private void FillPictureBox(int resourrceID, PictureBox pic) { ResourceBL resourceBL = new ResourceBL(); Resource resource = resourceBL.GetRessourceDetails(resourrceID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resource.ImagePath)) { pic.ImageLocation = resource.ImagePath; } }
private void PopulateDgvRessource(int parameter) { ResourceBL ressourceBL = new ResourceBL(); //ressourceBL.GetRessourceDetails(id: parameter); List <Resource> ressources = new List <Resource>() { ressourceBL.GetRessourceDetails(id: parameter) }; dgvRessourceToBorrow.DataSource = ressources; dgvRessourceToBorrow.Columns["DateRemoved"].Visible = false; dgvRessourceToBorrow.Columns["Price"].Visible = false; dgvRessourceToBorrow.Columns["ImagePath"].Visible = false; }
private void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (dgvRessourceToBorrow.DataSource != null) { ResourceBL ressourceBL = new ResourceBL(); LoanBL loanBL = new LoanBL(); StudentLoanInfoBL loanInfoBL = new StudentLoanInfoBL(); int ressourceID = Convert.ToInt32(txtRessourceID.Text); Resource ressource = ressourceBL.GetRessourceDetails(ressourceID); Loan loan = PopulateLoanObject(ressource, txtStudentID.Text); //loanBL._loans = (List<Loan>)dgvLoans.DataSource; List <StudentLoanInfo> studentLoanInfos = (List <StudentLoanInfo>)dgvLoans.DataSource; foreach (StudentLoanInfo stli in studentLoanInfos) { Loan studentLoan = loanBL.GetLoanByID(stli.LoanID); loanBL._loans.Add(studentLoan); } if (loanBL.AddLoan(loan)) { string msg = string.Empty; if (ressourceBL.ModifyRessource(ressource, txtStudentID.Text)) { msg = "\nRessource status set to \"On Loan\""; } PopulateDgvRessource(ressource.ID); PopulateStudentLoans(txtStudentID.Text, loanInfoBL); txtRessourceID.ResetText(); dgvRessourceToBorrow.DataSource = null; MessageBox.Show("Resource succesfuly added to the student Loans." + msg); } else { string msg = string.Empty; foreach (ValidationError error in loanBL.Errors) { msg += error.Description + "\n"; } if (msg != string.Empty) { dgvRessourceToBorrow.DataSource = null; txtRessourceID.ResetText(); txtRessourceID.Focus(); MessageBox.Show(msg); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }