        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // m e t r i c s S a v e F i l e R p t                                //
        //                                                                    //
        // Store current target report file metrics data.                     //
        //                                                                    //

        public static void metricsSaveFileRpt(
            ToolCommonData.eToolIds crntToolId,
            ReportCore.eRptFileFmt rptFileFmt,
            ReportCore.eRptChkMarks rptChkMarks,
            Boolean flagOptRptWrap)
            Int32 tmpFmt      = (Int32)rptFileFmt;
            Int32 tmpChkMarks = (Int32)rptChkMarks;

            if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.MakeOverlay)
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.PrintLang)
                ToolPrintLangPersist.saveDataRpt(tmpFmt, tmpChkMarks,
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.PrnAnalyse)
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.SoftFontGenerate)
                ToolSoftFontGenPersist.saveDataRpt(tmpFmt, tmpChkMarks);
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.StatusReadback)
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.SymbolSetGenerate)
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // b t n S a v e R e p o r t _ C l i c k                              //
        //                                                                    //
        // Called when the 'Save Report' button is clicked.                   //
        //                                                                    //

        private void btnSaveReport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Boolean flagOffsetHex,
                    flagOptRptWrap = false;

            ReportCore.eRptFileFmt  rptFileFmt  = ReportCore.eRptFileFmt.NA;
            ReportCore.eRptChkMarks rptChkMarks = ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.NA;

            if (_options.IndxGenOffsetFormat ==
                flagOffsetHex = false;
                flagOffsetHex = true;

                                            ref rptFileFmt,
                                            ref rptChkMarks,
                                            ref flagOptRptWrap);

            if (tabCtrl.SelectedItem == tabStatistics)
            else if (tabCtrl.SelectedItem == tabContent)
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // m e t r i c s R e t u r n F i l e R p t                            //
        //                                                                    //
        // Load and return current report file metrics data.                  //
        //                                                                    //

        public static void metricsReturnFileRpt(
            ToolCommonData.eToolIds crntToolId,
            ref ReportCore.eRptFileFmt rptFileFmt,
            ref ReportCore.eRptChkMarks rptChkMarks,
            ref Boolean flagOptWrap)

            rptFileFmt  = _rptFileFmt;
            rptChkMarks = _rptChkMarks;
            flagOptWrap = _flagOptRptWrap;
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // b t n S a v e R e p o r t _ C l i c k                              //
        //                                                                    //
        // Called when the 'Save report' button is clicked.                   //
        //                                                                    //

        private void btnSaveReport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Boolean flagOffsetHex,
                    flagOptRptWrap = false;

            ReportCore.eRptFileFmt  rptFileFmt  = ReportCore.eRptFileFmt.NA;
            ReportCore.eRptChkMarks rptChkMarks = ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.NA;

            if (_options.IndxGenOffsetFormat ==
                flagOffsetHex = false;
                flagOffsetHex = true;

                                            ref rptFileFmt,
                                            ref rptChkMarks,
                                            ref flagOptRptWrap);

            if (_crntPDL == ToolCommonData.ePrintLang.PCL)

            btnSaveReport.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // m e t r i c s L o a d F i l e R p t                                //
        //                                                                    //
        // Load current target report file metrics data.                      //
        //                                                                    //

        public static void metricsLoadFileRpt(
            ToolCommonData.eToolIds crntToolId)
            Int32 tmpFmt      = 0,
                  tmpChkMarks = 0;

            Byte indxFmtNA    = (Byte)ReportCore.eRptFileFmt.NA;
            Byte indxOptChkNA = (Byte)ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.NA;

            Boolean flagNA = false;


            if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.MakeOverlay)
                ToolMakeOverlayPersist.loadDataRpt(ref tmpFmt);
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.PrintLang)
                ToolPrintLangPersist.loadDataRpt(ref tmpFmt, ref tmpChkMarks,
                                                 ref _flagOptRptWrap);
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.PrnAnalyse)
                ToolPrnAnalysePersist.loadDataRpt(ref tmpFmt);
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.SoftFontGenerate)
                ToolSoftFontGenPersist.loadDataRpt(ref tmpFmt,
                                                   ref tmpChkMarks);
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.StatusReadback)
                ToolStatusReadbackPersist.loadDataRpt(ref tmpFmt);
            else if (crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.SymbolSetGenerate)
                ToolSymbolSetGenPersist.loadDataRpt(ref tmpFmt);
                flagNA = true;


            if (flagNA)
                tmpFmt = indxFmtNA;
                if (tmpFmt >= indxFmtNA)
                    tmpFmt = 0;

                if (tmpChkMarks >= indxOptChkNA)
                    tmpChkMarks = 0;

            _rptFileFmt  = (ReportCore.eRptFileFmt)tmpFmt;
            _rptChkMarks = (ReportCore.eRptChkMarks)tmpChkMarks;
        //                                                        F i e l d s //
        // Class variables.                                                   //
        //                                                                    //

        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // g e n e r a t e                                                    //
        //                                                                    //
        // Generate the report.                                               //
        //                                                                    //

        public static void generate(ReportCore.eRptFileFmt rptFileFmt,
                                    ReportCore.eRptChkMarks rptChkMarks,
                                    DataTable tableDonor,
                                    DataTable tableMapping,
                                    DataTable tableTarget,
                                    DataTable tableChars,
                                    String fontNameTTF,
                                    String fontFilenameTTF,
                                    String fontFilenamePCL)
            Object stream = null;
            Object writer = null;

            Boolean OK = false;

            String fileExt;
            String saveFilename = null;

            if (rptFileFmt == ReportCore.eRptFileFmt.html)
                fileExt = "html";
            else if (rptFileFmt == ReportCore.eRptFileFmt.xml)
                fileExt = "xml";
                fileExt = "txt";

            saveFilename = fontFilenamePCL + "_report." + fileExt;

            OK = ReportCore.docOpen(rptFileFmt,
                                    ref saveFilename,
                                    ref stream,
                                    ref writer);
            if (OK)
                ReportCore.docInitialise(rptFileFmt, writer, true, false,
                                         0, null,
                                         null, null);

                reportHddr(rptFileFmt, writer,
                           fontNameTTF, fontFilenameTTF, fontFilenamePCL);

                reportHddrSub(rptFileFmt, writer, "Donor font details");

                reportBodyStd(rptFileFmt, rptChkMarks, writer, tableDonor);

                reportHddrSub(rptFileFmt, writer, "Mapping details");

                reportBodyStd(rptFileFmt, rptChkMarks, writer, tableMapping);

                reportHddrSub(rptFileFmt, writer, "Target font details");

                reportBodyStd(rptFileFmt, rptChkMarks, writer, tableTarget);

                reportHddrSub(rptFileFmt, writer, "Generated character details");

                reportBodyChars(rptFileFmt, rptChkMarks, writer, tableChars);

                ReportCore.docFinalise(rptFileFmt, writer);

                ReportCore.docClose(rptFileFmt, stream, writer);
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // r e p o r t B o d y S t d                                          //
        //                                                                    //
        // Write details of specified two-column table to report file.        //
        //                                                                    //

        private static void reportBodyStd(
            ReportCore.eRptFileFmt rptFileFmt,
            ReportCore.eRptChkMarks rptChkMarks,
            Object writer,
            DataTable table)
            const Int32 colCt = 2;

            const String c0Name = "Name";
            const String c1Name = "Value";

            const Int32 lc0 = 21;
            const Int32 lc1 = 57;

            String[] colHddrs;
            String[] colNames;
            Int32[]  colSizes;

            Int32 ctItems;

            ctItems = table.Rows.Count;

            colHddrs = new String[colCt] {
                c0Name, c1Name
            colNames = new String[colCt] {
                c0Name, c1Name
            colSizes = new Int32[colCt] {
                lc0, lc1

            ctItems = table.Rows.Count;

            //                                                                //
            // Open the table and Write the column header text.               //
            //                                                                //

            ReportCore.tableHddrData(writer, rptFileFmt, false,
                                     colCt, colHddrs, colSizes);

            //                                                                //
            // Write the data rows.                                           //
            //                                                                //

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < ctItems; i++)
                DataRow row = table.Rows[i];

                ReportCore.tableRowData(writer, rptFileFmt, rptChkMarks,
                                        colCt, null,
                                        row, colNames, colSizes);

            //                                                                //
            // Write any required end tags.                                   //
            //                                                                //

            ReportCore.tableClose(writer, rptFileFmt);
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // r e p o r t B o d y C h a r s                                      //
        //                                                                    //
        // Write details of generated characters to report file.              //
        //                                                                    //

        private static void reportBodyChars(
            ReportCore.eRptFileFmt rptFileFmt,
            ReportCore.eRptChkMarks rptChkMarks,
            Object writer,
            DataTable table)
            const Int32 colCt = 13;

            const String c0Name  = "DecCode";
            const String c1Name  = "HexCode";
            const String c2Name  = "Unicode";
            const String c3Name  = "Glyph";
            const String c4Name  = "Abs";
            const String c5Name  = "Prev";
            const String c6Name  = "Comp";
            const String c7Name  = "Depth";
            const String c8Name  = "Width";
            const String c9Name  = "LSB";
            const String c10Name = "Height";
            const String c11Name = "TSB";
            const String c12Name = "Length";

            const String c0Hddr  = "DecCode";
            const String c1Hddr  = "HexCode";
            const String c2Hddr  = "Unicode";
            const String c3Hddr  = "Glyph";
            const String c4Hddr  = "Abs?";
            const String c5Hddr  = "Prev?";
            const String c6Hddr  = "Comp?";
            const String c7Hddr  = "Depth";
            const String c8Hddr  = "Width";
            const String c9Hddr  = "LSB";
            const String c10Hddr = "Height";
            const String c11Hddr = "TSB";
            const String c12Hddr = "Length";

            const Int32 lc0  = 7;
            const Int32 lc1  = 7;
            const Int32 lc2  = 7;
            const Int32 lc3  = 5;
            const Int32 lc4  = 5;
            const Int32 lc5  = 5;
            const Int32 lc6  = 5;
            const Int32 lc7  = 5;
            const Int32 lc8  = 5;
            const Int32 lc9  = 6;
            const Int32 lc10 = 6;
            const Int32 lc11 = 6;
            const Int32 lc12 = 6;

            String[] colHddrs;
            String[] colNames;
            Int32[]  colSizes;

            Int32 ctItems;

            ctItems = table.Rows.Count;

            colHddrs = new String[colCt] {
                c0Hddr, c1Hddr, c2Hddr, c3Hddr,
                c4Hddr, c5Hddr, c6Hddr, c7Hddr,
                c8Hddr, c9Hddr, c10Hddr, c11Hddr,
            colNames = new String[colCt] {
                c0Name, c1Name, c2Name, c3Name,
                c4Name, c5Name, c6Name, c7Name,
                c8Name, c9Name, c10Name, c11Name,
            colSizes = new Int32[colCt] {
                lc0, lc1, lc2, lc3,
                lc4, lc5, lc6, lc7,
                lc8, lc9, lc10, lc11,

            //                                                                //
            // Open the table and Write the column header text.               //
            //                                                                //

            ReportCore.tableHddrData(writer, rptFileFmt, false,
                                     colCt, colHddrs, colSizes);

            //                                                                //
            // Write the data rows.                                           //
            //                                                                //

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < ctItems; i++)
                DataRow row = table.Rows[i];

                ReportCore.tableRowData(writer, rptFileFmt, rptChkMarks,
                                        colCt, null,
                                        row, colNames, colSizes);

            //                                                                //
            // Write any required end tags.                                   //
            //                                                                //

            ReportCore.tableClose(writer, rptFileFmt);
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // r b R p t C h k M a r k s T x t S y m _ C l i c k                  //
        //                                                                    //
        // Called when the report option 'true/false' as 'plus/minus' radio   //
        // button is selected.                                                //
        //                                                                    //

        private void rbRptChkMarksTxtSym_Click(object sender,
                                               RoutedEventArgs e)
            _rptChkMarks = ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.txtsym;
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // r b R p t C h k M a r k s T e x t _ C l i c k                      //
        //                                                                    //
        // Called when the report option 'true/false' as 'text' radio         //
        // button is selected.                                                //
        //                                                                    //

        private void rbRptChkMarksText_Click(object sender,
                                             RoutedEventArgs e)
            _rptChkMarks = ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.text;
        //                                                        M e t h o d //
        // i n i t i a l i s e                                                //
        //                                                                    //
        // Initialise 'target' data.                                          //
        //                                                                    //

        private void initialise()
            btnOK.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            //                                                                //
            // Tool and PDL identifiers.                                      //
            //                                                                //

            if (_crntSubId == ToolCommonData.eToolSubIds.None)
                txtCrntTool.Text =
                txtCrntTool.Text =
                                 _crntToolId) +
                    "|" +

            txtCrntPDL.Text = _crntPDL.ToString();

            //                                                                //
            // Report file data.                                              //
            //                                                                //

            if ((_crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.MakeOverlay)
                (_crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.PrintLang)
                (_crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.PrnAnalyse)
                (_crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.SoftFontGenerate)
                (_crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.StatusReadback)
                (_crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.SymbolSetGenerate))
                grpRptFile.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                lbFileNA.Visibility   = Visibility.Hidden;
                btnOK.Visibility      = Visibility.Visible;

                                                ref _rptFileFmt,
                                                ref _rptChkMarks,
                                                ref _flagOptRptWrap);

                if (_rptFileFmt == ReportCore.eRptFileFmt.html)
                    rbRptFmtHtml.IsChecked = true;
                else if (_rptFileFmt == ReportCore.eRptFileFmt.xml)
                    rbRptFmtXml.IsChecked = true;
                    rbRptFmtText.IsChecked = true;

                grpRptChkMarks.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                grpRptOpt.Visibility      = Visibility.Hidden;

                if (_crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.PrintLang)
                    grpRptChkMarks.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                    grpRptOpt.Visibility      = Visibility.Visible;

                    if (_rptChkMarks >= ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.NA)
                        _rptChkMarks = ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.text;

                    if (_rptChkMarks == ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.boxsym)
                        rbRptChkMarksBoxSym.IsChecked = true;
                    else if (_rptChkMarks == ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.txtsym)
                        rbRptChkMarksTxtSym.IsChecked = true;
                        rbRptChkMarksText.IsChecked = true;

                    if (_flagOptRptWrap)
                        chkRptOptWrap.IsChecked = true;
                        chkRptOptWrap.IsChecked = false;
                else if (_crntToolId == ToolCommonData.eToolIds.SoftFontGenerate)
                    grpRptChkMarks.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    if (_rptChkMarks >= ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.NA)
                        _rptChkMarks = ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.text;

                    if (_rptChkMarks == ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.boxsym)
                        rbRptChkMarksBoxSym.IsChecked = true;
                    else if (_rptChkMarks == ReportCore.eRptChkMarks.txtsym)
                        rbRptChkMarksTxtSym.IsChecked = true;
                        rbRptChkMarksText.IsChecked = true;
                grpRptFile.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                lbFileNA.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;

            //                                                                //
            // Set the (hidden) slider object to the passed-in scale value.   //
            // The slider is used as the source binding for a scale           //
            // transform in the (child) Options dialogue window, so that all  //
            // windows use the same scaling mechanism as the main window.     //
            //                                                                //
            // NOTE: it would be better to bind the transform directly to the //
            //       scale value (set and stored in the Main window), but (so //
            //       far) I've failed to find a way to bind directly to a     //
            //       class object Property value.                             //
            //                                                                //

            Double windowScale = MainFormData.WindowScale;

            zoomSlider.Value = windowScale;

            //                                                                //
            // Setting sizes to the resizeable DockPanel element doesn't work!//
            //                                                                //

            this.Height = 350 * windowScale;
            this.Width  = 730 * windowScale;