        public void API_GET_Test()
            String        endpoint = "/api/v1/employee/2";
            Rest          rest     = new Rest(baseUrl);
            HTTP_RESPONSE resp     = rest.GET(endpoint);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, resp.StatusCode, $"Expected Status Code {HttpStatusCode.OK}, Received {resp.StatusCode}");
            //We should probably do some more assertions here on the response to check that our GET request was successful.
        public void CreateUser_Password_Less_Than_8_Negative()
            String endpoint = "/api/v1/QATest/CreateUser/";
            User   user     = new User();

            user.UserName = "******";
            user.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"];
            Rest          rest = new Rest(baseUrl);
            HTTP_RESPONSE resp = rest.GET(endpoint);
            //Need some assertions here to check the response.
        public void CreateUser_Positive()
            String endpoint = "/api/v1/QATest/CreateUser/";
            User   user     = new User();

            user.UserName = ""; //We should probably make this random somehow so that this test will always pass. If the user name stays the same, this test will only work once.
            user.Password = "";
            Rest          rest = new Rest(baseUrl);
            HTTP_RESPONSE resp = rest.GET(endpoint);

            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, resp.StatusCode, $"Expected Status Code {HttpStatusCode.OK}, Received {resp.StatusCode}");
            //We should probably do some more assertions here on the response to check that our GET request was successful.