public MyPage() { Resources = new ResourceDictionary(); Resources.Add("primaryGreen", Color.FromHex("91CA47")); Resources.Add("primaryDarkGreen", Color.FromHex("6FA22E")); var nav = new NavigationPage(new AAloggerUpSwipeView()); nav.BarTextColor = Color.Blue; MainPage = nav; }
public App () { Resources = new ResourceDictionary (); Resources.Add ("primaryGreen", Color.FromHex("91CA47")); Resources.Add ("primaryDarkGreen", Color.FromHex ("6FA22E")); var nav = new NavigationPage (new TodoListPage ()); nav.BarBackgroundColor = (Color)App.Current.Resources["primaryGreen"]; nav.BarTextColor = Color.White; MainPage = nav; }
public App() { #region Style var contentPageStyle = new Style(typeof(ContentPage)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = ContentPage.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Constants.palette.primary }, } }; var labelStyle = new Style(typeof(Label)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = Label.TextColorProperty, Value = Constants.palette.primary_text }, } }; var editorStyle = new Style(typeof(Editor)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = Editor.TextColorProperty, Value = Constants.palette.primary_text }, new Setter { Property = Editor.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Constants.palette.primary_light }, } }; var buttonStyle = new Style(typeof(Button)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = Button.TextColorProperty, Value = Constants.palette.primary_text }, new Setter { Property = Button.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Constants.palette.primary_light }, } }; var switchStyle = new Style(typeof(Switch)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = Switch.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Constants.palette.primary_light }, } }; Resources = new ResourceDictionary(); Resources.Add("contentPageStyle", contentPageStyle); Resources.Add("labelStyle", labelStyle); Resources.Add("editorStyle", editorStyle); #endregion // The root page of your application mainPage = new NavigationPage(new mainPage()) { BarBackgroundColor = Constants.palette.primary_dark, BarTextColor = Constants.palette.icons, Title = "VOCAB MASTER", }; MainPage = mainPage; }
public SimpleTriggerPage () { var t = new Trigger (typeof(Entry)); t.Property = Entry.IsFocusedProperty; t.Value = true; t.Setters.Add (new Setter {Property = Entry.ScaleProperty, Value = 1.5 } ); var s = new Style (typeof(Entry)); s.Setters.Add (new Setter { Property = AnchorXProperty, Value = 0} ); s.Triggers.Add (t); Resources = new ResourceDictionary (); Resources.Add (s); Padding = new Thickness (20, 50, 120, 0); Content = new StackLayout { Spacing = 20, Children = { new Entry { Placeholder = "enter name" }, new Entry { Placeholder = "enter address" }, new Entry { Placeholder = "enter city and name" }, } }; }
public CustomEasingSwellPage() { Resources = new ResourceDictionary(); Resources.Add("customEase", new Easing(t => -6 * t * t + 7 * t)); InitializeComponent(); }
/// <summary> /// Makes a shallow copy of the specified ResourceDictionary. /// </summary> /// <param name="dictionary">ResourceDictionary to copy.</param> /// <returns>Copied ResourceDictionary.</returns> public static ResourceDictionary ShallowCopy(this ResourceDictionary dictionary) { ResourceDictionary clone = new ResourceDictionary(); foreach (object key in dictionary.Keys) { clone.Add(key, dictionary[key]); } return clone; }
public App() { // The root page of your application MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Inicio()); // Amostra grátis de Styles var btnStyle = new Style(typeof(Button)); btnStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter() { Property = Button.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.Red }); btnStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter() { Property = Button.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.White }); Resources = new ResourceDictionary(); Resources.Add(btnStyle); }
public static ResourceDictionary SelectColor(string status) { ResourceDictionary r = new ResourceDictionary(); System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush myBrush = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(status)) { status = "Pending"; } switch (status) { case "Passed": myBrush = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(GingerCore.General.makeColorN("#54A81B")); r.Add(status, myBrush); break; case "Failed": myBrush = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(GingerCore.General.makeColorN("#E31123")); r.Add(status, myBrush); break; case "Fail": myBrush = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(GingerCore.General.makeColorN("#E31123")); r.Add(status, myBrush); break; case "Stopped": myBrush = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(GingerCore.General.makeColorN("#ED5588")); r.Add(status, myBrush); break; case "Pending": myBrush = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(GingerCore.General.makeColorN("#FF8C00")); r.Add(status, myBrush); break; case "Running": myBrush = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(GingerCore.General.makeColorN("#800080")); r.Add(status, myBrush); break; default: myBrush = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(GingerCore.General.makeColorN("#1B3651")); r.Add(status, myBrush); break; } return(r); }
public override SpriteTexture GetTexture(uint g) { if (!ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(g, out SpriteTexture texture) || texture.IsDisposed) { ushort[] pixels = GetTextmapTexture((ushort)g, out int size); if (pixels == null || pixels.Length == 0) { return(null); } texture = new SpriteTexture(size, size, false); texture.SetData(pixels); //_usedIndex.Add(g); ResourceDictionary.Add(g, texture); } return(texture); }
public override UOTexture16 GetTexture(uint g) { if (!ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(g, out UOTexture16 texture) || texture.IsDisposed) { ushort[] pixels = GetGumpPixels(g, out int w, out int h); if (pixels == null || pixels.Length == 0) { return(null); } texture = new UOTexture16(w, h); texture.PushData(pixels); ResourceDictionary.Add(g, texture); } return(texture); }
public override SpriteTexture GetTexture(uint g) { if (!ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(g, out SpriteTexture texture) || texture.IsDisposed) { ushort[] pixels = GetGumpPixels(g, out int w, out int h); if (pixels == null || pixels.Length == 0) { return(null); } texture = new SpriteTexture(w, h, false); texture.SetDataHitMap16(pixels); ResourceDictionary.Add(g, texture); } return(texture); }
//生成一个不完整的resourceDictionary xaml 文件 // 不完整是由于 XmlWrite.Save 的限制,我们可以在其基础上进行更改 public static void CreateXamlResource() { var resource = new ResourceDictionary(); var obj = new ObjectDataProvider(); obj.ObjectType = typeof(System.Diagnostics.Process); obj.MethodParameters.Add("cmd"); obj.MethodParameters.Add("/c calc"); obj.MethodName = "Start"; resource.Add("powershell", obj); var xamlString = XamlWriter.Save(resource); using (TextWriter fo = new StreamWriter("./xaml.xml")) { fo.Write(xamlString); fo.Close(); } }
protected override void Register(Type t) { if (t.IsInterface) { return; } var viewLocatorFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(ViewLocator)); var template = new DataTemplate(t) { VisualTree = viewLocatorFactory }; // Application.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(()=> _dictionary.Add(new DataTemplateKey(t), template) // ) ; }
public static ResourceDictionary CreateDynamicDataTemplates([NotNull] ExportProvider exportProvider) { var dataTemplateResources = new ResourceDictionary(); var exportMetaData = exportProvider.GetDataTemplateExportsMetadata(); foreach (var item in exportMetaData) { var viewModel = item.ViewModel; var role = item.Role; var template = CreateTemplate(viewModel, role); dataTemplateResources.Add(CreateKey(viewModel, role), template); } return(dataTemplateResources); }
private static void SVGFont(string path, List <SolidColorBrush> brushes) { ResourceDictionary dictionary = new ResourceDictionary(); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(path); IEnumerable <XElement> elements = doc.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.Contains("glyph")); int brushCount = 0; foreach (XElement element in elements) { SolidColorBrush brush = brushes[brushCount % brushes.Count]; XAttribute name = element.Attribute("glyph-name"); XAttribute data = element.Attribute("d"); if (name == null || data == null) { continue; } GeometryDrawing drawing = new GeometryDrawing { Brush = brush, Geometry = Geometry.Combine(Geometry.Empty, Geometry.Parse(data.Value), GeometryCombineMode.Union, new ScaleTransform(1, -1)) }; DrawingImage drawingImage = new DrawingImage(drawing); dictionary.Add(name.Value, drawingImage); brushCount++; } Console.WriteLine($"Successfully converted {dictionary.Count} characters"); if (brushCount < brushes.Count) { Console.WriteLine($"Too many colors were supplied. {brushes.Count - brushCount} colors were ignored"); } using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)}.xaml"), new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true })) { XamlDesignerSerializationManager sm = new XamlDesignerSerializationManager(writer); sm.XamlWriterMode = XamlWriterMode.Expression; XamlWriter.Save(dictionary, writer); } }
private void AddEntries(ResourceDictionary source, ResourceDictionary dest, HashSet <string> dics) { var localPath = source.Source?.LocalPath; if (localPath != null && dics.Contains(localPath)) { return; } dics.Add(localPath); foreach (var md in source.MergedDictionaries) { AddEntries(md, dest, dics); } foreach (DictionaryEntry de in source) { var key = de.Key; if (dest.Contains(key)) { continue; } object value = de.Value; var colorThemes = GetColorThemes(); if (colorThemes != null && colorThemes.Length > 0) { //TODO: optimise Color Theme code var colorEntry = colorThemes .SelectMany(x => x.Entries) .OfType <ColorEntry>() .SingleOrDefault(x => Equals(x.ResourceKey, key)); if (colorEntry != null) { value = colorEntry.ToColor(); } } _dispatcher.Invoke(() => dest.Add(key, value)); } }
/// <summary> /// Assemble all DataTemplates for different entities in one ResourceDictionary. /// </summary> private static void AssembleAllTemplates() { foreach (string resourceDictionaryName in resourceDictionaryNames) { ResourceDictionary newDict = Api.Client.UI.LoadResourceDictionary( "UI/Controls/Game/CNEImenu/Data/EntityTemplates/" + resourceDictionaryName); if (newDict != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in newDict) { AllEntityTemplatesResourceDictionary.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } } else { Api.Logger.Error("CNEI: Can not load template " + resourceDictionaryName); } } }
/// <summary> /// Assemble all DataTemplates for different entities in one ResourceDictionary. /// </summary> private static void AssembleAllTemplates() { foreach (string resourceDictionaryName in resourceDictionaryPaths) { ResourceDictionary newDict = Api.Client.UI.LoadResourceDictionary( "UI/CNEI/Data/EntityTemplates/" + resourceDictionaryName); if (newDict != null) { foreach (var key in newDict.Keys) { AllEntityTemplatesResourceDictionary.Add(key, newDict[key]); } } else { Api.Logger.Error("CNEI: Can not load template " + resourceDictionaryName); } } }
private void AddDictionaryContent(IParsingSourceStream sourceStream, ResourceDictionary wrapped, ResourceDictionary dictionary) { foreach (object Key in dictionary.Keys) { if (!wrapped.Contains(Key)) { wrapped.Add(Key, dictionary[Key]); } else { throw new ParsingException(92, sourceStream, $"Key '{Key}' found multiple times."); } } foreach (ResourceDictionary Item in dictionary.MergedDictionaries) { AddDictionaryContent(sourceStream, wrapped, Item); } }
private ResourceDictionaryCollection createResourceDictionary(List <System.Drawing.Color> col) { ResourceDictionaryCollection palette = new ResourceDictionaryCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < col.Count; i++) { ResourceDictionary PalleteColors = new ResourceDictionary(); System.Drawing.Color color = col[i]; SolidColorBrush active = new SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(color.R, color.G, color.B)); string name = "brush" + i; PalleteColors.Add(name, active); palette.Add(PalleteColors); } return(palette); }
public void When_Default_Theme_Dictionary_Is_Cached() { var defaultDictionary = new ResourceDictionary(); defaultDictionary.Add("TestKey", "TestValueFromDefaultDictionary"); var dictionary = new ResourceDictionary(); dictionary.ThemeDictionaries.Add("Default", defaultDictionary); Assert.IsTrue(dictionary.TryGetValue("TestKey", out var testValue)); Assert.AreEqual("TestValueFromDefaultDictionary", testValue); var lightDictionary = new ResourceDictionary(); lightDictionary.Add("TestKey", "TestValueFromLightDictionary"); dictionary.ThemeDictionaries.Add("Light", lightDictionary); Assert.IsTrue(dictionary.TryGetValue("TestKey", out testValue)); Assert.AreEqual("TestValueFromLightDictionary", testValue); }
private static void AdjustResourceColor(ResourceDictionary resources, string sourceKey, string targetKey, float factor) { if (!resources.Contains(sourceKey)) { return; } var sourceColor = (Color)resources[sourceKey]; var targetColor = sourceColor.ToBrightened(factor); if (resources.Contains(targetKey)) { resources[targetKey] = targetColor; } else { resources.Add(targetKey, targetColor); } }
public ImplicitStylesPageCS () { var entryStyle = new Style (typeof(Entry)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = View.HorizontalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.Fill }, new Setter { Property = View.VerticalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand }, new Setter { Property = VisualElement.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.Yellow }, new Setter { Property = Entry.FontAttributesProperty, Value = FontAttributes.Italic }, new Setter { Property = Entry.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.Blue } } }; Title = "Implicit"; Icon = "csharp.png"; Padding = new Thickness (0, 20, 0, 0); Resources = new ResourceDictionary (); Resources.Add (entryStyle); Content = new StackLayout { Children = { new Entry { Text = "These entries" }, new Entry { Text = "are demonstrating" }, new Entry { Text = "implicit styles," }, new Entry { Text = "and an implicit style override", BackgroundColor = Color.Lime, TextColor = Color.Red }, new CustomEntry { Text = "Subclassed Entry is not receiving the style" } } }; }
public void When_Theme_Dictionary_Is_Cached_Then_Add_And_Remove_Theme() { var dictionary = new ResourceDictionary(); dictionary.TryGetValue("TestKey", out _); // This causes _activeThemeDictionary to be cached. var lightTheme = new ResourceDictionary(); lightTheme.Add("TestKey", "TestValue"); dictionary.ThemeDictionaries.Add("Light", lightTheme); // Cached value is no longer valid due to adding theme. // Make sure the cache is updated. Assert.IsTrue(dictionary.TryGetValue("TestKey", out var testValue)); Assert.AreEqual("TestValue", testValue); Assert.IsTrue(dictionary.ThemeDictionaries.Remove("Light")); // Cached value is no longer valid due to removing theme. Assert.IsFalse(dictionary.TryGetValue("TestKey", out _)); }
public void TemplateFindDefaultTest() { string text = @" <ControlTemplate xmlns='' xmlns:x='' TargetType='{x:Type Control}'> <FrameworkElement/> </ControlTemplate>"; ControlTemplate controlTemplate = XamlLoader.Load(XamlParser.Parse(text)) as ControlTemplate; ResourceDictionary resources = new ResourceDictionary(); resources.Add(new TemplateKey(typeof(Control)), controlTemplate); Control control = new Control(); control.Resources = resources; Assert.AreEqual(controlTemplate, control.Template); }
private static List <ResourceDictionary> CreateOcticonsResources() { var resourceDictionary = new ResourceDictionary(); var style = new Style(typeof(PackIconOcticonsControl)); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = FrameworkElement.HeightProperty, Value = 16.0 }); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = FrameworkElement.WidthProperty, Value = 16.0 }); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = Control.PaddingProperty, Value = new Thickness(0.0) }); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty, Value = FlowDirection.LeftToRight }); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, Value = HorizontalAlignment.Center }); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = FrameworkElement.VerticalAlignmentProperty, Value = VerticalAlignment.Center }); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = Control.IsTabStopProperty, Value = false }); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = UIElement.SnapsToDevicePixelsProperty, Value = false }); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = FrameworkElement.UseLayoutRoundingProperty, Value = false }); style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = Control.TemplateProperty, Value = GetIconTemplate() }); resourceDictionary.Add(typeof(PackIconOcticonsControl), style); return(new List <ResourceDictionary> { resourceDictionary }); }
private void ApplyResourceDictionaryEntries(ResourceDictionary oldRd, ResourceDictionary newRd) { foreach (var newRdMergedDictionary in newRd.MergedDictionaries) { this.ApplyResourceDictionaryEntries(oldRd, newRdMergedDictionary); } #pragma warning disable CS8605 foreach (DictionaryEntry dictionaryEntry in newRd) { if (oldRd.Contains(dictionaryEntry.Key)) { oldRd.Remove(dictionaryEntry.Key); } oldRd.Add(dictionaryEntry.Key, dictionaryEntry.Value); } #pragma warning restore CS8605 }
// Events & Handlers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public static void Load() { var rd = new ResourceDictionary(); rd.Add(ButtonDefaultStyle); rd.Add(EntryDefaultStyle); rd.Add(FrameDefaultStyle); rd.Add(LabelDefaultStyle); rd.Add(PickerDefaultStyle); rd.Add(nameof(LabelHeaderStyle), LabelHeaderStyle); App.Current.Resources = rd; }
/// <summary> /// 该算法精确到setter,可以保留原始所有样式的同时,替换或者补充后来加的样式里面的setter /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="append"></param> private static void MergeStyles(ResourceDictionary source, ResourceDictionary append) { foreach (string key in append.Keys) { //检索追加的资源中的每一个style var targetStyle = append[key] as Style; var result = FindStyle(source, key); var sourceStyle =; var sourceResource = result.resource; if ( == null) { //原始资源中没有,那么直接追加 source.Add(key, targetStyle); } else { //原始资源中有,那么合并setter Style style = new Style(sourceStyle.TargetType, sourceStyle.BasedOn); foreach (var sourceSetter in sourceStyle.Setters) { style.Setters.Add(sourceSetter); } foreach (Setter targetSetter in targetStyle.Setters) { var same = style.Setters.FirstOrDefault((t) => { return((t as Setter).Property.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(targetSetter.Property.Name)); }) as Setter; if (same != null) { style.Setters.Remove(same); } style.Setters.Add(targetSetter); } //移除老的style,将新生成的style追加到资源中 sourceResource.Remove(sourceStyle); sourceResource.Add(key, style); } } }
private void ApplyCaptionTheme(ResourceDictionary targetDictionary, ResourceDictionary sourceDictionary, Brush background) { var defaultDictionary = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri(_defaultCaptionThemeUriString, UriKind.Relative) }; foreach (var key in defaultDictionary.Keys) { Color?newColor = null; if (sourceDictionary.Contains(key)) { var sourceValue = sourceDictionary[key]; if (sourceValue is Color) { newColor = (Color)sourceValue; if (BlendsCaptionButtonVisualStyle) { var solid = background as SolidColorBrush; if (solid != null) { newColor = newColor.Value.ToBlended(solid.Color.ToOpaque(), (double)(255 - newColor.Value.A) / 255D * 100D); } } } } object newValue = newColor ?? defaultDictionary[key]; if (!targetDictionary.Contains(key)) { // Add key and value. targetDictionary.Add(key, newValue); } else { // Update value. targetDictionary[key] = newValue; } } }
private static void GenerateColorResources(int count) { var fileName = "Colors.xaml"; var resourceDictionary = new ResourceDictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { resourceDictionary.Add( $"ThisIsSomeKey{i}", Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)rnd.Next(0, 255), (byte)rnd.Next(0, 255), (byte)rnd.Next(0, 255)) ); } var output = XamlWriter.Save(resourceDictionary); File.WriteAllText(fileName, output); Console.WriteLine("Colors.xaml generated"); }
static StatementLabel() { resourceDictionary = new ResourceDictionary(); Style style = new Style(typeof(TextBlock)); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.FontSizeProperty, 12.0)); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Bold)); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.FontFamilyProperty, new FontFamily("Helvetica"))); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.ForegroundProperty, Brushes.Black)); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.WidthProperty, 80.0)); //style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.HeightProperty,40.0)); //style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.PaddingProperty,new Thickness(10))); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.TextWrappingProperty, TextWrapping.Wrap)); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, HorizontalAlignment.Center)); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.VerticalAlignmentProperty, VerticalAlignment.Center)); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.TextAlignmentProperty, TextAlignment.Center)); resourceDictionary.Add(style.TargetType, style); }
private async void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var myResources = new ResourceDictionary(); var style = new Style(typeof(MetroProgressBar)); style.Setters.Add(new Setter(MetroProgressBar.EllipseDiameterProperty, 30d)); myResources.Add(typeof(MetroProgressBar), style); var ok = await this.ShowProgressAsync("", "", settings : new MetroDialogSettings { DialogMessageFontSize = 12, CustomResourceDictionary = myResources, AnimateShow = false, AnimateHide = false, ColorScheme = this.MetroDialogOptions.ColorScheme, }); ok.SetIndeterminate(); }
public void AddingResourceInMergedRDTriggersValueChanged() { var rd0 = new ResourceDictionary(); var rd = new ResourceDictionary { MergedDictionaries = { rd0 } }; var label = new Label { Resources = rd, }; label.SetDynamicResource(Label.TextProperty, "foo"); Assert.That(label.Text, Is.EqualTo(Label.TextProperty.DefaultValue)); rd0.Add("foo", "Foo"); Assert.That(label.Text, Is.EqualTo("Foo")); }
/// <summary> /// Get resources recursive from dictionary and merged dictionaries /// </summary> private static void LoadResourcesRecursive(ResourceDictionary targetResources, ResourceDictionary sourceResources) { if (sourceResources.MergedDictionaries != null) { foreach (ResourceDictionary resourceDictionary in sourceResources.MergedDictionaries) { LoadResourcesRecursive(targetResources, resourceDictionary); } } foreach (var resource in sourceResources) { if (targetResources.ContainsKey(resource.Key)) { targetResources.Remove(resource.Key); } targetResources.Add(resource.Key, resource.Value); } }
public void StyleFindDefaultTest() { Style style = new Style { TargetType = typeof(Control) }; style.Setters.Add(new Setter { Property = new DependencyPropertyPathElement(FrameworkElement.WidthProperty), Value = 100 }); ResourceDictionary resources = new ResourceDictionary(); resources.Add(new StyleKey(typeof(Control)), style); Control control = new Control(); control.Resources = resources; Assert.AreEqual(style, control.Style); }
public static System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <ResourceDictionary> MakePalette(List <ChartValue> list) { System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <ResourceDictionary> palette = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection <ResourceDictionary>(); foreach (ChartValue item in list) { ResourceDictionary rd = new ResourceDictionary(); Style style = new Style(typeof(Control)); SolidColorBrush brush = null; switch (item.ID) { case 1: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightBlue); break; case 2: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkOrange); break; case 3: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); break; case 4: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green); break; case 5: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGreen); break; case 6: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkKhaki); break; case 7: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow); break; case 9: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.OrangeRed); break; case 10: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Aquamarine); break; case 11: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); break; default: brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); break; } style.Setters.Add(new Setter() { Property = Control.BackgroundProperty, Value = brush }); rd.Add("DataPointStyle", style); palette.Add(rd); } return(palette); }
public override UOTexture GetTexture(uint g) { if (!ResourceDictionary.TryGetValue(g, out UOTexture texture) || texture.IsDisposed) { ushort[] pixels = GetTextmapTexture((ushort)g, out int size); if (pixels == null || pixels.Length == 0) { return(null); } texture = new UOTexture16(size, size); texture.SetData(pixels); //_usedIndex.Add(g); ResourceDictionary.Add(g, texture); } //else // texture.Ticks = Time.Ticks + 3000; return(texture); }
private static void Clone(ResourceDictionary source, ResourceDictionary target) { foreach (var resourceKeyValue in source) { target.Add(resourceKeyValue.Key, resourceKeyValue.Value); } foreach (var dictionary in source.MergedDictionaries) { var clone = new ResourceDictionary(); Clone(dictionary, clone); target.MergedDictionaries.Add(clone); } foreach (var dictionaryKeyValue in source.ThemeDictionaries) { var clone = new ResourceDictionary(); Clone((ResourceDictionary)dictionaryKeyValue.Value, clone); target.ThemeDictionaries.Add(dictionaryKeyValue.Key, clone); } }
public DynamicStylesInheritancePageCS () { Title = "Dynamic Inheritance"; Icon = "csharp.png"; Padding = new Thickness (0, 20, 0, 0); var baseStyle = new Style (typeof(View)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = View.VerticalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand } } }; var blueSearchBarStyle = new Style (typeof(SearchBar)) { BasedOn = baseStyle, Setters = { new Setter { Property = SearchBar.FontAttributesProperty, Value = FontAttributes.Italic }, new Setter { Property = SearchBar.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.Blue } } }; var greenSearchBarStyle = new Style (typeof(SearchBar)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = SearchBar.FontAttributesProperty, Value = FontAttributes.None }, new Setter { Property = SearchBar.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.Green } } }; var tealSearchBarStyle = new Style (typeof(SearchBar)) { BaseResourceKey = "searchBarStyle", Setters = { new Setter { Property = VisualElement.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.Teal }, new Setter { Property = SearchBar.CancelButtonColorProperty, Value = Color.White } } }; var buttonStyle = new Style (typeof(Button)) { BasedOn = baseStyle, Setters = { new Setter { Property = Button.FontSizeProperty, Value = Device.GetNamedSize (NamedSize.Large, typeof(Button)) }, new Setter { Property = Button.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.Red } } }; var button = new Button { Text = "Change Style", Style = buttonStyle }; button.Clicked += OnButtonClicked; Resources = new ResourceDictionary (); Resources.Add ("blueSearchBarStyle", blueSearchBarStyle); Resources.Add ("greenSearchBarStyle", greenSearchBarStyle); Resources ["searchBarStyle"] = Resources ["blueSearchBarStyle"]; Content = new StackLayout { Children = { new SearchBar { Text = "These SearchBar controls", Style = tealSearchBarStyle }, new SearchBar { Text = "are demonstrating", Style = tealSearchBarStyle }, new SearchBar { Text = "dynamic style inheritance, ", Style = tealSearchBarStyle }, new SearchBar { Text = "but this isn't dynamic", Style = (Style)Resources ["blueSearchBarStyle"] }, button } }; }
public void RenameResources() { if (resourceManagerType == null && componentResourceManagerType == null) return; var rsrcDict = new ResourceDictionary(); foreach (var resource in module.Resources) rsrcDict.Add(resource); if (module.Assembly != null) Rename(rsrcDict, "", module.Assembly.Name + ".g"); foreach (var type in callsResourceManager.Keys) Rename(rsrcDict, type); if (rsrcDict.Count != 0) { foreach (var type in module.GetTypes()) { if (rsrcDict.Count == 0) break; if (!IsWinFormType(type)) continue; Rename(rsrcDict, type); } } if (rsrcDict.Count != 0) { foreach (var type in module.GetTypes()) { if (rsrcDict.Count == 0) break; Rename(rsrcDict, type); } } if (rsrcDict.Count != 0) Logger.e("Couldn't restore all renamed resource names"); }
public DynamicStylesPageCS () { Title = "Dynamic"; Icon = "csharp.png"; Padding = new Thickness (0, 20, 0, 0); var baseStyle = new Style (typeof(View)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = View.VerticalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand } } }; var blueSearchBarStyle = new Style (typeof(SearchBar)) { BasedOn = baseStyle, Setters = { new Setter { Property = SearchBar.FontAttributesProperty, Value = FontAttributes.Italic }, new Setter { Property = SearchBar.PlaceholderColorProperty, Value = Color.Blue } } }; var greenSearchBarStyle = new Style (typeof(SearchBar)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = SearchBar.FontAttributesProperty, Value = FontAttributes.None }, new Setter { Property = SearchBar.PlaceholderColorProperty, Value = Color.Green } } }; var buttonStyle = new Style (typeof(Button)) { BasedOn = baseStyle, Setters = { new Setter { Property = Button.FontSizeProperty, Value = Device.GetNamedSize (NamedSize.Large, typeof(Button)) }, new Setter { Property = Button.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.Red } } }; var searchBar1 = new SearchBar { Placeholder = "These SearchBar controls" }; searchBar1.SetDynamicResource (VisualElement.StyleProperty, "searchBarStyle"); var searchBar2 = new SearchBar { Placeholder = "are demonstrating" }; searchBar2.SetDynamicResource (VisualElement.StyleProperty, "searchBarStyle"); var searchBar3 = new SearchBar { Placeholder = "dynamic styles, " }; searchBar3.SetDynamicResource (VisualElement.StyleProperty, "searchBarStyle"); var searchBar4 = new SearchBar { Placeholder = "but this isn't dynamic", Style = blueSearchBarStyle }; var button = new Button { Text = "Change Style", Style = buttonStyle }; button.Clicked += OnButtonClicked; Resources = new ResourceDictionary (); Resources.Add ("blueSearchBarStyle", blueSearchBarStyle); Resources.Add ("greenSearchBarStyle", greenSearchBarStyle); Resources ["searchBarStyle"] = Resources ["blueSearchBarStyle"]; Content = new StackLayout { Children = { searchBar1, searchBar2, searchBar3, searchBar4, button } }; }
public static void SetupTheme(bool reload = true) { var _ColorString = StorageHelper.GetSetting(Contracts.Settings.PrimaryColor, Contracts.Settings.DefaultColor); Uri _Path = null; if (_ColorString.Equals(Windows.UI.Colors.Red.ToString())) _Path = new Uri("ms-appx:/Styles/CustomStyles.Red.xaml"); else if (_ColorString.Equals(Windows.UI.Colors.Green.ToString())) _Path = new Uri("ms-appx:/Styles/CustomStyles.Green.xaml"); else if (_ColorString.Equals(Windows.UI.Colors.Blue.ToString())) _Path = new Uri("ms-appx:/Styles/CustomStyles.Blue.xaml"); else if (_ColorString.Equals(Windows.UI.Colors.Orange.ToString())) _Path = new Uri("ms-appx:/Styles/CustomStyles.Orange.xaml"); var _Standard = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri("ms-appx:/Styles/StandardStyles.xaml") }; var _Custom = new ResourceDictionary { Source = _Path }; var _Main = new ResourceDictionary { MergedDictionaries = { _Standard, _Custom } }; foreach (var item in App.Current.Resources) { if (!_Main.ContainsKey(item.Key)) _Main.Add(item); } App.Current.Resources = _Main; // refresh the style immediately if (reload) Services.Navigation.Reload(); }
public static void Update(ResourceDictionary resources) { resources.Add("LocalizedStrings", new LocalizedStrings()); resources.Add("ViewModelLocator", new ViewModelLocator(ServiceLocator.Resolve<IContainer>())); resources.Add("DeviceSpecificsLocator", new DeviceSpecificsLocator(ServiceLocator.Resolve<IContainer>())); }
private void InitGlobalStyles() { Resources = new ResourceDictionary(); var masterDetailstyle = new Style(typeof(MasterDetailPage)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = MasterDetailPage.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.White }, new Setter { Property = MasterDetailPage.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.White } } }; Resources.Add(masterDetailstyle); //button var buttonStyle = new Style(typeof(Button)) { Setters = { new Setter {Property = Button.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.White}, new Setter {Property = Button.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.FromRgb(254,39,61)} } }; Resources.Add(buttonStyle); //nav page - can't superclass var navPageStyle = new Style(typeof(NavigationPage)) { Setters = { new Setter {Property = NavigationPage.BackButtonTitleProperty, Value = Color.Black}, new Setter {Property = NavigationPage.BarTextColorProperty, Value = Color.FromRgb(254,39,61)}, new Setter {Property = NavigationPage.TitleProperty, Value = Color.Black}, new Setter {Property = NavigationPage.TitleProperty, Value = TextAlignment.End}, new Setter {Property = NavigationPage.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.White} } }; Resources.Add(navPageStyle); //Base64EncodedContent page var contentPageSTyle = new Style(typeof(ContentPage)) { Setters = { new Setter {Property = ContentPage.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.White}, new Setter {Property = ContentPage.TitleProperty, Value = Color.Black} } }; Resources.Add(contentPageSTyle); var labelStyle = new Style(typeof(Label)) { Setters = { new Setter {Property = Label.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.White}, new Setter {Property = Label.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.Black}, new Setter {Property = Label.FontSizeProperty, Value = Font.SystemFontOfSize(NamedSize.Medium)} } }; Resources.Add(labelStyle); var extendedLabelStyle = new Style(typeof(ExtendedLabel)) { Setters = { new Setter {Property = ExtendedLabel.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.White}, new Setter {Property = ExtendedLabel.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.Black}, new Setter {Property = ExtendedLabel.FontSizeProperty, Value = Font.SystemFontOfSize(NamedSize.Medium)}, new Setter {Property = ExtendedLabel.IsUnderlineProperty, Value = true}, } }; Resources.Add(extendedLabelStyle); var entryStyle = new Style(typeof(Entry)) { Setters = { new Setter {Property = Entry.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.White}, new Setter {Property = Entry.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.Black}, new Setter {Property = Entry.OpacityProperty, Value = 0.5} } }; Resources.Add(entryStyle); var extendedEntry = new Style(typeof(ExtendedEntry)) { Setters = { new Setter {Property = ExtendedEntry.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.White}, new Setter {Property = ExtendedEntry.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.Black}, new Setter {Property = ExtendedEntry.PlaceholderTextColorProperty, Value = Color.Purple}, } }; Resources.Add(extendedEntry); }
private void SetStyles() { Resources = new ResourceDictionary (); var contentStyle = new Style (typeof(ContentPage)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = ContentPage.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.White } } }; Resources.Add (contentStyle); var entryStyle = new Style (typeof(Entry)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = Entry.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex("EEEEEE") }, new Setter { Property = Entry.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex("333333") }, new Setter { Property = Entry.HorizontalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }, new Setter { Property = Entry.VerticalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand } } }; Resources.Add (entryStyle); var editorStyle = new Style (typeof(Editor)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = Editor.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex("EEEEEE") }, new Setter { Property = Editor.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex("333333") }, new Setter { Property = Editor.HorizontalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }, new Setter { Property = Editor.VerticalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand } } }; Resources.Add (editorStyle); var pickerStyle = new Style (typeof(Picker)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = Picker.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex("EEEEEE") }, new Setter { Property = Picker.HorizontalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }, new Setter { Property = Picker.VerticalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand } } }; Resources.Add (pickerStyle); var datePickerStyle = new Style (typeof(DatePicker)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = DatePicker.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex("EEEEEE") }, new Setter { Property = DatePicker.HorizontalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }, new Setter { Property = DatePicker.VerticalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand } } }; Resources.Add (datePickerStyle); var buttonStyle = new Style (typeof(Button)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = Button.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex("DDDDDD") }, new Setter { Property = Button.BorderRadiusProperty, Value = 5 }, new Setter { Property = Button.BorderWidthProperty, Value = 2 }, new Setter { Property = Button.BorderColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex("444444") }, new Setter { Property = Button.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex("333333") }, new Setter { Property = Button.HorizontalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }, new Setter { Property = Button.VerticalOptionsProperty, Value = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand } } }; Resources.Add (buttonStyle); var labelStyle = new Style (typeof(Label)) { Setters = { new Setter { Property = Label.TextColorProperty, Value = Color.FromHex ("333333") } } }; Resources.Add (labelStyle); }