protected void Initalize() { string strA = base.Request["type"]; DataTable dataTable = null; if (string.Compare(strA, "edit", true) == 0) { string text = base.Request["reportId"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { Report byId = Report.GetById(text); if (byId != null) { this.txtDate.Text = byId.InputDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-M-d"); this.txtInputUser.Text = PageHelper.QueryUser(this, byId.InputUser); this.hfldInputUser.Value = byId.InputUser; this.txtWorkCard.InnerText = byId.Note; this.hfldReportId.Value = byId.Id; } dataTable = ReportDetail.GetDetails(text); this.ViewState["PTasks"] = dataTable; } } else { this.txtDate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-M-d"); this.txtInputUser.Text = PageHelper.QueryUser(this, base.UserCode); this.hfldInputUser.Value = base.UserCode; this.hfldReportId.Value = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } this.Bind(dataTable); this.FileUpload1.RecordCode = this.hfldReportId.Value; }
public ReportDetail CreateReportDetail(Report report, bool includeCancelledParts, IPersistenceContext context) { ReportDetail detail = new ReportDetail(); detail.ReportRef = report.GetRef(); detail.ReportStatus = EnumUtils.GetEnumValueInfo(report.Status, context); ProcedureAssembler rpAssembler = new ProcedureAssembler(); detail.Procedures = CollectionUtils.Map <Procedure, ProcedureDetail>(report.Procedures, delegate(Procedure p) { return(rpAssembler.CreateProcedureDetail( p, delegate(ProcedureStep ps) { return ps.Is <ReportingProcedureStep>(); }, // only Reporting steps are relevant false, // exclude protocols context)); }); List <ReportPartDetail> parts = CollectionUtils.Map <ReportPart, ReportPartDetail>(report.Parts, delegate(ReportPart part) { return(CreateReportPartDetail(part, context)); }); detail.Parts = includeCancelledParts ? parts : CollectionUtils.Select(parts, delegate(ReportPartDetail rpp) { return(rpp.Status.Code.Equals(ReportPartStatus.X.ToString()) == false); }); return(detail); }
public LoadReportForEditResponse(ReportDetail report, int reportPartIndex, OrderDetail order, List <EnumValueInfo> priorityChoices) { Report = report; ReportPartIndex = reportPartIndex; Order = order; PriorityChoices = priorityChoices; }
public IHttpActionResult GetSpecificReport(int reportId) { ReportDetail reportDetail = null; ActionStatus status = new ActionStatus(); try { reportDetail = reportService.GetSpecificReport(reportId, permission); if (reportDetail == null) { throw new NoDataFoundException(); } } catch (BaseException ex) { status.Number = (int)ex.ErrorCode; } catch (Exception ex) { status.Number = -1; logger.Error("Exception in Report/GetSpecificReport: {0} \r\n {1}", ex.ToString(), ex.StackTrace); } if (status.Number != -1) { return(Ok(new { reportDetail = reportDetail, Status = status })); } else { return(InternalServerError()); } }
protected void BindReportDetails(string reportId) { DataTable details = ReportDetail.GetDetails(reportId); this.gvwReportDetails.DataSource = details; this.gvwReportDetails.DataBind(); }
public LoadReportForEditResponse(ReportDetail report, int reportPartIndex, OrderDetail order, List<EnumValueInfo> priorityChoices) { Report = report; ReportPartIndex = reportPartIndex; Order = order; PriorityChoices = priorityChoices; }
public IHttpActionResult UpdateReport(ReportDetail reportDetail) { int result = 0; ActionStatus status = new ActionStatus(); try { result = reportService.UpdateReport(reportDetail, permission); } catch (BaseException ex) { status.Number = (int)ex.ErrorCode; } catch (Exception ex) { status.Number = -1; logger.Error("Exception in Report/UpdateReport: {0} \r\n {1}", ex.ToString(), ex.StackTrace); } if (status.Number != -1) { return(Ok(new { result = result, Status = status })); } else { return(InternalServerError()); } }
public MessageDetailTableEntity(string engagementAccount, string messageId, ReportDetail report) : this(engagementAccount, messageId, report.PhoneNumber) { this.State = report.State.ToString(); this.SubmitTime = report.SubmitTime; this.ReceiveTime = report.ReceiveTime; this.StateDetail = report.StateDetail; }
public ActionResult Index() { ReportDetail report = new ReportDetail(); report.Parameter = new Parameter(); report.Parameter.ToDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); report.Parameter.FromDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddMonths(-1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); return(View(report)); }
public IActionResult Update(ReportDetail reportDetail) { var result = _reportDetailService.Update(reportDetail); if (result.Success) { return(Ok(result)); } return(BadRequest(result)); }
public object Reports( [FromQuery][Range(1, 10000)] int?page, [FromServices] AppDbContext context) { var reports = from r in context.Reports.Include(r => r.HandledBy) orderby r.Date descending select ReportDetail.FromReport(r); return(reports.Page(page ?? 1)); }
private void DataBindResource() { string text = base.Request["proVerId"]; DataTable dataSource = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { dataSource = ReportDetail.GetTreeTask(text); } this.gvBudget.DataSource = dataSource; this.gvBudget.DataBind(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string value = this.hfldReportId.Value; System.DateTime?inputDate = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtDate.Text)) { inputDate = new System.DateTime?(System.Convert.ToDateTime(this.txtDate.Text)); } string value2 = this.hfldInputUser.Value; string innerText = this.txtWorkCard.InnerText; string proVerId = base.Request["id"]; System.Collections.Generic.List <ReportDetail> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ReportDetail>(); foreach (GridViewRow gridViewRow in this.gvwTask.Rows) { string id = this.gvwTask.DataKeys[gridViewRow.RowIndex]["Id"].ToString(); string taskUID = this.gvwTask.DataKeys[gridViewRow.RowIndex]["TaskUID"].ToString(); System.DateTime?start = null; string text = (gridViewRow.Cells[6].FindControl("txtStartDate") as TextBox).Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { start = new System.DateTime?(System.Convert.ToDateTime(text)); } System.DateTime?finish = null; string text2 = (gridViewRow.Cells[7].FindControl("txtFinshDate") as TextBox).Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2)) { finish = new System.DateTime?(System.Convert.ToDateTime(text2)); } byte completed = 0; string text3 = (gridViewRow.Cells[8].FindControl("txtCompleteQuantity") as TextBox).Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3)) { completed = System.Convert.ToByte(text3); } string text4 = (gridViewRow.FindControl("txtNoet") as TextBox).Text; ReportDetail item = ReportDetail.Create(id, value, taskUID, start, finish, completed, text4); list.Add(item); } string strA = base.Request["type"]; if (string.Compare(strA, "add", true) == 0) { this.AddReport(value, inputDate, value2, innerText, proVerId, list); } else { this.EditReport(value, inputDate, value2, innerText, list); } base.RegisterScript("CloseTab();"); }
public void DeleteReport(ReportDetail report) { if (report == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(report)); } //report.Deleted = true; UpdateReport(report); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityDeleted(report); }
public void InsertReport(ReportDetail report) { if (report == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(report)); } _reportRepository.Insert(report); //cache //_cacheManager.RemoveByPattern(ORDERS_PATTERN_KEY); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityInserted(report); }
//私有--创建详细节点 private XmlElement GetReportDetailElement(XmlDocument doc, ReportDetail rd, string tagName) { XmlElement eleTag = doc.CreateElement(tagName); string[] tags = { AppUtils.Tag_Payment_MC, AppUtils.Tag_Payment_DW, AppUtils.Tag_Payment_CKJG, AppUtils.Tag_Payment_TS, AppUtils.Tag_Payment_JG }; foreach (string tag in tags) { string value = rd.getValue(tag); XmlElement eleValue = doc.CreateElement(tag); eleValue.InnerText = (null != value) ? value : ""; eleTag.AppendChild(eleValue); } return(eleTag); }
public virtual ActionResult HandleReportSend(ReportDetail input) { try { DomainRegistry.Repository.Execute(new HandleReport { ModeratorResponse = input.ModeratorResponse, ReportId = input.Id }); } catch (DomainException e) { TempData["Error"] = "Error: " + e.Message; return(RedirectToAction(MVC.PvP.Play())); } TempData["Result"] = "You have replied to this report."; return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Moderator.ViewReports())); }
//rapora ait constructor reports tablosundan satırdaki bilgileri alır public Reports(DataRow row) { Id = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]); AssignedActivityId = Convert.ToInt32(row["AssignedActivityId"]); ActivityId = Convert.ToInt32(row["ActivityId"]); StudentId = Convert.ToInt32(row["StudentId"]); Stage = row["Stage"].ToString(); Grade = row["Grade"].ToString(); Comments = row["Comments"].ToString(); Date = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]); if (row["Approver"] != DBNull.Value) { Approver = Convert.ToInt32(row["Approver"]); } ApproverName = row["ApproverName"].ToString(); Detail = new ReportDetail(row); }
protected void btnBindResTask_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { string value = this.hfldTaskId.Value; System.Collections.Generic.List <string> listFromJson = JsonHelper.GetListFromJson(value); string proVerId = base.Request["id"]; DataTable tasks = ReportDetail.GetTasks(proVerId, listFromJson); if (this.ViewState["PTasks"] != null) { DataTable dataTable = this.ViewState["PTasks"] as DataTable; System.Collections.Generic.List <DataRow> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <DataRow>(); foreach (DataRow dataRow in tasks.Rows) { int num = dataTable.Select("TaskUID='" + dataRow["TaskUID"] + "'").Count <DataRow>(); if (num > 0) { list.Add(dataRow); } } foreach (DataRow current in list) { tasks.Rows.Remove(current); } dataTable.Merge(tasks); this.ViewState["PTasks"] = dataTable; } else { this.ViewState["PTasks"] = tasks; } DataTable dtSource = this.ViewState["PTasks"] as DataTable; this.Bind(dtSource); } catch { } }
private void StartTranscribingWorklistItem() { ClaimWorklistItem(this.WorklistItem); Platform.GetService <ITranscriptionWorkflowService>(service => { var enablementResponse = service.GetOperationEnablement(new GetOperationEnablementRequest(this.WorklistItem)); _canComplete = enablementResponse.OperationEnablementDictionary["CompleteTranscription"]; _canReject = enablementResponse.OperationEnablementDictionary["RejectTranscription"]; _canSubmitForReview = enablementResponse.OperationEnablementDictionary["SubmitTranscriptionForReview"]; _canSaveReport = enablementResponse.OperationEnablementDictionary["SaveTranscription"]; var loadTranscriptionForEditResponse = service.LoadTranscriptionForEdit(new LoadTranscriptionForEditRequest(this.WorklistItem.ProcedureStepRef)); _report = loadTranscriptionForEditResponse.Report; _activeReportPartIndex = loadTranscriptionForEditResponse.ReportPartIndex; _orderDetail = loadTranscriptionForEditResponse.Order; var activePart = _report.GetPart(_activeReportPartIndex); _reportPartExtendedProperties = activePart == null ? null : activePart.ExtendedProperties; if (activePart != null && activePart.TranscriptionSupervisor != null) { // active part already has a supervisor assigned _supervisor = activePart.TranscriptionSupervisor; } else if ( Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole( ClearCanvas.Ris.Application.Common.AuthorityTokens.Workflow.Transcription.SubmitForReview)) { // active part does not have a supervisor assigned // if this user has a default supervisor, retreive it, otherwise leave supervisor as null if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TranscriptionSettings.Default.SupervisorID)) { _supervisor = GetStaffByID(TranscriptionSettings.Default.SupervisorID); } } }); }
public GameRecord() { InitializeComponent(); rbtLists.IsChecked = true; datePickerStart.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; datePickerEnd.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; BindedLst = new List<long>(); RPageSum = new StatReport(); RPageSum.UserID = "本页合计"; RTotalSum = new StatReport(); RTotalSum.UserID = "总合计"; DPageSum = new ReportDetail(); DPageSum.RecordID = "本页合计"; DPageSum.IsWin = -1; DPageSum.Direction = -1; DPageSum.ResultStatus = -1; DTotalSum = new ReportDetail(); DTotalSum.RecordID = "总合计"; DTotalSum.IsWin = -1; DTotalSum.Direction = -1; DTotalSum.ResultStatus = -1; srv_GameRecord = WcfProxy.GetProxy; srv_GameRecord.GetStatReportCompleted += new EventHandler<GetStatReportCompletedEventArgs>(srv_GameRecord_GetStatReportCompleted); srv_GameRecord.GetReportDetailCompleted += new EventHandler<GetReportDetailCompletedEventArgs>(srv_GameRecord_GetReportDetailCompleted); TextBlock txtb = new TextBlock() { Text = "本级", Style = Resources["TextBlockStyle1"] as Style, Cursor = Cursors.Hand }; txtb.Tag = user.ID; BindedLst.Add(user.ID); txtb.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(txtb_MouseLeftButtonDown); NavMenu.Children.Add(txtb); BindReportDetailList(user.UserId); }
public IResult Update(ReportDetail reportDetail) { _reportDetailDal.Update(reportDetail); return(new Result(true, Messages.Updated)); }
public GetReportDetailResponse(ReportDetail report) { this.Report = report; }
public ActionResult ViewReport(Parameter parameter) { ReportDetail report = new ReportDetail(); report.Parameter = parameter; DateTime fromD, toD; if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(parameter.FromDate, "d/M/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out fromD)) { fromD = DateTime.MinValue; } if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(parameter.ToDate, "d/M/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out toD)) { toD = DateTime.MaxValue; } else { toD = toD.AddDays(1); } var ios = from io in db.InOuts where io.Status == 1 && fromD <= io.PayDate && io.PayDate < toD group io by new { io.PayDate, io.Room.RoomName, io.RoomId } into g orderby g.Key ascending select new { Day = g.Key.PayDate, RoomId = g.Key.RoomId, RoomName = g.Key.RoomName, Count = g.Count(), RoomServiceAmount = g.Sum(o => o.RoomServiceAmount), TotalAmount = g.Sum(o => o.TotalAmount) }; List <Detail2> details = new List <Detail2>(); foreach (var inout in ios) { Detail2 d = new Detail2(); d.Day = inout.Day.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); d.RoomName = inout.RoomName; d.Count = inout.Count; d.RoomServiceAmount = inout.RoomServiceAmount; d.TotalAmount = inout.TotalAmount; d.OtherServiceDetails = new List <OtherServiceDetail>(); var otherServices = from ioo in db.InOut_OtherServices where ioo.InOut.Status == 1 && ioo.InOut.PayDate == inout.Day && ioo.InOut.RoomId == inout.RoomId group ioo by new { ioo.OtherService.ServiceName } into g orderby g.Key ascending select new { OtherServiceName = g.Key.ServiceName, Quantity = g.Sum(o => o.Quantity), OtherServiceAmount = g.Sum(o => o.Quantity * o.OtherService.Price), }; foreach (var os in otherServices) { d.OtherServiceDetails.Add(new OtherServiceDetail() { OtherServiceName = os.OtherServiceName, Quantity = os.Quantity, OtherServiceAmount = os.OtherServiceAmount }); } details.Add(d); } report.Details = details.ToArray(); return(View("Index", report)); }
private int DetailInfo(string bgdh, out ArrayList list, out string msg) { int result = -1; list = new ArrayList(); msg = ""; WebserviceOpe _webservice; _webservice = new WebserviceOpe(); try { Object[] obj = new Object[1]; obj[0] = bgdh; string _webResult = _webservice.WebserviceRetInfo(WebConfigParameter.WebserviceUrl, WebConfigParameter.WebserviceClassName, "getreportinfo", obj); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(_webResult); XmlNode data = doc.SelectSingleNode("data"); if (null == data) { msg = "调用后台WEBSERVICE出错"; return(1); } XmlNode stateNode = data.SelectSingleNode("state"); if (null == stateNode) { msg = "调用后台WEBSERVICE出错"; return(1); } int stateResult = Convert.ToInt32(stateNode.InnerText); if (stateResult != 1) { msg = "调用后台WEBSERVICE出错"; return(1); } XmlNode resultNode = data.SelectSingleNode("result"); if (null == resultNode) { msg = "调用后台WEBSERVICE出错"; return(1); } XmlNodeList itemNodes = resultNode.SelectNodes("item"); if (null == itemNodes) { msg = "调用后台WEBSERVICE出错"; return(1); } foreach (XmlNode itemNode in itemNodes) { ReportDetail reportInfo = new ReportDetail(); foreach (XmlNode childNode in itemNode) { string name = childNode.Name; switch (name) { case "xmmc": = childNode.InnerText; break; case "ckfw": reportInfo.ckjg = childNode.InnerText; break; case "result": reportInfo.jg = childNode.InnerText; break; case "xmdw": reportInfo.dw = childNode.InnerText; break; case "hint": reportInfo.ts = childNode.InnerText; break; } } list.Add(reportInfo); } result = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { msg = GetExceptionInfo(ex); } return(result); }
public LoadTranscriptionForEditResponse(ReportDetail report, int reportPartIndex, OrderDetail order) { Report = report; ReportPartIndex = reportPartIndex; Order = order; }
private static void ExportExcelFileData(SupermarketsEntities1 mssqlSupermarketContext, DateTime currentDate, string currentFile, Dictionary <string, Supermarket> supermarketsInTheDB) { string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + currentFile + ";Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;"; OleDbConnection excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); excelConnection.Open(); using (excelConnection) { OleDbCommand getExcelSheetData = new OleDbCommand( "SELECT * " + "FROM [Sales$]", excelConnection); OleDbDataReader reader = getExcelSheetData.ExecuteReader(); using (reader) { bool headerRow = true; Report newReport = null; while (reader.Read()) { var firstColumnValue = reader[0]; if (headerRow) { string supermarketNameFull = (string)firstColumnValue; int indexFirstQuote = supermarketNameFull.IndexOf('“'); int indexSecondQuote = supermarketNameFull.IndexOf('”'); string supermarketName = supermarketNameFull.Substring(indexFirstQuote + 1, indexSecondQuote - indexFirstQuote - 1); Supermarket currentSupermarket; if (supermarketsInTheDB.ContainsKey(supermarketName)) { currentSupermarket = supermarketsInTheDB[supermarketName]; } else { currentSupermarket = new Supermarket(); currentSupermarket.SupermarketName = supermarketName; mssqlSupermarketContext.Supermarkets.Add(currentSupermarket); supermarketsInTheDB[supermarketName] = currentSupermarket; } newReport = new Report(); newReport.ReportDate = currentDate; currentSupermarket.Reports.Add(newReport); headerRow = false; } ; int productId; if (int.TryParse((string)firstColumnValue, out productId)) { ReportDetail newReportDetail = new ReportDetail(); string secondColumnValue = reader[1].ToString(); newReportDetail.Quantity = int.Parse(secondColumnValue); string thirdColumnValue = reader[2].ToString(); newReportDetail.UnitPrice = decimal.Parse(thirdColumnValue); newReport.ReportDetails.Add(newReportDetail); MSSQLEntityModel.Product currentProduct = mssqlSupermarketContext.Products.Find(productId); currentProduct.ReportDetails.Add(newReportDetail); } } } } }
public void srv_GameRecord_GetReportDetailCompleted(object sender, GetReportDetailCompletedEventArgs e) { gridLoading.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; currentPos = 0; obReportDetail = e.Result.ToList(); //obReportDetail.Add(DPageSum); //obReportDetail.Add(DTotalSum); if (e.Result.Count != 0) { DTotalSum = new ReportDetail(); DTotalSum.RecordID = "总合计"; DTotalSum.IsWin = -1; DTotalSum.Direction = -1; DTotalSum.ResultStatus = -1; DTotalSum.BetMoney = obReportDetail.Sum(p => p.BetMoney); DTotalSum.WinMoney = obReportDetail.Sum(p => p.WinMoney); if (e.Result.Count < 18) { obReportDetail = e.Result.ToList(); DPageSum = new ReportDetail(); DPageSum.RecordID = "本页合计"; DPageSum.IsWin = -1; DPageSum.Direction = -1; DPageSum.ResultStatus = -1; DPageSum.BetMoney = obReportDetail.Take(18).Sum(p => p.BetMoney); DPageSum.WinMoney = obReportDetail.Take(18).Sum(p => p.WinMoney); obReportDetail.Add(DPageSum); obReportDetail.Add(DTotalSum); currentPos = 0; PagedCollectionView pageView = new PagedCollectionView(obReportDetail); pageView.PageSize = 20; dpRecord.PageSize = 20; dpRecord.Source = pageView; dgRecord.ItemsSource = pageView; } else { int page = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling(double.Parse(e.Result.Count.ToString()) / 18).ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < page; i++) { int stayNum = obReportDetail.Count - (i * 20); if (stayNum > 18) { DPageSum = new ReportDetail(); DPageSum.RecordID = "本页合计"; DPageSum.IsWin = -1; DPageSum.Direction = -1; DPageSum.ResultStatus = -1; //DPageSum.BetMoney = obReportDetail.Skip(i * 20).Take(18).Sum(p => p.BetMoney); //DPageSum.WinMoney = obReportDetail.Skip(i * 20).Take(18).Sum(p => p.WinMoney); DPageSum.BetMoney = obReportDetail.GetRange(i * 20, 18).Sum(p => p.BetMoney); DPageSum.WinMoney = obReportDetail.GetRange(i * 20, 18).Sum(p => p.WinMoney); obReportDetail.Insert(i * 20 + 18, DPageSum); obReportDetail.Insert(i * 20 + 19, DTotalSum); } else { DPageSum = new ReportDetail(); DPageSum.RecordID = "本页合计"; DPageSum.IsWin = -1; DPageSum.Direction = -1; DPageSum.ResultStatus = -1; //DPageSum.BetMoney = obReportDetail.Skip(i * 20).Take(stayNum).Sum(p => p.BetMoney); //DPageSum.WinMoney = obReportDetail.Skip(i * 20).Take(stayNum).Sum(p => p.WinMoney); DPageSum.BetMoney = obReportDetail.GetRange(i * 20, stayNum).Sum(p => p.BetMoney); DPageSum.WinMoney = obReportDetail.GetRange(i * 20, stayNum).Sum(p => p.WinMoney); obReportDetail.Insert(i * 20 + stayNum, DPageSum); obReportDetail.Insert(i * 20 + stayNum + 1, DTotalSum); } } currentPos = 0; PagedCollectionView pageView = new PagedCollectionView(obReportDetail); pageView.PageSize = 20; dpRecord.PageSize = 20; dpRecord.Source = pageView; dgRecord.ItemsSource = pageView; } } else { PagedCollectionView pageView = new PagedCollectionView(obReportDetail); pageView.PageSize = 20; dpRecord.PageSize = 20; dpRecord.Source = pageView; dgRecord.ItemsSource = pageView; } BindStatReportList(user.ID); }
/// <summary> /// 根据报告单号查询报告详细 /// </summary> /// <param name="bgdh">报告单号</param> /// <param name="rds">报告信息</param> /// <param name="msg">出错信息</param> /// <returns>0:成功 大于0:出错 小于0:异常</returns> public int DB_QueryReportDetail(string bgdh, out ICollection<ReportDetail> rds, out string msg) { string _oraConStr = WebConfigParameter.ConnectionHisString; if (WebConfigParameter.HospitalName() == AppUtils.HOSPITALNAME.WZSZXYJHYY || WebConfigParameter.HospitalName() == AppUtils.HOSPITALNAME.WZSCNXDSRMYY || WebConfigParameter.HospitalName() == AppUtils.HOSPITALNAME.WZSCNXDERMYY || WebConfigParameter.HospitalName() == AppUtils.HOSPITALNAME.WZSCNXFYBJYY || WebConfigParameter.HospitalName() == AppUtils.HOSPITALNAME.WZSRAZYY || WebConfigParameter.HospitalName() == AppUtils.HOSPITALNAME.WZSTXRMYY) { _oraConStr = WebConfigParameter.ConnectionLisString; } OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(_oraConStr); OracleDataReader dr = null; try { bool _flag = false; string sql = _builder.GetReportDetailXM(bgdh, out _flag, out msg); if (!_flag) { rds = new List<ReportDetail>(); return 10; } dr = DbHelperOra.ExecuteReader(sql, connection); if (dr.HasRows) { rds = new List<ReportDetail>(); while (dr.Read()) { ReportDetail rd = new ReportDetail(); = !dr.IsDBNull(0) ? dr.GetString(0) : ""; rd.dw = !dr.IsDBNull(1) ? dr.GetString(1) : ""; rd.ckjg = !dr.IsDBNull(2) ? dr.GetString(2) : ""; rd.ts = !dr.IsDBNull(3) ? dr.GetString(3) : ""; rd.jg = !dr.IsDBNull(4) ? dr.GetString(4) : ""; rds.Add(rd); } msg = "找到报告明细"; return 0; } else { rds = null; msg = "未找到报告详细内容"; return 2; } } catch (Exception ex) { UtilLog.GetInstance().WriteProgramLog(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex); msg = GetExceptionInfo(ex); rds = null; return -2; } finally { if (null != dr) { dr.Close(); } connection.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据报告单号查询报告详细 /// </summary> /// <param name="bgdh">报告单号</param> /// <param name="rds">报告信息</param> /// <param name="msg">出错信息</param> /// <returns>0:成功 大于0:出错 小于0:异常</returns> public int DB_queryReportJCDetail(string bgdh, out ICollection <ReportDetail> rds, out string msg) { OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(WebConfigParameter.ConnectionHisString); OracleDataReader dr = null; try { bool _flag = false; string sql = _builder.GetReportJCDetailXM(bgdh, out _flag, out msg); if (!_flag) { rds = new List <ReportDetail>(); return(10); } dr = DbHelperOra.ExecuteReader(sql, connection); if (dr.HasRows) { rds = new List <ReportDetail>(); while (dr.Read()) { ReportDetail rd = new ReportDetail(); = !dr.IsDBNull(0) ? dr.GetString(0) : ""; rd.dw = !dr.IsDBNull(1) ? dr.GetString(1) : ""; rd.ckjg = !dr.IsDBNull(2) ? dr.GetString(2) : ""; rd.ts = !dr.IsDBNull(3) ? dr.GetString(3) : ""; rd.jg = !dr.IsDBNull(4) ? dr.GetString(4) : ""; rds.Add(rd); } msg = "找到报告明细"; return(0); } else { rds = null; msg = "未找到报告详细内容"; return(2); } } catch (Exception ex) { UtilLog.GetInstance().WriteProgramLog(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex); msg = GetExceptionInfo(ex); rds = null; return(-2); } finally { if (null != dr) { dr.Close(); } connection.Close(); } }
public IResult Add(ReportDetail reportDetail) { _reportDetailDal.Add(reportDetail); return(new Result(true, Messages.Added)); }