        /// <summary>
        /// This command is used to command the SmartBlue application to set the Boolean value of an editable control to the specified value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">
        /// The ID of the item, whose value shall be set.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="value">New value</param>
        public void SetBooleanValue(string id, bool value)
            // method entry log message
            // this.log.Trace("SetBooleanValue(...) - running...");

            // start stop watch for execution time measurement
            var executionTimeStopWatch = new Stopwatch();


            // create uri
            var uri = this.uriCreator.GetAppComInterfaceUri();

            // create message
            var appComMessage = RequestCreator.CreateSetBooleanValueRequest(id, value);

            // send message
            this.appComProtocolLayer.Post(uri.ToString(), appComMessage);

            // method exit log message
            // this.log.Debug("SetBooleanValue(...) - duration = {0} ms", executionTimeStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            // this.log.Trace("SetBooleanValue(...) - done");