public static SettingsSerializeAs FindProperty(Type ident, out bool counter) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (_PublisherComposer.TryGetValue(ident, out SettingsSerializeAs value)) { counter = false; return(value); } if (ident.LoginClient()) { counter = true; return(PatchProperty(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(ident))); } if (ResolverErrorFilter.PatchReader(ident)) { Type underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(ident); if (underlyingType.LoginClient()) { Type var = typeof(Nullable <>).MakeGenericType(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(underlyingType)); counter = true; return(PatchProperty(var)); } } counter = false; return((SettingsSerializeAs)1); }
private static bool VerifyProperty(object asset) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (!(asset is T) && (asset != null || (typeof(T).FindClient() && !ResolverErrorFilter.PatchReader(typeof(T))))) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override bool _0001(Type instance) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 Type type = ResolverErrorFilter.PatchReader(instance) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(instance) : instance; if (type.FindClient() && type.CallReader()) { return(type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(KeyValuePair <, >)); } return(false); }
public override object _0001(TagTestItem config, Type ivk, object template, PrototypeError connection2) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (config._0001() == WatcherComposer.Null) { if (!ResolverErrorFilter.PatchReader(ivk)) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(config, "Cannot convert null value to KeyValuePair."); } return(null); } object obj = null; object obj2 = null; config.SortError(); Type res = ResolverErrorFilter.PatchReader(ivk) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(ivk) : ivk; ModelInstanceExpression modelInstanceExpression = m_ListenerIssuer.InitReader(res); ProcTest procTest = connection2._0001()._0001(modelInstanceExpression.SetupIssuer("Key")); ProcTest procTest2 = connection2._0001()._0001(modelInstanceExpression.SetupIssuer("Value")); while (config._0001() == WatcherComposer.PropertyName) { string a = config._0001().ToString(); if (string.Equals(a, "Key", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { config.CallError(procTest, iscaller: false); obj = connection2.AddComposer(config, procTest._0002()); } else if (string.Equals(a, "Value", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { config.CallError(procTest2, iscaller: false); obj2 = connection2.AddComposer(config, procTest2._0002()); } else { config.AssetError(); } config.SortError(); } return(modelInstanceExpression._0001()(new object[2] { obj, obj2 })); }
internal ProcTest(Type task) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002, IL_0006 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 //IL_0007: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 SingletonReader.PushGlobal(); base._002Ector(); ContextClientBridge.RunClient(task, "underlyingType"); _TestsProperty = task; task = ResolverErrorFilter.ValidateReader(task); recordProperty = ResolverErrorFilter.VerifyReader(task); _InstanceProperty = ((recordProperty && ResolverErrorFilter.PatchReader(task)) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(task) : task); Type instanceProperty; _0002(instanceProperty = _InstanceProperty); m_IteratorProperty = instanceProperty; m_EventProperty = HelperDicCandidate.OrderProperty(_InstanceProperty); _FilterProperty = _InstanceProperty.LoginClient(); dicProperty = (Docking)0; }
public override object _0001(TagTestItem instance, Type pred, object res, PrototypeError reference2) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (instance._0001() == WatcherComposer.Null) { if (!ResolverErrorFilter.VerifyReader(pred)) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(instance, "Cannot convert null value to {0}.".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, pred)); } return(null); } byte[] array; if (instance._0001() == WatcherComposer.StartArray) { array = RegisterRequest(instance); } else { if (instance._0001() != WatcherComposer.String) { throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(instance, "Unexpected token parsing binary. Expected String or StartArray, got {0}.".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, instance._0001())); } array = Convert.FromBase64String(instance._0001().ToString()); } Type type = ResolverErrorFilter.PatchReader(pred) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(pred) : pred; if (type.FullName == "System.Data.Linq.Binary") { ResetRequest(type); return(_InfoIssuer._0001()(new object[1] { array })); } if (type == typeof(SqlBinary)) { return(new SqlBinary(array)); } throw StrategyError.PatchComposer(instance, "Unexpected object type when writing binary: {0}".ListReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, pred)); }
internal static TT SearchClass <[_0008._0012(0)] T, [_0008._0012(2)] TT>(this T init) where T : ParserFilterResolver { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (init == null) { return(default(TT)); } if (init is TT) { TT result = init as TT; if (typeof(TT) != typeof(IComparable) && typeof(TT) != typeof(IFormattable)) { return(result); } } PoolIssuer poolIssuer = init as PoolIssuer; if (poolIssuer == null) { throw new InvalidCastException("Cannot cast {0} to {1}.".SelectReader(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, init.GetType(), typeof(T))); } object obj = poolIssuer._0001(); if (obj is TT) { return((TT)obj); } Type type = typeof(TT); if (ResolverErrorFilter.PatchReader(type)) { if (poolIssuer._0001() == null) { return(default(TT)); } type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); } return((TT)Convert.ChangeType(poolIssuer._0001(), type, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }
private static ListViewColumns EnableProperty([_0008._0012(2)] object _0002, CultureInfo ivk, Type proc, [_0008._0012(2)] out object _0005) { //Discarded unreachable code: IL_0002 //IL_0003: Incompatible stack heights: 0 vs 1 if (_0002 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("initialValue"); } if (ResolverErrorFilter.PatchReader(proc)) { proc = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(proc); } Type type = _0002.GetType(); if (proc == type) { _0005 = _0002; return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (OrderProperty(_0002.GetType()) && OrderProperty(proc)) { if (proc.LoginClient()) { if (_0002 is string) { _0005 = Enum.Parse(proc, _0002.ToString(), ignoreCase: true); return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (CreateProperty(_0002)) { _0005 = Enum.ToObject(proc, _0002); return((ListViewColumns)0); } } _0005 = Convert.ChangeType(_0002, proc, ivk); return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (_0002 is DateTime) { DateTime dateTime = (DateTime)_0002; if (proc == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) { _0005 = new DateTimeOffset(dateTime); return((ListViewColumns)0); } } byte[] array = _0002 as byte[]; if (array != null && proc == typeof(Guid)) { _0005 = new Guid(array); return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (_0002 is Guid) { Guid guid = (Guid)_0002; if (proc == typeof(byte[])) { _0005 = guid.ToByteArray(); return((ListViewColumns)0); } } string text = _0002 as string; if (text != null) { if (proc == typeof(Guid)) { _0005 = new Guid(text); return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (proc == typeof(Uri)) { _0005 = new Uri(text, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (proc == typeof(TimeSpan)) { _0005 = ResolveProperty(text); return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (proc == typeof(byte[])) { _0005 = Convert.FromBase64String(text); return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (proc == typeof(Version)) { if (FlushProperty(text, out Version _0003)) { _0005 = _0003; return((ListViewColumns)0); } _0005 = null; return((ListViewColumns)3); } if (typeof(Type).IsAssignableFrom(proc)) { _0005 = Type.GetType(text, throwOnError: true); return((ListViewColumns)0); } } if (proc == typeof(BigInteger)) { _0005 = RunProperty(_0002); return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (_0002 is BigInteger) { BigInteger first = (BigInteger)_0002; _0005 = CompareProperty(first, proc); return((ListViewColumns)0); } TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(type); if (converter != null && converter.CanConvertTo(proc)) { _0005 = converter.ConvertTo(null, ivk, _0002, proc); return((ListViewColumns)0); } TypeConverter converter2 = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(proc); if (converter2 != null && converter2.CanConvertFrom(type)) { _0005 = converter2.ConvertFrom(null, ivk, _0002); return((ListViewColumns)0); } if (_0002 == DBNull.Value) { if (ResolverErrorFilter.VerifyReader(proc)) { _0005 = InsertProperty(null, type, proc); return((ListViewColumns)0); } _0005 = null; return((ListViewColumns)1); } if (proc.SortReader() || proc.PublishReader() || proc.VerifyClient()) { _0005 = null; return((ListViewColumns)2); } _0005 = null; return((ListViewColumns)3); }