void BasicCustomerList() { report = new Report(); report.DataSource = customers.OrderBy(c => c.CompanyName); //report.SelectedOrientation = Report.Orientations.Landscape; //report.SelectedPageType = Report.PageSizes.A5; report.AddField("Id", 50, HeaderLabel: "ID"); report.AddField("CompanyName", 150, HeaderLabel: "Name"); report.AddField("Address", 200, HeaderLabel: "Address"); report.AddField("City", 200, HeaderLabel: "City"); report.ReportHeader = new ReportSection() { Height = 100, ReportObjects = { new ReportObjectLabel("Report header", 0, 1, Width:150) }, ForceNewPage = ReportSection.ForceNewPageTypes.AfterSection }; report.ReportFooter = new ReportSection() { Height = 100, ReportObjects = { new ReportObjectLabel("Report footer", 0, 1, Width:150) }, ForceNewPage = ReportSection.ForceNewPageTypes.BeforeSection }; }
public void OrderWithSubReport() { var selectedOrders = orders.Take(100); selectedOrders.ToList().ForEach(o => o.OrderDetails = orderDetails.Where(od => od.OrderID == o.OrderID).ToList()); Report orderDetail = new Report(); orderDetail.AddField("ProductID", 20, HeaderLabel: "ID"); orderDetail.AddField("Product.ProductName", 150, HeaderLabel: "Description"); orderDetail.AddField("UnitPrice", 75, Mask: "0.00", HeaderLabel: "Unit price", Alignment: Alignment.Right); orderDetail.AddField("Quantity", 75, HeaderLabel: "Quantity", Mask: "0", Alignment: Alignment.Right); orderDetail.AddField("Discount", 75, HeaderLabel: "Discount", Mask: "0.00", Alignment: Alignment.Right); orderDetail.AddField("NetAmount", 75, HeaderLabel: "Net amount", Mask: "0.00", Alignment: Alignment.Right); //orderDetail.PageHeader.Height = 0; //orderDetail.PageFooter.Height = 0; //orderDetail.PageHeader.ReportObjects.Add(new ReportObjectLine() { XRight = 100 }); //orderDetail.AlternatingRowsPrimaryColor = Color.Yellow; //orderDetail.AlternatingRowsPrimaryColor = Color.Green; //orderDetail.DetailSection.Height = 15; //orderDetail.DetailSection.ReportObjects.Add(new ReportObjectLine() { XRight = 100, YTop=15, YBottom=15 }); report = NewReport("Order - subreport demo"); report.DataSource = selectedOrders; report.AddField("OrderID", 100); report.DetailSection.ReportObjects.Add(new ReportObjectSubReport() { SubReport = orderDetail, DataSource = "OrderDetails", XLeft = 20, XRight = 500, YTop = 15, YBottom = 65 }); }
void CustomerListPerCountry() { report = NewReport("Customer list by country"); report.DataSource = customers.OrderBy(c => c.Country); report.AddField("Id", 50, X: 5, HeaderLabel: "ID"); report.AddField("CompanyName", 100, HeaderLabel: "Name"); report.AddField("Address", 100, HeaderLabel: "Address"); report.AddField("City", 100, HeaderLabel: "City"); report.ReportGroups.Add(new ReportGroup() { GroupingKey = "Country", HeaderSection = new ReportSection() { Height = 18, ReportObjects = { new ReportObjectRectangle() { XLeft = 0, XRight = report.PrintableAreaWidth, YTop = 0, YBottom = 14 }, new ReportObjectField("Country", 3, 0, Width:100) } }, FooterSection = new ReportSection() { Height = 25, ReportObjects = { new ReportObjectLabel("Customer count:", 0, 1, Width:150), new ReportObjectField("count(id)", 80, 1, Width:120) } } }); }
void ProductList() { report = NewReport("ProductList"); report.DataSource = products.OrderBy(p => p.ProductID); report.AddField("ProductID", 60, X: 15, HeaderLabel: "Product ID"); report.AddField("ProductName", 150, HeaderLabel: "Description", CanGrow: true); report.AddField("UnitPrice", 60, HeaderLabel: "Unit price", Alignment: Alignment.Right, Mask: "0.00"); report.AddField("UnitsInStock", 60, HeaderLabel: "Stock qty", Alignment: Alignment.Right); report.AddField("UnitsOnOrder", 60, HeaderLabel: "On order qty", Alignment: Alignment.Right, Mask: "#"); report.AddField("ReorderLevel", 60, HeaderLabel: "Reorder lvl", Alignment: Alignment.Right, Mask: "#"); report.DetailSection.ReportObjects.Add(new ReportObjectImage() { ImageFileName = @"C:\Users\Pascal\Pictures\discontinued.png", XLeft = 0, YTop = 0, YBottom = 11, ID = "discontinued" }); report.DetailSection.IsVisible += DetailSection_IsVisible; }
public void OrderNotes() { report = new Report(); report.DataSource = orderDetails.Take(100); report.ReportGroups.Add(new ReportGroup() { GroupingKey = "OrderID", StartOnNewPage = true, HeaderSection = new ReportSection() { ReportObjects = { new ReportObjectImage() { ImageFileName = @"C:\Users\Pascal\Pictures\Icebear reporting company logo.png", XLeft = 0, YTop = 0, YBottom = 25 }, new ReportObjectLabel("Icebear report company", 0, 28, Width:150, Alignment:Alignment.Center), new ReportObjectLabel("52nd Street 54", 0, 40, Width:150, Alignment:Alignment.Center), new ReportObjectLabel("New York", 0, 52, Width:150, Alignment:Alignment.Center), new ReportObjectField("Order.ShipName", 300, 70, Width:250), new ReportObjectField("Order.ShipAddress", 300, 80, Width:250), new ReportObjectField("Order.ShipPostalCode", 300, 90, Width:50), new ReportObjectField("Order.ShipCity", 350, 90, Width:200), new ReportObjectField("Order.ShipCountry", 300, 100, Width:250), new ReportObjectRectangle() { XLeft = 0, XRight = report.PrintableAreaWidth, YTop = 130, YBottom = 150 }, }, Height = 200 }, FooterSection = new ReportSection() { ReportObjects = new List <IReportObject>() { new ReportObjectField("Order.Comment", 0, 0, Width: report.PrintableAreaWidth, Heigth: 1) { CanGrow = true }, new ReportObjectRectangle() { XLeft = 0, XRight = report.PrintableAreaWidth, YTop = 1, YBottom = 80 }, new ReportObjectLabel("Total orderamount ex VAT", 300, 45, Width: 150), new ReportObjectField("sum(NetAmount)", 450, 45, Width: 75, Mask: "0.00", Alignment: Alignment.Right), new ReportObjectLabel("Vat", 300, 55, Width: 150), new ReportObjectField() { FieldName = "sum(Vat)", XLeft = 450, XRight = 525, YTop = 55, YBottom = 65, Mask = "0.00", Alignment = Alignment.Right }, new ReportObjectLabel("Total orderamount", 300, 65, Width: 150), new ReportObjectField() { FieldName = "sum(TotalAmount)", XLeft = 450, XRight = 525, YTop = 65, YBottom = 75, Mask = "0.00", Alignment = Alignment.Right } }, Height = 100 } }); report.SectionForAutoHeaderLabels = report.ReportGroups[0].HeaderSection; // we want the headerlabels of the detail fields in the groupheader not in the pageheader which is the default report.YTopForAutoAddedFieldsInHeader = 133; report.AddField("ProductID", 20, HeaderLabel: "ID"); report.AddField("Product.ProductName", 150, HeaderLabel: "Description"); report.AddField("UnitPrice", 75, Mask: "0.00", HeaderLabel: "Unit price", Alignment: Alignment.Right); report.AddField("Quantity", 75, HeaderLabel: "Quantity", Mask: "0", Alignment: Alignment.Right); report.AddField("Discount", 75, HeaderLabel: "Discount", Mask: "0.00", Alignment: Alignment.Right); report.AddField("NetAmount", 75, HeaderLabel: "Net amount", Mask: "0.00", Alignment: Alignment.Right); }