private static Result FindSplit(ArrayList dataArray, Interval bounds, int intervals, float optimum, ResultCache cache)
            #if PERFCOUNTERS

            #if SCOREGRAPH
            bool topLevel = (bounds.Left == 0) && (bounds.Right == dataArray.Count);

            // check if there is enough split points
            Debug.Assert(bounds.Right - bounds.Left >= intervals);

            // test the end of recursion (no splitting)
            if (intervals == 1)
                Result result = new Result();
                int count = 0;
                for (int i = bounds.Left; i < bounds.Right; i++)
                    count += ((Data) dataArray[i]).Count;
                result.Cost = ResultPenalty(count, optimum);
                return result;

            // test the end of recursion (exact splitting, no choice)
            if (intervals == bounds.Right - bounds.Left)
                Result result = new Result();
                result.Cost = 0.0f;
                for (int i = bounds.Left; i < bounds.Right; i++)
                    result.Intervals.Add(new Interval(i, i + 1));
                    result.Cost += ResultPenalty(((Data) dataArray[i]).Count, optimum);
                return result;

            // cache lookup
                Result result = cache.GetResult(intervals, bounds);
                if (result != null)
                    return result;

            // count objects that must be in the left part
            int leftIntervals = intervals / 2;
            int leftSum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < leftIntervals; i++)
                leftSum += ((Data) dataArray[bounds.Left + i]).Count;

            // add some more intervals until optimal point is reached
            int bestSplit;
            int leftOptimalSum = (int) Math.Round(optimum * leftIntervals);
            for (bestSplit = bounds.Left + leftIntervals; bestSplit < bounds.Right - (intervals - leftIntervals); bestSplit++)
                if (leftSum + ((Data) dataArray[bestSplit]).Count > leftOptimalSum)
                leftSum += ((Data) dataArray[bestSplit]).Count;

            // start testing these split points (spreading to left and right)
            int leftSplit = bestSplit;
            int rightSplit = bestSplit + 1;
            bool leftStop = false;  // there's always at least one solution
            bool rightStop = (rightSplit > bounds.Right - (intervals - leftIntervals));  // go right only if there is another possible split point

            // spread to both sides and search for better solutions
            Result bestResult = new Result(), leftTmpResult, rightTmpResult;
            bestResult.Cost = initPenalty;
            float leftLastScore = initPenalty, rightLastScore = initPenalty;
            int leftGrowCount = 0, rightGrowCount = 0;
            while (!leftStop || !rightStop)
                if (!leftStop)
                    // find solution for left and right part
                    leftTmpResult = FindSplit(dataArray, new Interval(bounds.Left, leftSplit), leftIntervals, optimum, cache);
                    rightTmpResult = FindSplit(dataArray, new Interval(leftSplit, bounds.Right), intervals - leftIntervals, optimum, cache);

                    // sum the costs of partial results
                    float sum = leftTmpResult.Cost + rightTmpResult.Cost;

            #if SCOREGRAPH
                    if (topLevel)
                        // top level in the recursion
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0};{1}", leftSplit, sum));

                    // first solution is propagated to the right side
                    if (rightLastScore == initPenalty)
                        // save to right last value
                        rightLastScore = sum;

                    // compare this result to what we have so far
                    if (sum < bestResult.Cost)
                        // merge two partial solution to one
                        bestResult.Merge(leftTmpResult, rightTmpResult);

                        // absolute stop criterium (perfect result)
                        if (sum == 0.0f)

            #if SCOREGRAPH
                    if (!topLevel)

                        // check stop criterium (result penalty is too big)
                        if (sum > stopLimit * bestResult.Cost)
                            // stop spreading to the left
                            leftStop = true;

                        // check stop criterium (result penalty is constantly growing, so there is
                        // probably no hope of getting better result than we have...)
                        if (sum < leftLastScore)
                            // not growing, reset the counter
                            leftGrowCount = 0;
                            // growing, increase
                            if (leftGrowCount == growLimit)
                                leftStop = true;
                        leftLastScore = sum;

            #if SCOREGRAPH

                    // check if there is possibility to spread further to the left
                    if (leftSplit <= bounds.Left + leftIntervals)
                        // stop testing spreading to the left
                        leftStop = true;
                        // shift the left split to the next position

                if (!rightStop)
                    // find solution for left and right part
                    leftTmpResult = FindSplit(dataArray, new Interval(bounds.Left, rightSplit), leftIntervals, optimum, cache);
                    rightTmpResult = FindSplit(dataArray, new Interval(rightSplit, bounds.Right), intervals - leftIntervals, optimum, cache);

                    // sum the costs of partial results
                    float sum = leftTmpResult.Cost + rightTmpResult.Cost;

            #if SCOREGRAPH
                    if (topLevel)
                        // top level in the recursion
                        Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0};{1}", rightSplit, sum));

                    // compare this result to what we have so far
                    if (sum < bestResult.Cost)
                        // merge two partial solution to one
                        bestResult.Merge(leftTmpResult, rightTmpResult);

            #if SCOREGRAPH
                    if (!topLevel)

                        // check stop criterium (result penalty is too big)
                        if (sum > stopLimit * bestResult.Cost)
                            // stop testing spreading to the right
                            rightStop = true;

                        // check stop criterium (result penalty is constantly growing, so there is
                        // probably no hope of getting better result than we have...)
                        if (sum < rightLastScore)
                            // not growing, reset the counter
                            rightGrowCount = 0;
                            // growing, increase
                            if (rightGrowCount == growLimit)
                                rightStop = true;
                        rightLastScore = sum;

            #if SCOREGRAPH

                    // check if there is possibility to spread further to the right
                    if (rightSplit >= bounds.Right - (intervals - leftIntervals))
                        // stop testing spreading to the right
                        rightStop = true;
                        // shift the right split to the next position

            // check the solution
            Debug.Assert(bestResult.Cost < initPenalty);

            // add the best result to cache
            cache.SetResult(intervals, bounds, bestResult);

            // ...and return it
            return bestResult;