        private string GetInvoiceID()
            DateTime period = Report.EndPeriod.AddMonths(-1);

            return(string.Format("SUB {0} {1:MM/yy} {2} {3}"
                                 , ReportSettings.GetServiceUnitBillingNumber(period, Report.BillingCategory)
                                 , period
                                 , ReportSettings.CompanyName
                                 , Utility.EnumToString(Report.BillingCategory).ToLower()
        //this should be called by the inheriting class in the GenerateDataTablesForSUB override
        protected override void ProcessTable(DataTable dtBilling)
            DataTable dtReport = InitTable();

            double chargeAmount;
            string journalLineRef = string.Empty;
            double subsidyDiscount;
            double total = 0;

            //for loop each record in clientID and AccountID aggregate
            foreach (DataRow cadr in ClientAccountData.Rows)
                if (cadr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)

                    chargeAmount = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(dtBilling.Compute("SUM(LineCost)", DataRowFilter(cadr))), 2);
                    if (Math.Abs(chargeAmount) > 0.01)
                        subsidyDiscount = Utility.ConvertTo(dtBilling.Compute("SUM(SubsidyDiscount)", DataRowFilter(cadr)), 0D);
                        if (chargeAmount != 0 && subsidyDiscount != 0)
                            DataRow[]     billingrows  = dtBilling.Select(DataRowFilter(cadr));
                            DataRow       drBilling    = billingrows[0];
                            string        debitAccount = Utility.ConvertTo(drBilling["Number"], string.Empty);
                            ReportAccount dai          = new ReportAccount(debitAccount);

                            //get manager's name
                            journalLineRef = Utility.Clip(ManagerName(drBilling), 10);

                            switch (Report.JournalUnitType)
                            case JournalUnitTypes.A:
                                ProcessJUA(dtReport, drBilling, dai, journalLineRef, subsidyDiscount, ref total);

                            case JournalUnitTypes.B:
                                ProcessJUB(dtReport, drBilling, dai, journalLineRef, subsidyDiscount, ref total);

                            case JournalUnitTypes.C:
                                ProcessJUC(dtReport, drBilling, dai, journalLineRef, subsidyDiscount, ref total);

                                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid JournalUnitType. Allowed values: A, B, C");


            //Summary row
            ReportAccount cai = new ReportAccount(CreditAccount);

            DateTime period = Report.EndPeriod.AddMonths(-1);

            string account = (Report.JournalUnitType == JournalUnitTypes.C) ? "613280" : cai.Account;

             * [2021-11-22 jg] Add the JournalUnitType next to BillingCategory in the ItemDescription
             * Excerpt from email from Dave DeWeerd Oct 27, 2021:
             * 2) I’d add the case type so for instance rather than
             *  08/21 LNF Room Subsidy;SUB662
             * enter
             *  08/21 LNF RoomA Subsidy;SUB662
             * or
             *  08/21 LNF Tool Subsidy;SUB663
             * enter
             *  08/21 LNF ToolC Subsidy;SUB663
             * (this line I believe comes through on subsidy funds, so when we review the non-943 activity super clear which case it is if we ever need to reference it)
             * Other than those two items, seems a nice update, consistent with how we have been submitting the billing and probably takes out a few steps in the process, adds more consistency to the data

            Report.CreditEntry = new CreditEntry
                Account      = account,
                FundCode     = cai.FundCode,
                DeptID       = cai.DeptID,
                ProgramCode  = cai.ProgramCode,
                ClassName    = cai.Class,
                ProjectGrant = cai.ProjectGrant,
                DepartmentalReferenceNumber = ReportSettings.FinancialManagerUserName,
                // CreditEntryItemDescription example: {0:MM/yy} {1} {2}{3} Subsidy;SUB{4}
                ItemDescription = string.Format(
                    /*0*/ period,
                    /*1*/ ReportSettings.CompanyName,
                    /*2*/ Utility.EnumToString(Report.BillingCategory),
                    /*3*/ Utility.EnumToString(Report.JournalUnitType),
                    /*4*/ ReportSettings.GetServiceUnitBillingNumber(period, Report.BillingCategory)
                MerchandiseAmount = Math.Round(-total, 2),
                CreditAccount     = CreditAccount

            DataRow totalrow = dtReport.NewRow();

            totalrow["ReportType"]                  = Utility.EnumToString(Report.ReportType);
            totalrow["ChargeType"]                  = Utility.EnumToString(Report.BillingCategory);
            totalrow["JournalUnitType"]             = Report.JournalUnitType;
            totalrow["Period"]                      = period;
            totalrow["Account"]                     = account;
            totalrow["FundCode"]                    = cai.FundCode;
            totalrow["DeptID"]                      = cai.DeptID;
            totalrow["ProgramCode"]                 = cai.ProgramCode;
            totalrow["Class"]                       = cai.Class;
            totalrow["ProjectGrant"]                = cai.ProjectGrant;
            totalrow["DepartmentalReferenceNumber"] = string.Empty;
            totalrow["ItemDescription"]             = $"zz{ReportSettings.FinancialManagerUserName}";
            totalrow["MerchandiseAmount"]           = Math.Round(-total, 2).ToString("0.00");