        private string BuildRep(DataTable dt)
            string output_file = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), "Rep", DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".xlsx");
            var    ds          = new DataSet();


                    Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), "Template", "HexLog.xlsx")),
                true, output_file);

        public static void Print2(Dictionary <string, IList> data_for_report, string temlate)
            String template_file = Path.Combine(template_path, temlate);

            if (File.Exists(template_file))
                var file_format = DBHelper.CurrentUser.ReportFormat;

                String result_file = Path.Combine(rep_path, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(temlate) + "_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "." + file_format);

                var report = ReportBuilderXLS.GenerateReport(data_for_report, template_file).ToArray();
                //      var calc = CalculationlFormulaExcel.CalcSpreadsheetDocument(report, true).ToArray();

                if (DBHelper.CurrentUser.InternalEditor != null && DBHelper.CurrentUser.InternalEditor.Value)
                    if (file_format == "pdf")
                        new frmPdfView(report).Show();
                    else if (file_format == "xlsx")
                        new frmSpreadsheed(report).Show();
                    File.WriteAllBytes(result_file, report);

                    if (File.Exists(result_file))
                MessageBox.Show("Шлях до шаблонів " + template_file + " не знайдено!");
        private async Task <Stream> GetNaturalGasBillsInternalAsync(SqlParams @params)
            var bills = await _dbConnection.QueryAsync <Bill>(@$ "select
       company.name as CompanyFullName,
       company.short_name as CompanyShortName,
       company.www as CompanySite,
       company.email as CompanyEmail,
       company.taxpayer_phone as CompanyPhone,
       company.state_registry_code as CompanyStateRegistryCode,
       company.address as CompanyAddress,
       branch_offices.iban as BranchOfficeIban,
       branch_offices.bank_full_name as BranchOfficeBankFullName,
       ap.name as AccountingPointName,
       concat(address.cityName, ' ', address.streetName, ' ', address.building, ' ', address.apt) as AccountingPointAddress,
       concat(people.last_name, ' ', people.first_name, ' ', people.patronymic) as OwnerFullName,
       periods.name as PeriodShortDate,
       apdh.debt_value::decimal as AccountingPointDebtHistory,
       payments.sumAmount::decimal as PaymentSumByPeriod,
       inv.total_units::decimal as InvoiceTotalUnits,
       inv.total_amount_due::decimal as InvoiceTotalAmountDue,
       (jsonb_array_elements(inv.usage_t1 -> 'Calculations') -> 'PriceValue')::decimal as TariffRate,
       ap.debt::decimal as AccountingPointDebt
from invoices inv
    join accounting_points ap on ap.id = inv.accounting_point_id
    join branch_offices on ap.branch_office_id = branch_offices.id
        join company on branch_offices.company_id = company.id
        join periods on branch_offices.current_period_id = periods.id
            select addresses.id, cities.name as cityName, streets.name as streetName, building, apt
            from addresses
            join streets on addresses.street_id = streets.id
            join cities on streets.city_id = cities.id
        ) as address on ap.address_id = address.id
    join people on ap.owner_id = people.id
    left join accounting_point_debt_history as apdh on ap.id = apdh.accounting_point_id and apdh.period_id=inv.period_id
    left join LATERAL
            select p.accounting_point_id, sum(p.amount) as sumAmount
            from payments as p
            where period_id = inv.period_id and status = 1 and p.accounting_point_id=inv.accounting_point_id
            group by p.accounting_point_id
        )  payments on true
where ap.branch_office_id = 101 and inv.period_id = case when @periodId is null then inv.period_id else @periodId end
and inv.id = case when @id is null then inv.id else @id end", @params);

            var dict = new Dictionary <string, IList>
                { "bill_gas", bills.ToList() }

            var ms = ReportBuilderXLS.GenerateReport(dict, "Templates/bill_gas.xlsx");
            //if (@params.PeriodId.HasValue)
            var counter = 1;

            using var naturalGasBills = new XLWorkbook(ms);
            //    using var mergedBills = new XLWorkbook();
            //    mergedBills.AddWorksheet();
            //    var electricitySpace = 01;
            foreach (var bill in bills)
                //var naturalGasBill = naturalGasBills.Worksheet(1).Range((counter - 1) * 17 + 1, 1, counter * 17, 15);
                //mergedBills.Worksheet(1).Cell((counter - 1) * 17 + 1, 1).Value = naturalGasBill;

                //var baseUri = _recsBillLocations.Single(l => l.Prefix == bill.AccountingPointName.Substring(0, 2)).BaseUri;
                //var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync($"{baseUri}rp.name='{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(bill.AccountingPointName)}'?lastOnly=False");
                //using var electricityBill = new XLWorkbook(await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync());
                //var electricity = electricityBill.Range("Bill");
                //var spaceIncriment = 24;
                //if (electricity.LastRow().RowNumber() < 2)
                //    electricity = electricityBill.Range("Billzone");
                //    spaceIncriment = 31;
                //if (electricity.LastRow().RowNumber() > 10)
                //    naturalGasBills.Worksheet(1).Cell((counter * 19) + electricitySpace, 1).Value = electricity;
                //    spaceIncriment = 0;
                //electricitySpace += spaceIncriment;
                var ws = naturalGasBills.Worksheet(1);
                .MoveTo(ws.Cell($"A{(counter - 1) * 19 + 7}"))
                .Scale(0.66);            // optional: resize picture
                if (counter != 0 && counter % 4 == 0)
                    ws.PageSetup.AddHorizontalPageBreak(counter * 19);
            //    var s = new MemoryStream();
            //    mergedBills.SaveAs(s);
            //    s.Position = 0;
            //    return s;
            ms.Position = 0;
