public void GetPrintObjects(string module) { try { this.Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); this.Parameters.Add("pCoper", _LibelleCoper); int loaderHandler = LoadingManager.BeginLoading("Please Wait for pass payment ... "); //List<CsSales> reportPrint=new List<CsSales>(); List <ServiceReport.CsCprofac> listprofac = new List <ServiceReport.CsCprofac>(); ReportServiceClient service = new ReportServiceClient(Utility.ProtocoleFacturation(), Utility.EndPoint((module))); string key = Utility.getKey(); service.QUANTITY_SOLD_BY_CATEGAsync(Txt_year.Text, _Coper, key, this.Parameters); service.QUANTITY_SOLD_BY_CATEGCompleted += (er, res) => { try { if (res.Error != null || res.Cancelled) { LoadingManager.EndLoading(loaderHandler); Message.ShowInformation("Erreur survenue lors de l'appel service", "ERROR"); return; } if (res.Result == null) { LoadingManager.EndLoading(loaderHandler); Message.ShowInformation("Impossible d'afficher le rapport", "ERROR"); return; } ////Code en cas de succès //reportPrint = res.Result; //Dictionary<string, string> param = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //Dictionary<string, string> param = null; //string key = Utility.getKey(); ////Effectue l'aperçcu avant imprèssion Utility.ActionPreview <ServicePrintings.CsSales>(null, "QuantitySoldByCategory", module, key); //Utility.ActionPreview<ServicePrintings.CsSales, Galatee.Silverlight.ServiceReport.CsSales>(reportPrint, param, "QuantitySoldByCategory", module); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { LoadingManager.EndLoading(loaderHandler); } }; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List <CsSales> GetPrintObjects(string module) { try { if (Txt_Year.Text.Length != 4) { return(null); } else { string coper = "001"; // FactureGeneralCoper string libelleCoper = ""; if (facturerationMois.IsChecked == true) { coper = "001"; // FactureGeneralCoper libelleCoper = "Monthly billing"; } else if (factureration_Manuelle_Resiliation.IsChecked == true) { coper = "002"; // FactureManuelleCoper libelleCoper = "Manual and termination billing"; } else if (Tous.IsChecked == true) { coper = null; libelleCoper = "All the billing"; } //if (parameters.Count > 0) // parameters.Clear(); //parameters.Add("pCoper", libelleCoper); int loaderHandler = LoadingManager.BeginLoading("Please Wait for pass payment ... "); ReportServiceClient service = new ReportServiceClient(Utility.Protocole(), Utility.EndPoint(module)); List <CsSales> reportPrint = new List <CsSales>(); service.QUANTITY_SOLD_BY_CATEGAsync(Txt_Year.Text, coper, null, null); service.QUANTITY_SOLD_BY_CATEGCompleted += (er, res) => { try { if (res.Error != null || res.Cancelled) { LoadingManager.EndLoading(loaderHandler); throw new Exception("Cannot display report"); } if (res.Result != null) { //Code en cas de succès //reportPrint = res.Result; //Dictionary<string, string> param = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> param = null; string key = Utility.getKey(); this.Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); this.Parameters.Add("pCoper", libelleCoper); //this.DefinedRDLC = reportName; //Effectue l'aperçcu avant imprèssion //Utility.ActionPreview<ServicePrintings.CsSales, Galatee.Silverlight.ServiceReport.CsSales>(reportPrint, param, "", module); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { LoadingManager.EndLoading(loaderHandler); } }; //this.DefinedRDLC = "test"; return(reportPrint); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }