public ResourceCategory QueryFirstCategory(Guid versionCode, ResourceStyle rStyle) { ResourceCategory category = new ResourceCategory(); using (DataTable table = publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary(string.Concat(new object[] { "select * from EPM_Res_Category where (VersionCode='", versionCode.ToString(), "')and(ResourceStyle=", Convert.ToInt32(rStyle), ")and(CategoryParentCode = '')" }))) { if (table.Rows.Count == 1) { category = this.DataRowToResourceCategoryInfo(table.Rows[0]); } } return(category); }
public DataTable GetResourceAssort(Guid versionCode, ResourceStyle resStyle) { string str2 = ""; return(publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary(str2 + "select * from EPM_Res_Category where (VersionCode='" + versionCode.ToString() + "')and(ResourceStyle=" + Convert.ToInt32(resStyle).ToString() + ")and(IsValid=1)")); }
public ResourceCategoryCollection QuerySecondLevelCategoryList(Guid versionCode, ResourceStyle resStyle) { ResourceCategoryCollection categorys = new ResourceCategoryCollection(); string str = ""; str = "select VersionCode,CategoryCode, CategoryParentCode,CategoryName, ResourceStyle, ResourceType,ChildNumber,IsValid "; using (DataTable table = publicDbOpClass.DataTableQuary(string.Format(str + " from EPM_Res_Category where VersionCode='{0}' and ResourceStyle = {1} and CategoryParentCode in " + "(select CategoryCode from EPM_Res_Category where (VersionCode='{0}') and (CategoryParentCode = '') and (ResourceStyle = {1}) and (IsValid = 1)) and IsValid = 1", versionCode.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(resStyle)))) { if (table.Rows.Count <= 0) { return(categorys); } int count = table.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { categorys.Add(this.DataRowToResourceCategoryInfo(table.Rows[i])); } } return(categorys); }