private void CallGameMenu() { PauseGame(); timer4.Stop(); Esc_menu_background.Visible = true; Esc_menu_background.BringToFront(); Restart_button.Visible = true; Restart_button.BringToFront(); Esc_continue_button.Visible = true; Esc_continue_button.BringToFront(); exit_button.Visible = true; exit_button.BringToFront(); }
private void GameOver() { timer2.Stop(); timer1.Stop(); GameOver_Label.Visible = true; GameOver_Label.BringToFront(); Restart_button.Visible = true; Restart_button.BringToFront(); exit_button.Visible = true; exit_button.BringToFront(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GamersResults_button.Left += 7; GamersResults_button.Top += 35; GamersResults_button.Visible = true; GamersResults_button.BringToFront(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Program.ResultsTable = new ResultsTable(Program.Information.ReadGamersResults(), Program.Information.ReadGamerNames()); if (Program.GamerScore == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Program.NumberOfWinnersPlaces; i++) { if (Program.ResultsTable.PlacesNames[i] == "Пусто") { Program.GamerPlace = i; //if number == 1 this ↓ will create Form "AskGamerNameForm", and if number == 2 this ↓ will create Form "gamersResultsTableForm", for more information read class CreateNewForm CreateNewForm nameForm = new CreateNewForm(1); break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < Program.ResultsTable.PlacesScores.Length; i++) { if (Program.GamerScore > Program.ResultsTable.PlacesScores[i]) { Program.GamerPlace = i; //if number == 1 this ↓ will create Form "AskGamerNameForm", and if number == 2 this ↓ will create Form "gamersResultsTableForm", for more information read class CreateNewForm CreateNewForm nameForm = new CreateNewForm(1); break; } else if (Program.GamerScore == Program.ResultsTable.PlacesScores[i]) { if (i < Program.ResultsTable.PlacesScores.Length - 1) { Program.GamerPlace = i + 1; //if number == 1 this ↓ will create Form "AskGamerNameForm", and if number == 2 this ↓ will create Form "gamersResultsTableForm", for more information read class CreateNewForm CreateNewForm nameForm = new CreateNewForm(1); break; } } } } }