// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of this class. /// </summary> // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected ToolWindowPane() { _BitmapIndex = -1; _BitmapResourceID = -1; _ToolBarLocation = ToolbarLocation.Top; // --- Obtain attributes of the class foreach (object attr in GetType().GetCustomAttributes(false)) { var captionAttr = attr as InitialCaptionAttribute; if (captionAttr != null) { Caption = ResourceResolver <TPackage> .GetString(captionAttr.Value); continue; } var resIdAttr = attr as BitmapResourceIdAttribute; if (resIdAttr != null) { BitmapResourceID = resIdAttr.ResourceId; BitmapIndex = resIdAttr.BitmapIndex; continue; } var toolbarAttr = attr as ToolbarAttribute; if (toolbarAttr != null) { var toolbarProvider = Activator.CreateInstance(toolbarAttr.Value) as IToolbarProvider; if (toolbarProvider != null) { ToolBar = toolbarProvider.CommandId; } continue; } var toolLocAttr = attr as ToolbarLocationAttribute; if (toolLocAttr != null) { _ToolBarLocation = toolLocAttr.Location; continue; } } }