public Post Transform(ResponsePost x)
            var updated = DateTimes.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(x.CreatedUtc);
            var possibleMediaPreviewUrl = GetMediaPreviewUrl(x);

            return(new Post
                Id = ids.IdFromUrl(x.Url),
                Author = x.Author.Truncate(100),
                Content = x.Selftext,
                Score = x.Score,
                Controversiality = null,
                Gilded = x.Gilded,
                Title = x.Title.Truncate(200),
                Subreddit = ids.ExtractSubredditIdFromUrl(x.Url) ?? string.Empty,
                PublishedMonthPrecision = updated.MonthPrecision(),
                PublishedWeekPrecision = updated.DayOfWeekPrecision(),
                PublishedDayPrecision = updated.DayPrecision(),
                PublishedHourPrecision = updated.HourPrecision(),
                PublishedMinutePrecision = updated.MinutePrecision(),
                PublishedTimestamp = updated,
                IngestedTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Url = x.Url,
                MediaPreviewUrl = possibleMediaPreviewUrl,
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetDataBDTestAsync()
                _logger.LogInformation("Iniciando Proceso para recuperar datos Test de la BD");
                var test = await _testService.GetDataBDTestAsync();

                if (test == null)
                    _logger.LogWarning("No se encontraron datos.");

                //throw new Exception("Error controlado");

            catch (Exception err)
                _logger.LogError(err, "Error inesperado");
                var responsePost = new ResponsePost()
                    Messages = new Message[] { new Message()
                                                   Type = TypeMessage.error.ToString(), Description = err.Message
                                               } },
                return(StatusCode(500, responsePost));
                //throw new BussinesException(err.Message);
        public void GetMediaPreviewUrl_smaller_media()
            var thread = new ResponsePost()
                Media = new Media()
                    Oembed = new Oembed()
                        ThumbnailUrl    = "",
                        ThumbnailHeight = 3,
                        ThumbnailWidth  = 3
                Preview = new Preview()
                    Images = new List <Image>()
                        new Image()
                            Source = new Source()
                                Url    = "",
                                Height = 4,
                                Width  = 4

            Assert.AreEqual("", ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread));
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateAsync([FromBody] PostRequestCreate postRequestCreate)
            var post = new Post
                Id   = postRequestCreate.Id,
                Name = postRequestCreate.Name

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Id))
                post.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            post = await _PostService.PostCreateAsync(post);

            var baseUrl     = $"{HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{HttpContext.Request.Host.ToUriComponent()}";
            var locationUrl = baseUrl + "/" + ApiRoutes.Posts.Get.Replace("{postId}", post.Id);

            var responsePost = new ResponsePost
                Id   = post.Id,
                Name = post.Name

            return(Created(locationUrl, responsePost));
 public PreInscripcionRepository(IConeccion coneccion, IOptions <PaginationOptions> options)
     _coneccion            = coneccion;
     _paginationOptions    = options.Value;
     responseGet           = new ResponseGet();
     responseGetPagination = new ResponseGetPagination();
     responsePost          = new ResponsePost();
 public IActionResult OnPost()
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         SearchResponse = _searchLogic.SearchPosts(SearchParam);
        public void GetMediaPreviewUrl_no_preview()
            var thread = new ResponsePost()
                Media = new Media()
                    Oembed = new Oembed()
                        ThumbnailUrl    = "",
                        ThumbnailHeight = 2,
                        ThumbnailWidth  = 2

            Assert.AreEqual("", ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread));
        public void GetMediaPreviewUrl_nulls_and_empties()
            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(null), "Null thread object");
            var thread = new ResponsePost();

            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread), "Empty thread object with null properties");

            // path
            thread.Media = new Media();
            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread), "Thread object with only media property set, but media property is set to empty media object");
            thread.Media.Oembed = new Oembed();
            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread), "Thread object with only media property set and oembed property set to empty Oembed2 object (no url set)");

            thread = new ResponsePost();
            // thread.preview.images[0].source.url path
            thread.Preview = new Preview();
            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread), "Thread object with only preview property set, but preview property is set to empty preview object");
            thread.Preview.Images = new List <Image>();
            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread), "Thread object with only preview property set and images property set to empty list of Images");
            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread), "Thread object with only preview property set and images property set with a single null element added to list of Images");
            thread.Preview.Images[0] = new Image();
            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread), "Thread object with only preview property set and images property set with a single empty image element added to list");
            thread.Preview.Images[0].Source = new Source();
            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread), "Thread object with only preview property set and images property set with a single image element added with an empty source property");

            thread = new ResponsePost()
                Media = new Media()
                    Oembed = new Oembed()
                Preview = new Preview()
                    Images = new List <Image>()
                        new Image()
                            Source = new Source()
            Assert.IsNull(ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread), "All items but urls set; must still return null");
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetDataBDPaginationTestAsync([FromQuery] TestGetQueryFilter testQueryFilter)
                _logger.LogInformation("Iniciando Proceso para recuperar datos Test de la BD");
                var test = await _testService.GetDataBDTestPaginationAsync(testQueryFilter);

                if (test == null)
                    _logger.LogWarning("No se encontraron datos.");

                var pagination = new Pagination
                    TotalRegistros       = test.Paginations.TotalRegistros,
                    TamanoDePagina       = test.Paginations.TamanoDePagina,
                    PaginaActual         = test.Paginations.PaginaActual,
                    TotalPaginas         = test.Paginations.TotalPaginas,
                    TienePaginaAnterior  = test.Paginations.TienePaginaAnterior,
                    TienePaginaSiguiente = test.Paginations.TienePaginaSiguiente

                var response = new ApiResponse <IEnumerable <object> >(test.Paginations)
                    Pagination = pagination,
                    Messages   = test.Messages

                return(StatusCode((int)test.StatusCode, response));
            catch (Exception err)
                _logger.LogError(err, "Error inesperado");
                var responsePost = new ResponsePost()
                    Messages = new Message[] { new Message()
                                                   Type = TypeMessage.error.ToString(), Description = err.Message
                                               } },
                return(StatusCode(500, responsePost));
                //throw new BussinesException(err.Message);
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddPreInscripcion([FromBody] PreInscripcionQueryFilter preInscripcionQueryFilter)
                var preInscripcion = await _preInscripcionService.InsPreInscripcion(preInscripcionQueryFilter);

                return(StatusCode((int)preInscripcion.StatusCode, preInscripcion));
            catch (Exception err)
                _logger.LogError(err, "Error inesperado");

                var responsePost = new ResponsePost()
                    Messages = new Message[] { new Message()
                                                   Type = TypeMessage.error.ToString(), Description = err.Message
                                               } },
                return(StatusCode(500, responsePost));
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostPersona(TestInsQueryFilter testInsQueryFilter)
                var per = await _testService.InsTestAsync(testInsQueryFilter);

                return(StatusCode((int)per.StatusCode, per));
            catch (Exception err)
                _logger.LogError(err, "Error inesperado");

                var responsePost = new ResponsePost()
                    Messages = new Message[] { new Message()
                                                   Type = TypeMessage.error.ToString(), Description = err.Message
                                               } },
                return(StatusCode(500, responsePost));
        /// <summary>
        /// There are many media URLs we may want to return for this preview URL and this method is a simple abstraction for us to swap out which we prefer
        /// without making the Process method more complex than it has to be.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thread"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string GetMediaPreviewUrl(ResponsePost thread)
             * there are at least two paths we can follow for this:
             * 1: we can use  The problem is this "thumbnail" can be any resolution - including my example, which was 480x270
             * 2: we can use thread.preview.images[0].source.url.  This url can also be any resolution - including my example, which was 1366x766
             * We can also return whichever exists first.  However, they may also be super large, which is super wasteful when we're just going to have to put height and width restrictions
             * on their display anyway.
             * Maybe instead we should try to get both, and if both exist, attempt to return the smallest.
            var oembed = thread?.Media?.Oembed;
            var source = (
                thread?.Preview?.Images != null &&
                thread?.Preview?.Images.Count > 0
                ? thread.Preview.Images[0]?.Source
                : null;

            if (oembed?.ThumbnailUrl == null || source?.Url == null)
                return(oembed?.ThumbnailUrl ?? source?.Url); // could return null if both are null

            // at this point, both of these should be valid.

            // so, it's POSSIBLE that aspect ratio between the two images could change.  it shouldn't, as they are supposed to just be resized versions, but let's just say they do
            // take the total area of the image as the value to judge on smallness, then return the corresponding image url.
            if (source.Height * source.Width < oembed.ThumbnailHeight * oembed.ThumbnailWidth)
        public void GetMediaPreviewUrl_no_media()
            var thread = new ResponsePost()
                Preview = new Preview()
                    Images = new List <Image>()
                        new Image()
                            Source = new Source()
                                Url    = "",
                                Height = 2,
                                Width  = 2

            Assert.AreEqual("", ThreadResponsePostTransformer.GetMediaPreviewUrl(thread));