#pragma warning restore 414

        override public void SolverDriver <S>(CoordinateVector VelocityAndPressure, S RHS)
            // history of solutions and residuals (max vector length 'MaxKrylovDim')
            List <double[]> SolHistory = new List <double[]>();
            List <double[]> ResHistory = new List <double[]>();

            // initial guess and its residual:
            double[] Sol1, Res1;
            base.Init(VelocityAndPressure, RHS, out Sol1, out Res1);

            // norm of initial residual
            MultidimensionalArray InnerProds = MultidimensionalArray.Create(200, 200); // memory for saving the inner products of the residuals

            InnerProds[0, 0] = GenericBlas.L2NormPow2(ResHistory[0]).MPISum();

            // diagnostic output
            OnIterationCallback(0, SolHistory.Last().CloneAs(), ResHistory.Last().CloneAs(), this.CurrentLin);
            throw new NotImplementedException("todo: missing trafo of solution history under linearization update");

             *      // let's iterate ...
             *      for(int iIter = 0; iIter < MaxIter; iIter++) {
             *          Debug.Assert(SolHistory.Count == ResHistory.Count);
             *          Debug.Assert(SolHistory.Count >= 1);
             *          // (approximately) solve the linearized equation:
             *          Precond.Init(this.CurrentLin);
             *          Sol1.SetV(SolHistory.Last(), 1.0);
             *          Precond.Solve(Sol1, this.LinearizationRHS);
             *          SolHistory.Add(Sol1.CloneAs());
             *          Sol1.ClearEntries();
             *          // update linearization of nonlinear equation
             *          this.CurrentLin.TransformSolFrom(VelocityAndPressure, SolHistory.Last());
             *          this.Update(VelocityAndPressure.Mapping.Fields);
             *          throw new NotImplementedException("todo: missing trafo of solution history under linearization update");
             *          // compute the new residual
             *          this.EvalResidual(SolHistory.Last(), ref Res1);
             *          ResHistory.Add(Res1.CloneAs());
             *          Res1.ClearEntries();
             *          // compute the new inner products
             *          Debug.Assert(SolHistory.Count == ResHistory.Count);
             *          int m = ResHistory.Count - 1;
             *          for(int iInnerIter = 0; iInnerIter <= m; iInnerIter++) {
             *              if(m != iInnerIter) {
             *                  InnerProds[iInnerIter, m] = GenericBlas.InnerProd(ResHistory[iInnerIter], ResHistory[m]).MPISum();
             *                  InnerProds[m, iInnerIter] = InnerProds[iInnerIter, m];
             *              } else {
             *                  InnerProds[m, m] = GenericBlas.L2NormPow2(ResHistory[m]).MPISum();
             *              }
             *          }
             *          // compute 'accelerated solution'
             *          {
             *              // try to find an accelerated solution
             *              // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
             *              double[] alpha = Minimi(InnerProds.ExtractSubArrayShallow(new int[] { 0, 0 }, new int[] { m, m }));
             *              //alpha.ClearEntries();
             *              Debug.Assert(alpha.Length == m);
             *              double[] SolM = SolHistory.Last();
             *              double[] ResM = ResHistory.Last();
             *              double Norm_ResM = GenericBlas.L2NormPow2(ResM).MPISum().Sqrt();
             *              double[] SolA = Sol1; // re-use the mem.
             *              double[] ResA = Res1;
             *              Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(SolA, SolM) == false);
             *              Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(ResA, ResM) == false);
             *              Debug.Assert(SolA.L2Norm() == 0.0);
             *              SolA.AccV(1.0, SolM);
             *              for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
             *                  SolA.AccV(alpha[i], SolHistory[i]);
             *                  SolA.AccV(-alpha[i], SolM);
             *              }
             *              //this.Update(SolA);
             *              this.EvalResidual(SolA, ref ResA);
             *              SolHistory.Last().SetV(SolA, 1.0);
             *              ResHistory.Last().SetV(ResA, 1.0);
             *              for(int iInnerIter = 0; iInnerIter <= m; iInnerIter++) {
             *                  if(m != iInnerIter) {
             *                      InnerProds[iInnerIter, m] = GenericBlas.InnerProd(ResHistory[iInnerIter], ResHistory[m]).MPISum();
             *                      InnerProds[m, iInnerIter] = InnerProds[iInnerIter, m];
             *                  } else {
             *                      InnerProds[m, m] = GenericBlas.L2NormPow2(ResHistory[m]).MPISum();
             *                  }
             *              }
             *              //double Norm_ResA = GenericBlas.L2NormPow2(ResA).MPISum().Sqrt();
             *              //Console.WriteLine("                 {0}", Norm_ResM/Norm_ResA);
             *              double minNorm_Res = double.MaxValue;
             *              for(int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
             *                  minNorm_Res = Math.Min(minNorm_Res, InnerProds[i, i].Sqrt());
             *              }
             *              //if(Norm_ResA < this.gamma_A * minNorm_Res  // first condition for accepting accelerated solution
             *              //    &&
             *              //    (Norm_ResA < this.delta_B * minNorm_Res
             *              //        || MinDistCond(SolA, SolM, SolHistory.Take(m).ToArray(), this.epsilon_B))) //
             *              if(SolHistory.Count > this.MaxKrylovDim) {
             *              //if(true) {
             *                  // also the second criterion is fulfilled
             *                  // accept accelerated solution and Restart;
             *                  SolHistory.Clear();
             *                  SolHistory.Add(SolA.CloneAs());
             *                  ResHistory.Clear();
             *                  ResHistory.Add(ResA.CloneAs());
             *                  Console.WriteLine("restart.", m);
             *              }
             *              //else {
             *              //    // we do not accept the accelerated solution, but we go on...
             *              //    this.Update(SolA);
             *              //    //Console.WriteLine("Inner GMRES iteration {0}: Accelertated solution NOT accepted.", m);
             *              //}
             *          }
             *          OnIterationCallback(iIter + 1, SolHistory.Last().CloneAs(), ResHistory.Last().CloneAs(), this.CurrentLin);
             *      }
             *      this.CurrentLin.TransformSolFrom(VelocityAndPressure, SolHistory.Last());