public override Task <object> ReadFromStreamAsync(Type type, Stream readStream, HttpContent content, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger) { return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); readStream.CopyTo(stream); IEnumerable <string> xContentHeader; var success = content.Headers.TryGetValues("X-Content-Type", out xContentHeader); if (!success) { throw new SparkException(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "POST to binary must provide a Content-Type header"); } string contentType = xContentHeader.FirstOrDefault(); Binary binary = new Binary(); binary.Content = stream.ToArray(); binary.ContentType = contentType; ResourceEntry entry = ResourceEntry.Create(binary); entry.Tags = content.Headers.GetFhirTags(); return (object)entry; })); }
internal static ResourceEntry CreateResourceEntryFromResource(Resource resource, string location, string category = null, string lastModified = null) { ResourceEntry result = ResourceEntry.Create(resource); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) { ResourceIdentity reqId = new ResourceIdentity(location); result.Id = reqId.WithoutVersion(); if (reqId.VersionId != null) { result.SelfLink = reqId; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastModified)) { result.LastUpdated = DateTimeOffset.Parse(lastModified); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) { result.Tags = ParseCategoryHeader(category); } result.Title = "A " + resource.GetType().Name + " resource"; return(result); }
public override Task <object> ReadFromStreamAsync(Type type, Stream readStream, HttpContent content, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger) { return(Task.Factory.StartNew <object>(() => { try { var body = base.ReadBodyFromStream(readStream, content); if (type == typeof(ResourceEntry)) { Resource resource = FhirParser.ParseResourceFromJson(body); ResourceEntry entry = ResourceEntry.Create(resource); entry.Tags = content.Headers.GetFhirTags(); return entry; } else if (type == typeof(Bundle)) { return FhirParser.ParseBundleFromJson(body); } else if (type == typeof(TagList)) { return FhirParser.ParseTagListFromJson(body); } else { throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Cannot read unsupported type {0} from body", type.Name)); } } catch (FormatException exc) { throw new SparkException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Body parsing failed: " + exc.Message); } })); }
public static ResourceEntry SingleResourceResponse(string body, byte[] data, string contentType, string requestUri = null, string location = null, string category = null, string lastModified = null) { Resource resource = null; if (body != null) { resource = parseBody <Resource>(body, contentType, (b, e) => FhirParser.ParseResourceFromXml(b, e), (b, e) => FhirParser.ParseResourceFromJson(b, e)); } else { resource = Util.MakeBinary(data, contentType); } ResourceEntry result = ResourceEntry.Create(resource); string versionIdInRequestUri = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestUri)) { ResourceLocation reqLoc = new ResourceLocation(requestUri); versionIdInRequestUri = reqLoc.VersionId; ResourceLocation idLoc = new ResourceLocation(reqLoc.ServiceUri); idLoc.Collection = reqLoc.Collection; idLoc.Id = reqLoc.Id; result.Id = idLoc.ToUri(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) { result.SelfLink = new Uri(location, UriKind.Absolute); } else { // Try to get the SelfLink from the requestUri (might contain specific version id) if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(versionIdInRequestUri)) { var rl = new ResourceLocation(result.Id); rl.VersionId = versionIdInRequestUri; result.SelfLink = rl.ToUri(); } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastModified)) { result.LastUpdated = DateTimeOffset.Parse(lastModified); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) { result.Tags = ParseCategoryHeader(category); } result.Title = "A " + resource.GetType().Name + " resource"; return(result); }
public static Bundle Bundle() { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); Patient p = Test.Patient(); BundleEntry entry = ResourceEntry.Create(p); bundle.Entries.Add(entry); return(bundle); }
internal static ResourceEntry CreateFromResource(Resource resource, Uri id, DateTimeOffset updated, string title = null) { var result = ResourceEntry.Create(resource); initializeResourceEntry(result, id, updated, title); result.Resource = resource; return(result); }
public static ResourceEntry CreateResourceEntryFromId(Uri id) { // Figure out the resource type from the id ResourceIdentity rid = new ResourceIdentity(id); if (rid.Collection != null) { var inspector = SerializationConfig.Inspector; var classMapping = inspector.FindClassMappingForResource(rid.Collection); return(ResourceEntry.Create(classMapping.NativeType)); } else { throw Error.Format("BundleEntry's id '{0}' does not specify the type of resource: cannot determine Resource type in parser.", null, id.ToString()); } }
private ResourceEntry createResourceEntry(string resourceType) { Resource resource = null; if (resourceType == "Binary") { resource = makeBinary(Body, ContentType); } else { resource = parseBody <Resource>(BodyAsString(), ContentType, b => FhirParser.ParseResourceFromXml(b), b => FhirParser.ParseResourceFromJson(b)); } ResourceEntry result = ResourceEntry.Create(resource); var location = Location ?? ContentLocation ?? ResponseUri.OriginalString; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) { ResourceIdentity reqId = new ResourceIdentity(location); // Set the id to the location, without the version specific part result.Id = reqId.WithoutVersion(); // If the content location has version information, set to SelfLink to it if (reqId.VersionId != null) { result.SelfLink = reqId; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastModified)) { result.LastUpdated = DateTimeOffset.Parse(LastModified); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Category)) { result.Tags = HttpUtil.ParseCategoryHeader(Category); } result.Title = "A " + resource.GetType().Name + " resource"; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Reinitializes the (database of) the server to its initial state /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks>Quite a destructive operation, mostly useful in debugging situations</remarks> public OperationOutcome Initialize() { //Note: also clears the counters collection, so id generation starts anew and //clears all stored binaries at Amazon S3. Stopwatch w = new Stopwatch(); w.Start(); _store.Clean(); //_store.EraseData(); //_store.EnsureIndices(); _index.Clean(); w.Stop(); long cleaning = w.ElapsedMilliseconds; //Insert our own conformance statement into Conformance collection ResourceEntry conformanceentry = ResourceEntry.Create(ConformanceBuilder.Build()); _service.Create(ConformanceBuilder.CONFORMANCE_COLLECTION_NAME, conformanceentry, ConformanceBuilder.CONFORMANCE_ID); //Insert standard examples w.Restart(); var examples = loadExamples(); var count = examples.Entries.OfType <Condition>().Count(); w.Stop(); long loadex = w.ElapsedMilliseconds; w.Restart(); _service.Transaction(examples); w.Stop(); var batch = w.ElapsedMilliseconds; //Start numbering new resources at an id higher than the examples (we hope) //EK: I like the convention of examples having id <10000, and new records >10.000, so please retain _store.EnsureNextSequenceNumberHigherThan(9999); string message = String.Format("Database was succesfully re-initialized: cleaning {0}, examples {1}, storage {2} ms", cleaning, loadex, batch); return(new OperationOutcome().Message(message)); }
private static void AddTaggedPatient() { IFhirStore store = Spark.Store.MongoStoreFactory.GetMongoFhirStore(); var patient = new Patient(); patient.Id = "Patient/tagged"; patient.Name = new List <HumanName>(); patient.Name.Add(new HumanName() { Given = new string[] { "Truus" }, Family = new string[] { "Tagged" } }); ResourceEntry patientRE = ResourceEntry.Create(patient); patientRE.Id = new Uri("Patient/tagged", UriKind.Relative); patientRE.SelfLink = new Uri("Patient/tagged", UriKind.Relative); patientRE.Tags.Add(new Tag(_otherTag, Tag.FHIRTAGSCHEME_GENERAL, "dummy")); store.Add(patientRE); index.Process(patientRE); }
public override Task <object> ReadFromStreamAsync(Type type, Stream readStream, HttpContent content, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger) { return(Task.Factory.StartNew <object>(() => { try { var body = base.ReadBodyFromStream(readStream, content); if (type == typeof(Profile)) { Profile resource = (Profile)FhirParser.ParseResourceFromXml(body); return resource; } else if (type == typeof(ResourceEntry)) { Resource resource = FhirParser.ParseResourceFromXml(body); ResourceEntry entry = ResourceEntry.Create(resource); return entry; } else if (type == typeof(Bundle)) { if (XmlSignatureHelper.IsSigned(body)) { if (!XmlSignatureHelper.VerifySignature(body)) { throw new Exception("Digital signature in body failed verification"); } } return FhirParser.ParseBundleFromXml(body); } else { throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Cannot read unsupported type {0} from body", type.Name)); } } catch (FormatException exc) { throw new Exception("Body parsing failed: " + exc.Message); } })); }
/// <summary> /// Reinitializes the (database of) the server to its initial state /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks>Quite a destructive operation, mostly useful in debugging situations</remarks> public string Initialize(bool extract) { //Note: also clears the counters collection, so id generation starts anew and //clears all stored binaries at Amazon S3. var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); store.Clean(); index.Clean(); stopwatch.Stop(); double time_cleaning = stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds; //Insert our own conformance statement into Conformance collection ResourceEntry conformanceentry = ResourceEntry.Create(ConformanceBuilder.Build()); service.Upsert(conformanceentry, ConformanceBuilder.CONFORMANCE_COLLECTION_NAME, ConformanceBuilder.CONFORMANCE_ID); //Insert standard examples stopwatch.Restart(); var examples = loadExamples(extract); stopwatch.Stop(); double time_loading = stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds; stopwatch.Restart(); service.Transaction(examples); stopwatch.Stop(); double time_storing = stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds; //Start numbering new resources at an id higher than the examples (we hope) //EK: I like the convention of examples having id <10000, and new records >10.000, so please retain //_store.EnsureNextSequenceNumberHigherThan(9999); string message = String.Format( "Database was succesfully re-initialized. \nTime spent:" + "\nCleaning: {0}sec \nLoading examples: {1}sec, \nStoring: {2}sec", time_cleaning, time_loading, time_storing); return(message); }
private void importResource(string filename, Resource resource) { Match match = Regex.Match(filename, @"\w+\(([^\)]+)\)\..*"); string id = null; if (match.Success) { id = match.Groups[1].Value; } if (id == null) { id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } System.Console.Out.WriteLine(filename + " is a single resource with id " + id); ResourceEntry newEntry = ResourceEntry.Create(resource); string collection = resource.GetCollectionName(); // klopt het dat hier een uri voor moet? Uri identity = ResourceIdentity.Build(new Uri(""), collection, id); newEntry.Resource = resource; newEntry.AuthorName = "(imported from file)"; newEntry.Id = identity; identity = ResourceIdentity.Build(new Uri(""), collection, id, "1"); // identity.VersionId = "1"; newEntry.Links.SelfLink = identity; newEntry.LastUpdated = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filename); newEntry.Published = File.GetCreationTimeUtc(filename); newEntry.Title = String.Format("{0} with id {1}", collection, id); add(newEntry); }
private void importResource(string filename, Resource resource) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine(filename + " is a single resource form filename: " + filename); ResourceEntry newEntry = ResourceEntry.Create(resource); newEntry.Resource = resource; newEntry.AuthorName = "(imported from file)"; Match match = Regex.Match(filename, @"\w+\(([^\)]+)\)\..*"); string name = match.Groups[1].Value; string id = (match.Success) ? match.Groups[1].Value : null; string collection = resource.GetCollectionName(); if (id != null) { Uri identity = ResourceIdentity.Build(hl7base, collection, id); newEntry.Id = identity; newEntry.Title = String.Format("{0} with id {1}", collection, id); } else { newEntry.Title = String.Format("{0} from file {1}", collection, filename); } //identity = ResourceIdentity.Build(new Uri(""), collection, id, "1"); // identity.VersionId = "1"; //newEntry.Links.SelfLink = identity; //newEntry.LastUpdated = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filename); newEntry.Published = File.GetCreationTimeUtc(filename); add(newEntry); }
private static BundleEntry loadEntry(XElement entry, ErrorList errors) { BundleEntry result; errors.DefaultContext = "An atom entry"; try { if (entry.Name == XTOMBSTONE + XATOM_DELETED_ENTRY) { result = new DeletedEntry(); result.Id = Util.UriValueOrNull(entry.Attribute(XATOM_DELETED_REF)); if (result.Id != null) { errors.DefaultContext = String.Format("Entry '{0}'", result.Id.ToString()); } } else { XElement content = entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_CONTENT); var id = Util.UriValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_ID)); if (id != null) { errors.DefaultContext = String.Format("Entry '{0}'", id.ToString()); } if (content != null) { var parsed = getContents(content, errors); if (parsed != null) { result = ResourceEntry.Create(parsed); } else { return(null); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("BundleEntry has empty content: cannot determine Resource type in parser."); } result.Id = id; } result.Links = getLinks(entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_LINK)); result.Tags = TagListParser.ParseTags(entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_CATEGORY)); if (result is DeletedEntry) { ((DeletedEntry)result).When = Util.InstantOrNull(entry.Attribute(XATOM_DELETED_WHEN)); } else { ResourceEntry re = (ResourceEntry)result; re.Title = Util.StringValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_TITLE)); re.LastUpdated = Util.InstantOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_UPDATED)); re.Published = Util.InstantOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_PUBLISHED)); re.AuthorName = entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR).Count() == 0 ? null : Util.StringValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR) .Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTH_NAME)); re.AuthorUri = entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR).Count() == 0 ? null : Util.StringValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR) .Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTH_URI)); } } catch (Exception exc) { errors.Add("Exception while reading entry: " + exc.Message); return(null); } finally { errors.DefaultContext = null; } return(result); }
private static BundleEntry loadEntry(XElement entry) { BundleEntry result; try { if (entry.Name == XTOMBSTONE + XATOM_DELETED_ENTRY) { result = new DeletedEntry(); result.Id = SerializationUtil.UriValueOrNull(entry.Attribute(XATOM_DELETED_REF)); } else { XElement content = entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_CONTENT); var id = SerializationUtil.UriValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_ID)); if (content != null) { var parsed = getContents(content); if (parsed != null) { result = ResourceEntry.Create(parsed); } else { throw Error.Format("BundleEntry has a content element without content", XmlDomFhirReader.GetLineInfo(content)); } } else { result = SerializationUtil.CreateResourceEntryFromId(id); } result.Id = id; } result.Links = getLinks(entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_LINK)); result.Tags = TagListParser.ParseTags(entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_CATEGORY)); if (result is DeletedEntry) { ((DeletedEntry)result).When = SerializationUtil.InstantOrNull(entry.Attribute(XATOM_DELETED_WHEN)); } else { ResourceEntry re = (ResourceEntry)result; re.Title = SerializationUtil.StringValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_TITLE)); re.LastUpdated = SerializationUtil.InstantOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_UPDATED)); re.Published = SerializationUtil.InstantOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_PUBLISHED)); re.AuthorName = entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR).Count() == 0 ? null : SerializationUtil.StringValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR) .Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTH_NAME)); re.AuthorUri = entry.Elements(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR).Count() == 0 ? null : SerializationUtil.StringValueOrNull(entry.Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTHOR) .Element(XATOMNS + XATOM_AUTH_URI)); } } catch (Exception exc) { throw Error.Format("Exception while reading entry: " + exc.Message, XmlDomFhirReader.GetLineInfo(entry)); } return(result); }
private static BundleEntry loadEntry(JToken entry, ErrorList errors) { BundleEntry result; errors.DefaultContext = "An atom entry"; try { if (entry.Value <DateTimeOffset?>(JATOM_DELETED) != null) { result = new DeletedEntry(); } else { var content = entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_CONTENT]; if (content != null) { var parsed = getContents(content, errors); if (parsed != null) { result = ResourceEntry.Create(parsed); } else { return(null); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("BundleEntry has empty content: cannot determine Resource type in parser"); } } result.Id = Util.UriValueOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_ID]); if (result.Id != null) { errors.DefaultContext = String.Format("Entry '{0}'", result.Id.ToString()); } result.Links = getLinks(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_LINK]); result.Tags = TagListParser.ParseTags(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_CATEGORY]); if (result is DeletedEntry) { ((DeletedEntry)result).When = instantOrNull(entry[JATOM_DELETED]); } else { var re = (ResourceEntry)result; re.Title = entry.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_TITLE); re.LastUpdated = instantOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_UPDATED]); re.Published = instantOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_PUBLISHED]); re.AuthorName = entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] as JArray != null ? entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] .Select(auth => auth.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTH_NAME)) .FirstOrDefault() : null; re.AuthorUri = entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] as JArray != null ? entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] .Select(auth => auth.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTH_URI)) .FirstOrDefault() : null; } } catch (Exception exc) { errors.Add("Exception while reading entry: " + exc.Message); return(null); } finally { errors.DefaultContext = null; } return(result); }
private static BundleEntry loadEntry(JObject entry) { BundleEntry result; try { if (entry[JATOM_DELETED] != null) { result = new DeletedEntry(); result.Id = SerializationUtil.UriValueOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_ID]); } else { var content = entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_CONTENT]; var id = SerializationUtil.UriValueOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_ID]); if (id == null) { throw Error.Format("BundleEntry found without an id", null); } if (content != null) { var parsed = getContents(content); if (parsed != null) { result = ResourceEntry.Create(parsed); } else { throw Error.Format("BundleEntry {0} has a content element without content", null, id); } } else { result = SerializationUtil.CreateResourceEntryFromId(id); } result.Id = id; } result.Links = getLinks(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_LINK]); result.Tags = TagListParser.ParseTags(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_CATEGORY]); if (result is DeletedEntry) { ((DeletedEntry)result).When = instantOrNull(entry[JATOM_DELETED]); } else { var re = (ResourceEntry)result; re.Title = entry.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_TITLE); re.LastUpdated = instantOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_UPDATED]); re.Published = instantOrNull(entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_PUBLISHED]); re.AuthorName = entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] as JArray != null ? entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] .Select(auth => auth.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTH_NAME)) .FirstOrDefault() : null; re.AuthorUri = entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] as JArray != null ? entry[BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTHOR] .Select(auth => auth.Value <string>(BundleXmlParser.XATOM_AUTH_URI)) .FirstOrDefault() : null; } } catch (Exception exc) { throw Error.Format("Exception while reading entry: " + exc.Message, null); } return(result); }