private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { cat.EnableValidation = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cat.Error)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file_selected)) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(file_selected); string fileName = Path.GetRandomFileName() + ext; string fileSavePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "images", fileName); var bmp = ResizeImage.ResizeOrigImg( new Bitmap(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(file_selected)), 75, 75); bmp.Save(fileSavePath, ImageFormat.Jpeg); file_name = fileSavePath; } var cat_info = new AppCat { Name = tbname.Text, Birth = (DateTime)bdcat.SelectedDate, Description = tbdesc.Text, Gender = cbitem.Text.ToString(), Image = file_name }; cat_info.AppCatPrices = new List <AppCatPrice> { new AppCatPrice { CatId = cat_info.Id, DateCreate = DateTime.Now, Price = decimal.Parse(tbprice.Text) } }; _cats.Add(new CatVM { Id = cat_info.Id.ToString(), Name = cat_info.Name, Birthday = cat_info.Birth, Description = cat_info.Description, Image = cat_info.Image }); _context.Add(cat_info); _context.SaveChanges(); Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show(cat.Error); } }
public void SetHeight() { height = float.Parse(h.text.Trim()); float a, b; //a = (float)resizeImage.aspectRatio.width; // b = (float)resizeImage.aspectRatio.height; a = (float)ResizeImage.GetImageWidth(resizeImage.aspectRatio); b = (float)ResizeImage.GetImageHeight(resizeImage.aspectRatio); float temp = Convert.ToSingle(a / b); if (temp < 1) { temp = Convert.ToSingle(b / a); } Debug.Log("Aspect " + temp); if (a > b) { resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-height * temp, resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale.y, height); } else { resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-height / temp, resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale.y, height); } }
private async Task AddPicture(Patient patient, IFormFile thePicture) { //get the picture and save it with the Patient if (thePicture != null) { string mimeType = thePicture.ContentType; long fileLength = thePicture.Length; if (!(mimeType == "" || fileLength == 0))//Looks like we have a file!!! { if (mimeType.Contains("image")) { PatientPhoto p = new PatientPhoto { FileName = Path.GetFileName(thePicture.FileName) }; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { await thePicture.CopyToAsync(memoryStream); p.PhotoContentFull.Content = memoryStream.ToArray(); p.PhotoContentFull.MimeType = mimeType; p.PhotoContentThumb.Content = ResizeImage.shrinkImagePNG(p.PhotoContentFull.Content); p.PhotoContentThumb.MimeType = "image/png"; } patient.PatientPhoto = p; } } } }
public override void OnOpening() { content = new ListItems(); content.Add(new SingleItem { Label = "First Item" , SuperTip = "The First Item" , Image = ResizeImage.Resize(, 16, 16) }); content.Add(new SingleItem { Label = "Second Item" , SuperTip = "The Second Item" , Image = ResizeImage.Resize(Properties.Resources.two, 16, 16) }); content.Add(new SingleItem { Label = "Third Item" , SuperTip = "The Third Item" , Image = ResizeImage.Resize(Properties.Resources.three, 16, 16) }); }
public ResizeImageTests() { _fileRepository = new Mock <IFileRepository>(); _imageHandler = new Mock <IImageHandler>(); _logger = new Mock <ILogger <ResizeImage> >(); _function = new ResizeImage(_fileRepository.Object, _imageHandler.Object); }
public ActionResult UrunDuzenle(UrunViewModel uvm, HttpPostedFileBase file) { var filename = ImageNameGenerator.ProfilFotoIsmiUret(file); var path = "null"; uvm.Fotograf = filename; UrunYonetici uy = new UrunYonetici(); BusinessLayerResult <Urun> res = new BusinessLayerResult <Urun>(); if (file != null) { //filename = Path.GetFileName(file[0].FileName); path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Image/Urun"), filename); Image imgnew = ResizeImage.Resize(Image.FromStream(file.InputStream), 0, 473); //son eklediğim alan //file[0].SaveAs(path); imgnew.Save(path); } if (res.Errors.Count > 0) { res.Errors.ForEach(x => ModelState.AddModelError("", x.Message)); return(View(uvm)); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { Urun urnyeni = uy.Find(x => x.ilanId == uvm.IlanId); RenkYonetici ry = new RenkYonetici(); SehirYonetici sy = new SehirYonetici(); KategoriYonetici ky = new KategoriYonetici(); if (uvm.takasdegeri == "UYGUN") { uvm.Takas = true; } else { uvm.Takas = false; } //Burayı düzelt... urnyeni.ilanId = uvm.IlanId; urnyeni.urunBaslik = uvm.UrunBaslik; urnyeni.urunFiyati = uvm.UrunFiyat; urnyeni.renkId = ry.Find(x => x.renkAdi == uvm.UrunRenkAdi).renkId; urnyeni.urunKonum = uvm.UrunKonum; urnyeni.ilPlaka = sy.Find(x => x.ilAdi == uvm.SehirAlani).ilPlaka; urnyeni.kategoriId = ky.Find(x => x.kategoriAdi == uvm.KategoriAdi).kategoriId; urnyeni.takasyapilirmi = uvm.Takas; urnyeni.durumu = uvm.durumu; urnyeni.urunAciklama = uvm.UrunAciklama; urnyeni.halasatilikmi = true; urnyeni.kullaniciId = App.Common.GetCurrentUsernameId(); //urnyeni.satistarihsaat = DateTime.Now; //Ürün güncellendiği zaman yükleme tarihi aynı kalsın if (file != null) { urnyeni.urunFotosu = filename; } uy.Update(urnyeni); return(RedirectToAction("Sattiklarim", "Profil")); } return(View(uvm)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Name")] Title title, IFormFile titleImage) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (titleImage != null) { string mimeType = titleImage.ContentType; long fileLength = titleImage.Length; if (!(mimeType == "" || fileLength == 0)) { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { await titleImage.CopyToAsync(memoryStream); title.TitleImageContent = ResizeImage.shrinkImagePNG(memoryStream.ToArray(), 150, 150); } title.TitleImageMimeType = mimeType; title.TitleImageFileName = titleImage.FileName; } } _context.Add(title); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(title)); }
public override void OnOpening() { AddinContext.ExcelApp.SheetChangeEvent += (a, e) => Ribbon.Invalidate(); content = new ListItems(); content.Add(new SingleItem { Label = "First Item", SuperTip = "The first Item", Image = ResizeImage.Resize(, 16, 16) }); content.Add(new SingleItem { Label = "Second Item", SuperTip = "The second Item", Image = ResizeImage.Resize(Properties.Resources.two, 16, 16) }); content.Add(new SingleItem { Label = "Third Item", SuperTip = "The third Item", Image = ResizeImage.Resize(Properties.Resources.three, 16, 16) }); content.Add(new SingleItem { Label = "Fourth Item", SuperTip = "The fourth Item", Image = ResizeImage.Resize(Properties.Resources.four, 16, 16) }); content.Add(new SingleItem { Label = "Fifth Item", SuperTip = "The fifth Item", Image = ResizeImage.Resize(Properties.Resources.five, 16, 16) }); GallerySelectedIndex = 0; this.CreateRibbonCommand(_commands); }
private IEnumerator LoadImage(string str) { using (UnityWebRequest uwr = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(str)) { yield return(uwr.SendWebRequest()); if (uwr.isNetworkError || uwr.isHttpError) { Debug.Log(uwr.error); } else { txt = new Texture2D(2, 2, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); txt = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(uwr); ResizeImage rimage = this.gameObject.AddComponent <ResizeImage>(); txt = rimage.ScaleTexture(txt); BildRawData brd = new BildRawData(); brd.BildHight = txt.height; brd.BildWidth = txt.width; brd.BildRaw = txt.GetRawTextureData(); speise.Bild = brd; UpdateInput(); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Name,TitleId")] Issue issue, IFormFile coverImage) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (coverImage != null) { string mimeType = coverImage.ContentType; long fileLength = coverImage.Length; if (!(mimeType == "" || fileLength == 0)) { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { await coverImage.CopyToAsync(memoryStream); issue.CoverImageContent = ResizeImage.shrinkImagePNG(memoryStream.ToArray(), 150, 150); } issue.CoverImageMimeType = mimeType; issue.CoverImageFileName = coverImage.FileName; } } _context.Add(issue); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["TitleId"] = new SelectList(_context.Titles, "Id", "Id", issue.TitleId); return(View(issue)); }
public void When_distorting_images_while_resizing_we_get_our_exact_requested_size() { var image = new ResizeImage(base.GetDemoImagePath()) .Distort() .ToSize(300, 300) .Save(); image.Width.Should().Be(300); image.Height.Should().Be(300); }
public void SetPictureSize() { height = float.Parse(h.text.Trim()); width = float.Parse(w.text.Trim()); depth = float.Parse(d.text.Trim()); float a, b; //a = (float)resizeImage.aspectRatio.width; // b = (float)resizeImage.aspectRatio.height; a = (float)ResizeImage.GetImageWidth(resizeImage.aspectRatio); b = (float)ResizeImage.GetImageHeight(resizeImage.aspectRatio); float temp = Convert.ToSingle(a / b); Debug.Log(temp); if (width > 0.0f) { if (temp < 1) { temp = Convert.ToSingle(b / a); } Debug.Log("Aspect " + temp); if (a > b) { resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-width, resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale.y, width / temp); } else { resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-width, resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale.y, width * temp); } } else if (height > 0.0f) { if (temp < 1) { temp = Convert.ToSingle(b / a); } Debug.Log("Aspect " + temp); if (a > b) { resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-height * temp, resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale.y, height); } else { resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-height / temp, resizeImage.plane.transform.localScale.y, height); } } //Debug.Log(width); }
public static FadeInImage assetNetwork( string placeholder, string image, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder placeholderErrorBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder imageErrorBuilder = null, AssetBundle bundle = null, float?placeholderScale = null, float imageScale = 1.0f, TimeSpan?fadeOutDuration = null, Curve fadeOutCurve = null, TimeSpan?fadeInDuration = null, Curve fadeInCurve = null, float?width = null, float?height = null, BoxFit?fit = null, AlignmentGeometry alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, bool matchTextDirection = false, Key key = null, int?placeholderCacheWidth = null, int?placeholderCacheHeight = null, int?imageCacheWidth = null, int?imageCacheHeight = null ) { fadeOutDuration = fadeOutDuration ?? new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 300); fadeOutCurve = fadeOutCurve ?? Curves.easeOut; fadeInDuration = fadeInDuration ?? new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 700); fadeInCurve = Curves.easeIn; alignment = alignment ??; var holder = placeholderScale ?? 1.0f; var _placeholder = placeholderScale != null ? ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(placeholderCacheWidth, placeholderCacheHeight, new ExactAssetImage(placeholder, bundle : bundle, scale : holder)) : ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(placeholderCacheWidth, placeholderCacheHeight, new AssetImage(placeholder, bundle : bundle)); return(new FadeInImage( placeholder: _placeholder, placeholderErrorBuilder: placeholderErrorBuilder, image: ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(imageCacheWidth, imageCacheHeight, new NetworkImage(image, scale: imageScale)), imageErrorBuilder: imageErrorBuilder, fadeOutDuration: fadeOutDuration, fadeOutCurve: fadeOutCurve, fadeInDuration: fadeInDuration, fadeInCurve: fadeInCurve, width: width, height: height, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, key: key )); }
public static bool Upload(byte[] stream, string name2Save, string folder2Save, int width, int height, long quality) { var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(folder2Save); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } path = Path.Combine(path, name2Save); ResizeImage.ImageResize(stream, path, 90, width, height); return(true); }
public static FadeInImage memoryNetwork( byte[] placeholder, string image, Key key = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder placeholderErrorBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder imageErrorBuilder = null, float placeholderScale = 1.0f, float imageScale = 1.0f, TimeSpan?fadeOutDuration = null, Curve fadeOutCurve = null, TimeSpan?fadeInDuration = null, Curve fadeInCurve = null, float?width = null, float?height = null, BoxFit?fit = null, AlignmentGeometry alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, bool matchTextDirection = false, int?placeholderCacheWidth = null, int?placeholderCacheHeight = null, int?imageCacheWidth = null, int?imageCacheHeight = null ) { alignment = alignment ??; fadeOutDuration = fadeOutDuration ?? TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300); fadeOutCurve = fadeOutCurve ?? Curves.easeOut; fadeInDuration = fadeInDuration ?? TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(700); fadeInCurve = fadeInCurve ?? Curves.easeIn; ImageProvider memoryImage = new MemoryImage(placeholder, placeholderScale); ImageProvider networkImage = new NetworkImage(image, imageScale); //placeholder = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(placeholderCacheWidth, placeholderCacheHeight, memoryImage); //image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(imageCacheWidth, imageCacheHeight, networkImage); return(new FadeInImage( placeholder: ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(placeholderCacheWidth, placeholderCacheHeight, memoryImage), placeholderErrorBuilder: placeholderErrorBuilder, image: ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(imageCacheWidth, imageCacheHeight, networkImage), imageErrorBuilder: imageErrorBuilder, fadeOutDuration: fadeOutDuration, fadeOutCurve: fadeOutCurve, fadeInDuration: fadeInDuration, fadeInCurve: fadeInCurve, width: width, height: height, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, key: key )); }
public static Image asset( string name, Key key = null, AssetBundle bundle = null, ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder errorBuilder = null, float?scale = null, float?width = null, float?height = null, Color color = null, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, BoxFit?fit = null, Alignment alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, Rect centerSlice = null, bool matchTextDirection = false, bool gaplessPlayback = false, string package = null, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, int?cacheWidth = default, int?cacheHeight = null ) { var _scale = scale ?? 1.0f; var _image = scale != null ? (AssetBundleImageProvider) new ExactAssetImage(assetName: name, bundle: bundle, scale: _scale) : new AssetImage(assetName: name, bundle: bundle); var _Image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth: cacheWidth, cacheHeight: cacheHeight, provider: _image); return(new Image( key: key, image: _Image, frameBuilder: frameBuilder, null, errorBuilder: errorBuilder, width: width, height: height, color: color, colorBlendMode: colorBlendMode, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, centerSlice: centerSlice, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, gaplessPlayback: gaplessPlayback, filterQuality: filterQuality )); }
public static bool Upload(byte[] stream, string name2Save, string folder2Save) { var path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(folder2Save); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } path = Path.Combine(path, name2Save); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); //If exists then delete file } ResizeImage.ImageNoResize(stream, path, 90); return(true); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,Name")] Title title, IFormFile titleImage) { if (id != title.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { if (titleImage != null) { string mimeType = titleImage.ContentType; long fileLength = titleImage.Length; if (!(mimeType == "" || fileLength == 0)) { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { await titleImage.CopyToAsync(memoryStream); title.TitleImageContent = ResizeImage.shrinkImagePNG(memoryStream.ToArray(), 150, 150); } title.TitleImageMimeType = mimeType; title.TitleImageFileName = titleImage.FileName; } } _context.Update(title); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!TitleExists(title.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(title)); }
public ActionResult Hesabim(KullaniciViewModel kvm, List <HttpPostedFileBase> file) { var filename = ImageNameGenerator.ProfilFotoIsmiUret(file[0]); var path = "null"; kvm.fotograf = filename; KullaniciYönetici ky = new KullaniciYönetici(); Kullanici klnc = Session["giris"] as Kullanici; BusinessLayerResult <Kullanici> res = new BusinessLayerResult <Kullanici>(); if (klnc != null) { kvm.KullaniciId = klnc.kullaniciId; } res = ky.KullaniciGuncelle(kvm, file[0]); if (file[0] != null) { //filename = Path.GetFileName(file[0].FileName); path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Image/Profil"), filename); Image imgnew = ResizeImage.Resize(Image.FromStream(file[0].InputStream), 0, 473); //son eklediğim alan //file[0].SaveAs(path); imgnew.Save(path); } if (res.Errors.Count > 0) { res.Errors.ForEach(x => ModelState.AddModelError("", x.Message)); return(View(kvm)); } if (file != null && file.Count > 1) { for (int i = 1; i <= file.Count - 1; i++) { if (file != null && file[i].ContentLength > 0) { filename = Path.GetFileName(file[i].FileName); path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Image/Profil"), filename); kvm.fotograf = file[i].FileName; KullaniciYönetici ky1 = new KullaniciYönetici(); BusinessLayerResult <KullaniciFoto> res1 = ky1.KullaniciFotosuYukle(kvm.Username, file[i]); file[i].SaveAs(path); } } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ResizeImage resizeImage = new ResizeImage(); AddImage addImagi = new AddImage(); string[] images; resizeImage.Notify += DisplayEvent; addImagi.PathImage(@"C:\Users\Mikalai\source\repos\MultithreadingResizeJPG\drawings", out images); foreach (var j in images) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(resizeImage.ResizedImagen, j); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public static Image network( string src, Key key = null, float scale = 1.0f, ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder = null, ImageLoadingBuilder loadingBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder errorBuilder = null, float?width = null, float?height = null, Color color = null, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, BoxFit?fit = null, AlignmentGeometry alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, Rect centerSlice = null, bool gaplessPlayback = false, bool matchTextDirection = false, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, IDictionary <string, string> headers = null, int?cacheWidth = null, int?cacheHeight = null ) { var image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth: cacheWidth, cacheHeight: cacheHeight, new NetworkImage(url: src, scale: scale, headers: headers)); return(new Image( key: key, image: image, frameBuilder: frameBuilder, loadingBuilder: loadingBuilder, errorBuilder: errorBuilder, width: width, height: height, color: color, colorBlendMode: colorBlendMode, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, centerSlice: centerSlice, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, gaplessPlayback: gaplessPlayback, filterQuality: filterQuality )); }
public void It_calculates_constain_correctly() { var resizedImage = new ResizeImage(theImage) .Constrain() .ToSize(200, 200) .Save(); resizedImage.Width.Should().Be(200); resizedImage.Height.Should().Be(150); resizedImage = new ResizeImage(theImage) .Constrain() .ToSize(465, 250) .Save(); resizedImage.Width.Should().Be(333); resizedImage.Height.Should().Be(250); }
public IEnumerator LoadFromURLRoutine(Image mediaObj, string mediaPath, bool resizeToFill) { var mediaRequest = new WWW(mediaPath); yield return(mediaRequest); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaRequest.error)) { mediaObj.sprite = Sprite.Create(mediaRequest.texture, new Rect(0, 0, mediaRequest.texture.width, mediaRequest.texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); if (resizeToFill) { ResizeImage.ResizeToFill(mediaRequest.texture, mediaObj.rectTransform); } } mediaRequest.Dispose(); }
public static Image memory( byte[] bytes, Key key = null, float scale = 1.0f, ImageFrameBuilder frameBuilder = null, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder errorBuilder = null, float?width = null, float?height = null, Color color = null, BlendMode colorBlendMode = BlendMode.srcIn, BoxFit?fit = null, Alignment alignment = null, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, Rect centerSlice = null, bool matchTextDirection = false, bool gaplessPlayback = false, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, int?cacheWidth = default, int?cacheHeight = null ) { // ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth, cacheHeight, MemoryImage(bytes, scale: scale)); var memoryImage = new MemoryImage(bytes: bytes, scale: scale); return(new Image( key: key, ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth: cacheWidth, cacheHeight: cacheHeight, new MemoryImage(bytes: bytes, scale: scale)), frameBuilder: frameBuilder, null, errorBuilder: errorBuilder, width: width, height: height, color: color, colorBlendMode: colorBlendMode, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, centerSlice: centerSlice, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, gaplessPlayback: gaplessPlayback, filterQuality: filterQuality )); }
public ImageResult ResizeImage(ResizeImage resizeParam) { var result = new ImageResult { Message = OpMessage.Success }; try { imageFactory.Resize(new Size(resizeParam.Param.Heigth, resizeParam.Param.Width)).Save(outStream); } catch (Exception ex) { result.Message = OpMessage.InvalidInputParameter; return(result); } result.Result = outStream.ToArray(); return(result); }
private string UploadImage(int id) { string returns = ""; var ext = Path.GetExtension(upHinhanh.FileName).ToLower(); if (ext.Equals(".jpg") || ext.Equals(".png") || ext.Equals(".jpeg")) { var filename = UnicodeUtility.UrlRewriting(txtTenTin.Text); var path = Server.MapPath("~/images/news/" + id / 200 + "/" + id + "/"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } upHinhanh.SaveAs(path + filename + ext); ResizeImage.ImageCrop(upHinhanh.FileBytes, path + "168.109." + filename + ext, 168, 109, 60); returns = filename + ext; } return(returns); }
public MeasurementPointPhoto GetMeasurementPointPhotoThumbnail(int photoId) { var photo = _context.MEASUREPOINT_RECORD_IMAGES.Find(photoId); if (photo == null || photo.Data == null) { return(new MeasurementPointPhoto() { Id = -1 }); } return(new MeasurementPointPhoto() { Id = photoId, Title = photo.Title, Comment = photo.Comment, Photo = Convert.ToBase64String(ResizeImage.GetThumbnail(photo.Data)) }); }
private string UploadImage(int id) { string returns = ""; var ext = Path.GetExtension(Upload_Images.FileName).ToLower(); if (ext.Equals(".jpg") || ext.Equals(".png") || ext.Equals(".jpeg")) { var filename = UnicodeUtility.UrlRewriting(TB_Name.Text); var path = Server.MapPath("~/images/product/" + id / 200 + "/" + id + "/"); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } Upload_Images.SaveAs(path + filename + ext); ResizeImage.ImageCrop(Upload_Images.FileBytes, path + "208.129." + filename + ext, 208, 129, 60); ResizeImage.ImageCrop(Upload_Images.FileBytes, path + "256.158." + filename + ext, 256, 158, 60); returns = filename + ext; } return(returns); }
public EquipmentPhotosViewModel GetCompartMandatoryImagePhotoThumbnail(int photoId) { var photo = _context.INSPECTION_COMPARTTYPE_IMAGES.Find(photoId); if (photo == null || photo.Data == null) { return(new EquipmentPhotosViewModel() { Id = -1 }); } return(new EquipmentPhotosViewModel() { Id = photoId, Title = photo.Title, Description = photo.Comment, Photo = Convert.ToBase64String(ResizeImage.Get160by120(photo.Data)) }); }
public void AddMetaDataAndProcessImage(ImageModel image, string inputPath, string outputPath) { var imageList = imageMetadata.Images.ToList(); var nextId = imageList.Last().Id + 1; var newImageModel = new ImageModel { Id = nextId, Location = image.Location, Name = image.Name, Filename = $"{nextId}_{image.Name}" }; ResizeImage.Process(inputPath, $@"{outputPath}\raw\{newImageModel.Filename}", ResizeImage.ImageType.Raw); ResizeImage.Process(inputPath, $@"{outputPath}\preview\{newImageModel.Filename}", ResizeImage.ImageType.Preview); ResizeImage.Process(inputPath, $@"{outputPath}\thumbnail\{newImageModel.Filename}", ResizeImage.ImageType.Thumbnail); imageList.Add(newImageModel); imageMetadata.Images = imageList; }
public IEnumerator LoadFromURLRoutine(List <Image> mediaObjList, List <string> mediaPathList, bool resizeToFill) { for (int i = 0; i < mediaPathList.Count; i++) { var mediaRequest = new WWW(mediaPathList[i]); yield return(mediaRequest); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaRequest.error)) { mediaObjList[i].sprite = Sprite.Create(mediaRequest.texture, new Rect(0, 0, mediaRequest.texture.width, mediaRequest.texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); if (resizeToFill) { ResizeImage.ResizeToFill(mediaRequest.texture, mediaObjList[i].rectTransform); } } mediaRequest.Dispose(); } }
private List <ImageDTO> backgroundPreprocessing(List <ImageDTO> imageDTOs, List <ListView> inFormListView) { int lengthGaussianFilter = Convert.ToInt32(numLengthGaussian.Value); double weightGaussianFilter = Convert.ToDouble(numWeightGaussian.Value); var imageListGrayscalling = new ImageList { ImageSize = new Size(200, 200) }; var imageListGaussian = new ImageList { ImageSize = new Size(200, 200) }; var imageListBinary = new ImageList { ImageSize = new Size(200, 200) }; Parallel.For(0, imageDTOs.Count, i => { ImageDTO imageDTO = imageDTOs[i]; preprocessing = new Preprocessing.Preprocessing(imageDTO.Raw, lengthGaussianFilter, weightGaussianFilter); imageDTO.GrayScalling = preprocessing.GrayscalingImage; imageDTO.Gaussian = preprocessing.FilterImage; resizeImage = new ResizeImage(preprocessing.RemoveBorderImage, Constants.FIX_WIDTH, Constants.FIX_HEIGHT); imageDTO.Binary = resizeImage.Output; imageDTOs[i] = imageDTO; }); List <string> classNames = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < imageDTOs.Count; i++) { ImageDTO imageDTO = imageDTOs[i]; imageListGrayscalling.Images.Add(imageDTO.ClassName, imageDTO.GrayScalling); imageListGaussian.Images.Add(imageDTO.ClassName, imageDTO.Gaussian); imageListBinary.Images.Add(imageDTO.ClassName, imageDTO.Binary); classNames.Add(imageDTO.ClassName); } setImagetoListView(inFormListView[0] /*listViewGrayscallingTraining*/, imageListGrayscalling, classNames.ToArray()); setImagetoListView(inFormListView[1] /*listViewGaussianFilteringTraining*/, imageListGaussian, classNames.ToArray()); setImagetoListView(inFormListView[2] /*listViewBinerisasiTraining*/, imageListBinary, classNames.ToArray()); return(imageDTOs); }
public Stream Get(ResizeImage request) { var imagePath = UploadsDir.CombineWith(request.Id + ".png"); if (request.Id == null || !File.Exists(imagePath)) throw HttpError.NotFound(request.Id + " was not found"); using (var stream = File.OpenRead(imagePath)) using (var img = Image.FromStream(stream)) { var parts = request.Size == null ? null : request.Size.Split('x'); int width = img.Width; int height = img.Height; if (parts != null && parts.Length > 0) int.TryParse(parts[0], out width); if (parts != null && parts.Length > 1) int.TryParse(parts[1], out height); return Resize(img, width, height); } }