public void getHTML_MultiPage()
            RequestAttribute attrs = new RequestAttribute
                URI               = "",
                URL               = "",
                API               = false,
                AccessToken       = "ACCESSTOKENHERE",
                DealerID          = "23685",
                PaginationOptions = new PaginationOptions
                    Pages          = 5,
                    ResultsPerPage = 10,
                    Offset         = 0

            WebScraper scraper = new WebScraper(attrs);

            string returnedHTML = scraper.getHTML();
            int    index, count = 0;

            while ((index = returnedHTML.ToLower().IndexOf("<!doctype html>")) != -1)
                returnedHTML = returnedHTML.Substring(index + 15, returnedHTML.Length - (index + 15));

            Assert.AreEqual(attrs.PaginationOptions.Pages, count);
        public void getJSON_NonDRPage()
            RequestAttribute attrs = new RequestAttribute
                URI               = "",
                URL               = "",
                API               = false,
                AccessToken       = "ACCESSTOKENHERE",
                DealerID          = "23685",
                PaginationOptions = new PaginationOptions
                    Pages          = 1,
                    ResultsPerPage = 10,
                    Offset         = 0

            WebScraper scraper = new WebScraper(attrs);

            string returnedJSON = scraper.getJSON();

            ReviewCollection collection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReviewCollection>(returnedJSON);

        public void getJSON_StressTest()
            RequestAttribute attrs = new RequestAttribute
                URI               = "",
                URL               = "",
                API               = false,
                AccessToken       = "ACCESSTOKENHERE",
                DealerID          = "23685",
                PaginationOptions = new PaginationOptions
                    Pages          = 50,
                    ResultsPerPage = 10,
                    Offset         = 0

            WebScraper scraper = new WebScraper(attrs);

            string returnedJSON = scraper.getJSON();

            ReviewCollection collection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReviewCollection>(returnedJSON);

            Assert.AreEqual(attrs.PaginationOptions.Pages * attrs.PaginationOptions.ResultsPerPage,;
        public async Task <bool> UpdateRequestAttributeRuleAsync(string id, RequestAttribute body = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var response = await GetRequestAttributeRulesUrl()
                           .PutJsonAsync(body, cancellationToken)

        private async Task <object> RunMethod(Attribute[] attributes, Type retType, ParameterInfo[] parameterInfos, Parameters parameters)
            RequestAttribute ra = attributes.FirstOrDefault(s => s is RequestAttribute) as RequestAttribute;

            if (ra == null)
                FileTransferAttribute sa = attributes.FirstOrDefault(s => s is FileTransferAttribute) as FileTransferAttribute;
                if (sa == null)
                    throw new MessageException("特性不存在");
                return(SendStream(sa, parameters.ParametersInfo));
            HttpResponseMessage rd = await Request(ra, parameterInfos, parameters.ParametersInfo);

            if (rd.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Type respType = retType;
                if (retType.IsTask())
                    var args = retType.GenericTypeArguments;
                    if (args.Length > 0)
                        respType = args[0];
                if (respType == typeof(HttpResponseMessage))
                if (respType == typeof(Stream))
                    return(await rd.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync());
                if (respType == typeof(byte[]))
                    return(await rd.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync());
                if (respType == typeof(void))
                string value = await rd.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                if (respType == typeof(string))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                    var v = value.ToObject(respType);
            throw new MessageException(rd.ToString());
        public void Insert(Guid Guid, Guid SeriesGUID, string RequestedProcedureId, string ScheduledProcedureStepId)
            var item = new RequestAttribute();

            item.Guid = Guid;

            item.SeriesGUID = SeriesGUID;

            item.RequestedProcedureId = RequestedProcedureId;

            item.ScheduledProcedureStepId = ScheduledProcedureStepId;

        /// <summary>
        /// 请求数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel"></param>
        /// <param name="ra"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters">参数属性</param>
        /// <param name="objs">参数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Task <HttpResponseMessage> Request(RequestAttribute ra, ParameterInfo[] parameters, params object[] objs)
            Task <HttpResponseMessage> rd = null;
            string uri = HttpWebHelper.PathCombine(Uri, ra.Uri);

            switch (ra.RequestType)
            case RequestType.Get:
                rd = GetRequest(uri, parameters, objs);

                rd = PostRequest(uri, objs);
        public void getJSON_ThrowsNotImplemented()
            RequestAttribute attrs = new RequestAttribute
                URI               = "",
                URL               = "",
                API               = false,
                AccessToken       = "ACCESSTOKENHERE",
                DealerID          = "23685",
                PaginationOptions = new PaginationOptions
                    Pages          = 5,
                    ResultsPerPage = 10,
                    Offset         = 0

            APIConnection api = new APIConnection(attrs);

            Assert.ThrowsException <NotImplementedException>(() => api.getJSON());
        public void getHTML_BadURL()
            RequestAttribute attrs = new RequestAttribute
                URI               = "",
                URL               = "",
                API               = false,
                AccessToken       = "ACCESSTOKENHERE",
                DealerID          = "23685",
                PaginationOptions = new PaginationOptions
                    Pages          = 3,
                    ResultsPerPage = 10,
                    Offset         = 0

            WebScraper scraper = new WebScraper(attrs);

            Assert.ThrowsException <WebException>(() => scraper.getHTML());
        public void getHTML_NonDRSinglePageAndOffset()
            RequestAttribute attrs = new RequestAttribute
                URI               = "",
                URL               = "",
                API               = false,
                AccessToken       = "ACCESSTOKENHERE",
                DealerID          = "23685",
                PaginationOptions = new PaginationOptions
                    Pages          = 1,
                    ResultsPerPage = 10,
                    Offset         = 1

            WebScraper scraper = new WebScraper(attrs);

            Assert.ThrowsException <Exception>(() => scraper.getHTML());
        private void AddRequestInfoCreation(ILGenerator methodIlGenerator, FieldBuilder requesterField, RequestAttribute requestAttribute)
            // Load 'this' onto the stack
            // Stack: [this]
            // Load 'this.requester' onto the stack
            // Stack: [this.requester]
            methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, requesterField);

            // Start loading the ctor params for RequestInfo onto the stack
            // 1. HttpMethod
            // Stack: [this.requester, HttpMethod]
            methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, httpMethodProperties[requestAttribute.Method].GetGetMethod());
            // 2. The Path
            // Stack: [this.requester, HttpMethod, path]
            methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, requestAttribute.Path);

            // Ctor the RequestInfo
            // Stack: [this.requester, requestInfo]
            methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, requestInfoCtor);
        private void AddRequestInfoCreation(ILGenerator methodIlGenerator, FieldBuilder requesterField, RequestAttribute requestAttribute)
            // Load 'this' onto the stack
            // Stack: [this]
            // Load 'this.requester' onto the stack
            // Stack: [this.requester]
            methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, requesterField);

            // Start loading the ctor params for RequestInfo onto the stack
            // 1. HttpMethod
            // Stack: [this.requester, HttpMethod]
            // For the standard HTTP methods, we can get a static instance. For others, we'll need to construct the HttpMethod
            // ourselves
            if (httpMethodProperties.TryGetValue(requestAttribute.Method, out PropertyInfo cachedPropertyInfo))
                methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, cachedPropertyInfo.GetMethod);
                methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, requestAttribute.Method.Method);
                methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, httpMethodCtor);
            // 2. The Path
            // Stack: [this.requester, HttpMethod, path]
            methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, requestAttribute.Path ?? String.Empty);

            // Ctor the RequestInfo
            // Stack: [this.requester, requestInfo]
            methodIlGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, requestInfoCtor);
        public async Task <EntityShortRepresentation> CreateRequestAttributeRuleAsync(RequestAttribute body = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var response = await GetRequestAttributeRulesUrl()
                           .PostJsonAsync(body, cancellationToken)
                           .ReceiveJsonWithErrorChecking <EntityShortRepresentation>()

 //TODO: acceptNulls
 private void ProcessAttribute(RequestAttribute a, bool acceptNulls)
     if (a is RequireModeAttribute)
         RequireModeAttribute ra = a as RequireModeAttribute;
         if (_context.Request.QueryString["mode"] == ra.Mode)
             foreach (RequestAttribute at in ra.Requirements)
                 ProcessAttribute(at, false);
             _mode = ra.Mode;
     if (a is RequireContestIDAttribute)
         if (_context.Request.QueryString["contestID"] != null)
             if (!int.TryParse(_context.Request.QueryString["contestID"], out _tid) || !Contest.ValidateID(_tid))
                 _tid = -1;
                 throw new NeJudgeInvalidParametersException("contestID");
         else if (!acceptNulls)
             throw new NeJudgeInvalidParametersException("contestID");
     else if (a is RequireProblemIDAttribute)
         if (_context.Request.QueryString["problemID"] != null)
             if (!int.TryParse(_context.Request.QueryString["problemID"], out _pid) || !Problem.ValidateID(_pid))
                 _pid = -1;
                 throw new NeJudgeInvalidParametersException("problemID");
         else if (!acceptNulls)
             throw new NeJudgeInvalidParametersException("problemID");
     else if (a is RequireEveryProblemIDAttribute)
         if (_context.Request.QueryString["problemID"] != null)
             if (!int.TryParse(_context.Request.QueryString["problemID"], out _pid) || (_pid != 0 && !Problem.ValidateID(_pid)))
                 _pid = -1;
                 throw new NeJudgeInvalidParametersException("problemID");
     else if (a is RequireOutcomeAttribute)
         if (_context.Request.QueryString["outcome"] != null)
                 outcome = _context.Request.QueryString["outcome"];
                 outcome = null;
                 throw new NeJudgeInvalidParametersException("outcome");
     else if (a is RequireUserIDAttribute)
         if (_context.Request.QueryString["userID"] != null)
             if (!User.ValidateID(_context.Request.QueryString["userID"]))
                 _uid = null;
                 throw new NeJudgeInvalidParametersException("userID");
             _uid = _context.Request.QueryString["userID"];
     else if (a is RequireSubmissionIDAttribute)
         if (_context.Request.QueryString["submissionID"] != null)
             if (!int.TryParse(_context.Request.QueryString["submissionID"], out _sid) ||
                 _sid = -1;
                 throw new NeJudgeInvalidParametersException("submissionID");
        public void Update(Guid Guid, Guid SeriesGUID, string RequestedProcedureId, string ScheduledProcedureStepId)
            var item = new RequestAttribute();
            item.IsLoaded = true;

            item.Guid = Guid;

            item.SeriesGUID = SeriesGUID;

            item.RequestedProcedureId = RequestedProcedureId;

            item.ScheduledProcedureStepId = ScheduledProcedureStepId;
