataset = LoadAnomalyDetectionData(new List <object[]>
                new object[] { 1, "Thingy A", "awesome thing.", "high", 0 },
                new object[] { 2, "Thingy B", "available at http://thingb.com", null, 0 }

            /* We test for anomalies in the size of the data, it should not increase by more than 2x. Note
             * that we store the resulting metrics in our repository */
            new VerificationSuite()
                new RelativeRateOfChangeStrategy(maxRateIncrease: 2.0),

            /* Todays data has five rows, so the data size more than doubled and our anomaly check should
             * catch this */
            var todaysDataset = LoadAnomalyDetectionData(new List <object[]>
                new object[] { 1, "Thingy A", "awesome thing.", "high", 0 },
                new object[] { 2, "Thingy B", "available at http://thingb.com", null, 0 },
                new object[] { 3, null, null, "low", 5 },
                new object[] { 4, "Thingy D", "checkout https://thingd.ca", "low", 10 },
                new object[] { 5, "Thingy W", null, "high", 12 }

            /* The key for today's result */
            var todaysKey = new ResultKey(DateTime.Now.Ticks - 24 * 60 * 1000);

            /* Repeat the anomaly check for today's data */
            var verificationResult = new VerificationSuite()
                new RelativeRateOfChangeStrategy(maxRateIncrease: 2.0),


            _helper.WriteLine("Anomaly detected in the Size() metric!");

            /* Lets have a look at the actual metrics. */
            .ForAnalyzers(new[] { Size() })
 public AnalysisResult(ResultKey resultKey, AnalyzerContext analyzerContext)
     ResultKey       = resultKey;
     AnalyzerContext = analyzerContext;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method represented simple use of OpenAPI, initialization of environment, creation of model, linear calculation and reading results
        /// </summary>
        static private void RunSCIAOpenAPI_simple()
            //Initialization of OpenAPI environment
            using (SCIA.OpenAPI.Environment env = new SCIA.OpenAPI.Environment(SciaEngineerFullPath, AppLogPath, ""))// path to the location of your installation and temp path for logs)
                //Run SCIA Engineer application
                bool openedSE = env.RunSCIAEngineer(SCIA.OpenAPI.Environment.GuiMode.ShowWindowShow);
                if (!openedSE)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot run SCIA Engineer");
                //Open project
                SCIA.OpenAPI.EsaProject proj = env.OpenProject(SciaEngineerProjecTemplate);
                if (proj == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot open project");

                //method which create model
                #region  ---------- Calculation----------
                #region Send Model to SCIA Engineer
                //Refresh model in SCIA Engineer from local ADM
                #region Calculate
                // Run calculation

                #region  ---------- Results -------------

                //Initialize Results API
                using (ResultsAPI rapi = proj.Model.InitializeResultsAPI())
                    if (rapi != null)
                        //Create container for 1D results
                        Result IntFor1Db1 = new Result();
                        //Results key for internal forces on beam 1
                        ResultKey keyIntFor1Db1 = new ResultKey
                            CaseType    = eDsElementType.eDsElementType_LoadCase,
                            CaseId      = Lc1Id,
                            EntityType  = eDsElementType.eDsElementType_Beam,
                            EntityName  = beamName,
                            Dimension   = eDimension.eDim_1D,
                            ResultType  = eResultType.eFemBeamInnerForces,
                            CoordSystem = eCoordSystem.eCoordSys_Local
                        //Load 1D results based on results key
                        IntFor1Db1 = rapi.LoadResult(keyIntFor1Db1);
                        if (IntFor1Db1 != null)
                        //Create container for 1D results
                        Result IntFor1Db1Combi = new Result();
                        //Results key for internal forces on beam 1
                        ResultKey keyIntFor1Db1Combi = new ResultKey
                            EntityType  = eDsElementType.eDsElementType_Beam,
                            EntityName  = beamName,
                            CaseType    = eDsElementType.eDsElementType_Combination,
                            CaseId      = C1Id,
                            Dimension   = eDimension.eDim_1D,
                            ResultType  = eResultType.eFemBeamInnerForces,
                            CoordSystem = eCoordSystem.eCoordSys_Local
                        // Load 1D results based on results key
                        IntFor1Db1Combi = rapi.LoadResult(keyIntFor1Db1Combi);
                        if (IntFor1Db1Combi != null)
                        ResultKey keyReactionsSu1 = new ResultKey
                            CaseType    = eDsElementType.eDsElementType_LoadCase,
                            CaseId      = Lc1Id,
                            EntityType  = eDsElementType.eDsElementType_Node,
                            EntityName  = "n1",
                            Dimension   = eDimension.eDim_reactionsPoint,
                            ResultType  = eResultType.eReactionsNodes,
                            CoordSystem = eCoordSystem.eCoordSys_Global
                        Result reactionsSu1 = new Result();
                        reactionsSu1 = rapi.LoadResult(keyReactionsSu1);
                        if (reactionsSu1 != null)

                        Result Def2Ds1 = new Result();
                        //Results key for internal forces on slab
                        ResultKey keySlab = new ResultKey
                            EntityType  = eDsElementType.eDsElementType_Slab,
                            EntityName  = SlabName,
                            CaseType    = eDsElementType.eDsElementType_LoadCase,
                            CaseId      = Lc1Id,
                            Dimension   = eDimension.eDim_2D,
                            ResultType  = eResultType.eFemDeformations,
                            CoordSystem = eCoordSystem.eCoordSys_Local

                        Def2Ds1 = rapi.LoadResult(keySlab);
                        if (Def2Ds1 != null)

                            double maxvalue = 0;
                            double pivot;
                            for (int i = 0; i < Def2Ds1.GetMeshElementCount(); i++)
                                pivot = Def2Ds1.GetValue(2, i);
                                if (System.Math.Abs(pivot) > System.Math.Abs(maxvalue))
                                    maxvalue = pivot;
                            Console.WriteLine("Maximum deformation on slab:");
                        throw new Exception("No results accessible");

                    Console.WriteLine($"Press key to exit");
 public string ToMessage(this ResultKey key)
 public void Create(out IResultKey @object, ITestScenario scenario, String fileName, String methodName) => @object = new ResultKey(scenario, fileName, methodName);
 public void Create(out IResultKey @object, ITestScenario scenario, MethodInfo methodInfo) => @object = new ResultKey(scenario, methodInfo);